After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 26.1 - Affectionate Blood Clan

Chapter 26.1 - Affectionate Blood Clan

Bai Lixin, “What is your obsession?”

Sophia was confused by Bai Lixin’s question, “What?”

Her face was pale and there was a deep sense of helplessness and longing in her eyes. Bai Lixin thought for a moment and said, “Or to put it differently, what do you want most right now?”

“I’d like to…” Sophia hesitated for a moment, biting her lip and frowning, “I don’t know…”

Bai Lixin didn’t continue to press Sophia, “It’s okay, take your time thinking about it. You can always tell me if you think of something.”

Sophia looked at Bai Lixin gratefully.

Goodwill 91.

Sophia was appeased for a while, and Bai Lixin did not leave the room until she had fallen asleep.

Outside the door of the room was Mr. Mo.

His eyes swept over the white bat that had landed on Bai Lixin’s shoulder without a trace, and he said with a soft smile, “Miss Xin, I wonder if I would have the honour of treating you to afternoon tea?”

Bai Lixin looked at the full moon outside the window, “Afternoon tea?”

Mr. Mo looked as usual, “Late night tea.”

The white bat stomped twice on Bai Lixin’s shoulder, and Bai Lixin smiled lightly, “Sure.”

They walked slowly on the way, not with the same urgency as when they first arrived.

The shawl was still slung over Bai Lixin’s shoulders when Mr. Mo spoke, “Does Miss Xin like roses?”

Bai Lixin, “No.”

Mr. Mo, “But you like to wear red dresses, isn’t that the color of red roses?”

Bai Lixin, “My family is poor and this is all we have left.”

Dijia: “……”

“Haha,” the corners of the man’s eyes twitched, and then he laughed, “Miss Xin is very humorous. You have a husband. I have a fiancée. Outside the window, the moon is thick and the roses are in full bloom. Do you think we look like two lovers who are having an affair?”

Bai Lixin looked over his shoulder at the bat that was starting to blow up, “… Yeah.”

Or the kind where the husband is spying on everything.

Dijia: “……”

Not expecting an affirmative answer from Bai Lixin, Mr. Mo first froze and then laughed happily.

Having cheered Mr. Mi up, Bai Lixin began to set up a conversation.

“Mr. Mo, how did you meet Miss Sophia?”

Mr Mo’s eyes grew hot, “I was out hunting once and I saw her. I was shocked at the time; she looked exactly like the most perfect goddess in my mind.”

He paused and explained, “In fact, I love everything beautiful. I drew an image of the perfect woman according to my understanding of perfection and hung it in my studio. Do you know the excitement I felt at that moment when a figure that I thought was only a fantasy suddenly appeared in front of me?”

Bai Lixin, “So Sophia is the perfect goddess in your mind?”

“Of course she isn’t.” A flash of disgust crossed Mr. Mo’s eyes, but his tone was gentle, “Everyone is different and my goddess is unique. How can I compare them together? It’s an insult.”

Bai Lixin walked as he secretly surveyed Mr. Mo.

Although it was subtle, he was still able to see that Mr. Mo had slightly sloping feet, which must be why he constantly used a cane.

The two men walked for a few minutes and came to a parlor.

It was a place that Bai Lixin had not explored in the surface world. The parlor was decorated in gold, with a starry roof overhead on a blue background.

The Bloods did not like light, so this parlor was dimly lit. In the corner of the room were piles of roses, as if they were in a sea of flowers.

Outside the window was the beautiful rose garden.

Mr. Mo, “I always thought that red roses were the most beautiful flowers in the world, so I planted them all over the place.”

He pointed to the rose garden outside the window, “Later on, I will make this place full of roses, and I will be able to smell them whenever I open the window. My wife will also be called Lady Rose, because only the most perfect woman deserves the word ‘Rose’.”

Mr. Mo paused, his eyes falling on Bai Lixin’s fiery red gown, “And you deserve the word ‘Rose’.”

Bai Lixin got two messages from these words.

Firstly, Mr. Mo was very fond of roses.

Secondly, only the perfect woman could be his wife, and her name was Lady Rose.

And Sophia, as she was now, was not perfect.

Bai Lixin swept his eyes around the parlor and noticed a bookshelf by the wall. He stood up and went to the bookshelf, taking a book from it at random. Just as he opened it, a dried petal fell out of it and onto the floor. Bai Lixin subconsciously bent down to pick it up, and the shawl slowly fell next to the rose petal.

A pair of pale hands, quicker than Bai Lixin, suddenly reached over and picked up the petal, and Bai Lixin’s shawl as well.

Mr. Mo’s voice carried a hint of regret, “But even the most perfect flowers have a time to fade. How beautiful they are when they bloom, how ugly they are when they fade.”

“I want these flowers to stay at their most perfect point in time, so that they remain what they are worth, just like these bookmarks.”

Bai Lixin was certain that the flowers Mr. Mo was referring to were not roses.

