After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 64.1 - Red Apple House

Chapter 64.1 - Red Apple House

As the other players were looking for tasks, Xia Chi was looking for his brother. Bai Lixin, the person in question, finally saw the hundred or so private chats that Xia Chi had sent, and he briefly replied back.

Bai Lixin opened the task bar. There were 6 hours left, and the points pool had long since gone to zero.

Through the footage the system had shown him earlier, he also knew what was supposed to happen on the fourth day.

On the fourth day, when all the players had forgotten their memories and were at their most happiest, they would be taken away and experimented on.

Bai Lixin went for a walk outside. It should have been daylight, but the sun in the distance had set, and there was only a golden afterglow in the horizon.

This world was not real. It was more like a distorted space created by Dr. Huai’s strong obsession.

Because of his death, the energy fluctuated and time was distorted.

So day and night were reversed, and things were very unstable.

Even though this space existed because of Dr. Huai, he still believed that the souls and beings in this space were real beings.

They were so real and rich, and not virtual data.

Perhaps Dr. Huai’s obsession was so powerful that it had directly trapped so many beings and souls in his space.

But there was no doubt that they had been imprisoned here for too long.

20 people entered this S ranked copy, only 18 survived.

This was an unprecedentedly high survival rate for an s-rank copy, and some players even felt as if they were just waking up from a nightmare.

With three hours to go, all the players gathered in the depths of the apple orchard.

The fog gradually became thicker and a huge rusty iron gate slowly appeared in an empty space in the distance, along with an ancient and mysterious building.

Suddenly, there was the sound of pipes and pianos, followed by the sound of drums and zheng ……

The different musical instruments came together and formed an ethereal tune.

Dijia stood beside Bai Lixin, “It’s the music of the dead for the procession. ”

Bai Lixin suddenly thought of the name of this copy.

The Third Symphony of the Undead – The Night Walk of A Hundred Ghosts.

At one time, he had thought that “The Night Walk of A Hundred Ghosts” represented death and fear, but he now realized that it was the farewell of the undead for the world they were leaving.

This was not a song of terror, but music of hope.

Bai Lixin simply nodded and did not say much.

He looked in the direction of the iron gate. The fog before him gradually grew thicker. It was so thick that he could not see beyond two metres.

And yet, they could somehow see the countless faint but warm yellow rays emanating from the iron grille.

As the sound of the music got closer, the yellow points of light formed two thin lines that gradually became more pronounced.

The lights turned out to be two rows of portable round lanterns.

At the front of the line were the undead that were playing the music instruments, followed by the rest of the undead who needed to travel to the underworld.

Suddenly, the sound of a loud and clear *suona cut through the sky. It pierced through the eternal night a d resonated to every corner of the area.

*A musical instrument.

The sound of the suona was usually associated with an ascension to heaven or a worship service.

With the sound of the suona, the fog was suddenly blown away by a gust of wind that came from nowhere.

The players who were watching the ceremony from the sidelines finally saw the scene before them.

What had been an apple orchard had turned into a river, and over the river was a heavy stone bridge leading to the ancient building.

There was gurgling water constantly flowing through the river, and the musicians at the front had almost reached the bridge, while the rest of the procession was stretched all the way to the hotel.

Some ghosts were holding a karmic fruit in their arms, while others were moving while holding a person. These were actually the mature karmic fruits.

At first, Bai Lixin did not know what the karmic fruit was, thinking they were just guides for the ghosts to the underworld. It was only recently that he also got to know what the karmic fruit really was.

It was the obsessive feedback of the undead.

When the undead were willing to give up all their obsessions and pour them into the karmic fruit, they were considered completely liberated.

When they saw the undead, the undead also saw them.

There were so many undead waving towards them from afar, silently saying their goodbyes and thanks.

Those were all the undead who had once been trapped in the Red Apple House. After a hundred years of captivity, they too were finally freed.

Bai Lixin was watching the ghost mother and her two children when he suddenly heard a familiar childish cry, “Mom, Dad!”

Bai Lixin was startled and followed the voice. The doll head had grown limbs and was among the procession.

After growing arms and legs, he looked more like the fortune dolls in the New Year paintings.

The small boy had a fat face and hands, and he was wearing a thick red coat. He was sitting on top of a huge head and was waving towards them.

Bai Lixin: “Who is he following there?”

Dijia: “As long as it is ripe, karmic fruit can enter the underworld on their own even if there are no dead spirits for it to accompany.”

The man lowered his voice and his mouth came to Bai Lixin’s ear, “Isn’t he cute? He was nourished by your love. Although I think babies are too noisy, this one is quite pleasant. Should we get another karmic fruit?”

