After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 22.1 - Affectionate Blood Clan

Chapter 22.1 - Affectionate Blood Clan

Chapter 22 

Not only the veteran players who came in before had people giving up. One person from squad 5 also planned to give up.

Apart from the few who had given up, sixteen people joined the operation in the end, making a total of nineteen, including Bai Lixin’s group of three.

“According to the pattern of the previous two times, the point of the death of the rich man’s daughter is ten days later.” The captain of the six-man team spoke up, “We need to get into the castle before then.”

Bai Lixin, “Why do you think Mr. Mo would take her ?”

Captain, “Rumour has it that the richest man’s daughter is as beautiful as Venus, the goddess of love, and it is said that Mr. Mo is obsessed with her beauty.”

He kept hearing people mention the distant name “Mr. Mo” today, and Song Lei had an illusion that he was from a different world, “What kind of character do you think Mr. Mo has?”

“You can say he is a love brain, and his subordinates are well controlled and submissive.”

“You can say he is ambitious and all the topics related to him are full of scandal.”

After all these years, several players were still scared when they thought back to the time when Mr. Mo tortured and killed them.

One player said, “I don’t know what kind of personality he has, but I know he’s a lunatic. It’s a curse for that kind of lunatic to live one day longer.”

The captain observed Bai Lixin’s group of three.

When these three men came in, he thought that the tallest Blood player would be the leader among them.

But in the exchange that followed, the handsome man simply stood by in a matter-of-fact posture, yet he would cast occasional glances at the handsome young man sitting beside him.

The other boy, in tattered clothes, did the same, hardly speaking at all.

It was the most harmless-looking, languid young man in the middle who dominated the two.

There was a big difference between the two, however. Unlike the boys’ dependence, the aura of the Blood player treated the youth more like an indulgence.

He seemed unconcerned with what was happening in front of him and only stood patiently because the youth was here.

The captain quickly figured out the relationship between the three and placed his eyes directly on Bai Lixin, “If you want to get out, you better act now.”

Bai Lixin thought seriously, “Before we act, I think there is one more thing that is necessary to do.”

Captain, “What is it?”

Bai Lixin, “We have to meet our employer before we leave, right?”

Song Lei and the captain looked at each other, and Song Lei shook his head and spoke, “We’ve been here a long time ago and only met him twice. We didn’t feel the need to waste time on that, and that man couldn’t say anything useful. He only talked about how beautiful his daughter was and how sinister Mr. Mo was.”

He paused, “And you two are now being hunted by the whole city. You’ll be arrested before you find him.”

“In that case,” Bai Lixin rose from his seat, “We’ll split up, I’ll find a way to meet the richest man. You head for the castle, and we’ll catch up with you then.”

The air fell silent for a few seconds.

A dozen men looked at each other and made eye contact for a moment before Song Lei spoke, “Okay.”


Bai Lixin left the house and went to the richest man’s mansion, following the directions Song Lei had pointed out. Dijia had already transformed back into his bat form and was hiding in his pocket. Xia Chi, who could not transform, followed Bai Lixin honestly.

His hands were tied and he walked in silence. His face was covered with a metal muzzle used on wild animals.

Bai Lixin led him to the most luxurious building and walked in as if no one was watching.

The guards were a little confused. The blood-red, evil eyes looked like those of Bloods, but how could a brutal Blood obediently follow behind a human?

And the way these two men looked, weren’t they the two wanted all over the city?

Bai Lixin stood in the open space in front of the villa and raised his voice to the window and said, “I am a Blood assassin, here for the reward.”

A Blood assassin?

The guards looked at each other. They were debating whether to take the two men directly before the judge when a man in a deacon’s butler’s uniform hurriedly came out from inside.

The butler looked very slim, and his one-rimmed eyes scrutinized Bai Lixin as he said warily, “How do you prove it?”

“This is the proof, my vampire slave,” Bai Lixin pointed to Xia Chi behind him and bragged, “I have killed hundreds of vampires. If there is one person in this world who can save the lady, it will be me.”

The butler looked at Xia Chi in amazement.

He had seen humans tamed and transformed by the Bloods, but he had never seen a Blood tamed by a human.

Bloods also had their strengths and weaknesses; powerful Bloods could not be killed at all, but those mongrel soldiers were much more vulnerable.

But the mongrel Bloods were also very resilient. Hanging is not enough to kill the Bloods, and it takes days of exposure to the sun to kill these mongrels completely.

But whether they are high-level Bloods or low-level ones, they cannot be tamed.

They simply go mad and tear apart any life that comes near them.

Any human who could tame a Blood must be something.

The butler subconsciously looked outside the villa, where a few passers-by had stopped in their tracks at the sound of voices and were looking in curiously.

