After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 30.1 - Affectionate Blood Clan

Chapter 30.1 - Affectionate Blood Clan

[Ding! Four days and four nights have come and gone. Congratulations to the players for successfully clearing the copy. [ Blood Clan] is a 50-person copy, and the number of players who have cleared it is 56.]

The system suddenly stuck for a moment, and after two seconds, continued to speak coldly, [The results of this round have been counted. Please feel free to check them.]

A form appeared in the players’ minds, and when they opened it, they saw the name “Bai Lixin” at the top of the list, with an absolute advantage.

Bai Lixin, with 10,000 performance points; 5000 task points, and 5000 hidden mission points, a total of 20,000 points.

Looking at their own results, they were pathetically small.

Wen Ziqing slowly flipped through the rankings from top to bottom, and finally found his name in the last few.

Wen Ziqing, with a performance score of 100 points and 50 task points.

The moment he saw his performance score and mission points, Wen Ziqing’s face turned green.

50 points? It was only 50 points! Only enough for him to purchase a day’s living right in the game lobby?

F*ck, he had never gained such low points before!

Damn Bai Lixin, it was all that bastard’s fault!

The players all carefully checked their points and performance scores. Some were ecstatic, some gloomily disappointed, though no one reacted much. Although Bai Lixin had gained a really large number of points, he deserved it.

If it wasn’t for Bai Lixin, they wouldn’t have known the answer to task 2, let alone survived the slaughter of hide and seek games on the third day.

What’s the point of having points when you don’t have a life? Thank goodness Bai Lixin was included in this copy!

Also, most everyone gave Bai Lixin a grateful look.

The system voice sounded again.

[All of the [Blood Clan] copy’s hidden storylines have been unlocked, and the copy will be completely sealed and no longer activated.]

The scene in front of the players suddenly changed.

The plot ahead was just as Bai Lixin had speculated. Mr. Mo was not satisfied with the search for beauty, and one day, he suddenly got the idea to create the perfect goddess in his mind and has set out on a search ever since.

He coaxed seventeen women, turned them all into Bloods and killed them in their happiest moments. He would then proceed to remove his most desired part.

The players frowned as they watched the brutal killings in front of them over and over again. Some were no longer able to watch and turned their heads to the side.

Bai Lixin watched the fast-paced plot carefully without a hint of relief in his eyes. He wanted to see how the “Scythe of Light” had appeared in this copy, and whether it had been sent in by the same mysterious person from the [River God] copy.

The white bat in his pocket was unusually quiet today, as if he had anticipated Bai Lixin’s imminent departure.

Bai Lixin cupped the bat in his hand and placed it next to his mouth, asking softly, “Were you able to hear our conversation with the system from the very beginning?”

The white bat froze for a couple of seconds, but still answered Bai Lixin’s question, “Yes.”

Sure enough. The Dijia in the trial copy could also hear the system’s voice. What kind of person could connect with the system?

Although he didn’t know why Dijia had become like this, he was basically certain that there was some kind of connection between Dijia and this system.

He appeared in the copy but existed in a state that was separate from the copy.

He could easily leave the copy after it was over, and was even able to sneak into his room without passing the verification.

Not only was he connected to the system, but his connection did not seem small.

Bai Lixin, “I am about to leave, but I believe that we will meet again soon.”

Bat: “???”

No, that’s what I’m meant to say!!

In the dark basement, a man with a chilling aura lowered his head and stared at the beautiful blonde woman on the bed with affectionate eyes.

A dozen human corpses lay strewn across the floor, blood flowing from them and pooling beneath the operating table. Beneath the blood, the shape of a circular array could be faintly seen.

The man pursed his lips, quietly waiting for the perfect goddess to awaken.

All the organs were perfectly stitched together, and there wasn’t a single discrepancy to be seen, not even in the skin tone.

But the perfect Lady Rose had no intention of waking up. She was like a delicate porcelain doll asleep, and could only be admired in a glass window case.

Mr. Mo, “How can this be? She’s supposed to wake up! Why won’t she wake up? I’ve used everything I should have used, why won’t she wake up?!”

In order to be able to fuse all the organs together, he first turned all the girls into Bloods and then took the parts he wanted when they were in their most perfect state.

Once all the parts were fused, he injected her with blood so that she could come back to life from her “fake death” and become a real Blood. He would have accomplished something that no one else had ever done before.

The creation of a whole new kind of Blood.

But the blood would not enter her body no matter how much he tried. The blood swirled around the wound opening and would not go inside, and the wounds he had bitten out healed quickly.