Bai Lixin: “……”

Heh, trying to trick me?

Do you really think my head is made of dough?

Bai Lixin secretly glared at Dijia.

He thought Dijia’s fragment in this copy was a good person, but it turned out to be a master of fraud. Eight out of ten sentences were lies.

He would give correct information at critical moments, but he would also plant a pit for him to jump into.

He had seen the essence of his nature with the issue of the room card alone.

Sure enough, Dijia was still Dijia, and the soul fragment was still inseparable from the word “dog”.

On the other side of the bridge was another mysterious fog.

The procession of the undead walked across the bridge and disappeared into the fog.

The Night Walk of A Hundred Ghosts lasted for more than two hours.

The air kept echoing with the ethereal mystery and the high-pitched sound of the suona. Just when it looked like the procession had trailed off and was about to disappear on the other side of the river, a small old man appeared in front of Bai Lixin and Dijia.

Bai Lixin took a closer look and discovered that it was the old man who was in charge of the gate at the Underworld Hotel.

He had a hunched back, age spots crawling across his face, and was wearing a proper tuxedo.

The small old man looked at Bai Lixin and Dijia with a very serious look in his eyes before finally bowing towards them and leaving with the words “You are welcome in the Underworld”.

Bai Lixin and Dijia looked at each other.

“You are welcome in the Underworld” was not a flattering statement.

Was this a way of telling them to die early?

But what was the old man’s meaningful look at the end?

After the old man left, the iron gate in the distance slowly closed.

The gate and the house sank into the ground together, and disappeared completely.

On the task bar, the clearance time of the copy had also reached the last few seconds.

As they watched the countdown return to zero, a system prompt rang out the players’ minds at the same time.

[Ding! Game time is over. The teleportation will begin and the set location is the players’ respective dormitories.]

[Ding! There is a bug in [The Third Symphony of the Undead- Night Walk of A Hundred Ghosts Journey] so this copy will be completely closed from today onwards. Thank you for your efforts.]

[The channel has been opened, the teleportation will begin.]

With the system’s prompt, the crowd was immediately swept into a vortex.

Bai Lixin opened his eyes again and found himself in the dormitory.

The room had changed again. This time, there was an extra bedroom, a balcony, and the décor was more refined and luxurious.

Before Bai Lixin had time to admire the room, the system prompt rang out.

[Ding! Congratulations to player Bai Lixin for excelling in this copy. You have earned 380,000 performance points and a total of 110,000 exchange points. Your floor has also been raised from the 72nd floor to the 102nd floor.]

[A friendly reminder; as the floor level increases, the number of performance points redeemed to upgrade will also increase. 10,000 performance points are needed for each floor upgrade from levels 1-100; 50,000 performance points will be needed from levels 101-200 . Player Bai Lixin has and addition 380,000 performance points so the system automatically raised you to the 102nd floor. I wish you a nice time playing.]

As soon as the system’s words fell, he suddenly got a private chat notification.

Bai Lixin opened the private chat box and saw the Xia Chi’s frantic messages.

Xia Chi: [Brother! I want an explanation! Why did that child call you “mom”?]

Bai Lixin froze for a couple of seconds, not knowing where to start for a moment.

The story of what happened to him and Dijia was quite a long one.

Xia Chi’s message came again, [Aren’t you supposed to be the father?]

Bai Lixin: “……”

Uh, should that be the point of your concern, kid?

Bai Lixin had just typed two words into the chat box when another message came from Xia Chi, [Brother, I’ve reached the 51st floor, don’t you want the designated copy card? Let’s go, I’ll go draw it for you.]

Bai Lixin deleted the two words he just typed and he replied with one word: [Okay.]

A few minutes later, Bai Lixin arrived at the 50th floor. He found Xia Chi, and two more people beside him.

It was Li Cancan and Liang Xi.

He had heard that Li Cancan and Liang Xi had each entered another copy. The Li Cancan and Liang Xi in front of him were different people from the ones he had seen when he first entered the copy.

Liang Xi used to be the “milky” kind of person. He was tender looking and wearing a pair of spectacles, and the whole look gave off a weak scholar.

But now, he had a bit more maturity and stability, and his eyes looked as sharp as a beast’s.

Meanwhile, Li Cancan had long since ceased to be the timid and childish girl she had been at the beginning.

She quietly stood beside Xia Chi, her hair tied high in a ponytail, and she looked very capable.

Seeing two old friends he hadn’t seen for a long time made Bai Lixin recall the scene when he first entered this game.

Because he had lived so long, he had long since lost his measure of time, and the years were almost static to him.

