After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 26.2 - Affectionate Blood Clan

Chapter 26.2 - Affectionate Blood Clan

The wrinkled skin showed no signs of going away, and it still looked like an ugly little monster.

The wind outside the window grew stronger and the rain began to fall in dense sheets.

Bai Lixin didn’t linger any longer, and turned his head towards the door.

What was the one place that could make Sophia feel scared?

Had someone abducted Sophia?

She was the lady Mr. Mo had declared to the outside world, and even if the Bloods were restless, no Blood would dare to do her any harm.

But where could she go just after giving birth and still having wounds on her stomach?

One place after another flashed through Bai Lixin’s mind, and one after another was deleted. Suddenly, an image lagged in his mind and stopped at a dark room.

Even though Sophia was afraid of Mr. Mo at this moment, she still loved him in her heart.

When she heard that Mr. Mo was injured, what would she do if she was concerned? Of course, she would want to go and take care of her beloved Mr. Mo.

But there was “that” in that room.

Bai Lixin suddenly turned around and ran towards Mr. Mo’s bedroom.

Just as he ran around the corner, he saw a figure slumped weakly in the corner. A thin trail of blood had already run down the floor, extending deep into the corridor.

Bai Lixin rushed forward and turned the person around. It was none other than Sophia.

At the moment, Sophia looked like she was in some kind of shock. Her beautiful brown eyes, although scared, were still filled with starlight. However, they now have nothing but despair and fear.

On seeing Bai Lixin, Sophia’s pale lips moved up and down twice with difficulty, but not a sound was made.

Bai Lixin put his ear close enough to finally hear what Sophia was saying.

“Help me.”

The lights in the corridor pulsed a few times, then suddenly went out, and the deep passage was suddenly dark.

Outside the window, a huge bolt of lightning fell, and an eerie blue light came through the window.

At the end of the dark corridor was a monster. The huge, ugly gray bat had appeared out of nowhere.

Sophia saw the bat out of the corner of her eyes, and the fear in them increased. Bai Lixin looked down at Sophia’s body and realized that there was a hideous wound on her thigh.

The skin was turned outwards and blood-red tender flesh bulged out from inside. There were also a few strands of shredded flesh hanging from the edges of the wounds.

Sophia was barefoot and blood was smeared all over the soles of her feet. Something was reflecting light from them, and when Bai Lixin took a closer look, he realized that several shards of broken glass were lodged there. It was these glasses that had made Sophia’s feet a bloody mess.

A faint blue light flickered before the corridor went completely dark.

With a loud boom, fear struck Sophia hard in the heart.

She tried to scream, but fear had almost rendered her vocal cords useless. She opened her mouth hard and wailed silently, getting on her hands and knees to try to escape the monster behind her.

The only sounds left in the darkness were Sophia’s desperate gasping sobs and the roaring of the gray bat.

Another bolt of lightning fell, and the monster that had just been at the end of the corridor moved into the middle of the corridor, getting closer and closer to them. The extremely somber and faint blue light fell through the window and onto the monster, hiding half of its body in the darkness, while the other half was exposed by the eerie blue light from the lightning streaks.

The hideous mouth grinned, and in its huge mouth were chilling fangs.

A bright red tongue stretched out and drops of sticky, smelly saliva dripped to the ground.

A few of its fangs had fallen out, but it didn’t affect its horrifying effect.

Its body was an imposing two meters tall, and its ugly face was like an evil spirit that had crawled out of the deepest hell.

Sophia’s heart pounded. Death was not frightening, but this oppression after being abducted by death made her feel a deep sense of despair.

The blue light faded and darkness came again.

The roars of the ugly bat grew closer and closer, and Sophia closed her eyes in despair.

Just when she thought death was imminent, a pair of warm hands picked her up in the rumble of thunder.

Bai Lixin’s soothing and pleasant voice reached her ears, “Don’t worry, I’m here, it will be fine.”

His tone was not a deliberately suppressed and disguised gentleness like Mr. Mo’s, but a softness that had settled after countless years and came from the depths of his soul.

It was more than just words; it was as if they held some power within them, and she suddenly saw a light in the midst of a bottomless abyss.

At that moment, fear suddenly disappeared, and Sophia leaned into Bai Lixin’s arms with peace of mind.

The wind outside the window gradually died down.

A flash of lightning fell, and when the blue light lit the corridor again, the gray-haired bat appeared in front of the two.

The gray bat, which was out of control, also finally saw the face of the person in front of it, and its roars came to a screeching halt.

The gray bat subconsciously covered its faintly painful mouth and took two steps backwards.

Bai Lixin was not polite either. He held Sophia up, and directly kicked it.

The bat’s body abruptly flew away with the kick.

The blue light disappeared, and in the pitch-black darkness, all Sophia heard was a distant thud and a muffled groan.

Then there was the sound of rustling and movement.

The rain gradually stopped and the windows cleared at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The lights in the corridor pulsed a few times, and the light returned as well.

