After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 25.2 - Affectionate Blood Clan

Chapter 25.2 - Affectionate Blood Clan


Dijia rested his chin on Bai Lixin’s shoulder in annoyance. “Didn’t you want Mr. Mo’s name? Now that the Third generation of Bloods are still alive, why don’t I just find his master and ask for the name?”

Bai Lixin abruptly looked at Dijia, “Is that feasible?”

Dijia, “How shall we know if we don’t try?”

With that, he squeezed Bai Lixin so hard that Bai Lixin’s body stiffened again.

Dijia, “But there is a condition?”

Bai Lixin, “What condition?”

Dijia, “I want you.”

At Bai Lixin’s look of shock, Dijia bit him on the shoulder without warning.

This time, instead of being gentlemanly and subtle, he sucked the other man’s blood in large gulps.

Bai Lixin let out a psychological cry of pain, then he saw Dijia rip his white gown open, revealing broad shoulders unlike his own.

The pure white skin seemed to have a light of its own in the darkness, with a hazy layer of velvet light floating over it.

Dijia’s shoulders were broad, and although his skin looked pale, it couldn’t hide the powerful muscles underneath it.

But these muscles were not abrupt or knotted, and each possessed the perfect size and strength, neatly aligned beneath the skin.

Dijia’s intention had long been self-evident.

Bai Lixin gulped and opened his mouth to reveal his sharp fangs, slowly piercing Dijia’s collarbone.

Both men’s cheeks flushed a little. In the darkness, they gazed at each other from the corners of their eyes. The fire and urgency in Dijia’s eyes were like the bravest yak on the plateau, rushing madly into Bai Lixin’s soul.

Bai Lixin moved faster in his sucking.

His sanity told him he could not continue to stare at Dijia. Those eyes were filled with desire, and they were more impactful than the venom injected into his body, burning him to the core.


It had been raining for five or six hours, and Bai Lixin counted the hours until nightfall, when the rain gradually subsided.

The sky cleared and the moon climbed on top of the treetops. If it weren’t for the rich rainwater that remained on the windowsill and on the ground, one might even think that the devastating rainstorm earlier was just an illusion.

Dijia stood by the windowsill looking at him with a satiated expression and a certain impatience in the depths of his eyes.

With such an unconcealed gaze, Bai Lixin wanted to find a crack in the ground.

Dijia, “I’m going to look for the Third generation of Bloods now. Be careful and wait for my return.”

Bai Lixin felt his ears burning hot, and he nodded his head frantically, “Got it.”

The window was opened and a white bat quickly flew away with the night wind, disappearing into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Seeing Dijia leave, Bai Lixin walked to the bathroom.

He saw himself in the mirror, and his breath hitched, and he couldn’t help blushing.

In the mirror, his clothes were a little wrinkled and his puffy sleeves had slipped off, revealing his shoulders that had two small wounds.

It wasn’t just the shoulder, but the neck, the collarbone, and even slightly lower, all had several tiny wounds.

His originally smooth black hair was slightly dishevelled and his eyes were red, as if he had just been crying.

Bai Lixin braced himself on the sink and looked at himself in the mirror, wide-eyed.

Shit, he didn’t cry, okay?

Bai Lixin irritably scooped a handful of cold water onto his face and waited until the suspicious redness had faded before fixing his clothes and leaving the washroom.

He had a bunch of wounds from Dijia’s fangs, and he couldn’t go out until they had healed.

It was too humiliating.

Bored, Bai Lixin nestled himself into the sofa.

As he looked at the night scene outside his window, his mind squeezed in uncontrollable images.

Bai Lixin struggled to shake his head off and his eyes fell from the moon in the sky to the painting studio in the distance.

The dark curtains covered everything inside, and nothing could be seen.

Thoughts ran through Bai Lixin’s mind, and he recalled the figure he had seen on his last night in the surface world.

He had a perfect memory, and if that person had appeared in the hall, he would have been able to spot them.

But the man hadn’t.

However, he always felt that the figure was familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

That person sneaked into the studio quietly, and then left just as quietly. But who could it be?

While Bai Lixin was thinking, there was a soft knock on the door outside.

He froze and, after sweeping his gaze around the room, drew a shawl over his messy wounds.

Only when everything was sorted out did Bai Lixin go to the door of his room and open it.

The moment he saw the person outside the door, Bai Lixin was a little stunned.

It was an unexpected person.

This man, by all rights, should be accompanying Sophia right now.

Mr. Mo propped himself on his black and gold crane and looked at Bai Lixin with a smile.

His red eyes were as gentle as water and the corners of his mouth were gently pulled back in the most gentlemanly and modest smile.

His back was straight, his right-angled shoulders braced at his sides, interpreting the gentlest of masculine perfections.

If Bai Lixin hadn’t known his true colours, he would have been fooled by this look, and it was no wonder that Sophia was confused by Mr. Mo.

Bai Lixin smiled coldly and distantly, “What can I do for you, Mr. Mo?”