Only after a moment of recollection did he realise that it had actually only been half a month since he had entered this game.

Bai Lixin: “Long time no see.”

Li Cancan’s voice was a little anxious, ” God Xin, can you bring me along?”

Liang Xi: “Although we only met Zhou Guang once, we had an agreement to leave here together. If you are going to find Zhou Guang, can you bring me along too?”

Bai Lixin looked at the two of them and eventually nodded, “Alright.”

In his mind, he asked to the escape system: [How many people can I take with me using [the designated copy] prop card?]

The escape system’s voice rang out: [You can bring a team over. Since you already have 2 players above level 50 in your current party, you can now invite two more players below level 50 to join your team.]

Bai Lixin: [What is this principle?]

Escape System: [One to one correspondence principle. Anyone below level 50 is considered a novice player by the system, only after passing 50 levels will you be considered a full player.]

[Players above level 50 can freely form a team, and the maximum number a team can have is 20, while the minimum is 2. However, to invite players below level 50, the team needs to have an equal number of players above level 50 in the team.]

Bai Lixin opened the team invite and sent it to the two, “First accept this.”

Li Cancan and Liang Xi quickly clicked “Agree”, and in the next second, a system prompt rang out in the minds of the four.

[Ding! Team [Sweeping the streets with a plug in] has added members Li Cancan and Liang Xi successfully. The current team has 4 members.]

Li Cancan hesitated to say something, but finally spoke up: “Uh, nice name. Did the …… God Xin come up with it?”

Xia Chi puffed out his chest: “It’s nice, right?! I came up with it.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

Li Cancan took a deep breath and swallowed it.

It’s a good name, but don’t name anything ever again.

After paying the entrance fee, the group quickly entered Punk Paradise. This time, they didn’t bother looking around and went straight to the service counter.

The pool of rare cards on the service counter was already stocked with new prop cards.

Xia Chi’s game play was still displayed on the screen above the head of the service NPC,.

Xia Chi must have made a great impression on the NPC as he immediately went stood in a vigilant stance as if meeting an enemy when he saw Xia Chi coming over.

Xia Chi stared at the card pool for two seconds, and his eyes, which had been excited, immediately dimmed: “Brother, the prop cards in the card pool have changed. The designated copy prop card isn’t there.”

Bai Lixin had already noticed.

The prop card had been replaced with “summoning cards”.

Summoning cards? Wasn’t that the prop card he had drawn in [The Blood Clan] copy?

It wasn’t too bad.

The NPC’s tense shoulders immediately relaxed when he heard Xia Chi’s words, and his tone was good, “Yes, yes, yes, this prop card is not rare at all, and it’s also very useless. Why don’t you go look around. Our front desk can give you a few more point coins.”

Xia Chi looked at Bai Lixin.

Heh, when it came to making decisions like this, of course it was Brother’s call.

Bai Lixin smiled and patted Xia Chi’s shoulder, “Since you’re here, the summoning card is not bad, you can play around with it later.”

NPC: “……”

Play with what! Don’t stick it to me, get the hell out of here!

Xia Chi’s mall exchange points had long passed five figures, and he was considered rich.

He directly exchanged points for 100 coins, and then began to draw the lottery.

Xia Chi must have been the darling of the God of Luck. He had just made three tries and gotten the summoning prop card. Moreover, he hadn’t wasted the previous three tries either, as he got a special prize, a first prize, and a second prize.

What was it like break your own lottery record?

Just ask Xia Chi.

This prop card was a bit different from the summoning card that Bai Lixin had used before. The prop card that Bai Lixin drew from the mystery box before was designated to summon a specific character named “True Ancestor”.

This card did not.

Bai Lixin looked at the card’s description and gave it back to Xia Chi.

Xia Chi was puzzled: “Brother, you don’t want it?”

Bai Lixin shook his head gently, “Keep the prop card, it can save your life when it’s critical.”

Xia Chi looked at the prop card’s description.

[This is a consumable card and can be used for once. To use this card, the player needs to form the image of the person in their mind while shouting their name inorder to summon them. The summoned will help the player without compensation, and will not be able to harm the player either. The summoning lasts for 10 minutes].

The summoning time was only 10 minutes, what was the point?

It was too useless. How could this save my life?

Even if I summoned brother, it would be useless because 10 minutes is too short to do anything.

Bai Lixin gave the card a meaningful glance, “Doesn’t it say that there are only two limitations to summoning. You only have to imagine the one you want to summon and shout their name. As long as your imagination is rich enough, you can summon whatever you want. For example, a monkey with three eyes or something.”

Xia Chi’s eyes suddenly went wide.

Brother is still brother!

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