After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 165.2

Chapter 165.2

“I’ve only known you for a few days, but it’s like I’ve known you for a long, long time.”

“It’s a wonderful feeling, and what’s even more wonderful is that the person I like also likes me.”

“Our fate must be destined, right?”

The more Dijia spoke, the more excited he became, and Bai Lixin’s eyes were tinged with a faintly doting look. The current Dijia looked like he had a wagging tail behind him.

Just a moment ago, he was a ferocious beast, and in the blink of an eye, he had become a giant dog.

The system’s voice suddenly rang out in his mind.


[Please pay attention, it is forbidden to pass game information to NPCs.]

[Violators will be punished by the system.]

[Punishment method: beheading]

The starlight in Bai Lixin’s eyes flickered for a second, and he said with a smile, “There are some things I can’t tell you, not because I don’t want you to know them but because there is no way to tell you.”

“But you have to believe that I am not deliberately concealing things or deceiving you.”

“But you are right, we are really destined for each other.”

At Bai Lixin’s affirmative answer, Dijia suddenly laughed foolishly, and he leaned his head on Bai Lixin’s shoulder, silently acting coquettish.

He wrapped his hands around Bai Lixin and asked, “Don’t you want to rest? I will accompany you to rest, and when we are well rested, we will go to the ghost market together.”

With all the lies out of the way, Dijia felt relieved.

He lay beside the man like a giant dog, not wanting to leave even one step.

Bai Lixin rubbed the other man’s hair and asked, “Don’t you have to go investigate the saint’s matter?”

“It’s such a big deal, shouldn’t it take priority?”

Dijia: “It’s under investigation, but I don’t need to personally investigate such things. In addition, I also happen to be investigating the Ghost Market, and was planning to check it out.”

Bai Lixin: “What have you found out?”

Dijia: “Didn’t you give me a bag of red powder as a clue? I had it looked at by a specialist spice maker in the Underworld, and apart from the manzanita and infant spirit, there is also a plant spice in the mix.”

“The plant spice is only available in the Ghost Market, and is grown in the gardens of the Ghost Market people.”

Bai Lixin: “So that’s how it is. What about the twenty suspects? Have their movements been investigated?”

Dijia: “Yes, there is nothing wrong with the ghost messengers of the underworld, but a suspicious person was found in the living souls.”

Bai Lixin: “How suspicious?”

Dijia: “That man has been missing for a while.”

“When he was asked where he had gone, he said he couldn’t remember, he had completely forgotten.”

Bai Lixin: “Forgotten? Now that you mention it, I suddenly remember something. When I found Tuanzi at the auction house, I asked him how he had appeared there, but he had also forgotten.”

“He only remembered arriving at the manzanita flowers by the river, then he appeared in the auction house, all his memories in between had disappeared.”

“Amnesia.” Bai Lixin’s eyes gradually became serious, “Does the Underworld happen to have something that can make people lose their memories?”

Bai Lixin and Dijia looked at each other and both said, in unison, “Meng Po Soup.”

Dijia said in a deep voice, “So Mengpo has a connection to what’s going on.”

Bai Lixin: “I have been to Meng Po’s place.”

Dijia: “Did you find anything?”

Bai Lixin paused for a second and said, “Yes, I’ll tell you quietly.”

Under the dim candlelight, two men snuggled up on the ancient bed.

The slender youth pressed his lips to the tall man’s ear, and ambiguity instantly filled the air.

The young man’s lips were seen moving up and down, as if he were saying something, and the other man’s expression was slightly surprised.

Suddenly, the youth winked at the man with a sly expression, and the man couldn’t help but laugh in disbelief.

A rare warmth lingered in the room, and the men soon lay in each other’s arms on the bed. The only thing in the quiet room was the distant candle flame that was swaying without wind and casting shadows on the wall.


Five hours later, Bai Lixin and Dijia woke up from their sleep.

The expression on Dijia’s face was different from his usual cold and arrogant one, and even showed a bit of tranquility.

When they went downstairs, Samael and the four players: “……”

What happened?

Didn’t Bai Lixin go into the bedroom by himself?

Why did he bring someone out?

Was this the drama of a beauty kept in a golden house?

One of the four players saw Dijia’s face, and his eyes widened in astonishment, as if he had seen a ghost.

Dijia calmly took in the player’s expression and continued to stand by Bai Lixin’s side with a protective attitude.

It was Samael who was the first to come back to his senses: “The proprietress still hasn’t woken up?”

