After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 22.2 - Affectionate Blood Clan

Chapter 22.2 - Affectionate Blood Clan

Chapter 22.2

The two searched the room a bit, and Bai Lixin found a diary in the corner of a bookshelf.

It was a bit wordy, and Dijia was a little impatient, but he patiently translated it for Bai Lixin bit by bit.

The bat, only five centimeters in size, stood at Bai Lixin’s ear.

–”I wish I could become a Blood, wouldn’t that free me from this controlled fate?”

–”Who can come to my rescue?”

–”He really came, and he said he would help me.”

–”He’s a noble Blood, handsome and gentle. I think I’m falling in love.”

There was a lot of content in the diary. Some of the trivial things in Sophia’s life were at the front, and most of the back was devoted to her time with the Blood.

Dijia’s distinctive husky voice flowed into his ears with a seemingly seductive quality, like an unintentional act of laziness, but also like a deliberate one.

Bai Lixin’s index finger pinched the foot of the diary page and turned to the next page.

–”We’re together now. I’m so happy, I’ve never been happier than today.”

–”I finally know his name. He said his name is Mr. Mo. It turns out that Mr. Mo is the owner of that mysterious castle.”

Bai Lixin’s fingertips trembled a little.

That man was indeed Mr. Mo, so what was this, Sophia? Was it Mr. Mo’s ex-wife?

Bai Lixin flipped the page again, and there was the final entry, just one line.

–”Oh no, I’m pregnant.”

Bai Lixin’s fingers paused slightly, but in the end he didn’t say anything more.

The diary was slowly closed and put back in its original place.

Half an hour later, they left the house of the richest man, and the card was returned to the butler.

Before leaving, Bai Lixin asked the butler a question.

Bai Lixin, “In your opinion, what kind of punishment would one get for getting pregnant before marriage?”

The butler frowned and answered without hesitation, “Execution.”

On the way, Xia Chi frowned, “Brother, how are we going to blend into the castle? Do we blend in with the food?”

The two walked into an empty, secluded alleyway. The sky was a red-golden haze, like a hideous beast looking down on the world.

Dijia had taken human form and immediately shook his head upon hearing this, “No.”

“It’s not clear whether this is the past or an overhead virtual world.”

“The Bloods have a superb memory, if this is a real past world, Mr. Mo will have an imprint of Bai Lixin’s face. He’ll immediately become vigilant the moment he sees Bai Lixin decades later on the surface world. Aren’t you planning to kill Mr. Mo? Can you be sure you can kill him when he’s vigilant?”

Xia Chi felt like his head was balding. He scratched his hair and asked nervously, “What about just killing Mr. Mo here? Wouldn’t  the future Mr. Mo be dead as well? Wouldn’t we have accomplished our mission?”

Bai Lixin laughed and immediately shook his head, “That wouldn’t work either.”

“The Grandfather paradox, ever heard of it?”

Xia Chi looked at Bai Lixin in confusion, “What’s that?”

“It’s one of the ten paradoxes. It’s a very interesting hypothesis. Suppose I traveled back in time and met my grandfather. If I killed him, then I wouldn’t exist, and since I don’t exist, I wouldn’t have traveled back in time, let alone killed my grandfather.”

“The same is true of us now. If we killed Mr. Mo in the past, then there would be no copy of the surface world with Mr. Mo and Lady Rose as the task. We wouldn’t be able to enter the copy of the surface world, let alone travel to the past through the forbidden area of the underground staircase. Since we can’t come to the past, how could we kill Mr. Mo here?”

“Once Mr. Mo dies here, there is a good chance that space-time will distort, thus creating a new dimensional space. At that time, we will most likely enter a chaotic space-time in the distorted space, and our chances of returning to the surface world and then to the game lobby would be even slimmer.”

“So not only can we not kill Mr. Mo, we have to make sure he doesn’t get killed by anyone else.”

Luckily, Xia Chi was a bit of an academic tyrant. After listening in a daze, he finally understood and looked like he had eaten dung, “Well then, neither this nor that, so what do we do?”

Bai Lixin, “Actually, I thought of a way.”

He glanced at Dijia, who also said, “I’ve thought of a solution too.”

Bai Lixin, “Since we can’t use this face to get in, we can always disguise ourselves. If it was just me, it might be a bit difficult to get in, but there are still you two. Xia Chi, don’t forget that you are a Blood. Isn’t it only natural for a Blood to enter a Blood’s territory?”

Xia Chi’s eyes snapped open, “Why didn’t I think of that?! You can also disguise yourself. What are you planning to disguise yourself as, brother?”

Bai Lixin, “I haven’t thought of that yet.”

