After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 25.1 - Affectionate Blood Clan

Chapter 25.1 - Affectionate Blood Clan

Bai Lixin restored the bookshelf to its original state and quietly exited the room.

The sky, which had been clear just a moment ago, suddenly clouded over.

The wind raged and lightning flashed.

The mountains in the distance were crumbling, and big trees were uprooted .

Bai Lixin could feel the trembling of the earth and the mountains from where he stood in the corridor.

A little later, a sudden downpour came.

The pea-like raindrops crackled against the windows like wild beasts trying to break in.

Dijia huddled into Bai Lixin’s chest, his fur shaking from bottom to top. He then rolled over and found a more comfortable position to lie in, saying, “It’s a good thing you’re not a woman.”

Bai Lixin, “Mmm?”

Dijia yawned, “I took a look at the jars. They are all filled with female parts, so he should only be interested in women. Otherwise, with your looks, you’d probably be his next target.”

Bai Lixin looked down at the big dress, “Don’t I seem to be a woman in the eyes of others?”

Dijia, “……”

The next stop was the painting studio. Bai Lixin passed by the other players’ room and went in to have a look. A few had already left the room, some looking for food, others for clues.

It was already dark outside the window, and the lights were on inside the room, but it still didn’t counteract the crushing feeling of nature outside.

“It’s still raining so hard,” one player said, hugging his arms and shrinking his neck, “I remember that I almost died in the rain the first time.”

“It was the same the second time. I remember that it rained hail that time.”

Bai Lixin lifted his dress to walk to the window and observe the rain outside. The sudden rain had no intention of stopping, and it was getting heavier and heavier.

An older player spoke up, “It’s true now that you mention it. I remember that there was hail the first time as well. The ground was full of potholes and I was almost killed by the hail.”

“Strange, there doesn’t seem to be any hail this time.”

“Have you noticed that the timing of the rain is not quite right either? I remember that the weather started to change in the evening last time, but now it’s raining in the morning.”

“That’s true.”

Bai Lixin, “Was the weather the same the first two times?”

The slightly older player thought for a moment, “I think so. I remember it well. The sun was going down both times.”

“Why did the weather pattern change? Is it because we entered the castle?”

Bai Lixin looked out at the torrential rain, “It’s very likely. When the players who are out there come back, please tell them that it’s best to stay here from day six onwards. There’s no telling how long the teleportation time will last after the node appears.”

“Okay, we understand!” Several players looked at Bai Lixin gratefully, “It’s really thanks to you guys this time. There has been quite a lot of progress compared to the previous times. It’s really amazing that we could meet you after the copy restarted.”

Bai Lixin was silent.

Yes, it was amazing.

Who would have thought that, beyond the cold and malicious darkness, there was such a place that could be called a paradise?

Judging from the expressions of these players, the world here should be considered safe. They had lived here for so many years and had always been at peace.

After a few more words with the players, Bai Lixin left the players’ room and headed for the painting studio.

To get to the painting studio, one had to pass through the hall and a long corridor. As he passed through the hall, Bai Lixin met some players.

It was Song Lei and the captain of the squad 5.

The captain of squad 5 was called Du Yang, and five years had made Du Yang, who was previously a robust youth, extra cautious.

He heard someone coming, and he subconsciously drew the dagger at his waist. He relaxed slightly when he saw that the other party was Bai Lixin, but his eyes still showed some caution.

Being betrayed by someone you trust could take a lifetime to heal.

Du Yang withdrew his dagger, “You’ve come to investigate this place too?”

Bai Lixin, “Yes. I return several times a day to make sure that I can spot the darkness emerging in time.”

Du Yang came up from the bottom of the stairs with his two teammates, “There’s nothing much in there, just the most ordinary grocery store. Where are you going?”

Bai Lixin, “There’s a drawing room up ahead. I’m going to check it out.”

Song Lei pulled out a few memory fragments from his distant memory, “I remember the painting studio. We even went in there! At the time, we thought the painting was of two people and guessed that Lady Rose was a substitute for the smiling human girl.”

He paused and walked over to Bai Lixin, Let’s go together and check it out.”

Bai Lixin, “Okay.”

Passing through the long corridor, Bai Lixin arrived at the painting studio.

The beast’s head on the door had its fangs and eyes wide open, and Bai Lixin stared at it for some seconds.

Noticing Bai Lixin’s pause, Song Lei asked, “What’s wrong?”

Bai Lixin, “Nothing, let’s go in.”

They opened the door and the room came into view. The huge painting studio had a few scattered paintings hanging.

Because of the dimness outside, they could not see the contents of these paintings.

The windows of the painting studio were not closed, and the rain poured in without any obstruction.

The rain fell into the room and flowed in all directions along the floor. Several of the white canvases leaning against the wall were already soaked by the rain.

