After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 68.1 - The Undead Magician

Chapter 68.1 - The Undead Magician

[Task 1: Survive for seven days and seven nights. (One day and one night out of seven days and seven nights done.)

Task 2: Collect the secret treasures of the four races.]


Just after dawn the next day, all the players were called to the practice field.

The system had determined that this was a low-end copy, and the players in the copy were all on the 50th floor and above.

There were not many players above level 50, and most of them were just below level 50.

Players at this stage were in an awkward period of slow transformation.

They had just gone from shock to acceptance and were starting to adapt to the fear and the bizarreness of the game. There were even some players who had not yet figured out that this was just a virtual world.

*The newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

*It is a metaphor for young people who have little thought and dare to act.

In the last copy, Bai Lixin and Xia Chi had the privilege of seeing the mental fortitude of the 200th level players, which had been built up through continuous clearances. Those players were already able to determine the level of danger very quickly and were also able to adjust their state of mind quickly and without hesitation.

These were not qualities that a rookie player just entering the game would possess.

Players who had already experienced a few easy copies were now in a “floating” state, as if they were just “floating around in a bottle”, players such as Wen Ziqing.

The skeleton mage stretched out his dry fingers and slowly counted the number of players one by one.

“1,2,3,4…8, er…”

The skeleton mage hesitated for a couple of seconds as it counted to Bai Lixin at the end.

Then, with its finger in front of it, it started to count again from the beginning, “1,2,3…”

Halfway through the count, the finger was pulled back, and the skeleton mage started counting all over again.

The crowd: “……”

This skeleton mage didn’t seem too smart.

After counting three times, the skeleton mage put down his palm and said, “Okay, let’s practice for two hours first. The official practice match will start after then.”

With that, the skeleton mage whispered an incantation and summoned ten iron pillars.

The six players, including Wen Ziqing, looked at each other with embarrassment.

They woke up today and recalled what had happened yesterday.

The wretched way they ate and their savage demeanor made them want to find a hole in the ground when they woke up.

The skeleton mage didn’t stand around and watch this time. He left this comment and walked away, leaving the players on the practice ground.

While the crowd was feeling embarrassed, Wen Ziqing suddenly spoke up, “Remember what the Skeleton Mage said before? The player who achieves the final victory will receive the contents of the prophecy.”

Wen Ziqing only looked hateful when facing Bai Lixin. He was now showing his warm and harmless face when facing other players who did not know the current situation, “Let me make a statement first. We are teammates, a community of destiny, and not competitors. I am willing to share the prophecy with everyone if I get the final victory. ”

Just as he finished speaking, some other players hurriedly picked up the conversation, “I can do the same.”

Two people had already spoken up, and others spoke up one after another, expressing their willingness to share information.

Bai Lixin and the others were certainly no exception.

Regardless of how many of these players were sincere and how many were not, no one would be foolish enough to say “no” and become a target of criticism.

“Are you really willing?” Wen Ziqing asked coolly. “I advise you all, don’t be fooled by them. The four of them are in cahoots.”

Xia Chi glared at Wen Ziqing, “What do you mean, Wen Ziqing?”

Wen Ziqing pointed his index finger at Bai Lixin and the four of them, “I know those two people. One is called Bai Lixin and the other is Xia Chi. They were my teammates in the last game. Last time, the two teamed up and tricked all the players. Not only did they deliberately reveal wrong information in order to gain more points, but they also deliberately got their teammates killed.”

“And those other two are also their friends. Not only did they not reflect on themselves after doing something like that, but they made it worse by adding new teammates to come in and cheat people.”

“You have to be wary of the four of them.”

Wen Ziqing dared to make such a statement because he was sure that none of these people knew Bai Lixin.

There were tens of thousands of players caught up in this game, and aside from those at the top of the rankings, the others were not very well known.

He had deliberately injured Xia Chi yesterday, for revenge and to diabolize Bai Lixin.

But he made an unexpected discovery; he found out that those four people actually knew each other and looked like they had come in together.

There were four men on the other side, and he was the only one. It would be too difficult for him to take down Bai Lixin with one against four, so all he could do was to make the first move and scramble for more teammates.

During the training session yesterday afternoon, he speculated to the remaining five players and made sure none of them knew Bai Lixin before he dared to make such a rumor.

