After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 29.1 - Affectionate Blood Clan

Chapter 29.1 - Affectionate Blood Clan

[Ding! Overlapping copies found, and points divided by copy.]

[Ding! The fusion of copies [ Blood Clan] is complete.]

[Ding! The total number of players for the copy is 50. 56 players remaining.]

[Ding! Copy game points have been accumulated. The current number of points is 20,000. The remaining number of allocated players is 56. Points will be distributed through the survivor’s performance.]

[Ding! Congratulations to player Bai Lixin for clearing the hidden copy of [Sophia’s Obsession] and obtaining the hidden item “Scythe of Light”.]

The system prompts came out one after another, and the black hole full of darkness and coldness disappeared with Sophia’s Obsession, to be replaced by an ordinary basement and grocery room.

More than twenty people crowded the stairway, staring at each other.

After a long time, a fit and muscular young man with a short head looked at his hands excitedly, “We’ve changed back to the way we were when we first entered the copy!”

This player looked familiar. The young players looked at each other’s familiar and unfamiliar faces, and their long-forgotten memories slowly began to awaken.

One young player hesitantly asked, “Are you Song Lei?”

“Hahahaha,” the muscular man laughed and held up his arms to show off his huge biceps, “Yes, I’m Song Lei! After all these years, I’d forgotten all about my tendons. Woohoo! My muscles are finally back! I feel so moved.”

One player frantically searched the crowd, and his face suddenly lit up with joy as he rushed over to a man and hugged him tightly.

“You’ve come back to life! It’s great that you’re alive!”

The man first looked around in confusion, and only after seeing the person in front of him and his surroundings did he hug the other man back tightly.

“I’m alive! I’m still alive!”

Although they had changed from old to young, the bones underneath their facial features would not have changed much, and Bai Lixin could still identify who was who.

There were two unfamiliar players in the crowd that Bai Lixin had never seen before, and one other player that Bai Lixin remembered a bit. He was one of the 50 people who had entered the copy with him.

There were only 26 people alive in the inner world at that time, including him, Xia Chi, and Dijia.

Excluding Dijia, there were 25 players left at the time, but the system said that there were 28.

Not only had they returned to the surface world, but the three players who had died in the inner world had also come back to life.

Bai Lixin, “First, look at your taskbar.”

The crowd responded by hurriedly checking their task bars.

Instead of first opening the task bar, Bai Lixin opened his backpack.

The scythe, wrapped in a light golden light, was lying quietly in the backpack, waiting for its owner to call it.

In Bai Lixin’s memory, scythes were mostly black in color, symbolizing death.

But although this scythe shone white and gold, it did not diminish its sharpness and coldness in any way.

This scythe was called, “Scythe of Light”, and Bai Lixin knew that it represented the heart of Sophia.

It was pure and tough.

Bai Lixin closed his backpack and opened the task bar.

The time that had stopped in the top right corner of the task bar had started pulsing again.

[Survival task: Survive in the castle for four days and four nights. (1.7 days and 2 nights/4 days and 4 nights); 

Task 2: Find the real murderer of Lady Rose. (Answer: ________)

(One chance only, cannot be changed after filling in.)]

[Hidden mission: Kill Mr. Mo.]

Bai Lixin silently changed the words “Hidden Mission” to “Must Do Mission” in his mind.

Song Lei finished reading the task bar and frowned slightly, “Is it just the second day of this copy?”

Du Yang, captain of Squad 5, “It’s surprisingly already the second day. What’s wrong? Your expression is not quite right.”

The old players saw that the time had just reached the second day, and no amount of joy from gaining their youth could stop their tangled expressions.

One old player wailed, “It was better not to come back! The third and fourth nights are a massacre. The massacre continued until the last minute of the copy timer. None of us expected Mr. Mo to suddenly play some kind of cat and mouse game. We just accidentally entered the inner world while hiding from their pursuit.”

The air suddenly became heavy.

They had been in this copy before, and no one had survived. It meant that everyone else had died except for those who were lucky enough to enter the inner world.

Mr. Mo had not left a single one of them behind and killed them all.

Just as people were panicking, Xia Chi rubbed his hands together and said tentatively, “They have Mr. Mo, but don’t we have a secret weapon too?”

He didn’t say it explicitly, but his eyes kept looking towards Bai Lixin.

The crowd all froze, and then the hearts in their throats fell back.

Yes, they had Bai Lixin!

Song Lei counted the number of people and suddenly let out an “eh”, “That’s not right, plus the 3 who were resurrected, shouldn’t we have 29 people? How come there are only 28 of us?”

He took a serious look around the crowd and was stunned, “Bai Lixin, your very cold companion didn’t come back!”

After six months of being together, that cold man with a great aura was so aloof that they didn’t even know his name up to now.