The cold wind, wrapped in raindrops, came rushing in, heading straight for the open door and causing Du Yang to shiver.

He rushed forward and closed the window.

The thin layer of glass immediately blocked out the harsh weather, saving the studio and the precarious canvases from the rain.

“It’s so cold, it’s freezing me to death.” Du Yang squinted his eyes to observe the studio, “Where’s the light? Turn on the light.”

Bai Lixin, “Draw the curtains before turning on the light.”

“Yes,” Song Lei responded and hurriedly closed the curtains. “The lights are too obvious and the Bloods might see them.”

Only when the curtains covered the windows tightly did Bai Lixin turn on the lights.

The room was suddenly bright. Du Yang and Song Lei subconsciously squinted their eyes, and everything in the room was visible to them.

There were only three paintings hanging on the wall.

All three were of Sophia and Lady Rose’s faces. She sat in a dignified pose, her blood-red eyes full of indifference.

“Fuck.” Song Lei shouted in a low voice, “Why is it like this? Could it be that Sophia is also a substitute?”

Bai Lixin and Du Yang looked over. Song Lei laughed dryly and spoke, “I also said that we came to the painting studio when we were exploring.”

Song Lei struggled to recall a distant memory, “Although decades have passed for me, I vaguely remember the presumption that the paintings were of two people.”

“The lively and spirited human girl at the beginning was one person, the white moonlight in Mr. Mo’s heart.”

“The Blood female was the other person, that is, Lady Rose.”

“Lady Rose was a substitute for Mr. Mo’s white moonlight, and we wondered whether it was Mr. Mo who killed Lady Rose.”

Bai Lixin, “Why that speculation?”

Song Lei, “It’s normal reasoning. You’ve seen the paintings too. The expressions on the human girl and the Blood lady looked so different. And Mr. Mer is so abnormal, maybe the more he looked at the substitute, the more he found her unpleasant and he killed her.”

“At that time, there was a player who was bold, and seeing time was approaching, he gritted his teeth and filled in Mr. Mo.”

Du Yang asked eagerly, “And then what?! Was it him?”

Song Lei shook his head, “No, the answer was ruled wrong and that player was punished on the spot.”

Du Yang’s body stiffened and his expression was stunned, “It wasn’t Mr. Mo.”

Bai Lixin, “Mr. Mo is just a fake name he gave himself. Is it possible that his real name has to be filled in?”

Du Yang and Song Lei looked up abruptly, looking at Bai Lixin with astonishment, “What? Not his real name? How did you know that?”

Bai Lixin froze for two seconds before he realized that the clue to finding the origin name was not as easy to obtain here as in the surface world.

He had first gotten this clue from Dijia’s mouth, but he could have found this clue from an NPC even without Dijia.

There was that remnant servant of the Third Bloods that was hidden underground.

Not only did the old man tell him about Mr. Mo’s “origin name”, but he also told him that the clue was in the Holy Book.

But it didn’t seem that easy to get these clues out of the old man’s mouth.

Bai Lixin rubbed his brow, “It’s a clue obtained from a hidden NPC, you go on.”

“That’s right, I’ll continue.” Song Lei looked up at the portrait hanging on the wall, “I always thought that the portrait of the human girl came first before the portrait of the Blood female. But now that I look at it, it seems to be the other way around.”

Bai Lixin stood in front of the portrait, picturing the face of Mr. Mo in his mind, silently psychologically profiling him.

He was greedy, brutal, and inhumane.

Such an extremely conceited pervert, who could easily hunt countless beauties, could not have his desires fulfilled by just collecting beauties.

Then it was preferable to create a truly flawless beauty.

He began to construct the most perfect woman in his mind, from her face, eyes, neck, arms, body, legs, and even her insides.

Sophia’s face was like that of Lady Rose, but Bai Lixin felt something was a little out of place.

He finally figured out where the dissonance came from.

Sophia was beautiful, but she was not as tall as the Lady Rose in the surface world.

Bai Lixin’s eyes grew cold as he stared at the stunningly beautiful, cold Blood hanging on the wall.

According to this, Mr. Mo simply took a fancy to Sophia’s head.

The painting appeared to be several years old, and he wondered how many lives Mr. Mo had harmed over the years in order to create the Venus he envisioned.

He had nearly twenty jars, large and small, in his bedroom, and that was already twenty female lives.

Outside in the corridor, a cough mixed with thunder reached the three men’s ears faintly.

The three men looked at each other and hurriedly turned off the light and hid behind the door of the room.

About twenty seconds later, the closed door of the room was pushed open from the outside.

An aged voice rang out, “So the window has been closed.”

It was the butler!

The door separated the butler and the three men, who held their breath and pressed themselves against the wall, not daring to breathe a bit.

Song Lei was afraid that his breathing would alert the butler, so he even covered his mouth and nose with his hand.