Wen Ziqing continued, “Xia Chi was injured yesterday and those other two were so nervous, so they obviously know each other. Aren’t you guys curious as to why four players know each other in a ten-player copy at once by coincidence?”

A young man with curly hair spoke hesitantly. “It’s indeed too much of a coincidence, but entering the copy is random.”

“The 50th floor of the tower is a game hall entertainment,” Wen Ziqing spoke with a sneer, his voice becoming more and more urgent, “On the counter of the game hall is a lottery prize for a rare prop card. It is a prop card that could get you a designated copy.”

“Coincidentally, I happened to see him draw that when I went to the game hall to play. If you guys have been to that game hall, you should still see the scrolling screen with their merits.”

Curly tapped his head, “I know, the winner was called ‘Sweeping the Streets with a plugin’. That’s them? Fuck, you mean they used a prop card to get into this copy? Why did they enter this copy?”

Wen Ziqing “What else could it be for? People die for money, birds die for food. There must be some great props in this copy.”

“You’re talking nonsense,” Li Cancan’s eyes turned red with anger, “How can you talk nonsense? It’s not because of that. We came in because we had a friend who died in this copy, so we came in to see if we could still save him.”

“Hahahaha,” Wen Ziqing laughed out loud as if he had heard some hilarious joke, “Little sister, don’t talk if you can’t lie. Big guy, listen quickly. What kind of reason is this? People are dead. How can they still be saved? But from the information she has provided, it means that they watched the live stream of this copy.”

“If they hadn’t watched it, how would they know which copy their friend died in?” Wen Ziqing’s eyes were sharp like a venomous snake.

It had to be said that Wen Ziqing’s mind was flexible and meticulous. He could find the flaw in the other party’s words as quickly as possible and use them as a weapon to attack them.

Wen Ziqing added, “The other thing is, if you really saw the copy, why didn’t you tell us in advance about the dangers in the copy? I saw the four of you sneaking around in the corner all afternoon yesterday.”

By this point, the other five players’ trust in Wen Ziqing had gone from 30% to 70%, and Curly looked at the four of them and asked, “Yeah, why didn’t you tell us about the precautions? Do you want to watch us step in the hole?”

Liang Xi was furious for a moment, “There has to be a time to talk about it, right? But was there a chance? We were selected from the moment we entered the copy, and then we came to the practice field. Did you want me to convey the message to you when the skeleton mage NPC was watching?!”

“Then when we went to the dining hall, you guys just went crazy and completely lost your minds, so we had even less of a chance to say anything.”

“Besides, even if there really was information about this copy, it was still summed up by my own fumbling through the copy. Even if we used the designated copy prop card, it was still something we obtained with our strength. Helping you is a favor, not a duty. You really don’t have to be so morally abusive.”

A man with his hair combed back frowned, “It seems that Wen Ziqing was right at all, did we step on a sore spot?”

Xia Chi’s face turned red as he pointed at Wen Ziqing, “Wen Ziqing, can you stop reversing right and wrong here?”

“It’s obvious that you tricked your teammates into entering the Inner World in the first place for the sake of victory. It was my brother who pulled them all out of the Inner World, and now you’re biting back. I’m telling you, if there’s a person in this world with a compassionate heart and wants to bring as many players out of the copy as possible, that person must be my brother.”

Wen Ziqing, “I’m not mad at you for speaking up for your friend. Do you know why I’m so angry, big guy? It’s because you two swindled my teammates in the last copy, turning my good friend and I against each other. I almost didn’t get out of that copy.”

“Although they look svelte, they have a belly full of bad things.”

Xia Chi’s two hands were already clenched into fists. They were now in the copy, so there was no place or person who could prove the truth.

Seeing the other party turn black to white, Xia Chi wanted to go up and punch him in the face.

Bai Lixin pulled Xia Chi back, but as the person involved in the incident, Bai Lixin looked very calm.

He didn’t explain too much, but simply said, “Time will tell, and since words are the only way to convey information to both sides, we might as well be neutral for now.”

He paused, “The truth is a sea shrouded in mist. Even if it is blurred, the fog will always be blown away by the wind.”

“This is broadcast live. Won’t it be a shame if you rashly take sides and end up on the wrong side when the time comes?”

As soon as the other players heard this, their little thoughts of antagonism were immediately curbed.

Bai Lixin’s implication was for them to be careful so that they wouldn’t be sold off by others and then have to count their money.

Although they didn’t know who was right and who was wrong, it was clear that Wen Ziqing and Bai Lixin didn’t see eye to eye.

