After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 41.2 - Deep Sea Mermaid

Chapter 41.2 - Deep Sea Mermaid

The trident pierced through the split turtle’s stomach with quick, vicious precision.

[Ding! Congratulations, player for killing the split turtle X1 and gaining 100 points. (Points have been capped)]

Just when that system’s prompt had ended, another prompt rang out.

[Ding! Split turtle split X2, player deducted 200 points. (Extra points deducted to offset, total points remain 40,000)]

Bai Lixin: “……”

It looks like the split turtle is a little more powerful.

Amongst the seaweed, two split turtles appeared.

Upon seeing these two split turtles, Bai Lixin’s eyes suddenly became a little subtle.

Instead of growing to their original size, the split turtles split in half, and each split turtle shrunk to half of their original size directly.

Although the Trident could not kill the split turtles, it inhibited their growth.

So does inhibiting growth mean inhibiting their power?

Could the trident kill the split turtle with its lack of power?

Bai Lixin once again struck without mercy, making two strikes in a row.

The system prompt sounded again.

[Ding! Congratulations player for killing the split turtle X2.]

Another two seconds passed.

[Ding! Split turtle X4.]

All four split turtles appeared within the seaweed again, all half their size again.

The split turtles also struggled with much less force than before, so it seemed that their power had been distributed among them and they were no longer as invincible as before.

Without mercy, Bai Lixin struck once again.

[Ding! Congratulations to the player for killing the split turtle X4.]

After this time, the system prompt did not ring out again.

Bai Lixin untied the tightly wrapped seaweed, and four small split turtles slid out from the middle like dead fish. They lay on the rocky ground, lifeless.

A tiny blue light appeared from the tip of the blade, and the blade, which had been somewhat dull, lit up slightly.

Although it was extremely small and negligible, he could feel that the power of the Trident seemed to have increased a little bit.

The split turtles were bred by the Sea God, and their bodies also contained the Sea God’s power. With the death of the split turtles, the Sea God’s power had returned to the trident.

From where it came, back it went.

It was only right.

So it seemed that the Trident could kill the split turtles, only that they had to be killed three times before the Trident could take back the power that should have belonged to the Sea God.

Having come to this conclusion, Bai Lixin no longer lingered in the tunnel and continued to move forward.

He moved more freely this time, and he came across several more split turtles, which he quickly eliminated by using the trident, and the originally light blue Trident was becoming brighter in color.

Ten minutes later, a bright light appeared in front of him.

Bai Lixin vaguely made out an empty cave beyond, so he picked up speed and soon found himself emerging from the water.

Bai Lixin was a little stunned the moment his body touched the air.

This was the vacuum zone.

It turned out that the vacuum zone meant an area with no water flow.

Who would have thought that deep in the abyss, which was supposed to be filled with seawater, was a cave that was free of seawater?

Bai Lixin threw his trident and flashlight into the water and pulled himself out with a brace of his hands.

Having experienced the transformation before, Bai Lixin was familiar with it this time.

After getting through the painful choking sensation, his breathing quickly changed from using gills to breathe to using the nose. His legs slowly appeared, his ears contracted, his scales disappeared, and his sharp claws and webs retracted.

Bai Lixin took three or four pieces of seaweed from the net behind him. He nimbly wrapped them around his body, and a simple garment that could cover his body was made.

He did not set off immediately, but first checked his equipment.

The dagger and crossbow had come off his waist due to the change in his body, so he re-secured these tools before moving on.

The butterfly wings on his back slowly stretched out and fluttered as several dark shadows wrapped around Bai Lixin’s exposed limbs, and from a distance, it looked much like a black bodysuit.

Bai Lixin, “Thank you.”

His voice sounded so loud in the empty cave that the sound hit the stalactites and bounced back to Bai Lixin.

“There’s no need to thank me,” Dijia said coldly, “I’m looking forward to your performance.”

Bai Lixin walked in the huge rocky cave where stalactites converged, and although there was no water there, water dripped down from the pointed rocks that hung over the water.

The drops fell on his shoulders and, with a gentle slip, went into his clothes.

The drops quickly faded from Bai Lixin’s body the moment they fell, except for his hair, which was still damp.

His hair was tied back and a few wisps hung around his ears and forehead, and the pale blue hair set off Bai Lixin’s already delicate and fair skin.

Dijia had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

He did not say much on this journey, but only silently attached himself to Bai Lixin’s back, quietly watching his movements.

He felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity with this very good-looking young man, but he got no clue when he tried to figure out where this familiarity came from.