Mr. Mo, “I am sorry to disturb you so abruptly, beautiful lady. But Sophia has been clamouring to see you, so I came to fetch you myself.”

Bai Lixin, “How is Sophia? I believe today is her day of birth, right?”

Mr. Mo, “Yes, the mother and child are safe, but Sophia is too weak and a little shaken up at the moment. She needs your comfort.”

Mr. Mo paused and smiled with satisfaction, “I’m surprised that you are getting along so well. I have been worried that Sophia would not adapt to the world of Bloods.”

Bai Lixin looked at Mr. Mo hesitantly, “Where is Sophia now?”

Mr. Mo, “She has just come out of surgery. I’ve just taken her back to her bedroom. The maids and the child are with her.”

Bai Lixin glanced at the open window and said, “Let’s go.”

The shawl hung over his shoulders, and the skin under it was hidden.

Mr Mo’s eyes darkened, “How come I don’t see your husband?”

Bai Lixin, “We are country people. He has seen nothing of the world and has gone to walk around your castle.”

Contempt and mockery flashed in Mr. Mo’s eyes, “Miss must have suffered a lot with him, right?”

“I heard you were hiking when you arrived, and even the food was some old stuff that was on its way out. How can a beautiful lady like you, who should live in the most comfortable and cosy castle, live in that kind of despondency?”

Bai Lixin’s footsteps slightly slowed down, “Do you really love Miss Sophia?”

Mr. Mo’s expression faltered and he once again evoked a perfect smile, “Of course I do. How can it not be love when I am organizing a wedding for her?”

“If you love her, why didn’t you stay by her side after she worked hard to give birth? Why isn’t there the slightest look of worry on your face? If she wanted to see me, she could have sent one of your men to come over to me. What she needs most right now is for you to be by her side, right?”

“So you’re not looking out for Sophia, you’re looking for me?”

The tenderness in Mr. Mo’s eyes faded and was replaced by a morbid eagerness, “I love Sophia, but I don’t just love Sophia. I love everything beautiful, like you.”

What kind of century trash boss is this?

Bai Lixin was on the verge of vomiting, and he quickly moved two steps to the side to pull away from him. The fringe on his shawl fluttered in a nice arc, and he said, “Don’t you dare disgust me.”

Through his exchange with Mr. Mo, he could conclude that the other man had set his sights on him. It was also through the exchange that he knew Mr. Mo would not harm him yet. He seemed to rather enjoy this love game, and it was certain that the ones soaking in the formalin had all been Mr. Mo’s love interests at one time or another.

Only, they were different from Sophia.

He didn’t know if those women were Bloods initially, but it was certain that they were all Bloods at the point of death.

Mr. Mo’s was actually good at speculation; his mentality was like that of a high-ranking person.

It was evident from his actions that the goddess he had in mind was in Blood form.

To him, humans were inferior beings—food to be torn and trampled at will. How could his perfect goddess be a humble human being?

So Bai Lixin wasn’t worried about Sophia being harmed now; Mr. Mo was the ultimate perfectionist with obsessive-compulsive disorder, and he would not harm Sophia until after she turned into a Blood.

Until then, Mr. Mo would be the perfect guardian and would eliminate any existence that would harm Sophia.

As Bai Lixin moved quickly, his shawl rose, and the tassels swayed in the wind.

The red dress fluttered like an intense flame.

Mr. Mo watched Bai Lixin’s back from behind. A look of amazement flashed in his eyes, then greed overtook the amazement and came on strong.

Bai Lixin gently pushed the door to Sophia’s room open and caught a glimpse of the frail Sophia on the bed.

Sophia’s expression was terrified, and her face was pale. Beside her lay a swaddled cloth.

There were two Blood maids in the room, and when Bai Lixin entered, they were opening their mouths to reveal their cold fangs.

They noticed Bai Lixin and immediately put away their fangs before obediently standing to the sides.

Mr. Mo followed from behind and Bai Lixin frowned, “Please let them go. I want to talk to Sophia alone.”

Not only was Mr. Mo not angry because of Bai Lixin’s rudeness, he was even happy to do so.

He was always very patient with beautiful ladies, let alone such a top-notch one.

Mr. Mo gave the two maids a wink, and they immediately understood and left with the tray. Only when Mr. Mo and the others closed the door did Sofia cry out in despair, her tone pleading, “Miss Xin, help me!”

Bai Lixin walked in before she finally got a good look at the baby in the swaddled cloth.

This was no baby.

The “baby” in the clothes had old, sallow skin, with layers and layers of wrinkles, more wrinkles than those of an old man who was about to die. His face was not a normal human face, but a bat face, with a few yellow, bare hairs on top of a pointed head.

The baby didn’t cry; he sort of looked like an ugly elf from a western science fiction movie, with large bulging eyes that seemed like they could fall out in the next second. The blood-red eyes glared hard, staring straight at his mother with a very unkind gaze.