Bai Lixin: “I don’t think so. We passed her room on our way down and heard her snoring, what’s wrong?”

Samael: “A man came in to buy the paper man, we didn’t know the price, so the other man left first. It’s usually Li Sanniang who handles such things.”

Bai Lixin: “Oh. By the way, did you see others while you were here?”

One of the players: “Others? Like who? You mean players?”

Bai Lixin didn’t say anything, but the affirmative look in his eyes answered the question.

Player: “No, you’re the only one we’ve seen. Aren’t there 20 people in total? That’s the six of us, and fourteen more. I haven’t seen any of them until now, I really don’t know where they are. But the panel shows that they’re all still alive, so that means there’s nothing wrong with them, right?”

Bai Lixin: “Let’s hope so.”

“I’m going to head out. Send me a private message if you have any questions.”

Samael stood up and walked toward Bai Lixin.

Before he could get close, a tall, dark figure suddenly blocked his path.

Samael looked up to see an expressionless Dijia standing before him, cutting off the path between him and Bai Lixin.

Samael: “……”

What the hell? What’s with the intense oppression and hostility?

Dijia: “No need to disturb yourself, I’ll go with him.”

Samael looked towards Bai Lixin in confusion and saw Bai Lixin nod at him, saying, “Well, he’ll just accompany me. Thank you, Samael, but you have a more important thing to do.”

“What is it?” Samael asked, although he didn’t know what medicine Bai Lixin was selling in his gourd.

The next second, Samael got a notification of a private message.

Bai Lixin: [Sorry, you guys will clash. Forgive me!]

Samael: [Heh, your man is worrying too much. I’m not interested in men, you may be good-looking, but not everyone likes you.]

Bai Lixin: [You should know that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder . There is one more thing I need from you, and one thing that only you should be able to do.]

Samael: [Okay, you tell me.]

Bai Lixin quickly sent a message.

On seeing the content of the message, Samael went silent for a second, then answered, [Okay, I’ll look for it, and I’ll let you know if I find it.]

Bai Lixin: [Thank you for your hard work.]

Samael: [It’s okay, you be careful, don’t die.]

Bai Lixin: [Okay.]


In the live broadcast room

[I feel like someone who hasn’t seen the world and has been deceived. Or I must have been scared silly. Did the big boss just come out of God Xin’s room? I had to blink my eyelids for a second and count my losses.]

[Hahaha, are you fishing? You didn’t get to see any action either, right?]

[Ahem, system, don’t you have the ability to show me?!]

[Ha! Another crazy one; hurry up and show us.]

[So what did God Xin find out and what did he want Samael to do?]

[I don’t know, it’s way over my head now, but all will be revealed.]

[Speaking of which, every copy God Xin has entered in the past has been closed without exception. Then what about the people in the copy? Does that mean the copy is destroyed?]

[I don’t think so. Wasn’t the copy with the foxes, Tuanzi, and the school all blocked? But the characters from there are here too. It’s possible that the blocking was simply to keep us out, but the copies still exist. Or even still running on their own.]

[How high-tech is that? Are they really just NPCs? They feel real. It’s hard to tell if they are real or not.]

[Actually, it’s not that hard to understand. Once a piece of code is written and running, it will run as long as the server allows it. But this game is much more powerful than those codes, so it’s not surprising that the copies are still running even after we are blocked out.]

[Oh, you make a lot of sense; I agree with you.]


Bai Lixin and Dijia left the moment the message was sent out.

The ghost market was in the cracks between the two worlds but finding it was very easy for Dijia.

They soon arrived at the junction between the Ghost Market and the Living Soul Area. Dijia’s hand grabbed at the air, and two masks instantly appeared out of thin air in his hand.

He gave one mask to Bai Lixin, who took it but did not put it on immediately; instead, he traced the pattern on it with his fingers.

“It doesn’t seem to be the one I had before.”

Diji: “All illusions and disguises disappear once someone enters the Underworld; something like a mask for concealment will disappear instantly the moment it enters the Underworld.”

Bai Lixin spoke with certainty, “Oh, so that’s why you left without saying goodbye, you were afraid that Tuanzi would identify you.”

Dijia was a little embarrassed for a moment. He put on his mask and said with certainty, “I left because the saint had escaped and my business was a bit urgent. And I didn’t just leave without doing anything; I sent the ghost messengers to you.”

“I wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving you on your own in the Underworld.”

Bai Lixin smiled and slowly put on his mask.

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