After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 65.2 - The Undead Magician

Chapter 65.2 - The Undead Magician

After taking the book from Dijia, Bai Lixin asked, “Aren’t you my master? Won’t you even teach me the introductory knowledge?”

Dijia: “I have never received a disciple, and not everyone is qualified to be my disciple. You need to prove yourself to me before you can truly gain my teachings.”

“I will be waiting for you here at this time tomorrow. You will only pass my test if you can learn the first seven primary spells of this book by then. If you cannot ……”

Dijia lowered his head, burning red flames gazing at the young man who was so beautiful that even the stars were dimmed, and sneered, “If you can’t, then I will punish you properly.”

Bai Lixin tilted his head and gazed into the other’s eyes without fear, “Why did you take me on if you have never had disciples before?”

“Why?” Dijia was silent for two seconds, and there was a bit of doubt in his voice as well, “Probably because I was too bored, so I took you on a whim.”


A metal ring was thrown from Dijia’s hand. The metal ring made a nice arc in the air and landed in Bai Lixin’s hand, “This is the ring that represents my identity, see it as you see me, wear it and you will be free to enter and leave many places here, no one will stop you.”

Bai Lixin looked at the ring in his hand. It was in the shape of a snake biting its tail, with a beast’s head set in place of the snake head.

He compared it with his fingers and finally put it on his index finger.

Seeing the other man take it, Dijia warned, “Of course, I’m talking about most places, you’re still not allowed to enter the forbidden area.”

Bai Lixin stroked the beast head on the ring, “Where is the forbidden area?”

Dijia chuckled lightly, “Forbidden areas are everywhere.”

“Alright, you go, come back to me tomorrow.” Dijia took Bai Lixin’s hand and touched the ring with the tip of his index finger, “Don’t get any ideas about hiding and not coming over. This ring is not only a symbol of my status, it also has a spiritual link with me, as long as there is a summons from me, you will be obediently teleported over, do you understand?”

Dijia’s fingers were cold, and perhaps intentional or not, but Bai Lixin’s thumb gently brushed the back of the other man’s cold, bony hand, “Understood, I won’t run away.”

Run away?

The words “run away” were not in his dictionary.

S419M: [Then what is the word you shout when you are hiding from monsters?]

Bai Lixin’s face didn’t change: [You said it yourself, it’s called “hiding”. 】

S419M: [……]

The escape system silently nodded in approval: [The art of language.]

Just when Bai Lixin was about to turn around and leave, Dijia stopped him again, his voice slightly annoyed , “You’re just going out like that? Put your clothes back on!”

A green teleportation array lit up in front of him, and three pieces of clothing fell into Bai Lixin’s arms.

It was shirt, a pair of trousers, and a pair of shorts that fit most snugly.

Bai Lixin silently glanced at Dijia.

Dijia coughed lightly: “This is my first time having a disciple, it is inevitable that I’m not used to giving clothes. It’s understandable that I forgot a few pieces of the attire.”

Bai Lixin: “Heh.”

Think I’ll believe your damn big head?!


In the live broadcast room.

[Fuck, what am I seeing? God Xin has already entered another copy? Is this a non-stop rhythm of horses? Even the donkeys in the production team wouldn’t dare to do that.]

[How come we couldn’t watch once he entered the High Priest’s room?]

[I guess the system defaulted to the High Priest’s room as a bedroom. This rubbish broadcast, I’m an adult, what can’t an honorable player watch?]

[Ah, this copy, it looks like God Xin has entered another bugged copy.]

[Tell me, why do you say it has bugs?]

[This is another old copy. It used to look quite normal and the difficulty at the beginning was little, it used to be a trial copy. But suddenly, it started to level up on its own. The initial survival rate was above 60%, and then as the difficulty increased, the survival rate dropped to 30%, and then 15%. The last two times were the worst as it dropped straight down to 0%. 】

[You’ve watched this one? What’s the mystery in it?]

[The first part is normal, and it doesn’t have a very scary atmosphere, but the key lies at the end. All the players were hit by the curse, but no one could say how it came about. The curse took effect just as they were about to leave the copy, and the players all died, making the survival rate zero.]

[I also heard from a veteran player that this was his trial copy. He said that there was no such thing as a curse when he cleared it.]

[So the curse is a bug? Why isn’t the system updates? This is a garbage game, it’s so full of holes, can we still play the game properly?]

[But what are you afraid of? Haven’t you noticed that every time God Xin enters a copy, it’s a sick bug ridden copy? I’d call him the “Bug Terminator”, because he has both bad luck and strength.]

