After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 64.2 - The Undead Magician

Chapter 64.2 - The Undead Magician

Bai Lixin paused for two seconds and continued: “But this is just my conjecture. If it’s a critical moment, you summon me.”

Bai Lixin also exchanged some points coins. Bai Lixin and Xia Chi went their separate ways; one depended on strength, the other depended on luck. In just an hour, the prop cards they won filled the basket Li Cancan and Xia Chi were holding, and Liang Xi was dumbfounded.

The two did not waste time in the end, and they quickly distributes the prop cards.

The cards for additional points were given to the three people to share as Bai Lixin had more than enough of those. He chose a few prop cards and the rest were given to Xia Chi and the rest.

This was considered as preparation of supplies before entering the copy.

Although they went through the hole place, they didn’t see [the designated copy] prop card on the entire 50th floor. Xia Chi panicked: “Brother, what if it is not there?”

Bai Lixin was in no hurry, he glanced at the three of them, “Liang Xi you have seen that copy and are more familiar with the contents than all of us. Let’s all go to the ground floor café and you tell what you know.”

The group: “Okay.”

A few minutes later, they sat down in the cafe that they always went to. The cafe had soundproof booths, so not only was it private, but they wouldn’t be disturbed by others.

But it was also really expensive as it charged 10 points per minute.

When everyone was seated, Liang Xi took out a small notebook from his backpack, “I spent four days writing down all the details I could still recall on it. But there wasn’t a lot I could summarize since I was also watching your livestream, and also rest and sleep.”

“That copy is set in the Western world with magic elements.”

“The name of the copy,” Liang Xi paused as he flipped a few pages and his finger landed on a small line, “is called The Third Symphony of the Undead – Hymn of the Undead.”

“There are a total of four races on that continent; the Undead, who are all skeleton bodies, the Human race, who have humans as their leaders, the Beast race, who can turn into beasts, and the Dark Elves.”

“The players’ identity is human, but they are sent to the Undead as disciples by the human leader. The leader of the Undead Clan is the Undead King, and he commands an army that never dies. No matter what the wounds are, those troops will always recover.”

“The players start off in a place of worship, something like a western temple.”

“They also have a special setting, which is that they can do magic. The undead troops could recover no matter how badly wounded all because of the powerful recovery magic of the undead priests. The human leaders wanted to learn the recovery magic of the undead, so they sent humans with magical abilities there to learn.”

“However, the Undead King conducts a magic test in the afternoon and those who fail to complete the day’s magic tasks are punished.”

“Zhao Guan learned magic very fast on the very first day and thought he would easily handle the copy’s difficulties so I went to watch your copy.”

“By the time I switched back, they were on a battlefield…”

There was a knock on the door and the waiter’s voice came from outside, “Guests, your drinks has arrived.”

Liang Xi immediately stopped talking and opened the door at Bai Lixin’s gesture. The smiling NPC came in and neatly served them four drinks and an apple pie.

The apple pie was placed directly in front of Bai Lixin, and he was puzzled, “I didn’t order this.”

The waiter smiled, “A guest ordered it for you. It’s just been made and it’s fresh.”

Bai Lixin: “What was that customer’s name?”

The waiter’s expression froze for a couple of seconds: “I’m not sure, the order was placed directly through the network. Don’t worry guest, the order was placed with your name so there was no mistake. The food is absolutely safe and fresh, so you can eat without worry.”

The waiter left and Bai Lixin cut a small piece of the apple pie. The creamy filling hidden inside immediately gushed out and he took a bite; it tasted pretty good.

When Bai Lixin looked up again, he found that the other three were looking at him with curiously.

Bai Lixin swallowed the apple pie and gently wiped the corner of his mouth with a tissue, “What’s wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?”

Li Cancan: “Hahaha, nothing, just curious about who gave it to you. But when I think of how famous you are now, and how many fans you have, it’s not surprising that you received a gift.”

How could she tell God Xin that she had lost her senses from watching him eat?!

She should never let the God Xin know that she is a face con, let alone the fact that she was now kowtowing and shipping the God Xin’s love affair with the big boss.

“Carry on then,” Bai Lixin took a sip of his cappuccino, “who was fighting who?”

“The undead army and the orcs were fighting.”

“The players weren’t on the battlefield though, they were in the back.”

“I watched for a while and found him safe, so I cut back to your live stream.”

Liang Xi scratched his head awkwardly, “It’s not that I didn’t care about Zhou Guang, it’s that your copy was so exhilarating at the time.”

“After that, I would occasionally cut to Zhou Guang’s live stream. It seemed like the players had to collect four props of some sort from the four races, and when they were all collected, they were considered to have passed.”

“His performance was steady and he had already collected three. He was only left with the dark elf area.”