Sophia tried to sit up but pulled the wound on her abdomen.

Bai Lixin looked at Sophia’s stomach. It was wrapped in a thick bandage, and bright red blood oozed out, already staining a small patch of the bandage.

As the blood oozed out, saliva dribbled from the corners of the baby’s mouth. As if to match his hunger, he even slurped in greed.

Sophia’s face turned even more pale.

Bai Lixin looked up, and there was the same golden display of “Goodwill 55” above Sophia’s head.

Bai Lixin looked at the bandages, “Did Mr. Mo perform the surgery on you?”

Sofia nodded, “Yes, he gave me anesthetic, so I couldn’t feel the pain. But I didn’t sleep; I was too scared.”

The bandages were messy and not at all like the work of a perfectionist.

Bai Lixin looked at Sophia’s pale features and quickly understood.

I’m afraid Mr. Mo simply took a liking to Sophia’s face; he had gone searching around for the most perfect organs according to his perfect goddess standards, and accidentally found a face among humans that looked exactly like his perfect goddess.

All he wanted was her head, so he didn’t care if the rest of her was flawless or not.

He took the son out in the most straightforward and simple way, and then roughly stitched and bandaged her up.

Sophia had been scared the whole time, and Mr. Mo probably didn’t even soothe her.

Bai Lixin looked at the ugly monster-like baby and his mind recalled the handsome face of the Count’s son from the surface world.

Well, the contrast was a bit great.

Bai Lixin comforted the poor girl in front of him, “Don’t worry, don’t throw it away if it’s too ugly. Maybe it’ll look better after it’s raised. It seems that all Blood babies are ugly. You and Mr. Mo are both very good-looking, so the children you give birth to will not be bad.”

Sophia gulped as she tilted her head, glanced at the baby, and quickly turned her head back.

Sophia, “Was Mr. Mo this ugly as a child?”

Bai Lixin, “Don’t make trouble. How can that be?”

Sophia’s expression stiffened slightly, and Bai Lixin continued, “Don’t forget, Mr. Mo was transformed by Third generations of Bloods, so he used to be human.”

“……” Sophia smiled awkwardly, “You’re right.”

Goodwill 60.

Only after the fear of the baby eased did Sophia speak up, “Miss Xin, Hall, how is he?”

Bai Lixin opened the private chat.

Bai Lixin: [Xia Chi, has Hall been sent away yet?]

Xia Chi: [Brother, it was raining so hard! I took him to hide in a cave for awhile, and I’ve just put him at the entrance to the town. I saw him go in.]

Bai Lixin: [Good, hurry back, be safe, and don’t get caught by the humans.]

Xia Chi: [Okay, brother, I’ll be right back.]

After ending the private chat, Bai Lixin looked at Sophia, “He has been delivered to the town entrance. My servant saw him enter the town with his own eyes.”

Sophia finally had the first sincere smile tonight, “That’s great.”

Goodwill 90.

Bai Lixin, “Didn’t you say you’d do the first embrace after you gave birth? Why haven’t you had your first embrace yet?”

Sophia, “It was meant to be a first embrace, but I got scared when it was almost time. And I wanted to know if Hall was safe before the first embrace. I can only rest assured if he’s safe.”

“In other people’s eyes, the two of us were the golden couple, and what I did would be black history for him. I didn’t love him, but I didn’t want to hurt him either. I was touched that he would come to this castle to save me. But the touched I was, the more guilty I felt.”

“You promised to save Hall, and I gave birth wondering if you had saved him.”

Bai Lixin pursed his lips.

So it was because of me that Sophia’s first embrace was delayed.

The butterflies in the dense forest flapped their wings and swirled in the tsunami of change.

The weather changed, and so did the time of the first embrace.

A light flapping sound rang out of the window, and the two looked over to see a small miniature white bat standing outside the window.

Bai Lixin walked over to the window, and the white bat immediately flapped its wings lightly and landed on his shoulder.

Sophia saw this and asked, “What is this?”

Bai Lixin, “My pet.”

Sophia, “It’s so cute, can I pet it?”

Bai Lixin’s mouth twitched, “I’m afraid not, it bites.”

Sophia lowered her eyes in disappointment, “Fine then.”

Dijia’s annoyed voice rang in his ears, “I went out for a spin and found that this is a closed world. There was only this square inch of land, and not long after flying out, I was blocked by an invisible barrier. Beyond the barrier was pitch black.”

Bai Lixin’s eyes suddenly darkened.

Dijia didn’t notice the change in Bai Lixin’s eyes. He smoothed his fur in annoyance as he finished, shaking his wings and curling up on Bai Lixin’s shoulder.

Even Sophia could see that he looked depressed.

Sophia, “Is the little one sick?”

Of course, Bai Lixin knew the reason for Dijia’s depression. He raised an eyebrow and a light smile escaped from the corner of his mouth, “He’s been flying too long and his stamina couldn’t hold out.”

Dijia: “.…”

I’ve never been so speechless.

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