After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 38.3 - Deep Sea Mermaid

Chapter 38.3 - Deep Sea Mermaid

The face that was named shivered and stepped forward, trembling as it spoke, “It is the master who wants him.”

The man was a little annoyed. “I told you, I don’t like to hear nonsense. Who is your master? Where is he? And why does he want him?”

“Our master is a god, and he lives under this ocean. The master said that this man was special and that he could feel his emotions. He wanted to make him his companion and start a future with him. ”

Start a future with Bai Lixin?

Heh, is unknown trash worthy?

Is a small copy boss trying to pluck the bright moon hanging in the sky?

The moon will only belong to the boundless vault of the sky. How could trash buried at the bottom of the sea even think of asking for it?

Man: “Where does he live?”

“He is everywhere,” the face said after a brief pause.

There seemed to be nothing to ask.

The man raised his hand and waved it idly. As the emotion faces looked on in horror, they were instantly transformed into a cloud of ashes and vanished from the consciousness.

Bai Lixin’s sea of consciousness was instantly silent.

The man looked down at the still sleeping young man. His hand waved out again in mid-air, and the sea of consciousness that had been dark just a moment ago had turned into a clear blue sky.

In the sky, countless soft clouds drifted in and out.

The man picked up Bai Lixin and gently placed him on one of the soft clouds.

He tore a few pieces of snow-white fluffy clouds to cover Bai Lixin’s body, who immediately rolled over comfortably. His face, which had been tense, slowly relaxed, and the corners of his lips curled up.

The man gazed down at the youth hidden in the clouds.

Among the clouds, he was as moving and pure as an angel.

He just watched in silence as the clouds rolled and drifted by. Even he did not know how passionate his eyes were at the moment.

The young man’s thick eyelashes twitched a few times, and before the man could react, he suddenly opened his eyes.

Four eyes met, and the man froze awkwardly on the spot. “Uh, I, that, I’m here because of those faces.”

Bai Lixin sat up in a daze and looked around. He casually grabbed a handful of clouds and held them in his hand.

“So I’m dreaming.” Bai Lixin yawned and tilted his head to look at Dijia, who was sitting beside him.

His slender body naturally leaned over, and he rubbed against Dijia’s leg in affection.

Dijia stiffened into a statue. He gulped and looked down at the young man, only to see his lips mumbling as if he was saying something.

He leaned over and put his ear close to Bai Lixin’s lips.

An extremely subtle voice came to his ears.

“I miss you …… Dijia …….”

The man trembled violently, and he looked at the young man who was hugging his leg in shock, his expression full of complexity and disbelief.

Missing me?

Although he said “Dijia”, was the name he was calling out mine?

The person Bai Lixin missed was actually me?

He felt a sudden dull pain in his chest, and the man covered his chest, his eyes still staring at the young man.

He always felt as if something extremely important was missing from the depths of his memory. It was not a soul fragment, but something more important than a soul fragment.

But what was it that he had lost? Could it be related to the young man in front of him?


After a long time, the man stood up reluctantly and let out a sigh, “I have to go do something first. You have a good rest.”

With these words, the man slowly disappeared from this sea of consciousness.

In the tightly closed shell, the wings that had been branded on Bai Lixin’s back flapped a few times and broke free from his back.

A flat, two-dimensional black butterfly quietly left through the gap in the clam’s shell, flapping its wings and leaving the merfolk’s dwelling in a matter of moments.

That rubbish was hiding at the bottom of the sea?

Then he will turn the entire ocean floor upside down.

The black butterfly moved to the Northern sea area furthest from the mermaid’s dwelling, its black body twisting and stretching and finally transforming into the huge, dangerous, and mysterious form Bai Lixin had seen when they first met.

Countless tentacles reached out from the black fog and burrowed into the sea of sand as if they were in no man’s land.

As soon as they burrowed inside, some took root in the depths, while others spread out in all directions.

As one group of tentacles burrowed in, more followed.

A steady stream of tentacles spilled out of the dense fog.

Suddenly, the tentacles wrapped around something hard.

Sensing the dangerous aura of the tentacles, the thing immediately burrowed deeper.

But how could Dijia let it escape? All the tentacles immediately charged toward the thing.

Just when he was about to catch up with it, a strong electric current suddenly spread throughout his body and a system prompt immediately rang out.

