After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 29.2 - Affectionate Blood Clan

Chapter 29.2 - Affectionate Blood Clan

After spending so much effort to win a “correct answer card” from the game lobby of the 50th floor, it was now all for nothing! 

It was true that he didn’t watch the full broadcast of this copy. He only watched the beginning and the end, but he wasn’t some dumb newbie player. It was enough to give him a lot of clues.

Of course, he knew that a black hole would harm people. Which was why he tricked the people who trusted him the most into it.

That way, he could filter out some of the players first. But again, the players couldn’t be filtered out too much because there were still those greedy Bloods to deal with. Once too many players were lost in the early stages, the remaining players would only get sucked to death.

The additional task was not easy. The players from the last round didn’t get an answer until the end, and as long as task 2 was not completed, players would still die until he was the only one left at the end. That way, all the points would be his.

Through his experience from a dozen previous copies, the more difficult the copy, the higher the performance points would be.

So he took on the role of a spiritual leader from the start, and his performance points would not be low by the time the game ended.

He was able to draw the “Correct Answer” card and by chance, got access to a copy he had watched a bit. This made him think that he was the beloved son of heaven, but he didn’t expect Bai Lixin *halfway through killing Cheng Yoajin!

*A common saying for someone or something that unexpectedly appears and disrupts the matter.

Now, not only did everyone know the correct answer, but because he was no longer trusted, his performance score would definitely drop to a very low level. Even his points would be much lower because there were so many more people dividing them up.

What was the difference between cutting off people’s money and plotting to kill them?! Bai Lixin, that bastard!

Wen Ziqing glared at Bai Lixin secretly, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw the little bat sitting on his shoulder.

The bat’s blood-red eyes were staring straight at him, its eyes dark and chilling, as if it had seen right through him.

There was a sudden tingle in his mind, and a huge black shadow suddenly enveloped him and appeared in his mind. The shadow resembled a huge bat with open wings; its eyes and mouth were blood-red, and it was unleashing an oppressive killing intent on him.

Wen Ziqing’s whole body twitched uncontrollably.

But none of the players even noticed him at the moment. People were cheering for having filled in the correct answer.

Amidst the cheering, Wen Ziqing frothed at the mouth, his eyes rolled back, and he passed out.

By the time he woke up again, it was already dark outside.

There were only 20 minutes left before the assembly, and he had not yet washed up.

Wen Ziqing’s face turned white as he rushed into the bathroom. He rinsed his body with cold water in a panic, and then dashed out to change his clothes.

Only after coming out did he realize that Bai Lixin hadn’t showered at all.

All the players who had showered had wet hair, but Bai Lixin’s hair, which was somewhat longer, was dry. One could tell whether he had showered or not at a glance.

He wondered why Bai Lixin didn’t shower; had he just come back from the inner world and forgotten? 

Amidst his confusion, 9 o’clock arrived.

The door was pushed open from the outside and the Blood guards shouted at them like they were calling dogs, “Hey, I hope you are all done bathing, hurry up…”

The Blood’s voice came to a screeching halt as the long sword fell out of his hand.

His jaw dropped open wide, and he looked around the room in disbelief.


What the hell?

Weren’t there only 29 food items?

Why were there so many more all of a sudden?

Were these humans stupid enough to come in and make themselves food?

Wouldn’t one become an idiot if they ate this kind of stupid food that delivered itself?

The guard had seen the world, and he was shocked for several seconds before he finally found a place where he could vent among the crowd.

His eyes fell on Bai Lixin and the shock on the Blood guard’s face turned to anger, “It’s you, Eight Roses! Why didn’t you take a bath?!”

Bai Lixin’s eyelashes narrowed slightly, “I forgot.”

He consciously crossed the Bloods and burrowed into a cage, “Don’t delay the guests’ good time, let’s get going.”

The Bloods froze.

Was he actively begging to get eaten? This beauty’s brain didn’t seem to work very well either? Is it a dumb beauty? Won’t someone turn demented after eating it?

The other players flocked to the cages and got into them once after another.

Because the cages were not enough, the players were very self-conscious as some of them shared one among three and some shared one among two.

The six Blood guards were dumbfounded.

Even Mr. Mo’s expression on the high platform stiffened for a few seconds when he came into the hall and saw so much extra food.

The guards dutifully pushed all the cages to one side and pushed the cage containing Bai Lixin to the other.

Bai Lixin sat cross-legged in the cage. He looked at Mr. Mo through the bars, but quickly looked away again.

Mr. Mo saw Bai Lixin in the cage, and a glint of interest flashed in his beady, malicious eyes. 

Just as he was about to say something, a cold light suddenly flashed across the metal bars, and the iron cage broke into several pieces with a number of clangs!

Mr. Mo’s eyes narrowed.

At the cage, the young man stood up steadily, but in his hand was a golden scythe, which was no ordinary product at first glance.

Bai Lixin held the sycthe in both hands and spun it several times in the air. The beautiful and gentle golden colour of the scythe was like a yellow chrysanthemum blooming in the wilderness, or like the rising sun in the morning; both vibrant and full of power.