From the first moment he saw the young man, he showed a keen interest. He was so indifferent that he had the desire to get the young man, and what’s more, he wanted to get him so badly that he did not want to hurt him.

Bai Lixin did not know what was going through Dijia’s mind. His attention was currently focused on the cave in front of him.

The light he had seen earlier had not come from this cave, but from a small tunnel at the other end of the cave.

He organized himself and moved towards that small tunnel.

No wonder the God of the Sea has turned to so many creatures in vain. How were those behemoths going to get in when the thing was hidden like this?!

And as far as he knew, few marine creatures could survive on both land and sea, so what was hiding here?

Split turtles should be able to as well.

The Sea God originally created the split turtles to save her, but they instead became killers of the entire sea.

Without further hesitation, Bai Lixin soon arrived in front of the tunnel.

He did not go in immediately, but first took out a piece of seaweed, tied a stone to one end, and threw it inside.

Bai Lixin remained holding the end of the seaweed, and the moment the stone was thrown in, the seaweed was immediately pulled taut: something in the tunnel was pulling on the other end.

He yanked the water weed back with all his might, but was unexpectedly yanked two steps forward. A dark shadow reached out from behind and quietly wrapped itself around the waterweed and also tugged.

Dijia, who was helping him cheat, had no shame whatsoever in secretly exerting himself and lending Bai Lixin his strength.

Soon, he realized that the other party was really strong. No matter how much force they used, the opposite side always managed to outweigh them by that much.

Bai Lixin’s lips pursed, and at the last moment of being yanked in, Bai Lixin abruptly let go.

Dijia, on the other hand, let go immediately.

Inside, there was a sound of a heavy object hitting the stone wall, as if something had fallen. Bai Lixin was about to try again when he suddenly heard a familiar muffled groan from inside.

He stiffened, and surprise flashed in his eyes.

Dijia, who was on Bai Lixin’s back, was equally surprised.

Bai Lixin took a few quick steps and dove into the tunnel with the flashlight in one hand and the trident in the other.

The tunnel led to a cave that was like a paradise.

While outside was a cramped, dark sea shrouded in death, this cave was studded with countless gems.

The gems were colorful and shone with a crystal light, illuminating the empty semi-circular cave in a multitude of colors.

But Bai Lixin and Dijia were not in the mood to see this beautiful sight. They were staring at the man opposite them.

Bai Lixin’s eyes were full of surprise, and although Dijia’s eyes were hidden in the fog, the swirls revealed his mood.

Bai Lixin was puzzled. How was it him?

The man across from him had the exact same appearance as Dijia.

Not only his appearance, but even his aura was identical.

He was wearing the same dark purple robe he had worn when they had last met in the void of the universe. His dark purple hair fell over his forehead, and the man was gazing at him through the long bangs.

His eyes were smiling, and the corners of his mouth were gently curled.

Bai Lixin was very familiar with this expression and look.

He could feel the fullness of the soul opposite him; the Dijia opposite him was whole; his soul had not been split.

But if he was Dijia, who was the one at his back this whole time, and the one he had encountered in the previous two copies?

When “Dijia” saw Bai Lixin, surprise flashed in his eyes, and he was about to stride towards him.

However, Bai Lixin raised his trident. He only hesitated for a moment before his gaze condensed again.


“Dijia” immediately stopped in his tracks, and a look of hurt flashed in his eyes.

“Tell me, who are you?” Bai Lixin looked at the man in front of him, but the other man’s show of weakness did not make him relax.

“What’s the matter, baby? You don’t even recognise me anymore? I’m Dijia.”

The hurt in the man’s eyes intensified as he continued, “I came here after the black hole exploded, and I’ve been trapped here ever since. I thought I’d never see you again! It’s great that you’re still alive.”

Bai Lixin’s chin dropped, and his raven-feathered eyelashes hid his eyes.

When he looked up again, his eyes had a hint of a smile, “Great, I’ve been looking for you too. Are you alright? There are a lot of dead monsters out there. Did you kill them all?”

The wings behind him retracted back onto his back.

“Dijia” took a deep breath, “What is that you’re holding? Did you receive it from Sea God? She is the one who has imprisoned me here, don’t let her fool you! Those beings outside were all killed by Sea God and then she framed me.”

Bai Lixin looked at “Dijia”, “Why did she imprison you here?”

“Dijia”, “Why else? She is greedy and wants to suck the power out of me. She has lived too long, so long that she is dying. Only by regaining power can she continue her life. I hid here, and she can’t enter. She has to keep devouring the lives of the sea creatures outside in order to extend her life.”