With a gentle twist of Mr. Mo’s index, middle, and thumb, the petal, which had been brightly coloured a moment before, immediately turned to pieces and disappeared into the air with a blow from his lips.

Only then did the man open the shawl he had picked up. He was just about to put the cloak on Bai Lixin as a gentleman when his smile suddenly froze at the sight of the small, dense wounds on his neck and chest.

He tugged at the corners of his mouth, trying to maintain the smile, but his face pulled into a grimace because he was so angry.

“What’s going on here?!” Mr. Mo glared, “Why are there so many cuts?! You have such nice skin. Don’t you know how to take care of it?!”

“Why is it that there are always people like you in the world? God has given you a unique advantage and all you want to do is trash it!”

The more Mr. Mo talked, the angrier he became, and the more his whole body trembled. He even pounded the cane in his hand to the ground with a loud bang.

Mr. Mo would have smashed his cane right into Bai Lixin if it hadn’t been for the fact that he was a “beauty.”

Bai Lixin grabbed his shawl and put it on.

The other man was out of control, and the man’s expression, which had always been calm, grew more and more hideous. His facial features almost shrank together, his hair turned a dry grey and his body became wrinkled.

It was the spitting image of the baby that had just been born.

In his ear, Dijia “tsked” twice, “So ugly.”

Bai Lixin couldn’t speak, so he could only use his eyes to ask Dijia.

Dijia, “Bloods can have beautiful or ugly beast forms. My beast form is like this, but Mr. Mo’s beast form in front of you is the ugliest one I have ever seen. Heh, he seeks the ultimate beauty, but he himself is ugly to the extreme. Don’t you think it’s ironic?”

“From my observation, Mr. Mo is not only a pervert, but a pervert who disguises himself with conceit and ferocity after having extremely low self-esteem.”

“Just his looks would be a strange disgrace to be placed in the Blood race. He was transformed by the Third Bloods, so he must have spent a lot of time around them. You can imagine the kind of ridicule he received when the greed of feeding made him transform.”

The beast had burst through its ornate courtly garb, its gray fleece of varying lengths exposed as if it were a rat in a sewer.

Fleshy wings stretched out, and the gentlemanly-looking Mr. Mo moved towards Bai Lixin on all fours.

There was no more of the previous calm in his eyes, only the primal hunting madness of a beast.

Bai Lixin looked at Dijia, “Is he out of control now?”

Dijia, “Yes, he won’t remember even if something happens. I’ll help you.”

Bai Lixin, “No, I’ll do it myself.”

The beautiful, sultry, and stunning beauty lifted the hem of ‘her’ skirt and kicked the ugly bat in the belly.

It was quick, vicious, and without a moment’s hesitation.

There was a loud thud, and the bat crashed heavily onto the bookshelf.

The cold in Bai Lixin’s eyes increased, and while the ugly bat was still in a daze, Bai Lixin had already rushed up, leaving behind countless after images.

The short-lived Blood attribute had boosted his strength by about 50%, and now was the time to test Mr. Mo’s strength.

The opportunity was too good to miss.

Before the ugly bat could react, Bai Lixin’s fists punched through one at a time. The beastly head fell side to side as his fists sank into the flesh.

Teeth mixed with flesh and blood were spat out of the ugly bat’s mouth. The eyes were on the verge of being punched out by Bai Lixin, and it hurt for Dijia to watch.

“Tsk, so fierce.” Dijia flapped his wings to watch the battle from mid-air.

He said this with his mouth, but his eyes flashed with excitement and pleasure.

Punch harder, don’t stop! Harder!

After an unknown number of blows, the ugly bat finally reacted and grabbed Bai Lixin’s wrist with the claws attached to its fleshy wings.

As a result, Bai Lixin delivered an over-the-shoulder slam, dropping the bat to the ground.

The white bat’s lips twitched as it silently flapped its wings and flew a few inches higher.

The rat-like bat fell to the ground. Its eyes rolled over and it passed out.

After making sure the bat had completely fainted, Bai Lixin took a deep breath, straightened his hair before slowly picking up his skirt with both hands and crossing his right leg back. He did a lady’s salute and said, “Excuse me.”

Dijia: “……”

Wouldn’t you dominate the Bloods with just this rude fist?

Bai Lixin sneered and picked up the shawl that had fallen to the ground during the fight. He turned around and left without looking back, leaving only Mr. Mo, who was in a mess.

Xia Chi had just returned when he heard the commotion and he came over just in time to see the scene of the aftermath.

He covered his mouth in shock and swallowed his scream, “Brother! What new monster is that ugly thing?”

Bai Lixin, “That’s Mr. Mo.”

Xia Chi compared the monster to the always sulky Count. In his head, he silently planted the beastly head onto the neck of the humanoid Mr. Mo.

Xia Chi shook with goosebumps: “……”

Shit, it’s disgusting.

When he snapped out of his nausea, he realized that Bai Lixin had already walked out a few meters away.

