After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 38.2 - Deep Sea Mermaid

Chapter 38.2 - Deep Sea Mermaid

Bai Lixin’s legs were like those only found in fairy tales, with pretty thighs and slender calves.

The eyes hidden in the fog could observe unscrupulously. Not just the legs, but the entire body was without a single blemish or flab, every bit was the ultimate beauty.

He had not expected Bai Lixin to be thin, but he was slender with some muscles.

While his muscles were more robust, Bai Lixin’s could be described as small and delicate. Delicate but powerful, and the firm mermaid line visible on his stomach set off the whole look.

Bai Lixin froze for a few seconds before he realized what was happening. He hurriedly turned his back to Dijia with his legs folded, and his face was about to drip blood.

S419M: [Tsk tsk tsk, incredible. If you want to talk about playing, it’s the Lord God who knows how to play best. I am truly shocked and impressed.]

Bai Lixin: [Shut up!]

The back was revealed to Dijia without warning, and he was again dazed.

The sexy shoulder bones spread out and outlined a seductive curve. The thin waist and slender shoulders seemed like they could fit in one hand with just a gentle squeeze.

His eyes lowered and the firm upturn came into view.

Bai Lixin probably realized that something was wrong and hurriedly tugged a piece of waterweed. He hurriedly wrapped it around himself and looked at the black fog with a red face and vigilance.

This shameless dog!

The tentacles suddenly stretched out of the black fog and easily locked around Bai Lixin’s wrists, opening his body up completely.

Two tentacles then burrowed into the waterweed with impunity.

Bai Lixin’s originally embarrassed expression changed suddenly, and his muscles tensed up so hard that every inch of his skin trembled uncontrollably.

Bai Lixin: “What did you just promise?!”

Dijia: “As I said, I won’t force you. But I didn’t say I wouldn’t do anything else either, so if you can’t help yourself, just beg me and I will help you.”

The tentacles didn’t stop for a moment, and Bai Lixin’s eyelashes fluttered. He lowered his eyes, but all he could see were the water weeds dancing on his body.

Bai Lixin’s eyes flicked back and landed on the black, foggy face beside him.

In the black fog, a myriad of swirls rolled up, the depths of which had turned a rich blue. Tsunamis and thick clouds could be seen entangling and rolling.

Bai Lixin flung his head back, his hair swaying as sweat fell on the black fog.

Where Bai Lixin could not see, a small white flower appeared wherever the sweat fell, and it only took a second before it was swallowed up by the dark fog.

Suddenly, Bai Lixin opened his mouth, and his whole body arched and tensed.

Three seconds later, he crumpled down.

The smell of heather blossoms gradually filled the air.

The tentacles left and retracted back into the black fog with satisfaction.

Two pea-sized pearls fell from the corners of his eyes, and a tentacle quickly caught them.

Seeing the colour of the pearl, Dijia

chuckled lightly.

His voice was indescribably suppressed, it was so husky it seemed to curl into a nasal tone.

“Now that you’ve learned your lessons, tell me what colour it is.”

The tentacle lifted the pearl to the disoriented Bai Lixin. His eyes had misted over, and he lazily lifted his eyes to take a look.

It was pink-purple.

Dijia: “You really liked it that much? Do you want to continue?”

The arrogance and stubbornness of a moment ago had all but faded away, and the young man was now dazed and lost in thought.

If one probed and looked closer, there was also a touch of unsatisfied silence.

Bai Lixin gulped and finally squeezed a word out of his throat, “No.”

The usually clear and beautiful voice was very hoarse at the moment.

Dijia only chuckled and took the pearl back into the black fog, the same suppressed husky voice saying, “What a pity, then I can only continue. I want to create a necklace just for you, but there are clearly not enough pearls. You will have to work harder.”

There wasn’t a hint of pity in his tone when he said the word “pity”.

Bai Lixin’s blue eyes widened in shock, “??!”

Damn it, you’re not a human being!

In the distance, Green Hair kept staring at the shell.

Seeing the shell shaking, he quickly grabbed the fat merman: “Look, why is the shell shaking all the time? Nothing would happen to him inside, right?”

The fat merman didn’t care: “What can happen? It’s a clamshell and it’s the best shell in our clan. The bottom of the shell is unstable, and the shell will shake when you turn over.”

“Don’t worry about it, he is Bai Lixin. He could kill the lantern beast and even the split turtle. What are you worried about? Come and help make the crossbow. ”

Green Hair had no choice but to follow behind the fat merman, but he still glanced at the shell suspiciously.

The shell, which was only slightly vibrating just now, seemed to vibrate even more.

How come it looked like lovers “fighting”?

Startled by his own thoughts, Green Hair hurriedly shook his head and shook off the bizarre thought.

Bai Lixin was the only one in there. How could that be possible, he was such a cool and aloof merman!

My feelings must be the reason why my brain has become dirty. Bai Lixin couldn’t do such a thing!

He’s probably having another nightmare, just like he did earlier in the training ground.

He said “I’m sorry” a dozen times in Bai Lixin’s direction before he hurriedly followed the fat merman’s silhouette.

The only thing left in the open coral cluster was the trembling shell.