Sophia looked over and only saw a depression in the wall embedded by the monster.

Debris fell from the depression, but the monster was nowhere to be found.

Sophia: “……”

What a terrible combat ability!

Afraid of scaring Sophia, Bai Lixin looked down at Sophia and smiled dryly, “Actually, I’m a lady.”

Sophia: “……”

A lady who knocks out a monster with one punch, ah no, one kick?

But it gave a feeling of security!

So handsome!

By the time he carried Sophia back to her room, the moon in the sky had climbed back above the branches in the sky.

Bai Lixin was now certain that this world was centered around Sophia.

He didn’t immediately question Sophia, but first boiled a pot of black tea and milk for her.

Sophia had drunk a cup of black tea and milk, and after seeing that her face was gradually getting a little rosy, Bai Lixin asked, “Where is the medical kit?”

Sophia pointed towards the small box in the corner of the bookcase.

Bai Lixin found the box and began to treat Sophia’s wound.

Sophia was wearing pajamas and her trousers were in tatters.

“What just happened?” Bai Lixin asked as he took scissors to cut off the torn parts around the wound and then disinfected and cleaned her.

The immense pain from the disinfectant falling on the wound caused Sophia’s features to twist in pain.

A flash of lightning fell outside the window, followed by a muffled thunderclap.

But compared to the daytime and the rainstorm earlier, this thunder and lightning was just thunder without rain.

Bai Lixin frowned as he tended to her wounds. He had seen from the faint light that Sophia’s wound was very deep, but he had not expected it to be so serious.

It looked like the wound came from being bitten. The gigantic mouth had taken a direct hold of her calf and bitten through the bone to close all around it.

The tendons and nerves in the calf had been bitten off, and the calf was basically ruined.

With a secret sigh, Bai Lixin glanced at Sophia out of the corner of his eye.

The girl was not crying at the moment. She was afraid of accidentally biting her tongue, so she had taken a pillow and stuffed it into her mouth.

Cold sweat trickled down her forehead and her face. The face, which had just become rosy, turned white again.

She looked small and well-behaved, yet she was braver and stronger than anyone else.

Bai Lixin took a deep breath and reassured her. “Bear with it a little longer; it will be fine soon.”

Sophia nodded with difficulty as her hand clutched the bed frame.

Dijia dropped to Bai Lixin’s shoulder and watched in silence as he gently applied the medicine.

In order to shorten Sophia’s pain as quickly as possible, Bai Lixin was quick to apply the medicine. He then slowly bandaged her up before coming to her feet.

The soles of her feet were already stained with blood, and a dozen pieces of broken glass were lodged deep beneath them.

They were clear pieces of glass, and since she came from the direction of Mr. Mo’s bedroom, it was self-evident which objects came from there.

In her panic, this thin eighteen-year-old girl in front of him stepped over the pieces of glass and ran out. 

Bai Lixin took out small tweezers and quickly picked out the broken glass.

Two of the small glass fragments had lodged themselves a centimeter deep inside the flesh. When Bai Lixin reached in to remove the pieces, Sophia only groaned a few times without uttering a single plea for mercy.

Under the constant stimulation and pressure of fear, the young girl in front of him was rapidly growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was only after he had administered the medicine and bandaged the final wound that Bai Lixin let out a long breath.

Only then did he realize that his own back was a little wet.

Sophia was on the verge of fainting from the pain. She weakly took down her pillow and choked out a sob to Bai Lixin, “Thank you.”

“What the hell happened?” Bai Lixin gathered up the medicine box and rested for a moment before asking Sophia once more.

Sophia took a deep breath, “I heard from the butler that Mr. Mo had been attacked. He was badly injured and was resting in his room. I was worried about him and thought I would go and see how he was doing.”

Bai Lixin, “You’ve only just had major surgery and you’re in the mood to worry about others. True love.”

Sophia smiled awkwardly and lifted her pajamas to reveal her stomach, “Because my wounds have healed.”

Bai Lixin’s gaze fell on Sophia’s stomach. The feather-like lashes twitched a few times, and the eyes hidden under the long, thick lashes showed surprise.

The stomach, which had been bandaged and oozing blood this afternoon, was now as smooth as ever.

Bai Lixin froze for just two seconds, and was soon relieved.

This was a world centered on Sophia. She was like the creator god of this world, and it was not unusual for her to have the ability to heal herself.

Bai Lixin then looked at Sophia’s calf, which had been bitten by the bat. The wound on her calf should be able to heal as well.

Sophia continued, “In my haste and without changing my clothes, I went to Mr. Mo’s room in my pajamas and slippers.”

Actually, I didn’t like that room at all. It was too dark and it gave me an uncomfortable feeling.”

“The door to the room was left open by a crack, so I pushed the door extra quietly for fear of disturbing Mr. Mo’s rest.”

“He was sitting at his desk at that time, and he seemed to be holding something in his arms and was looking down at it.”