Dijia coughed, “You’re thinking the same thing as me. Since it’s a disguise, it’s best to disguise yourself as someone completely different from who you are in reality.”

Bai Lixin, “Like what?”

Dijia, “For example, a noble lady.”

Bai Lixin: “????”

Xia Chi: “????”

Disguised as what?

A few days later, Mr. Mo’s castle welcomed a few special guests.

Mr. Mo was entertaining his guests, and the butler went out to welcome them.

The butler’s face was pale, his eyes protruding slightly, as if the red eyeballs were about to fall out of them in the next moment.

Three Bloods arrived, followed by a dozen humans.

A Blood gentleman in a white gown with dazzling blonde hair and a handsome face with two mustaches. His eyes were cold and unruffled.

A beautiful Blood lady with cool, distant eyes and long black hair that fell straight to her waist. She had a slender waist that was not more than a handful, and a beautiful face that even the most beautiful goddesses would have to hide in shame at the sight of.

The butler shook his head regretfully as his eyes swept over her chest.

It’s a pity that the beauty was too flat.

There was also a somewhat unkempt Blood with a huge black patch over his right eye that covered half of his face, making one not want to give him a second glance.

Compared to the other two noble-looking Bloods, he looked like a valet accompanying them.

Behind them, a dozen or so humans followed in great numbers.

Most of these humans were very old, and the butler frowned in disgust, even though he was trying to maintain good manners.

Such old men, they wouldn’t eat even if they were offered food.

The handsome man and the young lady exuded great power, though it was still not as much as Mr. Mo.

The butler was very respectful, “Dear guests, may I ask where you come from?”

Dijia, “We are three travelers, this is my wife; he is my squire; and these behind me are our food for the journey.”

The steward was surprised, but understood when he thought about it.

It was only right to have extra food when traveling to places where there were no people.

But this is too much food!

Are you hamster Bloods?

Dijia, “I heard this castle is preparing for a big wedding. I wonder if I can attend?”

Butler, “Of course you can. Mr. Mo said that all Bloods are welcome to his wedding. Let’s go inside.”

The butler walked ahead and looked back at the beautiful lady who was more than a head taller than him and muttered, “How can there be such a tall lady?”

Bai Lixin gave him a silent glance and spoke lazily, “Now you’ve seen.”

Butler: “……”

Although the lady’s voice was soft and pleasant, it was a little bit thicker, unlike the other ladies who screamed like crisp larks.

Xia Chi’s expression stiffened, and his face turned red.

The dozen men behind them looked at each other and quickly lowered their heads.

They had come across Bai Lixin’s group of three on the way out, and hadn’t recognized any of them. They almost fought, thinking they had come across three Bloods.

The others had no need to disguise themselves; over time, old age had been their best disguise.

These people just didn’t expect that the ancient castle they had failed to enter twice would be easily infiltrated with such a lame excuse.

The players silently lowered their heads and looked at each other, “……”

In a way, isn’t this butler a bit retarded?

“The banquet isn’t until seven days from now,” the butler’s voice was hoarse, like a viper hissing, “To be honest, you’re one of the few guests. Mr. Mo’s marriage to a human has angered the Third Blood Lord. He sent word that no other Bloods were allowed to come to the wedding, so few guests were coming.”

The butler’s voice turned sharp and harsh as he stopped slightly in his tracks, “All that came were disruptive bloody humans. By the way, I don’t know what to call the guests yet.”

Bai Lixin stepped on his high heels and walked gracefully.

He quietly locked eyes with Dijia and spoke, “My name is Miss Xin Xian… and his name is Mr. Guang.”

Butler: “*Miss Fresh, Mr. Guang, this way please.”

*Xin Xian literally translates to “fresh”

Bai Lixin: “???”

After deciding on disguising as a woman, Bai Lixin bought a women’s outfit at the shop in town.

To make it easier to walk in the realm of the Bloods, Dijia performed a temporary transformation on Bai Lixin.

This transformation was time-limited and required Dijia to incorporate some of his blood into Bai Lixin’s bloodstream. When this blood is metabolized, he will revert to human form.

And the amount of blood Dijia had given him would last for about ten days.

On their way here, the trio ran into two Bloods and got the news of Mr. Mo’s wedding after a little chat.

This kind of news only circulated among the Bloods, news that the human players did not get twice.

Then, later, they caught up with sixteen other players who were in a hurry.

The two waves of players thus completely converged and entered the old castle without incident.

Although the other dozen players were somewhat curious about Bai Lixin’s transformation into a Blood, none of them said anything.

To them, the feud between the Bloods and the Humans and everything else was a set-up from start to finish.Entering the game as different characters was also just drawing different persona cards.

