After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 162.1

Chapter 162.1

The youth looked down at a blue booklet, while Dijia stood behind him, his eyes staring at the perfect line of the youth’s neckline in a daze as he contemplated with a serious expression.

The underworld seemed to have been invaded by someone without his knowledge.

The spatial cracks in the Abyssal Hell, the manzanita fruit that had inexplicably appeared in the world of the living, the missing saint ……

Although he was the king of the underworld, that didn’t mean that he knew everything about the underworld.

The ghost messengers had their duties, and they had to report their affairs to him.

On the one hand, the other side was very discreet and cautious.

On the other hand, perhaps there was a traitor among the ghost messengers; it was almost impossible to go so unnoticed without their cooperation.

Dijia’s expression gradually grew heavy.

He investigated Mengpo as soon as he discovered that there was something wrong with the saint, however, the other party had been on the Naihe Bridge every day and had not met with any strange people.

So unless Mengpo used the same method to escape the ghost messenger’s surveillance, this matter had nothing to do with her.

But if not Mengpo, who else could it be? Could it be that after all these years, the saint still has believers?

“There’s a problem.”

When the youth’s voice rang out, Dijia changed his expression, “What?”

The youth calmly looked back at the man’s serious gaze, and asked in a soft voice, “I read a book when I was in the Treasury, and it says that the saint did not kill anyone when he entered the underworld. However, he disappeared for a while, and when he reappeared, his eyes were red, and he went on a killing spree as if possessed.”

“What did he do during that time?”

“Did he say anything when you interrogated him?”

Dijia: “We did, he said he went to see Yang Niang, who was not yet Mengpo at that time.”

“How can I put it? Although the saint is unforgivable in his sins, he is still a man of nature.”

“Do you know why I– er, why King Yama didn’t send Yang Niang to the Abyss? It’s because the saint took all the blame.”

Bai Lixin’s eyes flickered, “I’m quite interested in Yang Niang.”

“I’m curious what kind of strange woman she is to make a saint crazy about her.”

“It is said that those whose hearts have become sanctified have long since seen through life and death and are free from suffering. Even if Yang Niang died, she could still be reincarnated.”

“Since the saint was half immortal, it is not difficult to find Yang Niang’s reincarnation, is it? Why did he have to destroy the Book of Life and Death at the expense of others?”

“But for the saint to be so stupid? Don’t you find that particularly strange?”

“……” Dijia stared at the stains on the Book of Life and Death in a daze, “We were also puzzled about all that.”

“But there was no anomaly in the investigation.”

“As the saying goes, * “one thought becomes Buddha, one thought becomes a demon,” it’s actually not hard to understand, I – er, Yama has tried so many cases, many of which were big mistakes caused by the different thinking.”

*Meaning, one’s thoughts determine one’s future/ the paths one takes.

“For example, the person who was so meek that he couldn’t even kill a chicken, killed someone due to greed for money.”

“Another example is a person who loses his wits when a quarrel escalates, to the point where he strikes out in anger, and ends up killing the other person by mistake.”

“Not to mention that there are many cases of crimes of passion that are the result of small misunderstandings.”

“But wrong is wrong, and anyone wrong must pay for what they have done; it’s the cycle of heaven.”

“That’s why there’s a saying: Don’t do evil because it’s small, don’t do good because it’s small.”

*Interpretation; don’t do something bad because it seems small, and don’t avoid doing something good because it seems small.

“It’s not that it’s all for nothing, there will always be karma. ” Dijia suddenly sneered, “Even if you get away with it in life, you still have to go through Yama’s Hall after death, no one can escape.”

Bai Lixin was silent for a few seconds.

It was the first time Dijia had said so many things at once; to be honest, it was usually him who did this kind of talking.

Bai Lixin gave Dijia the book and then pointed to about twenty people or so.

“These need to be investigated again.”

Dijia glanced at the names; a few were ghost messengers; the rest were residents of the Living Soul area.

“You think there’s something wrong with them?”

“Do you remember the appalling incident of cooked body parts that suddenly appeared in Yangwang town?” Bai Lixin said: “After reading the experiences of these twenty or so people in the book, they had all visited Yama Temple within that period.”

“I don’t know what cooking human parts signifies, but there is no smoke without fire.”

“But this book only has rough records, so the range of suspicious ones is a bit wide.”

“But even if there’s not much of a clue, you can always find some kind of trace if you reinvestigate.”

Dijia: “Okay, leave this matter to me.”

Bai Lixin: “Also, we have to meet that strange woman, Yang Niang, to find out what really happened back then to make the saint go crazy.”