“Probably because he was so focused, he didn’t notice my presence. It wasn’t until I walked up to the desk and saw what was on the desk and in his arms that I screamed in fear.”

“I was so scared I knocked over one of his containers, and the next thing I knew, a piece of neck had rolled under my feet.” Sophia shuddered and whimpered, “I was so scared that my body subconsciously kicked the neck away.”

“Then Mr. Mo started going crazy, saying that I had ruined his most perfect lover and that he would have killed me if it weren’t for this face of mine.”

Sophia’s eyes began to redden, and she wrapped her arms around herself, looking helpless like a child lost in the snow: “That’s when I realized that he’d collected so many organs, that he’d said he loved me because he’d taken a fancy to this head of mine! He wanted to kill me from the beginning!”

“Then, the next thing I knew, he had turned into a monster and bit my leg. I was so scared that I grabbed the jar on the table and smashed it into the monster. It was probably worried about the collection and let go of me, and I took the opportunity to run away, and then I met you.”

Speaking of this, Sophia couldn’t help but feel a pang of fear. “If I hadn’t met you in the corridor, I can’t even imagine what would have happened back there. You saved me once again, Miss Xin. I don’t even know how to repay you.”

Bai Lixin looked at the top of Sophia’s head.

Goodwill 100.

[Ding! Congratulations player, Sophia’s goodwill has reached 100. Unlock Sophia’s sincerity, and you can get clues to Mr. Mo’s origin name by talking to Sophia.]

Bai Lixin, “Sophia, there is a question I would like to ask you.”

Sophia immediately said, “What kind of question?”

Bai Lixin, “I want to know Mr. Mo’s real name. Do you have any clue?”

“Real name?” Sophia thought hard at first, her brow furrowed, then she shook her head helplessly, “I don’t know. I’m sorry, I’ve never heard of it.”

Bai Lixin was slightly disappointed but didn’t pressure her, “Perhaps he accidentally exposed it when you were together before. Think about it more carefully and if anything comes to mind, even if it’s something you think is irrelevant, please do tell me.”

“I’m sorry,” Sophia looked at Bai Lixin guiltily, “you’ve helped me so much and I can’t even help with this. Don’t worry, I’ll think about it and if I have a clue, I’ll tell you immediately.”

Outside the window, the moon had gradually set, and the distance was turning whitish.

It was almost dawn.

Dijia rubbed against Bai Lixin’s neck restlessly, the rich and strong scent burrowing into his nose. Bai Lixin’s eyes darkened slightly as he slowly stood up.

“If there’s nothing else, I’ll go back first. You take a good rest.” Bai Lixin stood up, “Right there is more. Mr. Mo will storm out of control when he turns into a bat, so he won’t remember what happened when he regains his human form. You can rest assured that for now, he won’t hurt you.”

Sophia covered her neck, “I see. Thanks, but how did you know that?”

“Uh,” Bai Lixin smiled, “I was the one who attacked him in the evening. Did you see those missing teeth in his mouth when he attacked you earlier? I knocked them out.”

Sophia: “……”

Just when Bai Lixin reached the door and was about to leave, Sophia asked in a tentative whisper, “Miss Xin, do you still hold true to your words that if I think of something I want, I can tell you…?”

Bai Lixin turned around and found that the girl was looking at him with a flustered pleading gaze, “Yes, what do you want?”

Sophia, “Maybe I’m really bad, but I want to get the hell out of here. I want to go back to the human world.”

She tugged at the quilt with both hands, not even daring to meet Bai Lixin’s eyes, “I was so determined to escape my family’s grasp, that when someone suddenly fell from the sky and tempted me, I thought he was my light. I was terribly wrong, and brought distress to those around me.”

The quilt was being pulled faster and faster, and Sophia’s tone was unusually frustrated: “But even if I left here and returned to the human world, where could I go? My father must consider me a disgrace to the family, and there is no place for me in the house anymore.”

Bai Lixin, “Don’t take all the blame on yourself. Everyone has the power to decide their own destiny and should not be a tool for others to plan. It was not your fault that you wanted to break free from being controlled. You are also a victim.”

“Going back to your family is not the only place to go. The world is huge. You can try to live the life you aspire to. If you can handle a monster like Mr. Mo, what else would you be afraid of?”

Sophia looked at Bai Lixin with burning eyes and said, “Yes! Thank you!”

Bai Lixin looked at the smiling girl in front of him and suddenly felt a thousand emotions in his heart.

The surface world is the real timeline, and there, Lady Rose had Sophia’s head. This meant that, in the normal timeline, Sophia had already been killed.

There is no such thing as returning to the human world in the normal timeline, let alone living the life you want.

This was just the world of Sophia’s energy mass illusion, a distorted space made up of Sophia’s obsessions and resentments.

Only when Sophia’s obsession is fulfilled would she be able to rest, and the distorted space would disappear.

That was the true node.

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