Her body was dead, yet it didn’t seem to be completely dead.

Later, he read in an ancient book that he could sacrifice a dozen humans and trade their lives for Rose’s, but it was useless.

Just when the man was descending into madness, there was a sudden clap of thunder in the dimly lit basement, and a thick cloud appeared out of thin air above the basement. A male voice, processed into an electronic voice, came out of the cloud.

The male voice, “Do you want to give her life?”

Mr. Mo looked at the strange cloud warily, “Who are you?”

Male Voice, “I am a god, and I can help you bring this lady to life.”

Mr Mo remained skeptical, “Why should I believe you?”

A ray of light flew out of the cloud and landed on Lady Rose’s forehead.

In the next second, Lady Rose slowly sat up from the operating table. She opened her eyes in confusion and looked around, and then flashed a light smile at Mr. Mo.

Mr. Mo looked at the suddenly animated woman in front of him with surprise, and his eyes were filled with fanaticism.

Just as he eagerly went to embrace Lady Rose, her eyes fluttered shut and she slumped back onto the operating table.

The male voice, “Now do you believe me?”

Mr. Mo said eagerly, “Yes, yes, I believe it! Tell me quickly, how can I bring her back to life?”

Male voice, “What you are trying to do is to give life to body parts, a power that only the Gods have. It would be impossible to accomplish with your own power, but it is different with the power of others.”

A golden scythe slowly dropped out of the cloud and hovered in mid-air.

“This scythe is a divine weapon, a bridge that opens this lower realm of yours to the higher realms. Through this scythe, there will be higher dimensional humans called “players” appearing here. And they, in turn, can provide Lady Rose with life force. When enough life force has been accumulated, Lady Rose will be able to gain life.”

“Next are the requirements. First, they are from a higher dimension and you cannot decimate them without reason. You need to set the rules of your game and you can only punish them if they break your rules.”

“Secondly, there are advantages and disadvantages to everything; this scythe can bring the higher humans here, but it can also take your life. I predict that at some point in the future, a player will cut you down with a scythe while calling out your name. Of course, you can guard against this risk and try to avoid it.”

“Thirdly, you cannot touch this scythe or stop it from moving. Once it is damaged, the connection will be damaged and your journey to create a new kind of Blood will be lost.”

“This is a risky deal and the choice is yours. You can choose to refuse.”

Mr. Mo pondered for a moment, “Great God, is it possible that the prophecy can be broken if I hide my name?”

Male voice, “As long as you are sure of it.”

Mr. Mo looked at Lady Rose on the bed, and there was a greedy, mad joy in all his eyes, “Yes, I promise! I am confident that no one can ever beat me! Are those humans called “players” from higher dimensions? Then their flesh and blood must be even fresher and tastier! Hahaha!”

A cold chuckle came from the thick dark cloud.

In the next second, the golden scythe that had been quietly hanging in the air glowed brightly, and a black shadow flew inside it. A dozen more black shadows of resentment followed it and wrapped around the scythe.

The flickering, cold scythe let out a whisper. It rolled around these resentment-laden obsessions and abruptly flew out, landing in the basement of the staircase and turning into a shadowy black hole.

The image soon shifted and a dark figure wrapped in a cloak emerged from the black hole.

“He” walked through the corridor and opened the door to the painting studio.

A fair and delicate hand stretched out from under the cloak, picking a brush and painting on the canvas, on which a beautiful human girl appears.

After hanging the portrait on the wall, the cloaked figure hurried away again.

In “his” panic to walk away, the cloak lifted, and a pretty face was revealed inside.

It was Sophia.

The butler looked at the extra paintings in the studio and hesitantly asked Mr. Mo, “Mr. Mo, what should I do with these paintings?”

Mr. Mo’s beady gaze went to the portrait of the smiling human girl, and he remembered the Great God’s warning in his mind, “Don’t touch her things! Heh, she tried to make her existence known with such an abrupt approach? Delusion, only my Lady Rose deserves this face. What is this woman? She is just a dead woman! It’s a waste of effort.”

The players gazed at the images before them, and a young woman’s desperate plea for help rang out in their minds, “I am Sophia, I am Sophia, I am not Lady Rose! Who will help me? Who will help us? Someone please help us out! It’s so painful, it’s really painful.”

All the images played out, and there was silence in the air.

The players looked at each other with unusually heavy hearts.

Suddenly, there was a darkness in front of their eyes, and a phrase appeared in their minds at the same time: [Ding! The subplot has finished playing.]

System: [Ding, congratulations player, performance score accumulated to 12,000 points, your dormitory has been automatically upgraded to level 12. It’s simply faster than a rocket ride. Please keep up the good work!]

