After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 41.1 - Deep Sea Mermaid

Chapter 41.1 - Deep Sea Mermaid

Bai Lixin opened the task bar.

There was still one day and two nights before the deadline for Task 1.

Emotions from the split turtles, plundering, death, loneliness, and various other emotions that invade the soul were filled in this copy.

Taking each one individually, he knew them all. But fusing these elements together seemed far-fetched and contradictory.

Bai Lixin swam through the water and the plankton that should have been suspended in the waters were all much less.

An inexplicable feeling of loneliness rose up in the bottom of his heart as if to say something. There was a sense of urgency and pleading in the emotions.

The water around him, which had been dead silent, began to boil, but the boiling was only in the fluctuations of the water, not the temperature, which remained the same icy cold feeling.

In the vast, deep waters, Bai Lixin was like a speck of dust in the universe.

As he swam further, the loneliness grew stronger and stronger, and gradually, Bai Lixin heard a low sob.

In a moment of slight surprise, Bai Lixin’s eyes went dark. What had been the strange dark waters of the sea, became a blue sky with clouds.

In the blue sky was a strange shadow of blue and black coalescing and twisting.

As it twisted and distorted, the blue sky and white clouds around it twisted and turned. The sky spun around and around, and the image twisted into a silent and eerie shape.

The loneliness and sobbing came again, and Bai Lixin looked at the tangled shape.

-It’s so painful.

–Help me.

–Someone help me.

The tangled blue-black shadow slumped onto one of the clouds; it became a large black dog with blood-red eyes and sticky pus all over its body. Everywhere the pus flowed was quickly stained black, as if it had been infected with a virus.

The space was rapidly caving in as fast as the eye could see.

From the black dog’s huge mouth, where a red tongue was swinging, a hand slowly stretched out.

Then another hand.

The hand stood on the sticky black liquid, flipped up and down, and broke the upper and lower teeth of the black dog. With a strong thrust, the head of the black dog was torn in half from the point of the teeth.

A woman covered in filth slowly emerged from the torn black dog.

The black dog lay in the clouds and was panting in pain. The torn body spewed large amounts of sticky fluid, its entrails flowing out along with the fluid, and its intestines coiling all over the cloud.

Bai Lixin looked at the woman warily.

The woman had extremely long hair, and the same black liquid was slowly dripping from all over her body. Her body was made of water, and in her blue body, seawater could be seen flowing about inside.

The waterfall-like hair obscured the woman’s face, making it impossible for Bai Lixin to see.

The woman slowly raised her head, the thick hair parted down the middle to reveal a face that was also pale blue.

The woman stepped on the clouds, immediately leaving two black footprints.

She stretched out her hand towards Bai Lixin, and stumbled as she moved forward.

Bai Lixin took two guarded steps back.

“It’s so painful.”

A harsh cry emanated from the woman, but the sound was as if it came from all sides, filling every corner with the woman’s voice.

“Help me, kill me.”

Bai Lixin took two more steps backwards. The area that had been blue and clear had begun to fade into darkness because of the halo of the sticky black liquid.

Where Bai Lixin was, the sky was still blue and white, but the space where the woman was had turned into an ethereal darkness.

Bai Lixin looked at the woman, “Before I decide to help you, at least tell me who you are.”

The woman stopped, “I am this sea. This sea is me. I have existed since the beginning of time. I am the god of the sea. I am me, but I am not me.”

The viscous black liquid flowed slightly slower, and Bai Lixin could vaguely see that the woman’s hair was made of seawater.

A few cracks appeared in his calm expression, but he maintained the last of his decency.

What was it about this copy?

Are the seas and oceans becoming beautiful fairies?

Bai Lixin wiped his face. Speaking of which, he has been using her name to swindle the merfolk these past few days.

I thought that the other side was a non-existent god. I didn’t think she really existed?

Bai Lixin’s gaze fell once more on the cracked dead dog behind the god of the sea.

“What’s wrong with you?”

The Sea God raised her head. Two streams of sticky black liquid dripped down her face and onto the ground in streams.

“So sad.”

“It’s so painful.”

“I want to die.”

The tears flowed more and more, converging at her feet and turning into yet another black dog.

The black dog ran into a dark corner, its scarlet eyes staring at the Sea God who had created it.

Greed and malice flashed in its eyes as it waited to drag the Sea God into the abyss.

Bai Lixin frowned.

One word came to Bai Lixin’s mind on seeing this situation.


