Because I simply love you

Chapter 103: An encounter with a weird woman

Chapter 103: An encounter with a weird woman


Jinhai and Assistant Xin both looked at Huian bewildered.

Oh no! I reacted on instinct.

“Is there something wrong Lady Liu?”, Assistant Xin looked at her confusedly.

“No! I mean I-I was just surprised you were suddenly talking about Grandma…”

“Ah, well we suspect those letters revolve around Old Madam Liu’s heart attack. Something personally related to Sir or the Liu family.”

Her entire world crashed. When did this happen? When did they start doubting us!?

But Jinhai had already questioned her persistence over to ignore the matter. Now she could not go on trying to make him doubt herself even more.

“I see.”

I have to do something!

Jianyu was driving aimlessly through the night. He did not know where he was going. He only wanted to run away from everything. From the pain, the hurt, the betrayal Suyin gave.

All those years where he hopelessly had a one-sided love for her, which it finally culminated into a relationship when they were twenty, to their break up four years later and now knowing the truth…everything he wanted just to be a dream. A bad dream of his.

He was not paying attention to the road when suddenly he saw a woman in front of his car.


He immediately turned the car to the right and pressed hard on the brakes.

The car stopped with a loud screech. The people around looked dumbfounded.

“What happened?”

“Was the driver drunk?”, all started murmuring.

There was a red signal for the cars to stop. The woman was crossing the road when she noticed that the car wasn’t stopping.

“You stupid idiot man!!”, she shouted.

Jianyu was a little disoriented with the sudden almost accident that was going to happen.

He heard her scream and he snapped back. He quickly got out of the car where the woman was ready to strangle him.

“You! Can’t you see where you are-…”, she stopped in between looking at him with eyes wide open.

Jianyu apologized, “I’m so sorry. It was my fault. I wasn’t paying attention. Are you hurt?”

No answer.

I think she is still shocked, he thought.

“Um, are you hurt? I will take you to the hospital. I will also compensate for the bills. So, please-“

“Damn it you are so hot!”, she spoke loudly.


The other people were dumbfounded. Is this the time to be complimenting him young lady? They internally facepalmed.

Jianyu blinked his eyes rapidly and looked at her speechlessly.

“You are one fine specimen I must tell you.”, she said eyeing him up and down.


Did she hit her head somewhere?

“I was saying…”, he still tried to talk to her.

“Huh what? Oh, don’t worry. I’m not hurt.”, she waved her hand.

Jianyu felt relieved. “Well-“

“I will forgive you on account of being so handsome…and charming…and sexy. A-and hot too.”, she was drooling now.


His eyebrows twitched. What a logic to forgive someone…

He didn’t know how to answer her praises. He awkwardly said, “W-well thank you I guess?”

She nodded furiously.

Although her reason to forgive me was very weird, I’m glad she let the matter go.

He thought he should thank her in some way.

“Um, as thanks for forgiving me, can I drop you somewhere? It’s the least I can do.”

Her eyes sparkled in delight.

“Sure!”, she nodded after giving quite a thought. “You are not only a treat to the eyes but also such a gentleman. I mean, how rare is the combination. Full marks to you.”, she gave him a thumbs up.

His eyebrows twitched again. She is one weird woman.

“Where should I drop you?”, he asked.

“Well, I’m dead hungry from the long flight. So, drop me at the nearest hotel and I will have some quick dinner. I will take a cab from there to home.”

He nodded.

She sat in his car and ten minutes later he stopped at a fast-food restaurant.

She got out and said, “Thanks for the lift.”

He smiled, “No probs. I will-“, his stomach grumbled.

He felt damn embarrassed. Now that he remembered, since last night he hadn’t eaten anything. Today too, he was busy investigating the gang.

She chuckled. “You can grab a bite with me if you want. I won’t mind your company.”


“Since you are so handsome.”

She had to say that again, didn’t she? He shook his head.

They went inside and settled at a table. Since it was quite late, the crowd was relatively less.

There was no awkward silence because she immediately started the conversation.

“So, what just happened that made you lose focus? Because clearly, you are not drunk.”

He smiled sadly.

The woman figured it out.

“Aaah…break up, isn’t it?”, she asked. “Sorry. You don’t need to answer. I’m being too nosy.”

He shook his head. “No. It’s fine. Actually, it wasn’t a breakup. How can I say…we had already broken up two years back, but it was now that I realized that I was in love with a cold-blooded monster all this time.”

She raised her eyebrows.

He laughed, “It’s crazy right? I thought I knew everything about her. But now I understood how much of a fool I was. And here I am, running away like a coward.”

She smiled. “And why not is it okay to run away?”

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