The white light and weightlessness disappeared. Bai Lixin opened his eyes and was taken back.

How to put it, if it wasn’t the system’s fault either.

If the system hadn’t told him in advance that the room had been upgraded to the 12th floor, he would have thought he was still on the 2nd floor.

The layout and size of the room had not changed at all.

Bai Lixin: [Are you sure this is the 12th floor?]

System: [Please don’t question the rigor of the system. This is the 12th floor! The hive area is below the 50th floor, and the same arrangement is there until it reaches the 50th floor.]

Bai Lixin looked around. The placement of his things was exactly the same as it was before he left.

His rounded fingertips were pursed on the table without a trace of dust.

The system observed Bai Lixin’s series of actions and sounded a little anxious: [Player! We upgraded your room directly, and everything in your room is the same as in the original room.]

This stupid human, to question its ability to do its job!

[In addition, all of the rooms are brand new; we do not provide players with used rooms; please be assured!]

[The room is automatically cleaned twice a day, absolutely guaranteeing the cleanliness of the room.]

Bai Lixin retracted his hand: [Oh, I didn’t say anything. Don’t get so excited.]

System: [……]

You didn’t say anything, but then again, you seem to have!

Bai Lixin looked at the strange and familiar environment and felt a little emotional.

Originally, he thought that the copy game would take a few days at most, but he didn’t expect to spend almost half a year there.

He was fine, having experienced only half a year, but Song Lei and the others had experienced decades. That discomfort now that they had suddenly come back to the game lobby would probably take them a long time to digest.

Bai Lixin walked to his computer. He opened the broadcast room and pulled out the recorded video of himself in the inner world.

The recorded footage was not fully broadcast. It was 40 hours long, only showing the important moments.

He increased the speed by X32, his obsidian-like pupils reflecting the images as they pulsated until the 40 hours were up. 

Bai Lixin closed the video in silence.

This recording seemed to have some automatic censoring feature that cut out all the mutual bits between him and Dijia.

Were they afraid of getting involved in some kind of color?

Bai Lixin: [Didn’t you say there are no recordings of copies?]

The system: [This time it was just an accident. It was recorded because the hidden copy was offline. Recording is not allowed on the online live streams.]

Bai Lixin gave a perfunctory [oh] and started to click on the category of recorded videos.

There weren’t many videos that appeared in the recordings, only about a dozen. So it seemed that the probability of a copy happening offline was really low in general.

Bai Lixin scrolled down through the videos and suddenly stopped on one that had a very high number of views.

Title: [High End Round [Cruise ship] Recording. Individual player copy. Player name; 口口口口]

Bai Lixin saw the mosaicked player’s name and instantly thought of the person at the top of the leaderboard.

Bai Lixin: [Is this person the player at the top of the leaderboard?]

System: [Yes, that’s right. This is the only recorded video of him.]

Bai Lixin: [I saw that he has over 900 million points. How long has he been playing this game to save that many points?]

System: [He’s the oldest player, one of the first to enter the game. We originally thought that all players would be as good as him, but we didn’t expect that the opening was the peak, only he is a legend.]

Bai Lixin: [Oh.]

The system was suddenly hot-blooded: [You have to work hard! Never lose! You have the momentum he had back then. You too can definitely reach the 999th floor and reach the pinnacle of life!]

[Why did he put his name in the mosaic?] Bai Lixin clicked on the video and waited for the screen to play.

The system did not answer Bai Lixin’s question positively: [Probably to maintain a sense of mystery, I don’t really know.]

Bai Lixin didn’t say anything more.

He suspected that the player at the top of this ranking was Dijia, but he wasn’t sure what kind of identity Dijia, who had a certain degree of association with the system, now had. Fortunately, the number one spot had always attracted the attention of others, and a casual question would not arouse any suspicion.

Now that the recorded video was right in front of him, one look at it would tell him whether the other party was Dijia or not.

The video started, and the screen quickly moved.

The overhead camera showed a huge cruise ship with bright lights.

The camera slowly zoomed in as Bai Lixin held his breath, his eyes unblinking as he stared at the video.

Just when the picture was about to pull onto the player, the colors in the frame suddenly turned into waves and swayed a few times, and then a white light was pulled into a line.

“Peng!” the screen went black.

Bai Lixin: [……]

I want to drop the mouse on something!

System: [Ahem, the video became like this when it was collected because of the ripple in energy fields. It has always been bad.]

Bai Lixin: [……]

Heh, this little system could even do title fraud.

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