He had once read reports from depressed patients, and in many of them, depression and death were like big dogs hiding in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to drag the patients into the abyss of pain and despair when they were at their weakest psychological point.

They want to ask for help, but the big dogs are everywhere.

Bai Lixin, “Those split turtles, was that your doing?”

The sea god tilted her head, her face lifting slightly as if to look at Bai Lixin.

“Split turtles? Oh, you mean the Scavengers.” The Sea God pondered for a moment, “That’s right, I’m too dirty. Too much resentment and filth has fallen into my body and I need to clean it all out.”

“I’m so sad. Why is there so much death? If it all went away, there would be no death.”

Scavengers? So the split turtles appeared in the sea to cleanse it?

Bai Lixin took a deep breath and looked at the sea god, who was suffering from depression, with an inexplicable gaze, “But your split turtles have almost emptied the sea. All the creatures have died one after another, and this sea is dying.”

“So many beings look to you as their heaven. They can only survive in the world because of you. You are like their mother. You can give birth to new beings, but you are all they have.”

“Was it also you who invaded my consciousness before?”

The pale blue woman looked at Bai Lixin deeply, “What? No, this is my first time here.”

Bai Lixin’s lips pursed.

The Sea God was entering his inner world for the first time, so who was it that time before?

What was this copy all about?

When he first came to this world, he thought it was just a confrontation with sea monsters, but this plot was getting stranger and stranger the further it went.

But when he recalled the nature of this game, Bai Lixin was relieved again.

In the trial copy, there were evil spirits disguised as big trees, and in the Blood Clan copy, there were spirits disguised as obsessions.

For this copy to have another one or two beings that couldn’t be explained by science didn’t seem so hard to accept.

To be fair, wasn’t he also a bug in the escape game?

“I’ve been asking for help,” the Sea God looked at Bai Lixin, “I have something growing inside me and I want to get it out, so I created the Scavengers.”

“Unfortunately, the scavengers went on a rampage and are no longer under my control. I can create them, but I cannot destroy them.”

“All the beings that felt my call have died, and you are the only being I can establish telepathic contact with now.”

So the sense of loneliness he felt when he first entered the North Sea area was the Sea God’s cry for help?

And what about the one that invaded so forcefully later?

Bai Lixin, “How do you want me to help you?”

In the darkness, the big black dog arched its back. Its paws rubbed against the ground, poised to strike.

Sea God, “There is something deep under the sea. It is rooted there like a tumor, controlling my mind and using my mind to indirectly control the Scavengers. It wants to destroy the world, to destroy my children.”

The mournful, miserable voice came, “You don’t know how afraid I am. I came very close to dying. But I am the ocean itself; the ocean is me. Everything that happens in the ocean, I can sense. Just when my consciousness was about to be swallowed up, I saw you.”

“I saw the willpower of the merfolk to survive. I felt your pain. I received your faith. Your beliefs and legacies shook me. In my eyes, you are as small as ants. Most of the beings here are thousands of times more powerful than you. So how can I give up when even you, who are so weak, are fighting to survive?”

“It never occurred to me to ask the merfolk for help from the beginning. I seem to have connected to you a few days ago, but swept past you to the more intelligent ancient gods instead. I asked them for help, hoping they would help me find that thing out. But they died one after another.”

“However, you, the littlest of all, survived to the end, and I decided to take one last gamble.”

Bai Lixin, “What exactly do I need to do?”

The Sea God, “Deep within me is a vacuum. It is the place where my soul was kept, but it was kidnapped by an evil being. Find that place, kill the evil being and I will be freed.”

“You have to be quicker; there is not much time left for you.”

The woman’s ethereal voice grew smaller and smaller, “This is the last chance I give myself. It is the courage of the merfolk that has touched me. I will use all my divine power to gather the Sea God’s Trident, and I hope it will help you.”

“I will fall into a long sleep after the trident appears, and only when my soul returns to its original place will I awaken again.”

The woman’s voice grew smaller and smaller, and along with it, her body shrank.

The black dog that had been poised at the side finally found an opportunity to pounce once more and bite at the Sea God’s shoulder.

The black liquid that had been flowing everywhere on the floor suddenly seemed to find its target and it all headed towards the Sea God. Soon, she was sucked back into the darkness.

The huge black dog reappeared, leering at Bai Lixin, but in the nick of time, an ethereal, distant song rang out around him.

There was the sound of waves lapping against the rocks, the sound of whales singing, the sound of the turbulent waters rolling.

The song came from the sea.

