After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 42.1 - Deep Sea Mermaid

Chapter 42.1 - Deep Sea Mermaid

The butterfly wings on Bai Lixin’s back trembled.

Blood spurted out from the head of the spiritual monster in front of him. A cloud of black mist also came out of the neck along with the spluttering blood.

The head gurgled and rolled to the side, the fear and shock still in its eyes.

Bai Lixin coldly swept a glance at it. He walked straight up and stomped on it with one foot.

“Dijia’s” head immediately turned into a black mist that gathered towards the roof of the cave.

Black butterfly Dijia quietly watched Bai Lixin stomp on the head, and for some reason, his head also hurt.

Although he knew that what was in front of him was an illusion, it was still Bai Lixin’s face in his eyes. Spiritual monsters directly invade the opponent’s brain, causing a fundamental change in perception, not just a change in the appearance of the monster.

Since the monster still had Bai Lixin’s face, then Bai Lixin was also still seeing the face of the person that was supposed to be his weakness.

Although he knew Bai Lixin realized that the other party was fake, he still felt that it was ruthless…

Dijia’s neck also felt a pain, and with it, his face was also on fire.

If he really pissed off this little guy one day, wouldn’t he get killed like that?

The black mist gushed out from the place where the neck had been cut like a well.

The torso that had fallen to the ground slowly disappeared and turned into a huge black beast.

And it was a black beast that he had just seen.

It was identical to the black dog he had seen in his sea of consciousness that had devoured the God of the Sea.

The long-haired body was made of a sticky black liquid; the scarlet malicious eyes; the sharp teeth that tore and interlaced.

Countless emotion faces dangle from the black liquid body from which they emerge, only to be mercilessly swallowed back in.

An endless stream of wails resounded in the otherwise empty cave, filling every corner.

Spit made of black slime flowed from the beast’s teeth, and with every drop that fell, the black liquid turned into a large black dog.

The otherwise colored space of the cave was gradually invaded by the oppressive blackness.

The blue trident in his hand kept flickering and emitting a mournful wail. Bai Lixin glanced at the trident and reached out to stroke it soothingly.

“Don’t be afraid, I’m here.”

As if the trident could understand Bai Lixin’s words, the flickering gradually stopped and turned into the placid blue that flowed through the trident.

Bai Lixin looked around. The dangerously oppressive black liquid continued to invade. It was like the open mouth of a fierce beast that was just about to swallow him up.

The words were spinning, strangely unlike what should happen in reality, and it was easy for one to fall into a trance, wondering if this moment was reality or in a dream.

“Jiejiejie,” a thick voice with several overlapping tones, came from across the room. Bai Lixin’s face was as cold as frost, and his smoky eyes looked at the large black dog indifferently.

“I’ve always wanted you to join me.” The black dog’s eerily complex voice came, as if it had gone through the layers of barrier and had taken root in Bai Lixin’s heart.

“There has never been a thought that could reject me. You are the first, but also the last.”

“I have been trying to find you, but I never thought you would come to me.”

“Join me, become part of me, and let us take control of this world together.”

Faces poured out of the black dog and hovered on all sides of him, “Just like them, they are still them, but they are also me, and I am also them. I am not a bad person, I embrace all thoughts. Join us and you will surely be the most colorful thought of us all.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

Why was it that every villain had such similar lines and particularly liked to paint a big picture?

Just do it and be done with it. What’s the point of all this talk?

The black liquid continued dripping, looking like disgusting slime.

Bai Lixin brought his feet to the task and he charged straight towards the opposite side.

The trident in his hand emitted a blue glow as it swayed, like a curtain of emerald pearls, or as the stars filled the sky.

Seeing that he could not convince Bai Lixin, the black dog also began to attack him.

Bai Lixin was not made of soft dough.

He stabbed out his trident, and with an uppercut, hung one of the black dogs on the trident.

But instead of immediately throwing the black dog away, he let it be on top.

The next second, something magical happened.

The originally arrogant black dog’s body rapidly shrank, and in its place, the trident’s color became increasingly radiant and dazzling.

The trident was absorbing the power of the spiritual monster.

He had seen through the nature of the spirit monster. In the end, it was just a mass of parasites.

It had grown into its present form by plundering, and the source of its power came from the sea that nourished all things.

The sea had made it, but it could also destroy it.

After absorbing the power of one, the trident did not stop and continued to absorb the power of others.

One by one, the black dogs were absorbed in succession, and the black liquid, which was supposed to envelop the cave, slowed down and began to retract.