“Alas, why is there still so much water coming in?”

The butler’s rough footsteps slowly moved from the doorway, getting closer and closer inside, almost moving away from the other side of the door that covered both sides.

Song Lei’s eyes suddenly widened and his heart pounded violently.

A black leather shoe appeared from the edge of the room door, and half a leg was showing.

The butler was about to find them when the door of the room moved and blocked them.

The butler did not close the door, but pushed it 180 degrees to the other side.

Song Lei and Du Yang’s hearts were about to fall into their throats, but they dared not breathe a word.

The Bloods’ sense of smell and hearing are both very sensitive, and even the slightest sound would attract their attention. The two men were already turning red from holding their breath.

The butler, who was oblivious to this, even walked to the corner and picked up a mop to mop up the water stains on the floor.

Song Lei and Du Yang looked at each other and covered each other’s mouths with gritted teeth.

Where they could not see, a small bat came out of Bai Lixin’s collar and flapped its wings to fly away through the gap between the door and the door frame.

A few seconds later, the sound of leather shoes could be heard in the corridor.

Just when Song Lei and Du Yang were about to lose their grip, a sexy magnetic baritone rang out, “Mr. Butler.”

The butler, who was about to mop the floor, propped up his mop and looked back. He saw the person in the corridor and tried to recall, “Oh, you’re Fresh… oh no, Mr. Guang.”

“What’s the matter, Mr. Guang? What can I do for you? Why are you here?”

Dijia, “I was touring this luxurious castle but it is so big, so big that I got lost. Can you show me to my room?”

The butler grinned with his three-toothed mouth and said proudly, “This is Mr. Mo’s castle, so it’s understandable that a country bat like you would get lost. Well, let me get you out of here. It is the pleasure of a castle steward to offer help to a lost Blood.”

Song Lei was so depressed that his veins began to bulge.

Pleasure my ass, please just get out of here!

The butler placed the mop aside and slowly moved to the door.

Bai Lixin’s held breath was also nearing its limit. He looked at Song Lei and Du Yang beside him, both of their eyes were starting to fill with blood and holding it in for one more second was torture.

Just when the two of them were about to lose their grip, the door to the room was slowly pulled shut.

Beyond the door, the sound of crisp footsteps came from the corridor, along with the butler’s bragging, “You’ll not get lost in this castle if you walk like me for a few more decades.”

Hearing the voices fade away, the three men then breathed a sigh of relief.

Song Lei and Du Yang opened their mouths and breathed in the long-lost oxygen around them.

Song Lei gasped, “Shit, I was almost scared to death, I thought I was going to die.”

Du Yang held onto the wall, “Let’s just get out of here.”

The three quietly left the studio room. Outside the corridor, the sky had completely darkened. The black clouds presses on and rumbled in the sky, shaking the ground as though a sign of doom.

Darkness was the environment in which the Bloods operated, and fearing that the Bloods would be waking up at any time, Song Lei and Du Yang went back to their rooms to stay there after saying a brief goodbye to Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin returned to the guest room on the first floor.

The door to the guest room was closed, and when Bai Lixin opened it, there was no light on inside.

Just when he was about to turn on the light, a force suddenly pressed him against the wall.

The warm breath immediately brushed against his ear, and Bai Lixin’s tense shoulders relaxed as he felt the familiar scent.

Bai Lixin, “Thank you for earlier.”

Warm lips rubbed against his neck, and the man’s voice was a little nasal, “How will you thank me?”

A force brushed against his sleeve, and Bai Lixin could feel the puffy sleeve being tugged down with force.

Cold air suddenly invaded his shoulders and Bai Lixin’s breath suddenly hitched, “Hey!”

Dense kisses fell down the line of his neck to his shoulder, and Dijia’s slightly lazy voice had a touch of coquetry in it, “I’m hungry again.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

You also know it’s “again”.

Suddenly, Bai Lixin stiffened.

His legs were parted by a tremendous force, and through the heavy skirt, Bai Lixin could feel a hardness.

Dijia said it again, “I’m hungry.”

At this moment, Bai Lixin especially wanted to ask back, “Where exactly is the hunger?”

Shit… he didn’t dare.

The current Dijia was like a slowly awakening beast, looking blankly for prey to bite.

Bai Lixin’s body clung to the wall behind him as he frowned at Dijia in the darkness and asked, “What’s wrong with you?”

Dijia sniffed the fragrance of Bai Lixin’s body. The feeling it gave him was even more intense than the stimulation he got from the blood. It was a fragrance that originated from Bai Lixin himself.

What was wrong with him?

When Bai Lixin was wearing men’s clothing, his shirt at least had a pocket. The fabric blocked direct contact between him and Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin was wearing a low-necked evening dress. So in order to hide his body, he had to burrow inside his clothes.

It was simply a form of torture.

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