After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 30.2 - Affectionate Blood Clan

Chapter 30.2 - Affectionate Blood Clan

Bai Lixin closed the video and opened the panel.

He first opened the [Friends] window to check the status of his other friends.

Li Cancan’s name had already come out of the copy, and Zhou Guang’s name was still in red.

Xia Chi, Liang Xi, Song Lei, and all the others were showing white since they had come out of their respective copies.

After confirming that all his friends were safe for the time being, Bai Lixin closed the [Friends] window and moved to the attribute panel.

The attribute panel had not changed; it is still the notorious F-luck degree and a bunch of “???”.

Bai Lixin’s eyes suddenly stopped.

There was a new word in the [Skill] column that used to say [None].

[Skill: Pacification (level lv5/10) Can be upgraded]

Bai Lixin: ? ? ?

Pacification? When did he learn to pacify?

A thought suddenly flashed in his mind, and the corners of his mouth twitched to an extent that was invisible to the naked eye.

He seemed to know how this skill came about.

Every time Dijia had mood swings as a bat, he would subconsciously pet him.

If one followed along, it came off as “pacification”, which was now at level 5.

Outrageous! Was that how skills came about?!

He silently closed the attribute panel and opened the backpack. There lay a substitute doll, a flashlight, and several other props, but the [Scythe of Light] was gone.

The dagger he obtained in the Trial Copy had also disappeared after leaving the copy. It seems that items would disappear once one leaves the copy and they are not bound permanently.

After closing the backpack, he went to [Points]. As expected, it still said [not on the list].

[Bai Lixin, performance score of 12000, not on the list. (Please keep up the good work)]

The initial bar size of the backpack was not large, only 10. It needed only 25 points to expand the backpack, so Bai Lixin directly spent 1000 points to expand the backpack to 50.

He proceeded to the points mall and bought a bunch of things until he had only 2000 points left.

He had just closed the points mall when he received a private chat from Xia Chi.

Xia Chi: [Brother, are you on the 12th floor now?]

Bai Lixin: [Yes, how about you?]

Xia Chi: [Wow, as expected of brother, that’s awesome. I’m only on the 7th floor, and that’s thanks to you, brother!]

Xia Chi: [Brother, are you free now? I’ve contacted Li Cancan and Liang Xi. We haven’t seen them for a long time, so let’s get together.]

Bai Lixin: [Okay, I’m coming down now.]

Xia Chi: [Great, it’s the same place, the cafe from before.]

Bai Lixin got up and left the room.

The corridor on the 12th floor was arranged in the same way as on the 2nd floor, and the elevator was in the same place.

It was logical that a 999-story building as high as this would have many elevators, but this one only had 2.

When Bai Lixin walked up to the elevator, there was no indication of the elevator floor. He tried pressing the down button, and before he could count to three, the elevator doors opened.

System: [This is a virtual elevator. Players form individual spaces when they enter, and they will not affect travel.]

Bai Lixin: [Meaning that the elevator was automatically created inside when I pressed the button? Independent virtual space? Does that mean that if I am going down and someone else is going up, we will not be in conflict?]

System: [That’s right, you’re so smart. You’re worthy of being an elite who entered the 12th floor in two games.]

Bai Lixin […you also do not have to blow farts every time.]

System: [As a system, I have an obligation to keep players confident and passionate at all times.]

Bai Lixin rode the elevator down and had just reached the 7th floor when the elevator slowly came to a stop.

System: [To save resources, if the button is pressed in the same direction as the elevator’s and is not missed, the elevator will stop automatically.]

The elevator doors opened.

The person waiting for the elevator immediately exclaimed excitedly when he saw Bai Lixin, “Brother! We’re so lucky to be in the same elevator!”

Xia Chi’s eyes shone brightly as he quickly stepped into the elevator and glued himself to Bai Lixin’s side.

He had changed into a long-sleeved T-shirt and had probably just taken a shower. His hair was hanging in damp strands on his forehead.

Xia Chi. “I also called Song Lei, by the way, do you mind, brother?”

Of course, Bai Lixin didn’t mind. Song Lei was very straightforward and had a good relationship with Xia Chi during the copy.

The elevator continued to descend until it came to a stop. Xia Chi was excitedly stepping out when Bai Lixin’s sharp eyes saw a black, four-square object fall out of his trouser pocket.

Bai Lixin was quick to pick it up on seeing that it was about to fall into the crevice of the elevator.