“There is also the ghost market. I have to go there again, I always feel that the auction house has other clues. If you do the math, there are so many things to do, so let’s split up.”

Dijia pursed his lips and nodded helplessly: “Okay.”

I had hoped to put the marriage on the agenda sooner, but I guess we’ll have to wait a little longer.

Bai Lixin closed the blue booklet and handed it to Dijia. “How about this, I’ll go to Mengpo, while you go and investigate these twenty or so people.”

Dijia nodded and said, “Alright, I’ll do as you say.”

Lao San and Lao Si, who were hidden in the darkness, dropped their jaws in shock.

King Yama patiently listened to the other person’s arrangements, and not only wasn’t he angry, he even agreed to all of them.

Was this still their King Yama? Wasn’t he possessed by a ghost?

Tsk, tsk, tsk, but looking at his doting look, it was no one else but King Yama.

Dijia took the booklet with both hands and suddenly noticed that Bai Lixin was staring at him with a subtle look of shame and plea.

He was puzzled: “What is it?”

Bai Lixin rubbed the corners of his coat awkwardly; his eyes drifted down to Dijia’s feet, and he didn’t dare to meet the other man’s eyes. “Er, yes, isn’t it time to add on the ghost qi?”

The voice was special, like a cat purring.

Dijia’s brain exploded.

The blue booklet in his hand was clenched so tightly it was wrinkled. “You’re right.”

“Look at my memory; the time was almost up and I didn’t even notice.”

“You’re the attentive one.”

“We might be apart for a bit longer, so I’ll give you a bit more this time.”


An hour later, the two walked out of the study.

Bai Lixin’s clothes were wrinkled, his face was flushed, and his eyes were wet.

Both lips were swollen into two red cherries.

Dijia had a refreshed and satiated look. “Don’t forget, use Yama’s Order to summon me in case of danger.”

“Don’t be polite.”

“If you don’t, there are still ghost messengers protecting you in the shadows, call them out if there is danger.”

“You are a living soul; this is the underworld’s problem after all; you do not need to put your life on the line.”

Bai Lixin tugged at his collar irritably, covering the marks on his neck, and saying, “Hmm, got it, you should also stay safe.”

Dijia smiled gently, and his frown disappeared. “I will.”

My wife is so nice, he’s so concerned about me.

After Dijia left reluctantly, Bai Lixin also left the Yama palace.

Lao San and Lao Si silently looked at each other, “……”

You guys are noble, you are amazing.

You only care about each other, pushing us to block the gun?

King Yama, you are showing your true face.

As Bai Lixin left the palace, his eyes deliberately glanced at the lifelike mural of a hundred ghosts on the wall.

He followed the path he had previously used, his surroundings soon became foggy and his visibility was restricted to about two meters.

The path beneath his feet was wide but winding, and Bai Lixin had not walked long before he heard the sound of bells in the fog.

The sound of bells kept getting nearer.

In the hazy fog, Bai Lixin squinted his eyes and saw the figures in the distance that gradually became clear.

It was a mighty procession, led by two men in Western style black and white suits.

The man in the white suit was taller and a little more elegant and majestic-looking.

On the contrary, the one in the black suit was full of anger, and his ostentatious eyebrows accentuated his otherwise delicate face.

The two men wore fedora hats on their heads, the same color as their suits, which were also black and white.

The man in the black suit had a black sword at his waist, while the white man had a spirit invocation streamer in his hand.

The sound of the bell came from this streamer.

Bai Lixin stood to the side and made room for them.

The group walked silently, and apart from the sound from the streamer, there was no sound of footsteps.

It was only when they were passing by that Bai Lixin noticed that the ghosts were floating.

The two men in black and white suits glanced at Bai Lixin, and as they looked at each other, the one in the black suit suddenly stopped in his tracks.

The next second, Black suit jumped up regardless of the white suit’s obstruction, quickly drawing his sword from his belt as he flew towards Bai Lixin.

The look in his eyes was fierce and menacing.

As the black sword pierced forward, the sound of iron and gold suddenly rang out.

Black suit let out a cry as a huge silver scythe floated in the air in front of him, its cold white blade catching the black hilt with ease, making it difficult for the man in black to move an inch.

The scythe lay horizontal, shielding the youth behind it.

The man’s eyes lit up, and he quickly drew back his sword, holding it high in both hands by the hilt.

However, no matter how hard he tried, the scythe, which seemed to have a life, could easily stop it.

After a few rounds, the youth hadn’t even moved his feet.

Black suit became more and more frustrated, he stared at Bai Lixin’s feet with cat-like pupils and shouted behind him, “What are you still doing? Why don’t you help? Are you happy to see me being bullied?”

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