He spoke, “You guys come in first, I’ll go and ask the master for instructions.”

Xia Chi cautiously followed behind Bai Lixin, whispering against his ear, “Brother, is this going to work or not?”

Bai Lixin, “Let’s give it a try. The richest man’s desire is to save his daughter. He wouldn’t care if we are wanted as long as we can save her.”

The two were talking quietly when the butler came down from the first floor, “Guest, our master said to invite you in.”

The meeting place was in the parlour. The richest man was around fifty years old, with white temples and very dignified features.

Unlike Xia Chi’s imagined anxiety about his daughter being kidnapped, the man was calm, one might even say angry.

The richest man opened the door, “I don’t care if you are a wanted criminal, as long as I can get Sophia back, I am willing to marry her to you and will also give you 5 million as a reward!”

Bai Lixin, “I want to know what happened.”

A maid came over to pour tea, and the mellow black tea was fragrant.

Perhaps it was because she was stunned by Bai Lixin’s appearance or because she saw the Blood behind him, but the maid’s hand holding the cup of tea trembled in the air and the cup immediately fell downwards.

At the maid’s soft cry and the rich man’s scrutiny, Bai Lixin fingers were as quick as lightning, and he directly hooked the handle of the falling teacup, while the other hand held the tray firmly in place.

The teacup was placed firmly on the tea tray.

The richest man’s face changed slightly before he said, with a straight face, “You have passed my test. I can tell you what happened.”

“My daughter Sophia has just turned eighteen this year, and two nights ago, I heard Sophia’s screams.” The richest man’s eyes twinkled, “I rushed over when I heard the sound, but I was too late.”

“All I saw was an open window and the abominable Blood who flapped his wings and carried my Sophia away in the moonlight.”

Bai Lixin, “You didn’t see the face of that Blood?”

The richest man shook his head, “No.”

Bai Lixin, “Then how can you be sure that the man who came was Mr. Mo?”

The richest man, “He left a card on the windowsill of Sophia’s room.”

The richest man stood up and walked over to the desk. He picked up a card from it and brought it to Bai Lixin, “This is the one.”

Bai Lixin took the card and saw the writing on it: “…”

The fact that a Blood assasin was illiterate shouldn’t affect his persona, right?

Xia Chi, who had been following behind Bai Lixin, took a look.

The private chat rang.

Xia Chi: [Brother, what does it say?]

Bai Lixin: […I don’t know.]

Xia Chi: […]

He saw Bai Lixin frowning, and the richest man suddenly looked like he had seen the enemy, “What? Is there something wrong with this card?”

“There is a little,” Bai Lixin coughed lightly, “Can you give me a moment to study it again if you don’t mind?”

The richest man, “Yes, but remember to return it to me before you leave.”

The richest man, “Mr. Mo is a famous High Blood of this generation, and you should know his methods. My daughter is in his hands and she could die at any time.”

He paused and finally gritted his teeth, “I have thought of the worst possible ending. Sophia is beautiful and kind, the daughter who makes me most proud. It would be best if I could get her back, and if she is unfortunate enough to be transformed into a Blood by that treacherous Count, you will help me kill her!”

“You call yourself a Blood assassin and have killed countless Bloods, which is why I am willing to see you alone,” the richest man’s eyes turned cold, “this is something I would like you to do in private.”Rather than have her humiliated and hanged in public, she should simply disappear altogether.”

Xia Chi stared incredulously, “She is your daughter. Even if she turns out to be a Blood, wouldn’t it be better to let her live over there?”

“And what are you? Are you worthy of preaching to me?” The richest man was filled with disgust, “Our family has a reputation in the city. I don’t want her to become a stain on our family.”

The richest man looked at Bai Lixin and his disgust subsided slightly, “So do you understand me? If Sophia is still human, get her back. If she has turned into a Blood, kill her on sight and never let her into the city. Bring back her human body or bring back her head as a Blood. I won’t leave a penny of the money I promised you.”

Xia Chi’s face was a mixture of blue and purple as he pursed her lips and stood behind Bai Lixin.

In contrast, Bai Lixin was much more composed. His obsidian-like pupils lazily swept over the window of the parlor, and he said, “May I go to the lady’s room for a moment?”

The richest man managed his face superbly. He immediately regained his initial indifference and arrogance, “Yes. Butler, take him there.”

A few minutes later, Bai Lixin and Xia Chi arrived at Sophia’s room, and a broken window came into view.

Only when the butler had gone did Dijia slowly emerge from the pocket.

Bai Lixin pointed to the card from earlier and asked the indigenous True Ancestor, “What does this mean?”

The blood-red pupils swept over the card.

“I took Sophia, don’t worry. Signed: Mr. Mo.”

The room was neatly kept, with warm princess pink tones throughout and a gorgeous, but not stark, light-coloured carpet on the floor.