Of course, Xia Chi knew who they were talking about. He looked at the crowd with a tangled expression, his throat rolling up and down as if he wanted to say something, before he held it in hard.

Half a year has passed and you haven’t noticed that the bat on my brother’s shoulder and the man never appear at the same time?

Don’t you guys even have the power of observation to do that?

Bai Lixin smoothed out the little bat on his shoulder and simply said, “He’s not a player. Let’s go back to the dorm first. I still have something to do there.”

All, “Okay.”

Not a player? Was he also an NPC from the inner world?

Forget it, just clear the copy and leave.

The live broadcast room.


[Uh, my brain’s a bit dead, can someone explain what’s going on?]

[I’m laughing to death, ahhhhhhh, not bad for a God Xin, you’re just *YYDS! I hadn’t even finished scrolling through the mourning barrage when he resurrected. Oh, and with twenty-seven people, what kind of genius is this!]

*Slang for “Forever a God.”

[No, he’s not a genius, he’s a god! He is definitely a god!]

[I recognize the twenty extra players, they seem to be players from the previous [ Blood Clan] copy.]

[The black hole in the basement disappeared! They died there and were resurrected there. That black hole must be a teleportation array or something.]

[You’re right. Now the two copies are fused, and the points are doubled. This is a direct pickup of the last unfinished copy. What kind of operation is this?! It’s really stabbing a knife in the ass and opening the eyes.]

[‘ve never seen such an abnormal thing before. The authorized number of people per copy is 50, but the current number is 56. I’m laughing myself to death too. I guess the system is going to be stupid.]

[Teleportation array? Where did it take them? I really want to see, can the system show us?]

[Didn’t the system just say that it was a hidden copy? Bai Lixin also obtained the ‘Scythe of Light’ in it. The scythe must be very handsome, ah! I guess the process of obtaining it is also very thrilling and exciting. I also want to see.]

At the top of the live broadcast room, an official announcement with a yellow bottom border rolled over.

[Announcement]: The hidden copy has a disconnected recording, and the recording has now been transmitted to the main system now that the system has been reconnected. The hidden copy process has now been uploaded to the live room, so players can watch it themselves.]

[Holy fuck! System, for the first time, you’re so powerful, I’m going to watch it now.]

[Are you willing to miss God Xin’s next operation when clearing this copy? Anyway, the hidden copy is already uploaded, I’ll watch it later.]

[I’ll watch it later too. I haven’t licked God Xin’s face for only a second, but why am I already missing it ?]

A few minutes later, more than twenty players, led by Bai Lixin, entered the dormitory in great numbers.

Seeing the new and old faces appearing, the new players in the dormitory had only one thing in mind: What the hell?

Bai Lixin?

Isn’t he dead?

No, there was even squad five in there, weren’t they dead either?

Could it be that the forbidden zone can bring you back to life after you die?

It’s okay that they came back to life, but what about the dozens of extra players?

Du Yang impatiently searched around the crowd and quickly locked onto Wen Ziqing’s figure. He quickly went up and cursed.

“You bastard! You look like a man, but you’re a beast with a human face!” Du Yang stepped forward and yanked Wen Ziqing’s collar, lifting him up with a somewhat ugly expression.

The crowd of players looked at each other but had no intention of intervening.

Only a few people who regarded Wen Ziqing as their spiritual leader rushed forward. But as soon as they stepped forward, they were blocked by seven or eight people.

It was the players who had just come out of the inner world.

Du Yang continued to scold Wen Ziqing, “I treated you as a good friend, but you actually just used my trust to harm me and trick me into that black hole. If we hadn’t gotten out with Bai Lixin’s help, Laozi would have been trapped in there while you, a pest, would have sat back and reaped the benefits!”

The watching players that heard this stopped moving, and they pricked up their ears, wanting to hear the secret inside.

Wen Ziqing was forced to look up at Du Yang when suddenly, his eyes grew wet and tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

Wen Ziqing’s free hand wrapped around Du Yang’s waist and said excitedly, “You’re still alive; that’s great! I’ve been blaming myself for what happened to you! It’s all my fault. As long as you’re still alive, it’s good. If hitting me will help you vent, hit or scold me as much as you want.”

With this manipulation, even the enraged Du Yang was stunned.

Du Yang was so disgusted that he pushed Wen Ziqing away and immediately shook the goose bumps on his body, “Are you fucking sick? Don’t think you can fool me by pretending to be pitiful. I’m not the same idiot as before.”

Wen Ziqing was crying, but he was holding back his tears.

“I’m sorry, I actually lied to everyone. I didn’t watch the entire copy of [The Blood Clan].” With Wen Ziqing’s words, everyone present was a little dumbfounded.

He didn’t watch the full copy? So everything he said before was a lie?

Wen Ziqing, “At that time, everyone was scared because of that dead player. I had only watched a part of the early part, so I lied about that in order to pacify everyone and quickly stabilize your emotions.”