“By then, your copy was coming to an end and I was worried about missing the big finale so I didn’t leave your live stream. You all know what came after, we gathered here after you guys came out and Zhou Guang died at the last minute.”

Bai Lixin ate his red apple pie in silence, his eyes a little out of focus.

A moment later, he reminded, “Go to the mall and get substitute dolls, healing props, and defense props. Those who want to rest or take a shower and change their clothes can use this time as well. I’ll let you know the next step in six hours.”

Xia Chi took a big gulp of iced coffee: “But brother, we still don’t have a designated copy prop card.”

The Lost Beauty could not only build props, but also replicate them. He could use the Lost Beauty to create a designated copy prop card but the cool down for Lost Beauty was 3 days, and he had just used it to create a shield 2 days ago. So he had 6 hours before he could use it again.

He originally planned to get it from the 50th floor, but the lottery prize had been changed. He could only wait 6 hours to use the Lost Beauty to creat the card.

But he couldn’t tell them about the crystal ball.

“I have a plan,” Bai Lixin looked at the three, “we leave in six hours, will that give you enough time?”

Li Cancan: “I’ve been resting for days. I didn’t dare to enter another copy for the past few days for fear of missing you coming out.”

Liang Xi: “Me too, Li Cancan told me about your plan right after I came out. So I’ve been waiting for you guys for the past few days too.”

“I’m more than fine,” Xia Chi smiled, ” I was sleeping and waiting for you for the last two days when we were in the copy. I’ve had mire than enough rest.”

Seeing that all three were ready, Bai Lixin didn’t waste any more time. They finished their drinks and got up to leave.

Bai Lixin walked to the counter to check out. He had just walked over when he felt a familiar gaze on him.

Bai Lixin looked up and saw an enchanting and charming waitress across looking at him with a possessive gaze.

The maid curled her lips, “How was the apple pie?”

Bai Lixin quickly returned to normal as he coughed lightly, “Not bad, just a little sweet.”

“Oh,” the waitress chuckled, “Not as sweet as you.”

Bai Lixin’s cheeks flushed slightly. He lowered his head and looked at the girl’s nails with bright red nail polish and asked softly, “How many points in total?”

“A total of 520 points coins, but someone has already paid for you, honoured guest.” The woman’s voice was enchanting and seductive, and it carried a pressure that was unsuitable for her appearance, “That guest didn’t leave a name, but I think you should know who it is, right?”

Bai Lixin’s eyelashes fluttered as he looked up at Dijia, who was completely different from his usual self, “Say hello to him for me.”

He paused and added, “And tell him that I miss him.”

The woman smiled and said, “Of course, I will be of your service, goodbye.”

With that, her eyes suddenly became dazed and her whole face froze for a second.

The next moment, she came to her senses and looked at Bai Lixin as she smiles professionally, “Hello, what would you like to drink, guest.”

Bai Lixin waved his hand and turned to leave.

Back on the 102nd floor, Bai Lixin first took a shower and changed his clothes.

He was now wise and he put several changes of clothes in his backpack.

One for each season.

Back in room 321 on the 18th floor of the Underworld Hotel, his clothes had gotten wrinkled and they smelled. It took him a lot of time to wash and dry them afterwards.

There was so much stuff in the system backpack that Bai Lixin simply once again upgraded it.

Then he made a flurry of purchases. He bought a little of everything that was available and could be used.

His divine powers had not yet recovered and his force value was still at one-tenth.

The S-rank copy he had entered by mistake showed him that S-rank copies were insidious and damaging. If the S-rank copies at around 200 levels were already at that level, then the copies at higher levels would be even harder to pass.

Even it didn’t matter now, he still needed to raise his force value for the future.

With six figures left in the mall points, Bai Lixin flipped to the strengthening section.

Body strengthening, endurance strengthening, eye sight strengthening, arm strengthening ……

There were all sorts of enhancements available.

Bai Lixin browsed very fast and he was about to reach the bottom when he stopped moving.

After the physical enhancements were resistances.

Bai Lixin stopped at the “Poison Resistance” enhancements.

He hadn’t forgotten how he had been affected by the aphrodisiac at the hotel in the underworld.

His body was originally very strong all round and was immune to poison. Whether it was the disappearance of his divine power, the loss of a tenth of his force value or the loss of his body’s immunity, it all pointed to one thing; his body had been weakened.

It could be due to the game’s rejection when he invaded the game, or it could be that his body had triggered its own defence mechanism to prevent being detected by the system but whatever the reason, he could restore his body to how it was through the game. That way. He won’t be detected by the system as a bug.

The points required for resistances were much more than strengthening enhancements. One point of poison resistance alone would cost 100,000 points.

Bai Lixin didn’t feel any pain, and he directly spent 100,000 points to get the first level of poison resistance enhancement from the mall.