There was never a view of the struggle between humans and Bloods among the players; it didn’t matter what they became as long as they could get through the copy.

The butler walked slowly. His back was hunched, his white hair stuck sporadically into his scalp, and only a few sharp fangs were left in his mouth.

They came across a number of Bloods standing guard, dressed just like the guards in the surface world were dressed, only a little more simply.

The butler looked at the older humans with disgust and kindly reminded them, “Distinguished guests, we have fresher and younger food here. If you wish, I can dispose of this food, and you two can take fresh ingredients from our castle when you leave.”

“The food becomes rough as it gets old, not as delicate as a young human’s. You can feel the fragrance with just a gentle bite.”

The steward gulped suddenly as he spoke.

His voice was not too loud, but the malicious content was like a nail in the hearts of the dozen players, causing all of them to tremble.

The corners of Bai Lixin’s mouth tugged lightly, revealing a row of small white fangs, “No need, the old are good for grinding one’s teeth.”

The butler, who only had three teeth left: “……”

The dozen players were placed in a large room, which the butler had locked to prevent them from wandering off.

Bai Lixin and Dijia were given a superior guest room, and Xia Chi was given a coffin.

Xia Chi: “……”


“Dear guests, dinner will be held in the evening, and there will be dinner every night until the wedding day, so please enjoy yourselves.”

“One thing you should please take note of is that our lady needs to rest, so please make sure to keep quiet and not make loud noises except during dinner.”

Presumably because of preparations for the wedding in seven days’ time, the butler settled them and then gave a few instructions before leaving in a hurry.

As soon as he left, Bai Lixin went to the window.

By coincidence, the room the butler had chosen for them was the same luxurious bedroom that Mr. Mo had provided for them back in the surface world.

From here, he could see the painting studio.

There didn’t seem to be any difference between the old castle years ago and the one years later, except that the building was a little younger and not as dark, damp, and cold as it had been in the surface world.

The painting studio was still the same, and from here, one could only vaguely see a few paintings hanging sporadically on the walls, not yet as numerous and massive as in the painting studio of the surface world.

There was no view of the back garden from here, nor of Lady Rose’s room from before. But they had passed through the hall on the way here, and Bai Lixin had made a point of seeing that the darkness at the bottom of the stairs was not yet there.

It was just the most ordinary of basements. The door of the tiny room was open, and he could see the brooms and other sweeping tools that lay inside.

Although they had received a lot of information from the richest man, they had unfortunately not seen Sophia’s portrait.

Although it was not certain, there was a similarity between Sophia and Lady Rose in that they both loved roses.

Then, was this Miss Sophia related to Lady Rose in any way?

To solve this mystery, he would need to meet Miss Sophia to do so.

As Bai Lixin pondered, a pair of broad arms slowly encircled his waist.

Warm lips followed, landing on his slender neck.

Bai Lixin suddenly pulled back from his thoughts and looked back into Dijia’s slightly darkened eyes.

Dijia’s words were straightforward, “I’m hungry.”

He had not eaten for three days, but something else was screaming from inside him.

There was something that lurked within his appetite, like an elf hiding deep within the flowers, luring him deeper and deeper.

He wanted to find out what this something really was. He had not eaten for thousands of years and he had never been greedy for blood.

Once, a servant had even offered the blood of a fresh virgin, but he had simply turned away from it.

Dijia sniffed greedily, wanting something else from the youth more than his appetite.

The Adam’s apple in Bai Lixin’s throat rolled.

Dijia’s dark gaze was fixed on Bai Lixin’s throbbing throat, and his gaze slowly moved down to Bai Lixin’s neck.

Bai Lixin was wearing an extremely bright red dress.

Beneath the extreme red, his skin was like white jade, with not a single flaw to be seen.

Because it was a woman’s dress, the neckline was open very wide, and one could vaguely see the hints of the honey-colored points inside.

Countless waves were already raging beneath Dijia’s already dark eyes.

At that moment, he suddenly realized what he wanted.

From the very beginning, what he wanted was not just Bai Lixin’s blood.

Greedy as he was, he desired the youth himself.

The same blood-red eyes as before gazed over, and Dijia saw his own eyes through those glazed, penetrating eyes.

They were filled with greed, mania, and unquenchable urges.

Dijia bit down on Bai Lixin’s neck.

At Bai Lixin’s astonished and disoriented gaze, rough fingers gripped his gloved wrist and gently pulled off the white glove as if it were the last bit of shame.

The fingers slowly slid down the arm, and wherever they went, flames rose.

The fingers landed on the collarbone, delicately tracing each furrow.

The fingers traced the neck, tweaking every raised tendon.

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