He looked at Du Yang again and said, “When the lottery was drawn, you drew that basement, didn’t you? I could see your fear at that time. If I was alone, I would have swapped places with you. But I wasn’t alone. There were five other players behind me, and even if I had said yes, they wouldn’t have said yes.”

“I had no idea the basement would be so dangerous. I only lied so you could calm down and wouldn’t be afraid anymore. They were all lies of good intentions.”

“I was stunned when I heard you were dead. I was the last to return, and I never thought it would be you who died. If I had known it was so dangerous, I would never have let you in.”

“Although my initial intentions were good, I was at fault, and you are right to blame me. It was my blindness and conceit that did you all in.”

Du Yang frowned, examining the harmless-looking man in front of him.

If it had been in the past, he would have forgiven Wen Ziqing already.

But after that incident, he simply could not trust the man in front of him, and he did not know which of his words were true and which were not.

As the players around them listened, the hesitation and fear in their eyes grew heavier.

What was the most frightening thing in a copy where you could die in the next second?

It was misinformation.

But there was someone who had told such a big lie, deceiving them that he had seen the entire copy video.

But the good thing was that most of the information provided by Wen Ziqing was correct, so it seemed that he wasn’t a total liar, and he had indeed seen part of the copy.

The conversation between Du Yang and Wen Ziqing was something that they had understood.

Once the seeds of suspicion were planted, they would quickly take root and grow unchecked.

In the current situation, there are only two guesses.

First, Wen Ziqing had indeed not watched the entire copy, and if that was the case, then he had deceived and misdirected squad five.

Secondly, Wen Ziqing had seen the entire copy and knew that it was dangerous. What was he thinking when he let them go there under such a premise?

No matter which of the above was the case, Wen Ziqing was not to be trusted again.

Wen Ziqing’s face was blue and purple, but he held back.

Although Du Yang was angry, he did not want to have a player’s blood on his hands.

In the end, this matter ended with Du Yang punching Wen Ziqing twice.

Players who had watched a little of the first round of the copy recognized some of the old players, “Oh my god, I recognize you. You’re an old player from the last [The Blood Clan] copy. Damn, I see, so you’re the ones who resurrected! The two copies fused, so the points multiplied by two, but how on earth did that happen?!”

Song Lei was cheerful and talkative, and he didn’t hide anything, telling the general story of what had happened in the inner world.

The players listened with expressions of shock and amazement for a while, and even the viewers of the live broadcast were shocked to hear it.

“Shit, so many ups and downs?”

“The girl turned into a scythe? That pervert Mr. Mo imprisoned so many maidens? So Lady Rose was actually spliced? Then the killer is Mr. Mo?”

“Isn’t that the answer to the additional task?!”

Song Lei hurriedly waved his hand, “Eh, you can’t fill in the word ‘Mr. Mo’. The answer should be Mr. Mo’s real name. His real name is ‘Archimoke’.”

“Archimoke? How do you spell that and “A”? Is the “mo” like the one in “Mr. Mo?”

Song Lei was stumped by the question and searched the crowd for a moment, looking towards Bai Lixin for help.

Bai Lixin had actually found the “The Holy Book” in Mr. Mo’s castle and found the way “Archimoke” was written from it.

But he feared that the Holy Book in the inner world might have been misprinted. There was no confirmation that it was the right spelling.

While the crowd was focusing on the story of how the inner world was cleared, Bai Lixin had already gone to the bedside and taken out the copy of the Holy Book.

He expertly flipped to one of the chapters, sliding his long, white fingers over the writing and quickly finding a name.


There was no paper or pencil in the room, so Bai Lixin walked to the bathroom and dipped his finger in some water before writing the name on the wall, “This is Mr. Mo’s real name, and is also the correct answer to the second task.”

The players who remained in the surface world were still in disbelief. Only the watch man’s eyes lit up and he quickly entered this answer into the task bar.

[Ding! The answer is being determined.]

[Ding! Congratulations player, the answer is correct.]

With the system prompt, the second task in the task bar immediately turned green.

The green color meant that the task had been successfully completed.

The watch man looked at the task that had turned green in the task bar and secretly sighed in relief.

As for the veteran players, they already had belief in Bai Lixin after all they went through in the inner world. As soon as Bai Lixin wrote the correct name on the wall, they immediately filled it in!

After the system had announced that the answer was correct, they wanted to go and lift Bai Lixin up in the air.

But after taking two steps, they decided against it.

They had tried to do this a few times when they were in the inner world, but they had been forced back by the intimidation of the dangerous-looking man.

Over time, they had simply given up. 

That man was no longer alive, but his power lingered!

Where the crowd could not see, Wen Ziqing’s face was twisted like a devil’s.

He looked at the task that had turned green, and a sinister cold light flashed in his eyes.

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