[Ding! This is a passive skill and it will be activated as soon as your body senses toxins. No cool down.]

[ The Poison Resistance skill is currently at level one. It can completely eliminate mild and moderate toxins.]

[The player can stimulate the upgrade of Poison Resistance through exposure with toxins. The full level is at 10, and the player’s body would be invulnerable to all poisons by then.]

[Ding! It is past midnight, 50 points have been deducted for living in the game lobby for a day.]

Poison resistance is good stuff, worth the expense.

Bai Lixin looked at the other strengthening skills again. Even if he wanted to buy, he was out of points.

This round of preparation lasted two hours.

The Lost Beauty cool down period was also over.

Bai Lixin took out the crystal ball from his backpack. He injected energy into it, and it gave off a faint glow.

He brought it before him and began to build the prop card in his mind.

A few seconds later, a card appeared out of thin air and into Bai Lixin hand.

[Ding! Congratulations player, you have obtained [the designated copy] prop card. Do you want to use it immediately?]

Bai Lixin contacted the three people and waited for their replies as he returned to the system: [OK.]

Escape System: [Player, please enter the name of the specified copy.]

[The Third Symphony of the Undead – Hymn of the Undead.]

[Ding! The search for the copy was successful. Target copy; The Third Symphony of the Undead- Hymn of the Undead. The copy will open in 1 minute, will participate in this round?]

Bai Lixin: [Yes, but I want to do a team teleportation.]

Escape system: [Of course. It has been detected that the player, Bai Lixin, is in has 4 people, namely player Bai Lixin, player Xia Chi, player Li Cancan, and player Liang Xi. Please confirm if they are the four people.]

Bai Lixin: [They are.]

[Ding! The locked players have agreed to join you. The copy is successfully locked on, and you will be transmitted after a 5 seconds countdown.

[The countdown will begin in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. The countdown is over. Have a good game, player.]

The white light faded in front of Bai Lixin, and he found a total of ten players, including them, standing in a large hall. Around them stood many skeletal soldiers in armour, each with a red ghostly fire in the eye sockets; this should be the equivalent of their eyes.

Among these skeletons soldiers standing in rows was a group of undead wearing black priestly robes.

Bai Lixin soon saw an old acquaintance – Wen Ziqing.

Wen Ziqing also saw them and his eyes full of shock.

The system prompt rang out in the air.

[Ding! The copy [The Third Symphony of the Undead – Hymn of the Undead] is loaded, the following is the background of the copy.]

[Sibi Continent is a continent full of magic and mystery. There are four races on this continent, the human race, the secretive dark elves, the warlike orcs and the immortal undead.]

[You are the hope of the human race, burdened with the power to sense magic. You have come to the Undead to learn their magic.]

[Survival task 1: Collect the secret treasures of the four races;

Task 2. Survive for seven days and seven nights.]

Liang Xi let out a “Huh”, “Isn’t it four days and four nights?”

System: [As the difficulty of the copy increases, the tasks also change, please understand.]

[The total number of points for this copy is 100,000 points, and the number of participants in the copy is 10. The points will be distributed in equal proportions according to the performance score of the final surviving players.]

[The introduction is complete, and the game will now begin.]

As the system finished, an old voice came out of the mouth of the undead in priestly robes at the very front.

“Welcome, dear human magicians. In order that you may receive the most comprehensive education, we have adopted a one-to-one approach to education, and we will select our respective apprentices from among you.”

Bai Lixin counted a total of 10 skeletons wearing priestly robes, so it was 10 mages for 10 players.

The one who spoke who was obviously the leader and he swept his small, hollow, flaming eyes around the crowd and landed on Bai Lixin.

Fleshless white fingers stuck out from his robes and pointed at Bai Lixin: “From now on, you’ll be ……”

The mage was halfway through his sentence when he suddenly stood still, as if some sort of immobilization spell had been cast on him.

After the awkward stillness, the mage at the head of the group continued to speak, “You are in luck, my son, the High Priest just told me that he will teach you himself.”

He moved his finger around the hall and landed on a skeleton soldier, “You, take this child to the High Priest’s palace.”

Bai Lixin turned around and met Liang Xi’s eyes.

He took in Liang Xi’s gaze and saw panic.

He heard the notification for a private chat and he opened it to see a message from Liang Xi.

Liang Xi: [That’s not right, I hadn’t heard of such a character as the High Priest when I looked at it before. The players were taken away by these ten necromancers.]

Bai Lixin, who was called away, was the one comforting Liang Xi instead: [Didn’t you hear what the system said? Things change. But I’ll be fine, don’t worry.]

This character hadn’t appeared in the previous rounds. Wasn’t there a person who only comes out when he enters a copy?

Speaking of which, what was that person’s persona this time?

He was already curious.

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