[I have another discovery, look at the two copies God Xin has entered. Both have “The Third Symphony of the Undead” in the name, and both of them have Xia Chi in them. Isn’t that too much of a coincidence? I was on the 50th floor of Punk Paradise two days ago and found that the [the designated copy] prop card had been taken away, guess who took it?]

[It wasn’t God Xin, was it?]

[I think it was that little brother called Xia Chi. They drew copies with the same name twice in a row, so it can’t be a coincidence. Perhaps the last copy was just an accidental mistake?]

[But why did he go in? I don’t think there is a special prop in the S ranked copy.]

[ think I know why. I’ve been a die-hard fan since the trial copy where he met some of his buddies. One of them came in this copy alone and died. If there’s no prop inside this copy, then God Xin is most likely there for him.]

[Oh my God, how amazing! Running a thousand miles just for you; if that’s not love, then I don’t know what could be! But what about the big boss?]

[Well, humans and ghosts are different. Maybe the big boss was just a fling in passing.]

On the 999th floor, the man fiercely crushed a red wine glass.

The glass was left to slid down his palm and onto the ground. The tiny shards of glass fell from his palm, but they did not scratch the man in the slightest.

The man stared at the player’s conversation on the pop-up screen.

Very good ! I’ll teach you a lesson when you get out of there.


Bai Lixin got dressed behind the curtain of the bathroom before leaving Dijia’s room.

The guard from earlier was still standing outside and visibly froze when he saw Dijia, then quickly returned to his senses, “Sir, where do you want to go now?”

His gaze fell on the magic book in the Bai Lixin’s arms, “Is it to the practice ground where you can practice your magic?”

Bai Lixin: “Where are the other play …… er, other humans?”

The guard: “They must have just finished being assigned their teachers and all will be going to the practice field around this time.”

Bai Lixin: “How is that practice done?”

“The first day, the disciple’s ability to comprehend magic is tested. Generally speaking, the teacher guides the disciple one-on-one on how to feel the magical elements. The disciple’s most applicable elements are measured so that they can specialise in that aspect.”

The guard paused, lowered his voice and asked hesitantly, “Hasn’t the High Priest told you about this?”

Bai Lixin rolled his eyes, “Nope, he just threw me this book and told me to study on my own and learn the first ten spells. He’s going to test me at this time tomorrow.”

Not only that guard, but even the guards on either side who had been keeping their eyes open drew in a breath of cold air.

The guard tried to widen his eyes, but unfortunately, there was no such thing as eyelids so he just had to enlarge the fire in his eyes a few notches, “Although the first seven spells are not difficult, they contain all the seven elements of magic in them, ah.”

“They are the seven elements of magic: light, darkness, wind, fire, earth, water and thunder.”

“The last five are known as the natural elements, so they are a little easier to learn, and the most difficult ones are the light and dark elements, which are known as the origin elements.”

“The High Priest is asking you to know these seven magical…… elements in a day,” the guard paused and his voice went a few notches lower, “That’s impossible, it’s absolutely impossible to accomplish.”

Bai Lixin was suddenly puzzled.


His desire to win was now ignited.

Bai Lixin wasn’t in much of a hurry so he patted the guard on the shoulder, “Lets go to the practice field and try. Master said that I am the only disciple he has taken in all these years, and he gave me a precious ring that symbolizes his status. Since he thinks so highly of me, he must know that I can do it, so how can I let the old man down?”

The attendant saw the ring that Bai Lixin had deliberately displayed, and his eyes bulged with fire, “Oh my, it’s the Priest’s Ring, the Lord High Priest actually gave this to you? He must really like you!”

Bai Lixin chuckled softly. His eyes were slightly lowered and his cheeks became res, “He said, ‘I have been waiting for this moment for a thousand years. I will take you as my disciple, this decision can not be changed.”

The guard covered his mouth in excitement, “The High Priest is too romantic!”

Behind the huge iron gate was a muffled sound of something falling to the ground.

The guard glanced in the direction of the gate with concern, “Is the High Priest all right?”

Bai Lixin grabbed the guard’s sleeve and tugged him down the corridor, “My master is so powerful, what can happen? He said he wanted to practice his magic before I left and said not to disturb him. Why don’t quickly take me to the practice field?”

Wasn’t he just embarrassed to say it outright? He was just saying it for him.

After Bai Lixin’s bragging, the guard’s attitude towards Bai Lixin changed a hundred and eighty degrees, and he was very noisy on the way, his words never straying from the high priest.

But this was good, it saved Bai Lixin the effort of speculating and inquiring.

Through the guard’s words, he got a general idea of the composition of the undead.

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