They all knew each other for a short time, and in the end, they just wanted to get through the copy without getting involved in too much trouble.

The game was originally selfish, and the rules of the game, where points were distributed according to performance points, had long dictated that they should be wary of everyone.

Seeing that the antagonistic atmosphere created by his words was washed away, Wen Ziqing pursed his lips and did not say anything more.

If he said any more, his intentions would be too obvious; “Hmph, that’s all I have to say. Anyway, you should keep your eyes peeled and be wary of them.”

With that, he recited an incantation and used his magic to draw out the black whip. If it fell on the iron pillar opposite, it immediately dented it with a deep groove.

Wen Ziqing looked at the whip in his hand in shock.

His magic seemed to have increased overnight.

The other players were also shocked by the loud sound and power of Wen Ziqing’s whip, and they hurriedly called upon the magic in their hands.

Soon, the other five players found that their magic power had also increased a lot.

Aside from Bai Lixin, Xia Chi and the other two also tried it.

However, they didn’t have much of a boost in their magic power; it still looked as half-assed as it did yesterday.

Wen Ziqing looked at the mark excitedly. Even if Bai Lixin was more powerful, his little life would be lost if such a force was thrown at him.

“It’s the food.” , Wen Ziqing tried to restrain his excitement and spoke seriously, “I read the last page of the magic book. It says that energy is conserved and the magic we consume will be deducted from the energy in our body. We ate a lot of food yesterday, and although it wasn’t pretty, that food was digested and turned into energy stored in our bodies. That’s why our magic power has increased so much.”

The players were already getting excited. One player grasped the water orb in his hand as he spoke in fascination, “I finally have a taste of the magical world. When will I get to ride a flying broom?”

While the players were excited to experience the magic, an elegant voice poured cold water on their heads, “A word of advice, it is better to eat less food. Overeating can seriously affect your health and other bad things can happen.”

The players, who were still in the throes of excitement, stopped what they were doing and looked at the person who had warned them in unison.

It was Bai Lixin.

As soon as he saw that it was Bai Lixin, Wen Ziqing’s instinct to sneer came out again.

“Do you still believe what he says? If they really have our best interests at heart, how come they didn’t tell us to be careful in the first place, and only did so when our magic power is now higher than theirs? He’s clearly jealous of our magic power. You said something bad would happen, so tell me, what bad thing would happen?”

Bai Lixin was not sure of the specifics, so he simply said, “I think you’ll be assimilated into the undead after eating too much.”

“Haha,” Wen Ziqing suddenly laughed, followed by two other players. It was only after he had laughed enough that he spoke as if he had heard a joke, “Stop it. Wake up, will you? I’ve entered so many copies, and one of the rules of the copy is that food is the safest.”

“If such a thing that is necessary for survival is a problem, then just let the system get us killed. We’re here to clear the copy, not cross over into a conspiracy theory martial arts world.”

The player who was laughing along with him earlier also nodded, “Yes, that’s right. I’ve already played some copies, and the food is safe.”

Bai Lixin pursed his lips.

‘The food was safe.’ The principle of caution had not been engraved in the players’ hearts, which was why they were not afraid of the food.

But was the food really safe? The system didn’t explicitly say so.

This was an error in information.

Seeing that the people did not care, Bai Lixin did not say anything more.

In the live broadcast.

[Heh, if you don’t listen to God Xin, you’ll suffer a loss.]

[Wen Ziqing is really good. Even I would have been fooled by his superb acting skills if I hadn’t seen his performance in the [Blood Clan] copy.]

[Luckily, the Sand Sea Guild dismissed him early, otherwise the guild would have had to take the blame.]

[I’ve seen shameless people, but I’ve never seen such shamelessness. From today onwards, Wen Ziqing is on my blacklist. Don’t let me meet him in the future.]

[I want to know, is it true what Wen Ziqing just said about the food being absolutely safe?]

[No, don’t listen to them; they are a bunch of rookies who have never seen the world.]

[Most of the food in the copies is safe, but there is a very small percentage where the food is spiced up. I know of one copy: [ The South Xiangjian] copy- the food was spiked with compulsions, and if you ate it, you would be controlled by the NPC. At that time, people were not cautious of the food, and they faced the consequences.]

I’m so sorry guys😣. There were some issues with the updates last week but I’m hoping things will be better this week.

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