Bai Lixin stepped on the rock gap, and took advantage of the liquid’s retreat to return to uncontaminated ground.

The black dog on the other side had increasingly scarlet eyes.

It looked at Bai Lixin intently, and the madness in its eyes was overflowing. It was as if something was exploding inside its body, and it kept jutting out in sharp projections. In an instant, black liquid flew from its body and, the creatures that looked like black dogs now turned into strange faced ghosts.

A huge barrier opened up and, with a roar from the monster, countless faces poured out and flew towards Bai Lixin.

The trident in Bai Lixin’s hand flew up and turned into a huge circular blue barrier.

The emotional faces hit the blue barrier one after the other, and were bounced away before they had time to wail.

But as one face died, more came up.

The faces came one after the other, and Bai Lixin seemed to be drowning under a small mountain.

Seeing more and more faces in front of him, an amiable old voice suddenly came into Bai Lixin’s mind, saying, “Its weak point is at the neck.”

Bai Lixin’s movement of turning his trident stalled slightly, and he saw an elderly looking green face that had been painted in make-up, blocking his way.

Bai Lixin, “Old patriarch?”

The green face helped Bai Lixin block most of the attack; “Child, our souls were imprisoned inside that monster after being eaten by the split turtles. Everyone is out of control. Let me help you.”

Countless tiny cracks had appeared on the green face plate as he spoke.

“I was also controlled for a long time at first, and have just regained consciousness. I shared memories as part of that monster’s body, so I know what’s going on. Go on, boy! Kill it!”

Tiny bits of debris had begun to fall off the tiny cracks and more pronounced chaps followed.

Shared memories also mean shared life.

Like the monster had said, they were it. It was them.

Now they are one.

Killing the monster would mean that these souls would also perish with it.

Bai Lixin hesitated.

He wanted to find a more neutral solution.

“Child, you are so gentle.” The old merman’s voice came into Bai Lixin’s ears, “But there is no need to feel sorry for us. Life changes and there is death before there is new life. I know what you are hesitating about, but this is the only way. When we die, the Sea God will reappear in all her glory. She is the most tenacious of beings and she is the mother of life. As long as she lives, new life will be born in this ocean.”

“Everything will start again.”

“All will be well.”



More cracks appeared above the green face.

A flash of red appeared in Bai Lixin’s eyes as he took a hard, deep breath and no longer hesitated.

The wind curled around his ears, and with the flow of the wind, he became an arrow as he shot out with his trident raised, and stabbed straight into the monster’s throat.

As the blue light flashed, and Dijia’s black shadow quickly wrapped around it to make it concentrate on one area.

The blue light penetrated through the slimy black liquid and the rays could be seen from behind it.

The black shadow slowly faded away and retracted back to Bai Lixin’s back, quickly turning into butterfly wings

There wasn’t a trace of filth stuck to Bai Lixin’s body, and there was only a smudge on the blade of the trident in his hand. With a valiant flick of his long, slender wrist, he flung the sticky black liquid against the wall.

In Bai Lixin’s other hand was a red core he had found in the monster’s neck. The red light in that core glowed strangely, looking something like a solar flare.

The monster turned around with a roar and stretched out a slimy leg, “Give me back my stuff! Give it back!”

Bai Lixin gave the monster a cold look, and without saying a word, he simply crushed the red core with force.

In an instant, countless energies roared out from the core. Like a mass of heat waves,  they poured out in all directions.

With the rupture of the core, the emotion faces stopped attacking in an instant.

They remained suspended in place, their eyes dull, as if they were just inanimate objects.

Bai Lixin nimbly jumped into the open space and landed next to the old merman.

The green face that represented the old merman was already full of cracks, and it looked at Bai Lixin silently, its wise gaze full of relief and comfort.

“Tell those children to keep it up.”

All the faces began to fade and become transparent as his aged voice rang out.



“Damn it!”

“Why did you have to kill us?! This was our future! It’s the Sea God who didn’t want to live; I was just helping her! I’m the one who’s right!”

Bai Lixin didn’t bother to talk to the villain as the surrounding mountains and rocks began to crumble with the black dog’s rampage.

The ground shook, grains of sand fell from above, and large cracks appeared in the rocks overhead.

He had to get out of here in a hurry or these rocks would come crashing down and this place would bury him.

Bai Lixin ignored the black beast and headed straight for the tunnel he had come from.

“Trying to run?!”

