After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 68.2 - The Undead Magician

Chapter 68.2 - The Undead Magician

[Southern Xinjiang copy? How come I haven’t seen it before?]

[That copy was entered a few times before it was blocked. I’m telling you, that copy was set in the Underworld and not only did it have witchcraft, but also the *Xiangxi corpse drive. I remember a player who was scared to death there.]

*The art of making corpses walk.

[We thought the ghosts in God Xin’s last copy of the undead were scary, right? But those ghosts are just paper tigers in comparison. The southern border copy was different, the dry corpses and other stuff in there are real and give you a flying experience.]

[Okay, bro, stop it, or focus on the live stream…]

The players practiced their magic, and the iron pillars in front of them had turned into a mess. Among them, Wen Ziqing was the strongest.

Two hours later, the skeleton mage that left came back as expected.

During these two hours, Bai Lixin only practiced chanting spells and didn’t practice them out.

As for Xia Chi and the others, Bai Lixin had given them the method to shorten the spells yesterday, but their magic power wasn’t enough to practice the spells, so they gave up training in order to save their strength for the practice match.

The practice match began with an one-on-one confrontation.

The first match was Bai Lixin against Wen Ziqing.

The players retreated five meters away from the field, leaving only Bai Lixin and Wen Ziqing on the grass.

Bai Lixin looked around, took a visual check of the distance, and raised his hand towards the skeleton mage.

Under the sunlight, the ring with the beast’s head carved on it shone brightly.

The skeleton mage looked at the ring and was silent for two seconds. “What is it?”

Bai Lixin, “Can you ask everyone to step back further? I’m not good at magic and I’m afraid I’ll hurt everyone.”

The skeleton mage looked at the five meter distance between them and silently cursed in inwardly, ‘Enough, how much can you get out of control?’, but then thought of the ring on Bai Lixin’s index finger.

There was a pause before the skeleton mage spoke, “Step five more meters back.”

Bai Lixin continued, “It’s not enough.”

The skeleton mage choked, “Tell me yourself, how much further do you want us to retreat to?”

Bai Lixin, “To the farthest side.”

Are you playing with me?

Just because the High Priest took you as a disciple, do you really think you’re important?

The skeleton mage was furious but still gritted his teeth and said, “Retreat again, go stand by the wall!”

By the time all the players retreated to the corner, Wen Ziqing had already leapt into action.

He could only summon one whip yesterday, and he could already summon three today. The three whips in his hand seemed alive, and they were twisting and turning their bodies as they hovered in the air like snakes.

With the skeleton mage’s signal to start, the three whips were immediately flung at Bai Lixin.

The one he wanted to hit the most yesterday was not Xia Chi, but Bai Lixin, and he was finally getting his wish.

You were able to dodge yesterday’s whip, but what about today’s three? It’s three times the pleasure. Enjoy it, Bai Lixin.

The more Wen Ziqing thought about it, the happier he became, and his eyes gradually showed contempt.

There were only three whips, but because they were moving so fast, after images appeared, three had the effect of dozens. They lashed out from all sides and even above, and Bai Lixin’s retreat was completely blocked.

With this attack, Wen Ziqing had used almost all of his magic power. He wanted to kill Bai Lixin, to bury him with the future he had lost.

In the far corner, Li Cancan and the others clenched their fists nervously and watched Bai Lixin’s figure nervously.

The flames in Wen Ziqing’s teacher’s eyes blazed up.

He quietly stood at a distance, indifferently anticipating Bai Lixin’s death.

Except for the High Priest, he was the most powerful magician of the undead race. But no matter how powerful he was, he would always have the High Priest higher than him. If he could not defeat the High Priest himself, then he would let his disciple defeat the High Priest’s disciple.

This would be a very unexpected surprise for the High Priest.

Just when the black whip was only a dozen centimeters away from Bai Lixin, he flicked a finger, and a huge black shield suddenly appeared on the field.

The moment that shield appeared, it immediately morphed into the shape of an inverted bell over Bai Lixin and firmly guarded him.

No matter how severe the black whip’s attack was, it could only whip at the outside of the shield.

Wen Ziqing withdrew the black whip and pointed at Bai Lixin in anger, “Bai Lixin, you are shameless, you’re cheating.”

The inverted bell turned back into a black shield and hovered in front of Bai Lixin.

He snorted, “Wen Ziqing, don’t use the word “shameless” on me. How am I shameless? The rules didn’t say you couldn’t use weapons.”