Bai Lixin stepped out of the cage as he waved his scythe. Under Mr. Mo’s vigilant gaze, he stopped in his tracks, and his glittering scythe settled firmly in front of him.

“Welcome, Bloods, to tonight’s carnival.” The young man lifted his delicate, beautiful chin. His eyes seemed to be wrapped in smoke and stars swept around the room before finally landing on Mr. Mo, “Do you remember Sophia, Archimoke?”

Mr. Mo, who had been towering over the others, shuddered and looked at Bai Lixin in front of him incredulously.

Before he could react, a red light flew out of his body, and Bai Lixin, who saw the red halo coming to him, swung his scythe and cut it off, “I’m not interested in your contract.”

Mr. Mo was furious, and a powerful bloodline suppression spilled out from his body, oppressing those Bloods around him to back off and kneel.

Even the players in the hall could not bear the oppression, and one by one, they clutched the edges of their cages as their stomachs turned over and they began to vomit furiously.

A fierce wind blew through the hall as the suppression swept through it, and in the midst of it, only one man still stood firmly in the middle.

His scythe was propped up on the ground and the wind swept his pure white shirt up, but it did not shake him one bit.

He stood there, like a steadfast cedar tree, standing proudly under the harsh frost, even though it was in the depths of the precipitous cliffs.

The other untouched one was a tiny bat.

The bat slowly crawled up to Bai Lixin’s neck and gently injected two drops of blood into Bai Lixin’s body.

Dijia’s voice came into his ears, “The time limit for the transformation is 3 minutes. I don’t think it should take you that long.”

Bai Lixin raised his eyebrows, “I’m fine without the transformation. This scum is no match for me and Sophia right now.”

And Sophia?!

Dijia gritted his back teeth, “I’m gladly giving you that!”

The players were dry-heaving, but they couldn’t help looking at the two men facing off in the wind.

They saw Bai Lixin’s eyes flash with a blood-red cold light, and in the next second, a golden lightning bolt cut across the hall and headed straight for Mr. Mo.

Mr. Mo obviously did not expect Bai Lixin to be so fast, and a kick sent him into the wall behind him.

A cloud of thick smoke rose and billows of dust clamored to block the smoke.

Deep in the smoke, there was no more movement.

But the crowd knew it wasn’t over.

The players held their breath, staring unblinkingly at the battle before them, afraid to miss a single moment.

The air was so quiet that a pin could be heard falling to the ground.

Just when the air fell silent, a harsh roar suddenly came from the smoke, and along with that roar, a behemoth sprang from within.

It was an extremely ugly grey-haired bat with a beast’s head, fleshy wings, a bloody mouth, and a scarlet tongue.

Bai Lixin’s tense body was like a spring, jumping backwards in one smooth motion and flipping in the air before landing firmly on the ground.

With the grey-haired bat’s roar, the terrified Bloods around them all turned into crazed beast-headed monsters as if they had been given some order. Those in the hall, the guards in the corridors, even those at rest, all the Bloods were called upon.

One after the other, the monsters rushed towards Bai Lixin.

Without batting an eyelid, he waved the scythe in his hand and the heads of all the Bloods in front of him were chopped off.

The blade glinted coldly through the blood smeared on it. With a flick of his hand, the blood was flung to the ground, leaving the silvery white blade spotless.

Bai Lixin stood there, waving the scythe in his hand rapidly as streak after streak of blood appeared on the ground.

Soon, the bloodstains formed a circle while Bai Lixin on the inside remained untainted. The outside of the circle had long been stained with the blood of the Bloods.

The players stared at the young man before them in fascination.

Bai Lixin held his scythe higher above his head with both hands; he was clearly attacking, but his movements were like a dance.

All around him was filthy blood, but he was like a lotus flower blooming without a stain in the mud.

The number of attacking Bloods dwindled, and Bai Lixin soon killed the last of them. The scythe made a beautiful circle in the air and landed firmly beside Bai Lixin.

Mr. Mo was nowhere to be found; he had escaped.

The scene in front of the players shook them to the core. They had never seen a player who could make a boss flee!

Dijia flew to Bai Lixin’s shoulder, “I saw him heading towards the rose garden.”

Bai Lixin looked at the blood stains and the corpses strewn across the ground under his feet with disgust. He took a few strides around the corner, stepping lightly on the areas that were not stained with blood.

The beastly Mr. Mo had lost control and was still darting down the corridor when Bai Lixin caught up with him, forgetting to even flap his wings.

Seeing Bai Lixin behind him, the ugly grey bat immediately increased its speed.

It fled, he chased it, but it still could not fly with its wings.

The grey-haired bat soon burrowed into the rose garden. The roses he once treasured most were now trampled wildly beneath his feet, but he didn’t care anymore; he just wanted to escape.

He could feel the danger of the young man and the scythe at his side.

Bai Lixin, “Archimoke!”

With the call, the grey-haired bat stopped in the rose garden and looked back in horror.