“Dijia” paused, “The trident in your hand is an ominous object. It will keep absorbing your life the longer you hold onto it. Come on, and give it to me.”

It dawned on Bai Lixin, “No wonder.”

He looked at the trident in his hand with difficulty, “It will hurt me, but it will also hurt you if you hold it, right? I don’t want you to get hurt.”

The butterfly wings, which had been quiet, suddenly heard Bai Lixin’s words and immediately wanted to flutter in anger.

Dijia: “……”

For a moment, he experienced confusion.

He didn’t know who it was that Bai Lixin saw, but in his case, he was seeing Bai Lixin’s figure.

He had heard Bai Lixin’s groan of pain from outside the tunnel.

But with just one glance upon entering the cave, he knew that the cargo opposite was a fake.

The opposite side was an exact replica of Bai Lixin, but drawing a dog did not make it look like a tiger. No matter how similar in appearance, Bai Lixin’s aura was not something that the opposite side could imitate.

I believe this is a spirit-type monster.

When people see it, they see people they can’t bear to hurt.

This was a life-saving tactic for Spirit-type monsters. It was shameless, but it worked well.

This was probably why the split turtles were unable to kill the creature. The split turtles attacked the tunnel, like a self-protection mechanism that the body’s defense system unlocked to carry out a virus removal.

But when they came in, they saw another Sea God.

How could they not be confused?

The lower the IQ of the creature, the easier they are to fall under mind control.

In just a matter of moments, the split turtles went from being virus cleaners to the right hand of the virus. They got confused and mistook this creature for its master, and they dutifully began to hunt on command, turning the outer sea into an inferno.

The Sea God could do nothing to them.

Dijia was silent.

But his biggest surprise was that he saw Bai Lixin. His role as one the person he feared to hurt would have to be re-examined.

But, if he was seeing Bai Lixin, who was it that Bai Lixin saw?

Was it the old attacker whom he had “widowed” himself?

The thought of this made Dijia even more annoyed.

He saw Bai Lixin, but Bai Lixin saw someone else.

How could he be the licking dog?

The more he didn’t know, the more he wanted to know who it was that Bai Lixin saw.

That desire to know was like an ant crawling all over his heart.

But this type of mind control makes everyone see different things. Just like Bai Lixin didn’t know whom he saw, he didn’t know whom Bai Lixin saw either.

Dijia suddenly froze, and his heavy heart secretly dropped back into place.

Fortunately, Bai Lixin did not know. If he let Bai Lixin know that he was seeing him…

That was a large social death scene.

But this idiot, how dare he say something like “afraid of hurting you”?

Bai Lixin! Aren’t you strong? You could even crack the inner world of the Blood Clan copy, and now you’re being controlled by a spiritual monster?

What was the charm of that ex-husband I manually widowed? How could he make you so mesmerized?!

He watched Bai Lixin move towards that spirit-type monster with his trident raised.

Because it was a spirit-type monster, it was still in Bai Lixin’s appearance.

Bai Lixin threw the flashlight aside, held the trident in both hands, and slowly moved towards “Bai Lixin”.

Dijia stretched out a black shadow and was about to strike when he saw Bai Lixin’s eyes. The eyes hidden under his eyelashes were as clear as an ethereal spring, and they had a cold glint in them.

The movement of the black shadow stopped abruptly, and Dijia slowly withdrew it.

He knew it. How could Bai Lixin be deceived by such a trick?

What he didn’t know, however, was that just as he saw Bai Lixin, Bai Lixin was seeing him as well.

In the quiet cave, Bai Lixin slowly moved forward, his mouth smiling. His hands were holding up the trident, and his expression was reverent, as if he was making an offering.

“Dijia” had encouragement in his eyes, and his tone was becoming more and more urgent. He could not even resist taking two steps forward.

When he saw that the two of them were almost close to each other, Bai Lixin’s eyes suddenly turned cold. The trident in his hand was instantly gripped hard, and he suddenly thrust it out.

The trident pierced straight into the opponent’s body!

Shock appeared in the opponent’s eyes.

The trident was pulled out sharply, and Bai Lixin’s eyes flashed with disgust when he saw “Dijia’s” wretched and frightened expression.

“He would never have that look in his eyes! Even if the sky falls, he will always be the one standing!” Bai Lixin raised his trident, and this time, thrust towards the man’s neck.

A column of blood spurted out like a fountain.

Bai Lixin kicked his opponent away, showing no mercy.

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