After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 65.3 - The Undead Magician

Chapter 65.3 - The Undead Magician

Although there was an element of magic in this copy, not everyone could do it, and the undead were no exception; only about a tenth of each race could do it, and the percentage was even lower for the orcs, who were physically superior.

The Undead are ruled by the Undead King, but the High Priest was one of the most prestigious people in the Undead race and can be said to be equal to the Undead King.

Most of the time, he was even more respected than the king.

It was rumoured that his magic was so extraordinary that he had reached the ninth level of magic, which was the highest level, and he was unfathomable.

It was just that he was a relatively secluded person and he rarely appeared in public.

From the tone of the guard’s voice, it seemed that he had made the High Priest an idol of worship.

The guard chattered but his steps were quick as they walked around the palace.

“We shall turn right at the corner ahead, go through a corridor and be at the practice grounds.” If the guard had skin and blood, his face would have turned an excited red by now.

Bai Lixin followed the guard. They had just turned around the corner when he saw the chattering guard suddenly freeze to the spot.

Bai Lixin followed the guard’s gaze and saw a procession slowly walking from across the corridor.

The soldiers at the front were dressed in armour, with long swords at their waists and they were guarding a skeleton dressed in royal luxury.

On his head was a crown and behind him was a heavy velvet red cloak inlaid with a circle of white fur.

The guard tugged at Bai Lixin’s sleeve and bowed respectfully, “Attend to Your Majesty.”

Bai Lixin copied the guard’s pose and bent over.

“You, lift your head up.” A hoarse male voice rang out. Bai Lixin hesitantly looked up and he saw the Undead King watching him.

The Undead King looked Bai Lixin up and down, and his gaze fell on Bai Lixin’s index finger.

“You are the disciple that the High Priest has hand picked?” The Undead King spoke arrogantly, “Are you going to the practice field? Go on, I look forward to your performance tomorrow.”

Bai Lixin had walked a few steps away when he heard the Undead King’s voice behind him, “I don’t see anything special about him apart from being good looking. He is too fragile even for a human, but since the High Priest likes him, so be it. As long as he is not the one in the prophecy ……”

Because of the distance, the Undead King’s voice gradually became inaudible.

Bai Lixin tapped the guard’s shoulder, “Do you know what the prophecy is?”

The guard looked at him in confusion, “I don’t know.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

You don’t know anything except things about the High Priest, do you?

It seems that this copy has many layers.

There was the “curse” on the tablet and the “prophecy” from the Undead King’s mouth.

After a few more minutes of walking, they finally arrived at the green grass of the practice field.

The field was large, and the other nine players and nine mage priests had each circled an area to practice.

When Bai Lixin arrived, he did not rush to open his book, but walked to the corner and watched them practice in silence.

He watched for a full hour.

Just as the guard said, each one practised a single element of magic.

After the hour had was probably the intermission, and as soon as it was time for a break, Xia Chi immediately darted in Bai Lixin’s direction.

He had already seen Bai Lixin but he didn’t dare to wander off because his teacher kept teaching.

“Brother!” Xia Chi dashed over with gusto, followed by Liang Xi and Li Cancan behind him.

“I never thought that I would have the chance to learn magic one day!” He put his thumb and middle finger together and snapped his fingers crisply. A flame immediately appeared on top of his index finger,l and he exclaimed, “Look, it’s amazing.”

“This is something I only dared to think about in my dreams before.”

Li Cancan and Liang Xi also came and Liang Xi was the first to notice that Bai Lixin had changed his clothes, “God Xin, why have you even changed your clothes? What did the High Priest tell you? Is there any clue?”

Bai Lixin shook his head, “I just met my master who was a bit shy and emotional, he didn’t say anything. We just got here, what clues can I tell you? How’s your magic practice going? I noticed that Xia Chi is a fire element, Li Cancan is a wind element, and Liang Xi is a wood element, right?”

The three nodded In unison, and Li Cancan asked back with concern, “Then what is your magic element, Go Xin.”

Bai Lixin pondered for two seconds, “I’m probably, a miscellaneous element.”

The three looked at each other in disbelief when they heard Bai Lixin ask, “How did you know what element you were?”

Xia Chi: “Master taught us. When we were in the hall, he told us to close our eyes and then imagine that we were floating in the air. Then he told us to try calling out to our surroundings.”

“We saw many points of light pulsating around us. There are seven elements in the magic world and each has its own colour.”

Li Cancan added, “Xia Chi had the best test results. He only had red lights all around him so he was a very pure apprentice of light element magic. The most colour around me was cyan which represents the wind element, but aside from cyan was a bit of purple. Purple is the element of thunder.”

“Those mages chose their apprentices according to which elements they fit into.” Liang Xi then spoke up and asked again, “What about you, God Xin, what element are you?”

Bai Lixin stood up from the grass, patted himself and closed his eyes, “I’ll take a test now.”

Take a test?

What do you mean?

The High Priest had not given God Xin a test to see which element he was suited to, but gave him a magic book?

The three held their breath, not daring to breathe a word.

The wind around them suddenly picked up and many colourful dots of light began to fly in from all directions.

Those points of light soon condensed into colours, and the various colours arranged themselves in sequence. They bounced around Bai Lixin in a spiral, like a huge circular rainbow and they wrapped around Bai Lixin from head to toe.

Bai Lixin was suspended in the midst of these shimmering dots of light. His toes left the ground and his hair flying in the wind, he looked like an angel.

Xia Chi stretched out his fingers and counted the colours one by one.

White, black, cyan, red, blue, yellow and purple ……

All seven elements?

The three people stared in disbelief.

It really was a mixture of colours, and it was so evenly mixed that it could even be said to be impartial.

The three looked at each other with complicated eyes.

How should they express how they felt at the moment.

According to their masters, the purer and more homogeneous the colour, the stronger the magical ability. But this must apply for ordinary people, for Bai Lixin had such colourful colours around him and all were vivid and powerful.

This was probably the strong man effect?

S419M’s voice rang out in Bai Lixin’s mind: [Lord host, these elements are all very fond of you. You are a god who upholds the cosmic realm, and even if you appear in a human disguise now, your soul is the closest to nature and the order of rules. They love you as much as they love the Creator, and they feel the vastness and gentleness of the universe in you].

Bai Lixin landed on his toes, but the seven elements still gathered around him, all refusing to leave.

They swirled and flickered around Bai Lixin, silently telling their fondness and attachment.

We like you.

We really like you.

Let us help you.

Several pulsing elements landed at Bai Lixin’s fingertips before shyly flying away.

In the distance came a sudden sneer.

“I thought the immortalized God Xin was so powerful. He turned out to be a hybrid bastard who doesn’t have a pure color. Tsk tsk, what’s going on? Is the plug-in not working well anymore?”

Xia Chi glared towards the voice that spoke, “Wen Ziqing, shut up!”

Since Bai Lixin had detected his disguise, Wen Ziqing had simply started to take a blackened route. He stopped pretending to be gentle and his eyes showed clear hostility, “What? You’re still not letting people tell the truth? Heh, I’ll be waiting to see Bai Lixin make a fool of himself tomorrow.”

“Oh, I forgot, I’m not the only one watching, there’s a vast number of people in the broadcast room watching, so looking forward to it.”

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