“Damn it, I’ll take you with me.”

“You stay and cushion my fall, hahaha.”

The black beast was defeated. It quickly released power and countless souls flowed from its body, which started hitting against the cave’s rocks.

The fragile stalactites were simply unable to withstand such an attack and in an instant, the rock walls fractured and untold numbers of tiny rocks fell from above.

The tunnel outside also collapsed in a flash.

The place had been completely transformed into a secret chamber.

Bai Lixin’s lips pursed slightly.

While nimbly moving away from the falling rocks, he quickly opened the task bar. There was still one more night before the task was completed.

Next, he opened the system backpack, and from it, he took out the substitute doll.

He had bought this prop before the start of his last copy, and it had never been used.

Bai Lixin clicked on the description of the substitute doll.

[Substitute Doll: Can die in the player’s place, sending the player to safety.]

Who said hoarding was useless?

A rock broke in half and collapsed downwards.

With the huge rocks pressing down overhead, it was no longer a matter of hiding or not. Where do you hide when the sky is falling?

The dying black beast looked at the huge rocks that were falling down and laughed loudly.

“Who told you to trouble me? You deserve it!”

Bai Lixin raised an eyebrow and was about to take out his substitute doll from his backpack.

Stupid. This master has two lives.

Just when he was about to take out the substitute doll, the butterfly wings on his back suddenly fluttered like mad.

A black shadow quickly drew away from the wings like a willow branch, and in an instant, became a humanoid black fog.

As Bai Lixin looked on in amazement, the black fog quickly enveloped him.

Then, the black fog began to gradually grow larger.

Countless tentacles came out of the black fog and pressed against the rocks above his head, and the foggy arms were like Pangu holding up heaven and earth, and the palms heavily supported the rocks overhead.

The black fog still continued to grow larger, and the rocks overhead began to squeeze upwards with the enormity of the black fog.

The black fog grew bigger and bigger and bigger.

The black body continued to stretch, and eventually, the rock that was being pushed back broke off in the middle.

The godlike fog tore through the mountain that sat at the bottom of the sea, opening up the sky in this cave that had become a cage.

The god was like an indomitable guardian, slowly wrapping the tiny Bai Lixin in a protective circle and shielding him from calamity.

The black beast lost all its strength and looked at the behemoth before it.

Its blood-red eyes were tinged with reluctance, but in the end, it died and fell with its reluctance into the abyss.

With its last strength, the black beast took another look at Bai Lixin, who had escaped death.

The body made of black slime had grown smaller and smaller until it was the size of an ant.

It was reluctant. It couldn’t just let this ant get away!

With its last strength, a black shadow suddenly sprang out.

It was going to invade this ant’s brain, occupy it, and start all over again!

At the last moment before Bai Lixin was completely merged into the black fog, the spirit-like monster passed through the black fog and burrowed into Bai Lixin’s mind.


I’m in!

This is this ant’s brain! Now it belongs to me!

Suddenly, four sharp eyes looked at it.

Before the spiritual monster could react, S419M and the escape system quickly struck out and directly knocked the spiritual monster to the ground.

S419M: [Shit, you dare to invade the Lord Host’s brain even with this young master around? Do you really think that monkeys are the king when tigers are not at home?]

Escape System: […Why do I feel like you are pointing fingers and cursing?]

S419M: [Heh.]

The spiritual monster looked at the two weird energy bodies in front of it in fear, [What are you?! Why are there so many boarders in his brain?!]

S419M: [Does an unworthy monster like you deserve to know who we are?]

The two powerful spiritual bodies squeezed over, and in the face of absolute power, the monster did not even have the strength to escape and was forced to receive death.

During this long torture, a cruel sentence was uttered from one of the energy bodies on the opposite side: [Die for this lord!]

The cockroach-like spiritual monster finally perished completely.

S419M: [Lord host, I did a good job, didn’t I?!]

Bai Lixin: [Not bad, I didn’t want to raise another existence in my head and put together a table for you to play landlord.]

The dutiful escape system added: [Actually, two can also play. They can also play poker (row trains).]

Bai Lixin: [……]

S419M: [……]

In a sense, the escape system was kinda…well, dumb.

There was chaos in the merfolk community.

Just a moment ago, they began to feel the ground shake.

The rocks on either side kept shaking, and sand and gravel fell from both sides.

Under the scarred merman’s command, the merfolk panicked for only a moment before they began to flee upwards, each protecting their young and the elderly.

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