The two looked at the skeleton mage in unison. He scratched his head and thought about the rules carefully. “It seems to be like that.”

But soon, he changed his words, “That was before. I now rule that from this moment on, only magic can be used. Any help other than magic counts as a violation of the rules and a failure.”

The crowd: “……”

A shield was used for a situation that was thought to be certain death?

But this shield was so handsome, it could also transform. It’s too much of a cheat and invincible.

But he was relying on the shield to get out of the situation. Now that the shield is gone and he is not allowed to use anything other than magic, isn’t he waiting for death?

Compared to the panic of the onlookers, Bai Lixin looked very calm.

He simply shrugged his shoulders and asked the skeleton mage, “Can we begin?”

The skeleton mage nodded, “Of course!”

The battle began again, and this time, Bai Lixin began to chant with both hands outstretched towards the sky.

The content of his chant was so obscure that the other players had never even heard of it before.

But the fire in the leader skeleton mage’s eyes began to jump repeatedly. Not only his, but the eyes of the skeleton mages around him also began to pulsate.

As Bai Lixin chanted, countless points of light gradually coalesced in the sky. They spread over the entire practice field, and before the crowd could react, the countless points of light fell down like raindrops.

With each drop that hit the ground, the ground gave off a wisp of smoke and burned as if it had been scorched, and soon, small holes were made in the ground one after another.

The points of light didn’t look very powerful, but the dense number combined with the fact that they came one after the other made them overwhelming.

Although they couldn’t kill people right away, they could slowly kill them.

The drops were in every corner of the practice field, not giving Wen Ziqing a place to dodge.

If the black whip he had used to attack Bai Lixin was like a poisonous snake, then these dots of light were like poisonous ants that were everywhere, and each point that landed on him was extremely unpleasant.

Wen Ziqing could only raise his whip and dodge the rain of light above his head in a wretched manner, hoping that Bai Lixin’s magic power would not be enough.

This fight was no longer a duel of strength, but had been channeled into a duel of endurance.

Discerning eyes could see that Bai Lixin had the upper hand.

The “rain”, dense and rapid, only grew thicker and thicker. In contrast, Wen Ziqing’s whips grew smaller and smaller. Three became two, then one, and finally, that one whip also changed from the size of a python to a small earthworm.

The last bit of dark element disappeared from Wen Ziqing’s hand, and Wen Ziqing slumped to the ground in a state of distress, forced to receive the baptism of the hellish rain.

The rain of light continued to fall for a while before it slowly stopped.

Wen Ziqing was covered in muddy soil. He struggled to get up from the grass with difficulty, glaring at Bai Lixin with hatred as he stumbled off of the field.

There was no doubt that Bai Lixin had won the fight.

Just as Bai Lixin was about to leave as well, he was suddenly blocked by several skeleton mages.

Before the crowd could react, the skeleton mages chanted in unison, their tone changing from their earlier disdain to a very respectful one, “One day, the Destined One will baptize the green with rain of light…”

“You are the destined one we have been looking for!”

“We have been waiting for you!”

Bai Lixin: “???”

What the hell?

He spoke slowly, “This isn’t your prophecy, is it?”

The lead skeleton mage spoke, “Yes, it is a prophecy.”

Bai Lixin, “This prophecy doesn’t sound like it is complete. Who is the Destined One?”

His F-luck told him that this must not be a good thing. The pit was huge.

The skeleton mages looked at each other and the lead skeleton mage then spoke, “One day, the Destined One will baptize the green with rain of light. He is as passionate as a newborn, yet as wise as an old man. He is young, yet very old. He will be the queen of the Undead and lead the Undead to glory.”

In the live broadcast room.

[Every time I think I’ve seen the extreme of God Xin’s operations, he shows that it is not the limit. He stood there without doing anything, yet I felt his power. I must have been possessed.]

[It’s a good thing God Xin is so powerful, otherwise there would be a bunch of people chasing after him and calling him wife.]

[It’s also okay to call him husband.]

[Tsk, I can’t dare call out at all. God Xin’s attacker is clearly the big boss.]


[What are you laughing at?]

[I’m laughing that everyone is defaulting on the big boss as the attacker if he and Bai Lixin were together.]

[Let’s stop being crazy and analyze that prophecy.]

[Fuck, the prophecy has changed.]

[What do you mean?]

[I’ve seen this copy before and that wasn’t the prophecy. I don’t remember what the exact prophecy was, but it was about the Four races, but now it’s about a queen?]

