After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 165.1

Chapter 165.1

Hearing the other party’s dangerous statement, Bai Lixin almost returned a classic phrase: What’s it to you?

But in the end, he held back.

In the darkness, Bai Lixin was not only subjected to his opponent’s somewhat restrained and angry pants, but also to the touch of his opponent’s slightly calloused fingers on his neck.

The fingers were pressing against the lifeblood of his neck, and danger was close at hand.

Just a little more force and his neck could get snapped.

“Go alone, be safe.” The man’s eyes were dark, but he could see them in the darkness.

“Didn’t you also warn me not to take risks?”

The man’s breath hitched, and his words were tinged with anger and a bit of laughter, “I told you not to take risks?”

“Didn’t I tell you to stay put? Let the people of the underworld take care of the affairs of the underworld, you are meddling too much.”

“Take a step back, and even if you do go to…” The man paused slightly and asked, “What can he do to help you? He’ll only drag you down.”

“You think you’ll die slowly if you bring a dragger?”

The youth’s voice carried a bit of helplessness: “Then who else can I get to accompany me?”

“Dijia? Yama’s Palace is so busy since the matter of the saint’s disappearance has not been resolved.”

“He’s a good man; if I asked him, he’d drop what he’s doing and help me. But because of that, I don’t want to cause him any more trouble.”

Bai Lixin said and then kept quiet, just staring at the man above him with a pair of bright eyes.

How about that? Isn’t that super?

Silence filled the room for a long time, and then the man sneered and a broad hand grabbed Bai Lixin’s chin.

The almost-cold voice got closer and closer to him, “Do you really not know who I am?”

Bai Lixin froze for a moment.

The man’s other hand easily lifted the corner of Bai Lixin’s shirt and dug in through the waist.

The sudden coldness made Bai Lixin shiver instantly, and his whole body could not help but convulse a little.

“I can play along, but do you really think I’m a fool?” The man’s hand forcefully followed Bai Lixin’s delicate and smooth lines to the chest, “Let me see if you can tell a lie without your face turning red.”

Callused fingers scraped against Bai Lixin’s chest, easily feeling the pounding of the youth’s gradually accelerating heartbeat.

The youth’s breathing became rough, with a few low gasps mixed in.

“You, what are you talking about?”

The man sneered and increased the force in his hands, pinching a honey-colored circle.

“Stop pretending; didn’t you already know that I am Dijia, and Dijia is me?”

Bai Lixin’s body swayed haphazardly as he pressed the man’s hand through his clothes and said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Man: “Would you really be that stupid? You are an observant person; I touched you when I was a mystery man, and I kissed and touched you when I turned into Dijia, how could you not notice?”

“Not to mention the fact that you’ve asked three times about our similarities.”

The hand that was holding Bai Lixin’s jaw moved to the wrist and easily found the black mark.

“For example this mark, didn’t you ask me when I was Dijia why I know about the seal?”

“Or did you simply not realize that I was Dijia?”

Bai Lixin: “……”

It seemed like he was really angry.

Should he say he found out recently, or just didn’t make the connection?

In the second that Bai Lixin hesitated, the man’s hand had already slid down the curve, “Let’s see if you didn’t figure it out.”

“You think I’m overthinking it? Since it’s like that, you can judge for yourself whether I’m him or not.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

It was still a game, after all

As the other party spoke, his fingers had already reached his waist.

The cold fingers gently pressed Bai Lixin’s waist, and the next second there was the rustle of clothes in the air.

With the sound, the candle that had just been extinguished was newly lit.

A dim light was immediately restored to the room.

The man’s face, which was hidden in the darkness, was also revealed before Bai Lixin, and his familiar handsome and sharp features, unadorned and uncovered, crashed into Bai Lixin’s eyes.

Unlike his usual cold and aloof expression, the man’s eyes were now filled with a strong desire and inexplicable anger.

The majestic features were now dark and oppressive under the dim light.

‘It’s surprisingly attractive,’ a thought appeared in Bai Lixin’s mind.

The next second, his eyes blinked in surprise, and his body physically bounced a little.

The man’s warm breath came over him, his hand moving up and down rapidly.

“Now do you know who I am?” Dijia lowered his head and put his lips against Bai Lixin’s ear, asking, “Which side of your body has not been touched by the mysterious man?”