[Ding! Warning! Warning! Please stop attacking. You are attacking the energy body of the copy. If the energy body is damaged, the copy will cease to exist! Please stop attacking immediately, or the system will forcefully eject you from the copy!]

All the tentacles stopped moving.

With the disappearance of the tentacles, the electric attack also stopped and the system prompt continued.

[Please retract the tentacles immediately! Stop the attack!]

Countless swirls rolled around on the surface of the dense black fog.

The tentacles were quickly withdrawn from the ground, and they retreated back into the dense fog.

Only after a few minutes did the swirls on the surface of the dense fog slowly disappear. Dijia turned his head and took a deep “look” at the place before becoming a black butterfly and flying in the direction he had just come from.


Bai Lixin felt like he had had a long and pleasant dream.

He slept on the soft clouds and saw the long-lost Dijia.

It was a beautiful dream.

Bai Lixin stretched comfortably, and immediately felt a few crunching sounds on his body.

He stiffened and looked at his wrist in shock.

A string of pearls hung from his wrist, each pearl shimmering pink-purple.

There was a slight weight on his neck, and Bai Lixin stiffly leaned down.

The neck, which had previously been bare, was now also draped with a necklace of pearls.

There were over sixty pearls in all, each one pink-purple.

If you also add the pearls on his bracelet, he had more than eighty pearls on him.


Bai Lixin’s ears were suddenly on fire.

Why did he cry so much yesterday?

The images suddenly squeezed into his mind frame by frame, and not only were his ears red this time, but also his cheeks began to burn.

Damn it, this must be because of the merman’s physique; it had nothing to do with him as human Bai Lixin!

“Are you happy with the pearl necklace I made for you?” The distant voice burrowed into his ears, “Look how good I’ve been to you. While you were asleep, I didn’t rest for a moment. Every second was spent making the necklace bit by bit.”

Bai Lixin did not want to pay attention to him.

The voice didn’t care and continued, “Did you sleep well yesterday? Did you dream about me?”

Bai Lixin gulped a little, and he felt his neck also beginning to burn.

The water around him seemed to have warmed up by a few degrees.

“How could that be? Don’t be narcissistic, okay.”

Make him admit it? Never.

Dijia seemed to be in a pretty good mood. He just chuckled and didn’t say anything else.

Bai Lixin opened the task bar.

[Task One: Survive for 5 days and 5 nights

(4 days and 3 nights / 5 days and 5 nights)]

[Task 2: Hunting.

(Completed, have gained 40,000 points)

(Lower limit 10,000, upper limit 40,000)]

[Hidden Task: Merfolk’s Wish. (Help the merfolk. Upon completion, you will receive the rare item: Merman’s Heart.)

This is a rare S-rank hidden task with no penalty for failure.]

With one day and two nights left, he had to find the secrets and weaknesses of the split turtles as soon as possible.

Could there be any relationship between those emotion faces and the split turtles?

Being haunted by those emotion faces should be related to that lonely emotion he feels from time to time these days.

It was a pity. He wanted to question those emotion faces again in order to find some clues. But he found that those emotion faces were no longer in his consciousness when he woke up.

They had disappeared?

Had they gone to look for their next target?

Bai Lixin was still pondering when that strange feeling of loneliness reappeared in his emotions.

This time, the loneliness no longer carried a strong sense of aggression. It was instead very docile, like a lost, fallen beast.

Bai Lixin did not wait to chase after the feeling this time.

He missed it the first time, and then it came a second time, and a third time… it seems that the other side is very fond of him.

The feeling was so strong yesterday,  yet it presented itself in such a weak posture today. He was sure that it was a trap.

If the other party really had an agenda, they would try again after failing once.

He would have to wait and see when the other party would reveal its fox tail.

He deliberately ignored this feeling of loneliness and opened the lid of the shell with his backhand.

He swam out and turned to look at the shell; he had ravaged all the seaweed.


Was it him?

The culprit was obviously Dijia. It was shameless to let him carry this pot.

He was about to continue swimming when he suddenly remembered the pearl necklace, and his body suddenly froze.

If he took this bunch of pink-purple pearls out, wasn’t that stamping his forehead with “horny maniac”?

Bai Lixin shuddered. He looked up at the sea and said, “Let’s discuss something. First take off the necklace.”

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