With this song, Bai Lixin’s consciousness became increasingly blurred. When he woke up again, he found himself on the huge bed at Dijia’s palace, and beside him was a pale blue trident shining with a cold glint.

The moment Bai Lixin’s hand brushed against the trident, the system alert sounded.

[Ding! Congratulations, player. You have obtained a rare item, Sea God’s Trident X1. This item carries the divine power of the Sea God. Buddha can kill Buddha, and God can kill God. Because it carries the enchantment of the God of the Sea, it can take you to your target.]

Bai Lixin turned to his back. The butterfly mark was still there.

He stroked the crystal-clear trident in his hand, his eyes growing warm, and there was a smile on his face.

The escape system became curious: [Player, why are you smiling?]

[There was a very subtle association. I suddenly wondered, if this sea was compared to a human being, then she should be suffering from illness and depression right now. All the creatures living here are human cells, each metabolizing in its own way. There is death and there is new life. Even if this person wants to die, the cells inside the body are still desperately living, trying to save the person’s life.]

[Do you see, doesn’t it look like this sea now?]

Escape System: [It does look a bit like that. And what is your identity?]

Bai Lixin got up from the bed and held the trident in both hands and made a beautiful arc in the water: [Me? I certainly offer off-site assistance for medical drugs. Patients can not kill the virus. I will kill!]

As he spoke, the water rippled as he waved the trident.

The waves of water flowed, curling Bai Lixin’s soft blue hair in all directions.

Starlight shone in his eyes, and within the starlight was a brilliant flame that could not be covered.

He had returned to this dwelling, but Bai Lixin did not care that Dijia, the owner of the palace, was watching behind him. He quickly picked up the seaweed from the bed and compiled one section after another, soon creating a net several meters long.

He didn’t know the composition of Dijia’s seaweed, but the split turtles that could eat everything couldn’t chew it up.

I don’t know if it’s any good, but it’s just in case.

Bai Lixin looked around the room after rolling up the net over his shoulder.

The building was still pure white, and the space was still huge.

It was only a few days ago that he and Dijia had first met in this world, but now that he was back there, it felt like a lifetime ago.

The model house and birdcage had disappeared, so Dijia must have put them away.

The lonely warrior set out on his way, betting on the fate of this sea.

Bai Lixin could already feel the change in the sea as he swam through the waters.

The oxygen contained in the sea was gradually dwindling.

In a short time, this place would really be reduced to a dead sea.

Just as the system said, the trident showed Bai Lixin the way.

The God of the Sea said that the vacuum zone was deep in the sea, and the trident moved forward as if it were alive. With the trident leading the way, Bai Lixin swam without much effort to a hidden rocky cave.

The entrance to the cave was face down, and the cave was so dark and deep that Bai Lixin could not see the inside just standing at the entrance.

Bai Lixin opened the prop bar and retrieved the flashlight he had been keeping inside.

The flashlight that was redeemed from the mall was waterproof, and this flashlight was the same one he had used in the Blood Clan copy previously. There were three levels of brightness; low, medium, and high.

Bai Lixin directly switched on the brightest and shone it into the deep tunnel.

Visibility extended only by two meters, but it was better than nothing.

With the trident in one hand, a dagger and a crossbow at his waist and a thick net of waterweed on his back, he quickly made his way through the tunnel.

The tunnel was narrow and winding, and almost every point of advancement required a strong twist of the body.

Bai Lixin did not let down his guard for a moment as he swam around one corner after another.

This narrow tunnel was the easiest place to plant an ambush.

Just when he was about to swim around the next corner, there was a sudden, subtle undulation in the flow of the water.

Bai Lixin backed up abruptly, and a creature sprung up from where he had just been.

Bai Lixin took the flashlight and shone it.

The thing, apparently feeling the light for the first time, sprang up with its claws stretched out towards Bai Lixin.

It was a split turtle.

Oh, a scavenger, according to the god of the sea.

The split turtle had no eyes, but it seemed to be able to sense the presence of light.

Bai Lixin tentatively moved the torch towards the side, and sure enough, the split turtle’s tail swiveled and its body moved with the light.

Not only could this thing sense the light, it seemed to have phototropism.

Bai Lixin held his breath and took a piece of seaweed out of the seaweed behind him. He silently drew the split turtle over, and when the split turtle wasn’t looking, he simply wrapped it into a dumpling.

He looked at the split turtle in front of him and then at the trident in his hand.

The split turtle wad created by the god of the sea, and this trident was in turn a coalescence of the power of the god of the sea.

What would happen if he attacked it with the trident?

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