Bai Lixin’s eyes gradually became dazed, and under Dijia’s blazing gaze, he whispered a plea for mercy, “I know I was wrong.”

Dijia quickened the speed of his hand and asked, “What was wrong?”

Bai Lixin: “I was… thinking you wanted to… try something different. So I didn’t mention it to cooperate with you.”

Dijia: “Then I have to thank you for your kindness?”

Bai Lixin whimpered, “Didn’t you enjoy it too?”

Dijia: “……”

‘No, I didn’t!

I really thought you didn’t know anything at first, and was careful to maintain your “innocence”!’

In fact, he had vaguely sensed long ago that Bai Lixin should know something, but the dirty thoughts at the back of his mind made him deceive himself.

Knowing full well that the disguise had already been seen through, he didn’t dare say a word and carefully maintained it.

If he had not seen that man enter Bai Lixin’s room today, he wouldn’t have gotten enraged and continued to accompany Bai Lixin in his play.

He kept worrying that Bai Lixin would feel disgusted if he discovered the truth.

But it turned out that the other party thought he was having fun?

Which part of it would he take pleasure in?

Could it be that Bai Lixin was.…

The frequency of Dijia’s hand suddenly slowed down, and there was great complexity in his dazed expression.

There was both surprise and joy in there.

Bai Lixin blinked and said, “You…don’t stop.”

Dijia: “……”

Fuck, why was he so seductive!


After a long time, Dijia poured a cup of tea from the coffee table and brought it to Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin was extremely thirsty and drank it all in one go.

The tea washed away the dryness in his mouth and the strong taste of heather.

[T\N: Heather flowers smell a bit similar to semen, I won’t elaborate further ^^]

A trace of the clear tea slid slowly down the corner of his lips and dripped down his delicate chin onto the brocade quilt.

Dijia’s eyes were dark as he gently wiped away the water droplets from the corner of his mouth.

“Why are you acting like a child? Even drinking water can leak out,” Dijia snatched the teacup from Bai Lixin’s hand, his voice hoarse, “you were obviously fine when drinking earlier; not a single drop leaked out.”

Bai Lixin’s face exploded red.

He glared at Dijia darkly, not wanting to take up the topic.

“Have you finally calmed down?”

Dijia coughed lightly, his neck turning red, “I’m okay.”

“I’m sorry I lied to you before. Actually, I can’t blame you, it was my fault in the first place.”

Bai Lixin: “It’s okay, I forgive you; besides, I also lied to you, it’s good to talk about it now, I can’t continue acting forever because the acting skills of those around you are too poor.”

Dijia couldn’t help but frown when he thought of those unsatisfactory ghosts in Yama Palace.

It looked like it was time to raise the intelligence level of the ghost messengers, otherwise, he would always get embarrassed.

Didn’t they make him lose face in front of Bai Lixin?

Dijia sat down next to Bai Lixin with some embarrassment and asked, “When did you find out I was the mystery man?”

Bai Lixin: “Quite early, not only did I know that you were the mystery man, but also that you are King Yama.”

Dijia: “Did Tuanzi tell you that?”

Bai Lixin: “No, I perceived it myself.”

Dijia: “Then you have a good sense of perception; in fact, I have always wanted to ask you a question.”

“Tuanzi called me Father the moment he met me. I had never met him, but it was as if he was sure he knew me.”

“At first, I thought it was the kid’s conspiracy to get closer to me in some kind of way. But then you showed up.”

“He called me Father and you Papa, and I felt like I’d known you for years.”

“It made me re-examine Tuanzi’s words.”

“My water mirror can see many directions, and when Tuanzi called you Papa, instead of being surprised, you seemed to accept it quickly.”

“Do you and Tuanzi really know each other?”

“Was there some past life between me and you? Why don’t I remember? Did I inadvertently drink Meng Po soup?”

Bai Lixin laughed, “You’re asking me so many questions at once, how can I answer? Besides, you are the King of the Underworld; can Meng Po soup work on you?”

Dijia: “No, Meng Po soup doesn’t work on me.”

His blazing eyes were fixed on Bai Lixin’s, “So what is it?”

“So strange, you’re obviously just a mortal, but I like you so much.”

“As soon as you leave my sight, I can’t help but use the water mirror to look for you. Leaving a mark on you was to make it easy to look for you, and I gave you Yama’s Order for fear that you’ll be in danger.”

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