He hurriedly followed, still looking a little worried, “Brother, didn’t you say to try to lower your presence and not to get into conflict with Mr. Mo? I’m afraid it might affect the surface world.”

“That was because I hadn’t figured out what this world was really about,” Bai Lixin tightened his cloak, “I probably understand what’s going on here. We can not only punch Mr. Mo here, but we can punch him as many times as we like to practice, and even kill.”

“Bother,” Xia Chi was full of aggression, “I’m a mortal, please consider my brain capacity and I’m just for a trip. How come Mr. Mo can now be killed?”

Bai Lixin, “This is not Mr. Mo’s past at all; it’s a virtual space formed under the energy of obsession.”

Xia Chi, “Obsession? Mr. Mo’s obsession?”

Bai Lixin, “It should be Sophia’s.”

Xia Chi: “??!”

“As I said before, this place could be the past of the surface world, or it could be something else. In order to determine if the world here is real, I started to observe this world, and then I found out it has a lot of bugs.”

“First of all, there is the totem in the painting studio. For a family, the totem is the most strict thing under the bloodline inheritance, and it will not be changed easily. But in this world, the totem in the painting room is not the same as that in the surface world.”

“If this was a normal past, there could be no such problem.”

“The other thing is the moon in the sky. Have you noticed that the moon in the past two days and the moon yesterday not only stopped in the same place, but even the shapes are not different? In the surface world, the moon would be different every night.”

Xia Chi: “……”

Who could have found this out? Only you!

“There are so many things that didn’t make sense, so this was definitely not a normal world.”

Xia Chi, “Then why do you say this is Miss Sophia’s obsession world?”

Bai Lixin, “What made me suspicious was the weather change.”

“The players before us said that the first two rain storms with hail only started in the evening, and this one started in the morning.”

“You know what the coincidence was each time the rain stopped?”

“What?” Xia Chi’s eyes were full of curiosity. He couldn’t wait for Bai Lixin to fast-forward to the finale, but he couldn’t let go of the reasoning process in between.

“Sophia finished giving birth and resting in her room.”

“It was like the weather echoed her emotions. The weather outside became catastrophic when she was nearing despair.”

“The first two times were the same, because we didn’t enter the castle. I didn’t meet up with Sophia, and it had been following the timeline as it should have been.”

“It’s changed this time because we came in. I was talking to Sophia in the corridor yesterday, and the conversation supposedly stimulated the fetus. Because it had suddenly grown, the original birth was shifted from the afternoon to the morning.”

“The rainstorm and earthquake also changed the morning hours.”

“This world responds to Sophia’s inner emotions.”

“This world is gentle; both the humans in the towns and the players live peacefully and unharmed. Do you think that would be possible if it were a world caused by Mr. Mo’s obsession? Sophia’s obsession caused this world. That’s the only plausible explanation I can think of.”

Xia Chi: “……”

Brother, I’ll kneel down for you.

What kind of immortal big boss are you?

When others looked at the sky: the moon was so round and the stars were so bright!

When the big boss looks at the sky: the moon is not right! This world is not real!

“That… brother.” Xia Chi wiped his face and restrained the urge to hug Bai Lixin’s thigh, “So what do we do next?”

Bai Lixin looked at the washed out sky overhead and spat out one word, “Wait.”

There was a dinner party every night.

It was dinner time again, and the guests arrived as scheduled.

The melodious sound of the piano continued to play, and as the minutes ticked by, Mr. Mo, who was supposed to arrive, was slow to appear.

The Bloods, who were eagerly awaiting the delicious food, were a little agitated.

“What’s going on? It’s already 11 o’clock, why hasn’t Mr. Mo appeared?”

“Didn’t they say they would provide the freshest ingredients every night? I haven’t eaten all day for this. I’m so hungry, so hungry.”

Just as the emotions of the Bloods were getting out of hand, the butler came slowly with hobbled steps.

“Ahem, sorry everyone,” the butler coughed twice, sounding a little sad, “the master is a little unwell today and cannot entertain you all, so this is the end of the banquet for tonight.”

The butler got groans in reply.

The moon outside the window was still hanging at the perfect angle, and even its color was the nicest creamy white.

The window was open and the temperature was not too cold, not too hot. It was just right for the late summer season that humans enjoy most. A gentle breeze ruffled the silk around the temples and kissed human cheeks tenderly.

The wind was also laced with the beautiful scent of roses.

This was a world transformed by Sophia’s obsession, where everything in nature rested when her mind was in the most perfect state.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning streaked across the sky.

Immediately afterwards, dark clouds covered the moon and the wind became stronger and stronger.

Bai Lixin got up abruptly, carrying his skirt and striding towards Sophia’s room.

The door to Sophia’s room was open, and when he entered, he only saw the hideous baby, not Sophia.

It had been half a day since he had seen her, and the baby in the swaddle had surprisingly grown to the size of a five-or six-month old baby.

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