Seeing the unharmed Bai Lixin, it roared in anger, “Why do you know my name? I have clearly used my mind control on you. Why are you not under control? Your eyes are red. Are you a Blood? What the hell are you?”

Bai Lixin placed the scythe in front of his body, and under the dark night sky, the light around it flickered like a beating heart.

“She is Sophia, and the Scythe of Light,” Bai Lixin stroked the handle of the scythe gently, just as she had patted the girl’s hair, “One of its powers is the ability to nullify your mind control, and another is to weaken your power by 50%.”

The grey-haired bat froze, staring blankly at the scythe in front of him.

“Sophia…” It cocked its head as if in deep thought for a few seconds before asking in confusion, “Who is Sophia?”

The pulsing scythe suddenly glowed brightly, its blade emitting a shrill, mournful cry. It suddenly disengaged from Bai Lixin’s hand and stabbed the grey-furred bat straight through the chest with lightning speed, fixing the bat, which had tried to escape, to the rose-covered ground.

The blood immediately stained the scythe, and the bat wailed and struggled in pain, but no matter how hard it struggled, it could not move the scythe by a single inch.

The more it struggled, the more rose thorns were stuck in its body. In a matter of moments, its body was already covered with large and small thorn wounds.

The roses that had once delighted its eyes were now killing it slowly!

The mourns of the blade intensified as Bai Lixin stepped forward and drew out the scythe, “Archimoke, you deserve to die.”

As the name “Archimoke” was called out, the grey-haired bat looked at the man and the strange scythe before him with terror.

He couldn’t believe that he was killed by a nobody, and he didn’t even know his name before he died.

The grey-haired bat gradually took on human form. His face was withering and shriveling rapidly as the blood and vitality flowed out, turning him into a dying old man.

The old man slumped woefully to the ground, his bloodshot eyes still laced with malice, “Tell me your name.”

Dijia, “Three minutes are up.”

The blood red disappeared from Bai Lixin’s pupils as he leaned down to look at the battered Mr. Mo. There wasn’t a trace of emotion in his tone as he said , “You don’t deserve to know my name.”

The old man stretched his hand out towards the boarded up room as he cried out in agony, “Rose, my Rose.”

Bai Lixin placed the scythe on Mr. Mo’s neck.

“At the moment of your death, you should remember their names: they are Sophia’s head, Emily’s neck, Debbie’s arms, Joan’s legs…

One by one, the names slowly poured out of Bai Lixin’s mouth, and when the last one was finished, he said, “They are not called “Rose.” Take your sins with you, and go do your penance in hell.”

With that, Bai Lixin gently raised his hand, and the withered head rolled to the side.

[Ding! Congratulations to player Bai Lixin, for completing the hidden mission and killing Mr. Mo!]

At that moment, these words rang in the minds of all the players!

The dried corpse soon turned into dust and fell into the soil, becoming nutrients for the roses.

Under the moonlight and the breeze, there were only swaying rose petals in the exceptionally quiet castle. The sea of roses rustled under the wind as they stretched out, stirring up a surging sea of red.

It is both gaudy and magnificent, as well as treacherous.

Without wasting time, Bai Lixin ran straight to Lady Rose’s room and carried the cold corpse to the underground secret room.

The switch to the secret theater had never changed, and he sprinted through it with ease, arriving at the deepest part in just a few minutes.

Laying there were seventeen mummified corpses.

Almost immediately, Bai Lixin saw Sophia, the dried, headless corpse.

Mr. Mo had used some method to make the girls’ bodies fuse together so perfectly that not a single patchwork could be seen on the body.

Just when he was stumped on how to return the organs to them, the little expert Dijia reappeared.

Bai Lixin watched Dijia inject blood to suppress the splicing, and the body that was perfect just a moment ago was instantly divided into seventeen parts.

Dijia, “Because these people were all first embraced by Mr. Mo, they are equivalent to having the same bloodline.”

“This body was fused together with his blood, a procedure that is usually used for Blood rejuvenation. Because of bloodline fusion, blood, for example, can be returned in one piece after being beheaded. I didn’t expect him to think of using this method to put the body together. I wonder how his brain grew.”

Bai Lixin didn’t care how that pervert’s brain worked. He immediately returned the parts to each mummified corpse.

As he did so, he called out their names.

Each time he called out a name, some of them disappeared, and only when the last headless corpse was left on the bed did he pause for a moment in his movements.

Bai Lixin carefully placed the familiar head around her neck and said, “You can now rest in peace, Sophia.”

The next second, Sophia’s mummified body also slowly turned into powder and dissipated into the air.

As Bai Lixin left, he seemed to hear a phantom “Thank you” echoing in the air.

He laughed lightly and looked at Dijia, who had turned into a human form, “I’m sorry that I killed so many of your children and grandchildren.”

Dijia’s expression stiffened slightly, and the roots of his ears were faintly turning red, “They are not! My children and grandchildren have always been with me.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

Damn it! I actually understood that in a second.

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