After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 666.1

Chapter 666.1

His horror value hadn’t been lowered, but the “Li Mi” before him was not in that ugly form. Instead, it was the beautiful version of Li Mi from the mild horror level.

This person didn’t have the iconic teary eyes, nor did he have that soft, vulnerable demeanor.

On the contrary, this Li Mi’s temperament was completely different from the one he knew.

This Li Mi’s eyes carried a sense of detachment and coldness. He was dressed in a perfectly tailored white tailcoat, with a large ruby embedded in his bow tie, exuding the grace and elegance of a wealthy young master in every gesture.

Xia Chi: “…”

This world was insane.

So, Li Mi isn’t an original character? Instead, he’s the product of the teardrop mole man’s fantasy?

The other characters in the book could know their life stories clearly because they were original creations by the teardrop mole man.

Li Mi’s vagueness about his life came from having a real-life counterpart. The real Li Mi was such a pampered young master living at the top of the ivory tower. When teardrop mole man created the Li Mi in the book, it was with the mindset of lusting after his master. He wanted the Li Mi in the book to be the master but also wanted him to act according to his own desires.

The conflict between reality and secondary creation was likely why Li Mi had such a fuzzy understanding of his own storyline.

This… might also explain why Li Mi was able to awaken his consciousness.

As Xia Chi placed the bluefin tuna platter on the table near the young master, he couldn’t help but sneak a glance at him.

Poor Li Mi was definitely the product of that teardrop mole man’s fantasy after imagining and admiring this wealthy young master.

Anyone would go mad under such circumstances.

At the enormous round dining table filled with a variety of delicacies, the young master ate quite conservatively. He only took a bite of each dish and just had two bites of the desired tuna. After a while, the young master wiped the corner of his mouth and said, “I’m full, clear the table,” before putting down his chopsticks.

Looking at the nearly untouched feast on the table, Xia Chi couldn’t help but frown.

Such extravagance and waste, even emperors wouldn’t eat like this.

But the others seemed accustomed to it. As soon as the young master finished speaking, the servants quickly cleared the table and took the plates back to the kitchen.

Xia Chi’s gaze secretly followed the young master as he left the dining room. Immediately he left the dining room, a man who appeared to be the butler approached him with a black folder, his tone respectful: “Young Master, you have a guest tonight.”

The young master frowned, sounding displeased: “A guest this late?”

The butler: “It’s Mr. Bill, an oil tycoon from Maple Leaf Country. It’s regarding the oil trade business. He made an appointment a month ago, and you agreed to meet him tonight. He’s been waiting outside all afternoon.”

The young master’s displeasure faded. “Then let him wait in the reception room, treat him well. I’ll go upstairs to change and be right down.”

The butler nodded, “Understood, young master.”

Another butler holding a folder stepped forward, “Young Master, regarding tomorrow’s meals, do you have any special requests?”

The young master: “I feel like having pudding. As for the rest, I don’t have any specific preferences, just handle it.”

The butler: “For breakfast, how about lotus seed porridge made with spring water from the highest altitude of Tianshan and fresh snow lotus? It’s rich in minerals. For the main course, we’ll serve crystal shrimp dumplings made from deep-sea lobsters, followed by milk pudding as a dessert. The milk will come from cows specially raised on a pollution-free Green Island. All ingredients will be airlifted in early tomorrow to ensure absolute freshness.”

The young master nodded, “That’s fine, you’ve always managed my meals well. I’m busy, I need to go change.”

Another butler approached, “Young Master, the haute couture suit designed for you by Designer Zhou has been completed and delivered today.”

The young master: “Then I’ll change into that one.”

The butler: “Yes, young master.”

Surrounded by butlers and servants, the young master ascended to the second floor.

Watching the young master’s departing figure, Xia Chi stood in shock.

‘Is this what a noble’s life is like?’

‘So extravagant?’

‘It was exactly like that maid had said—beyond imagination.’

“Hey, come on, what are you dazing off for?”

Someone beside him nudged Xia Chi, pulling him back to his senses. He immediately regained his composure and quickly carried the tray back to the kitchen.

As soon as he entered the kitchen, he found a group of people gathered around the counter, happily digging into the leftovers with chopsticks.

“Try this, it’s delicious.”

“I’ve never had anything made from live sweet shrimp before. So this is what it tastes like. Don’t they say sweet shrimp die as soon as they leave the sea because they can’t handle the pressure change? How did they manage to keep it alive?”

“How could the young master eat frozen food? Of course, there’s specialized equipment to maintain the right pressure and temperature for the shrimp to survive. The sweet shrimp is exquisite, but what’s even more expensive is the transportation condition to ensure it stays fresh. Try this too, it’s amazing.”

The staff devoured the young master’s leftovers with gusto.

One of the older women saw Xia Chi standing still and enthusiastically handed him a pair of chopsticks. “You must be new here, right? Don’t just stand there, come and eat, or it’ll all be gone soon.”

Xia Chi hesitated, holding the chopsticks. “Uh, won’t the young master get mad if we eat his leftovers?”

‘Aren’t some rich people particular about not wanting their servants to eat the same food as them?’

“The young master doesn’t mind these things,” the auntie replied cheerfully, waving her hand dismissively as she stuffed more meat into her mouth. “He’s rich. If he wants to indulge in gourmet food, that’s his business. But the young master hates waste, and it’s a good thing we can enjoy some of this as well. He often gives us fresh ingredients every month. As for the leftover food, we usually divide it up to take home.”