After an unknown period, the shell slowly opened by a gap.

As the seawater flowed in, a large viscous liquid flowed out.

It was soon washed away by the flowing seawater, and it disappeared without a trace.

Inside the shell, the little blue-tailed merman in the fluorescent light could no longer muster any strength at all.

His eyes were red, and his face was full of grievance and helplessness.

His whole body was covered in a faint pink color.

Two tentacles held a large number of pink-purple pearls and waved them in front of Bai Lixin, “You didn’t let go in the end, so I’m keeping my promise and letting you go for now.”

The pink-purple pearls clashed against each other with a clear crisp sound, “Oh, I just wanted to make a necklace, but it looks like there are more than enough pearls. So I’ll create an additional bracelet for you.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

Roll! Get the hell out of here right now!

The pink-purple pearls that other mermaids could never get in their lifetime fell out of Bai Lixin in piles like they were nothing.

The tentacles retracted into the black fog, and the pink-purple pearls disappeared into the black fog with them.

With a low, suppressed laugh, the black fog gathered and settled back on Bai Lixin’s back.

The pressure all over his body was released, and now that the external force was withdrawn and the warm seawater wrapped around him, weariness immediately hit him.

His eyes grew heavy, and Bai Lixin yawned, his weary mind unable to think of anything else.

The eyes closed and the long thick lashes fluttered about.


Bai Lixin’s relaxed consciousness sank deep into the sea of his dark consciousness.

His consciousness curled into a circle, his eyes closed, and he fell asleep.

Around him, a myriad of emotion faces re-gathered.

The faces eagerly came up to Bai Lixin’s, calling out raucously, one after another.

“Wake up.”

“Don’t fall asleep.”

“Join us!”

“Come on and join us, our companion!”

No matter how compelling the emotion faces were, Bai Lixin had fallen into the deepest sleep and was oblivious.

Seeing that Bai Lixin did not respond, the emotion faces became more and more annoyed.

“What to do? He won’t wake up.”

“Why won’t he join us!”

“It’s almost time! It’s almost time!”

“The master will be angry. He’s going to be angry.”

“The master is so scary, he’ll kill us.”

“Shall we go and find another one?”

“He’s the best one and he’s the one the master wants.”

The language had changed from a one-sided conversation with Bai Lixin to a conversation between emotions.

Just when the emotion faces were talking heatedly, an oppressive pressure came from above.

The faces looked up to see a white light shining down in the darkness of consciousness.

“Here we go again!”

“That disruptive monster is here again!”

“Abomination! What an abomination!”

“That damned monster!”

The faces began to stir violently, and they fled in all directions in a vain attempt to escape this terrible force.

But apparently, their hiding was to no avail.

A man in a well-tailored black suit floated down. His handsome, steely face with its ruthless eyes lazily scanned the group of emotion faces.

The man floated down and stood beside Bai Lixin, who was wearing a white shirt.

With a snap of his right thumb and middle finger, a luxuriously huge single sofa appeared out of thin air in the middle of this consciousness.

The man picked up the sleeping Bai Lixin, who was curled up on the floor. He carried Bai Lixin in his arms and gracefully sat on the sofa.

He rested one hand against his forehead, while the other gently stroked Bai Lixin’s hair and back.

His cold gaze swept over the emotion faces. It was cold without a trace of emotion, as if he was looking at a bunch of dying ants.

“Can someone explain to me what the hell is going on here?”

After realizing that Bai Lixin was being haunted by something, he first suppressed it to the depths of his consciousness.

Although he knew that Bai Lixin could handle these things, he just couldn’t resist the urge to take action.

Something had taken a fancy to Bai Lixin and wanted to get him.

How could anyone covet the treasure he had taken a fancy to!

The man’s eyes were suddenly grim. The fingers propped against his forehead were gently lifted, and an emotion face was instantly reduced to nothing.

The other faces screamed and fled in terror.

The young man in his arms frowned slightly, and the man’s eyes suddenly glazed over. “Shut up.”

Deep in the sea of consciousness, the emotion faces immediately shut up.

They were fixed in mid-air, and every face turned into an expression of horror.

This man was not in the same class as them!

They stared at this man only to feel that behind him was darkness with no visible borders, a darkness that was curled with unshakeable power and oppression so strong that they almost cracked open.

It was terrifying.

What a terrible man.

He was much more terrifying than the master!

Why were there such monsters in the world!

The man relaxed a little as the young man’s slightly furrowed brow relaxed. His fingers continued to gently soothe Bai Lixin’s back for fear of waking the young man who had fallen into a deep sleep.

He had gone to so much trouble to drain all of Bai Lixin’s energy today so that he could fall into a deep sleep, just to use this time to find the trash who were trying to rob him of his treasure.

What rubbish, they dared to snatch Bai Lixin from him.

The man faintly scanned through the faces and clicked on a random one: “You speak. I don’t like to hear nonsense. Make it short.”

The emotion face that was picked jumped up like a spring. It was originally a red face in a rage.

Now the upward-facing eyebrows were reversed to an inner eight. The eyes were narrowed and the mouth drooped.

It looked as humble as it could be.

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