[Wait a minute! I just reacted, Queen?! You mean God Xin has been chosen as a bride again?]

[Hahaha! Queen of the Undead, wouldn’t that mean marrying the Immortal King?]

[I understand the reasoning, but what does it mean by “young and old”? “ He’s passionate like a newborn but wise like an old man.” I don’t understand it at all.]

[Hehe, he has my silent prayers.]

[Prayers for God Xin?]

[No, for the undead and that immortal king. I’m praying that God Xin doesn’t beat them to complete death.]

[Ugh… you have a point.]


S419M: [Passionate like a newborn, and wise like an old man. Both young and old. Lord host, this statement is talking about your age and longevity.]

Bai Lixin’s eyes darkened: [I hear you. I am already thirty thousand years old, so I am an old man according to my age. But compared to my long life span, I am considered young compared to the rest. This prophecy refers to me.]

He looked at the skeleton mage in front of him, “Who made this prophecy?”

The skeleton mage was clearly stumped by this question, and he shook his head. “It has been passed down from long ago. From a  bard, I am told. Over the years, we undead have never given up searching for the prophesied destined one, but we have never found them. Thankfully, we have not given up and have finally found you.”

Bai Lixin narrowed his eyes. “What if I said I wasn’t? I just happened to use this light magic and I’m not the only one who can use it.”

He subconsciously stroked the beast head on the ring.

Such w thing couldn’t be hidden, and sooner or later, it would reach Dijia’s ears.

If he had known, he wouldn’t have used Light Rain just now. Why didn’t he simply and brutally conjure a lightsaber?!

Bai Lixin, you are really good at digging a hole for yourself to jump into.

The skeleton mage was no longer listening to Bai Lixin’s explanations, “It is up to the great immortal king to decide whether it is you or not.”

His tone was respectful, but the content of his words left no room for rejection.

The players were already in chaos, Wen Ziqing was woefully propped up against the wall as he watched the drama, and Bai Lixin’s team was already running up to him.

The skeleton mages were now fully focused on Bai Lixin, and several skeletons were already surrounding him with the intention of directly taking him to the Immortal King.

Suddenly, a black hurricane swirled around Bai Lixin, then a black shadow stepped out of the hurricane. As the hurricane spun, the black shadow quickly solidified and turned into a tall skeleton.

The skeleton was bigger and more massive than all skeletons. He had an unusual beast-head and was wrapped in a pitch-black cloak.

He came right behind Bai Lixin, who at over 180cm, looked like a small child in front of the other party.

The skeleton mages saw the extraordinary skeleton, and they hurriedly went down on one knee in fear, “High Priest.”

Dijia did not pay attention to them but stretched out his palm and placed it on Bai Lixin’s shoulder, “The one who is prophesied determines the future of the undead race, and the immortal king is the supreme being of the undead race. How can you treat the prophecy as a child’s play and take him there so abruptly?”

Black whirlwind swirled up once again, this time, around Bai Lixin and Dijia.

The strong wind blew at their robes, and with the fluttering clothes, Bai Lixin saw Dijia’s faintly exposed chest.

The moment he saw the chest, Bai Lixin fell into contemplation.

Dijia’s voice continued, but it had begun to grow muffled and muddled.

“I will personally determine if this person is the destined one of the prophecy, and if so, I will…”

Before the words could be spoken, the whirlwind had turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared from the meadow.

The skeleton mages: “……”

If so, you will what?

Why don’t you say the words at once? You can’t mess around; that’s the immortal king’s wife!

In the live broadcast room.

[Tsk tsk, why do I smell a strong smell of vinegar? Didn’t that look like a bride snatcher, brothers?]

[I think I have been single for so long. I now even feel that skeletons are mighty and handsome.]

[You’re not alone; I think he’s so handsome too! What the hell, he doesn’t even have a human head, it’s the head of a beast. My aesthetic is getting stranger and stranger.]

[I now understand the saying that beauty is in the bones, not the skin. The ancients were true to their word.]

[Isn’t Bai Lixin’s official partner the big boss? This…

[Ahem ahem, it’s not an official match, it’s a private match. The two aren’t necessarily together, it’s just that we’re one-sided shipping of CP.]

[That is true!]

Back in the palace, Dijia bent over, and his icy fingers pinched the young man’s chin.

“You really surprised me. I didn’t expect you to be the person of prophecy.”

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