On the bedside table was a vase with a few delicate roses in it.

Bai Lixin walked over to the window, which was unlocked from the inside.

The glass was not broken, which meant that the window had not been locked when Mr. Mo took Sophia away that night.

Had Sophia left the window unlocked on purpose, or was she not in the habit of closing it?

As Bai Lixin pondered over this, the sound of leather shoes on the floor gradually echoed in the corridor.

A few seconds later, the door was pushed open from outside, and a girl dressed as a maid in an indigo dress came in.

The girl had obviously not expected anyone inside and visibly froze for a moment.

She stood in the doorway and swept several glances over Bai Lixin and Xia Chi, surprised but not particularly reacting to the sight of Xia Chi’s blood-red eyes.

“You are guests invited by the Master?” The girl reacted for a couple of seconds before opening her mouth to ask.

Bai Lixin, “Hello, yes.”

He looked at the maid, who was holding a bouquet of brightly colored roses in her arms.

The petals still had several droplets of water, and the rhizome was a fresh emerald green, so it must not have been long since they were picked.

The maid smiled apologetically and walked over to the bed with the roses in her hands, “I’m sorry. I didn’t think there was anyone else in Miss’s room.”

The girl skillfully removed the roses from the previous vase, then gently inserted the fresh roses into the vase, fiddling with the branches to give it its best shape.

Then the girl carefully picked up the leaves to prevent the thorns on them from piercing her hands.

Only after this was done did the girl curiously look at Xia Chi again.

She pointed her finger at Xia Chi while her eyes blinked at Bai Lixin, a suspicious blush appearing on each side of her face.

“What is he? A friend of yours? Why did you tie his mouth shut?”

Bai Lixin, “He’s my slave.”

Xia Chi: “……”

I’m so humbled.

The girl looked only thirteen or fourteen years old and at the height of her innocence.

She cocked her head and looked at Xia Chi, “But he’s not supposed to eat people, so why do you treat him like that?”

Not eat people?

Bai Lixin and Xia Chi looked at each other.

Xia Chi looked at the girl excitedly, “How do you know I don’t eat people?”

Seeing a Blood but not being scared, this must be a high-level NPC!

Maybe she could trigger some kind of plot! Give them a clue to something!

The girl, “The lady told me. She said not all Bloods are cannibalistic demons. They also have feelings and can be kind.”

Bai Lixin, “Have you ever seen such a Blood?”

The girl’s big black eyes blinked, and she shook her head regretfully, then nodded vigorously.

“I haven’t seen one before,” the girl pointed to Xia Chi, “but I have now.”

Bai Lixin and Xia Chi made another eye contact.

Xia Chi, “You’re Miss Sophia’s maid?”

The girl, “Yes.”

Bai Lixin, “Does your lady have the habit of opening the window at night?”

The girl looked to where the window was, “My lady says she likes the feel of the evening breeze blowing across her face, and sleeps with the window open at night in weather like this. She only closes it in winter.”

“You..” the girl hesitated for a moment, the excitement in her eyes suddenly narrowing and becoming very sad, “Can you not bring Miss back?”

Bai Lixin, “Why?”

The girl, “Miss’s lover is a noble Blood, and she has been very unhappy at home. Only when Mr. Blood is mentioned does a rare smile appear on Miss’s face.”

“His Lordship is angry that Miss has disappeared.”

“But he is not angry that Miss has been harmed. Miss was engaged to the judge’s son, but Miss did not like him.”

“The judge has a deep hatred for the Bloods, and when word got out that Miss had been taken by the Bloods, the judge immediately canceled their engagement. His Lordship was so angry about it that he put out a bounty to the public that Miss was brought back, and once again decided on her marriage privately.”

“You two are good people,” the girl said, her eyes red, “please let Miss go.”

As soon as the girl cried, Xia Chi panicked, and he hurried up to comfort her, “Hey, don’t cry, let’s talk slowly. We can always think of a solution, right?”

The girl wiped the corners of her eyes with her sleeve and was about to say something when a woman’s call came from the distant corridor.

“Oh,” the girl blushed and ran towards the door in a panic, “I have to go and water the flowers! Auntie’s calling me, so I can’t stay here any longer. Goodbye, gentlemen.”

Before Xia Chi could say anything else, the girl fluttered her big indigo lace dress like a fluttering butterfly and quickly left.

Xia Chi looked at the closed door and at the roses by the bed, and something flashed through his mind.

He tried to catch it, but it ran away really fast and was soon gone.

It was only after a few seconds that Xia Chi spoke up and asked, “Brother, Miss Sophia and Mr. Mo couldn’t be lovers, could they?”

Bai Lixin came to the wardrobe. “Not sure yet. Look for any more clues in the room.”

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