Looking at the nearly untouched plates of food, Xia Chi hesitated.

Noticing his hesitation, the auntie swallowed her food and said, “Are you worried that we, as servants, might cheat or take advantage of the young master to get these leftovers?”

Xia Chi nodded.

“How could we possibly do that!” someone came up and said, “The young master is such a good person, we wouldn’t even have time to be nice to him, who would bear to hurt him? Everyone likes the young master, he never looks down on us like other rich people and never loses his temper with us.”

“Exactly, the young master is the most emotionally stable boss I’ve ever met.”

Xia Chi said, “Emotionally stable? Doesn’t the young master often throw things and get angry?”

“He gets angry at those objects, not at us workers.”

“Exactly, when the young master is angry, he’d rather throw things worth millions than scold us. It makes me want to cry.”

“The young master is so good. He’s the kindest person I’ve ever met.”

“Not only is he good-looking and rich, but he also respects people. He’s my ‘white moonlight’.”

“I just want to treat the young master well, to give him the best service and make him satisfied.”

“That’s what I think too. Working for others is about making money, but working for the young master, I do it willingly.”

“Even if the young master didn’t pay me, I’d still be willing to serve him. But he’s such a good person, not only does he pay us on time every month, but he also pays us a lot.”

“Every time I see the young master wearing the clothes I’ve ironed for him and smiling in satisfaction, I’m happier than if I’d won a million yuan.”

“Me too, when I see the young master showing that satisfied look after eating the food I prepared, I feel like my life as a chef is complete.”

“If the young master casually says, ‘The flowers are trimmed beautifully today’ when passing the garden, I can stay happy for three days and nights.”

It seemed like they had found a common topic. The group, who had been wolfing down food, put down their bowls and chopsticks, and spoke one after another, their expressions excited and fervent.

It was clear they genuinely liked this young master.

The young master was undoubtedly their ‘white moonlight’ in their hearts.

Xia Chi put down his chopsticks and quietly withdrew from the kitchen, which now felt like a fan meeting.

As he passed through the dining room, he glanced inside and noticed it had already been cleaned up.

Just as he was about to leave, he saw the tablecloth twitch unnaturally, and something quickly retracted under it.

Xia Chi froze.

There was no one around, only him.

He hesitated for two seconds, then silently walked into the dining room.

Crack. Crack. Crack.

As he got closer, he heard a sound coming from beneath the tablecloth.

It was a soft, crackling sound, like teeth gnawing on bones.

Was someone hiding under the tablecloth, stealing food?

The tablecloth continued to twitch. Xia Chi squatted down and slowly pulled it aside.

Without warning, he came face to face with a pair of dark, hollow eye sockets and a blood-stained mouth.

Xia Chi instinctively clamped his hand over his mouth to stop himself from screaming.

It wasn’t until he regained his voice that he trembled and whispered, “Li Mi, what are you doing hiding here?”

The terrifying Li Mi stuffed a piece of meat into his mouth, chewing ravenously, and replied with a pitiful tone, “I’m hungry.”

Xia Chi was at a loss, “Uh, if you’re hungry, eat more. And take your time, don’t choke.”

Hearing this, Li Mi lowered his head and resumed eating seriously.

In a matter of moments, he had devoured a whole plate of steak, and only then did he burp comfortably and wipe his mouth with the tablecloth.

Xia Chi: “…”

‘This kid had manners at least, he didn’t wipe his mouth with his sleeve.’

Li Mi crawled out from under the table on all fours, stretching his neck as he looked around curiously. “This place is huge.”

Xia Chi quietly lowered the horror value to its lowest, and the terrifying Li Mi instantly turned into the beautiful Li Mi.

His flawless face showed curiosity and envy, and his beautiful eyes darted left and right. He really did look exactly like that young master. If the two of them wore the same clothes, who could tell them apart?

“What is this place? Oh, I remember now, I followed that teardrop mole man here. Where is he?” Li Mi suddenly remembered his purpose and dashed off.

He moved so fast that Xia Chi couldn’t catch him.

Xia Chi had no choice but to follow, but as soon as he stepped out the door, he saw Li Mi crash into someone.

“Ow, my head.” Li Mi sat on the ground, clutching his head in pain.

The person in front of him was much taller, wearing a work uniform. He had also been knocked to the ground, and was holding his head in pain.

Li Mi opened his eyes in a confused expression, and upon seeing the person’s face, he shouted, “It’s you, the bastard author!”

The person lowered his hand, and Xia Chi also got a good look at his face.

It was an older face, probably around forty years old.

He was thin, with a long face, a pointed chin, a black teardrop mole at the corner of his eye, and short hair.

Upon seeing Li Mi, the man reacted as if he’d seen a ghost. He scrambled to his feet and clumsily ran outside.

“Stop right there!” Of course Li Mi wasn’t about to let him escape and chased after him furiously.

The two ran so fast that by the time Xia Chi reached the door, they had both disappeared.

Just as Xia Chi was about to follow them, he heard soft footsteps and voices behind him.

“Is Mr. Bill still here?” It was the young master’s cold voice.

Xia Chi quickly found a place to hide. He saw the young master coming down the crystal staircase, surrounded by a group of people.

He had changed his clothes. The previous white tailcoat had been replaced by a blue suit, with a pleated collar tied with a blue bow. His eyes were cold, and one look was enough to tell he was in charge here.

Even if Li Mi were to wear the young master’s clothes, anyone could still tell them apart.

Their temperaments were worlds apart.

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