It was a folded wallet that felt like leather.

Xia Chi hadn’t realized that he had dropped something and looked back at Bai Lixin in the elevator, “Brother, hurry up. God, I haven’t seen Li Cancan, Liang Xi, and the others for a long time. This copy was only 4 days, but who knew that we would experience more than half a year.”

Bai Lixin walked out of the elevator and handed Xia Chi his wallet, “Yours, it almost fell into the elevator crack just now.”

Xia Chi, who was still in high spirits, saw the wallet and turned pale.

He opened the wallet in a panic and was relieved to find that the photos inside were still there.

Xia Chi, “Brother you are truly my saviour. This is the only photo I have left. If I lost it, I might have forgotten about Tan Yue.”

Bai Lixin, “Is Tan Yue the boy you were talking about earlier?”

Xia Chi held the photo up to Bai Lixin, “Yes, that’s him. Brother, you should take a look at him as well. It’s too hard to find him just by my own strength, if… “

He paused, his expression a little pained, “I mean, what if…what if he’s still alive? If you see someone that looks like this, make sure you ask his name for me.”

Bai Lixin looked at the photo that was clipped into the wallet.

The photo was already yellowing, so Xia Chi had pressed a film on it for fear it would continue to decay.

In the photo were two men in junior high school uniforms. Xia Chi was still very young at this time and had a very shy smile.

In contrast, the other boy was much bolder. He had a broad smile that showed a few white teeth and eyes curved into the shape of a crescent moon.

Xia Chi, who was now nearly 180 cm, was half a head shorter than the boy called Tan Yue.

Bai Lixin, “How tall is he?”

Xia Chi,”Oh, he grew up earlier than me. I was only 170 at this time, but he was already 180. In high school, I was 178 and he was 185.”

Bai Lixin looked at the other man a few more times, memorizing his looks and the bone features under his skin, before saying, “Okay, I’ll remember. I’ll definitely keep an eye out for you in case I come across him.”

It is unknown if the other person is alive, whether he is young, or if he is still…human.

Finding someone in this situation was harder than finding a needle in a haystack, and Bai Lixin could only try to remember all the details that could be used.

Xia Chi’s eyes were red and he wanted to jump on Bai Lixin, “Brother, you are really my brother!”

The two walked for a while and soon arrived at the cafe.

The other three had already arrived. Song Lei was a talkative person, and he had already mingled with Li Cancan and Liang Xi by the time Bai Lixin and Xia Chi arrived.

When she saw Bai Lixin from afar, Li Cancan’s eyes lit up, and she waved at them from a distance.

Xia Chi ran over in small steps and looked at Song Lei up and down, “I saw your old man’s look for more than half a year and called you grandpa, only for you to be about my age! This wave is too bad.”

Song Lei, “Hahaha, getting to be called Grandpa was exchanged for years. It’s not a loss to call me that. Damn, I’ll have to rest for a few more days before going to the next copy. The [Blood Clan] copy was too much.”

As soon as Bai Lixin sat down, Li Cancan asked, “Bai Lixin, Xia Chi, what would you like to drink? It’s on me today.”

Bai Lixin raised his eyebrows and secretly sized up Li Cancan.

Compared to the timid Li Cancan that he had seen previously, the current Li Cancan was much more cheerful, and the confidence around her entire body had improved a lot.

Xia Chi, “Huh, did Sister Cancan become rich?”

Li Cancan rubbed her cheeks in embarrassment, “I’m sure I can’t compare to you guys. But I won the MVP in my last copy!”

“Wow, that’s awesome,” Xia Chi’s eyes widened in surprise, “Sister Cancan, you’re so awesome.”

“Hehe,” Li Cancan looked at them gratefully, “It’s thanks to you guys. You taught me a lot about survival in the trial copy, and I was able to deal with so many unexpected situations. Besides, I got lucky. Do you guys remember how I said before that I studied Information Technology?”

Xia Chi nodded.

“I actually know a bit of hacking, and the copy I drew happened to be the information type, which happened to be my forte.” She paused and continued, “There were actually monsters in there too, and I was very scared when I saw them. But as soon as I remembered the great god Xin beating up the monsters, I immediately got my courage.”

“It’s really thanks to you guys that I was able to come back from the copy alive.”

“I’m currently staying on the 8th floor. Because my physique is too weak, I didn’t buy any props and used my points to strengthen my physique.”

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