Because I simply love you

Chapter 104: Running away is just fine

Chapter 104: Running away is just fine

“And why not is it okay to run away?”

Jianyu looked at her surprised. He said, “Don’t all old, wise people tell that you should face your problems? Running away doesn’t solve anything? You are not facing reality and all?”

She rolled her eyes. “Puh-lease! You have loved her for years. She turns out to be a rotten apple. All your love goes to waste and you are not even allowed to run away? Life is too complicated to always follow some damn rules.”

He blinked his eyes rapidly.

“Plus, who said that you are not facing reality? You just admitted that you loved a monster. That means you realize how awful she is. You were not facing the truth if even after knowing everything, you would have stubbornly refused to believe it.”

He kept quiet.

She smiled, “Sometimes running away is just fine. We are not superheroes. Maybe you are just taking a break. And why not? You had given your all and after it’s all over, you still want to dwell on it? That is just torture. Are you not allowed to set yourself free?”

She shrugged. “Of course it won’t solve anything. You will still have to get over her. But running away to have some time for yourself will remind you what hell of a difference it was between what is truly important and what you used to think was important.”, she paused and said, “Sometimes, a bit of chaos is necessary to bring us back on track. It opens our eyes to the truth.”

He slowly widened his eyes in realization.

“And hey! You should be thankful that you got saved from her by knowing the truth. At least you are not married to her. Imagine the consequences of otherwise. Always look at the bright side. You have such a long way to go. You can still date and find a truly special person this time.”

He laughed softly. He looked at her and said, “You are truly a very nice person.”

She waved her hair back dramatically and arrogantly said, “Of course I am.”

His eyebrows twitched. Not modest at all, are we?

Soon their order arrived and they began to eat.

She said, “Well, this is fine I guess. I’m actually dying to eat the food cooked by my best friend. She is one hell of an awesome chef.”

He slightly raised his brows and said, “What a coincidence. I also know someone who cooks just simply mind-blowing food. Nobody can resist it.”

“That may be so but your someone cannot be better than my best friend.”, she proudly said.

He shook his head, “I have to disagree with you this time. Your best friend cannot possibly beat her.”

“She can.”, she narrowed her eyes.

“She cannot.”

“She can.”

“She cannot.”

And they spent the whole time bickering like little children.

“Damn it. Just give up already. You are so going to regret once you eat her food.”, she glared at him.

“And I will say the same to you.”, he didn’t back off.

The manager couldn’t wait any longer and told them that it’s their closing time. They reluctantly stopped arguing, finished their food and went outside.

Jianyu offered to drop her at home too since it was quite late. She thought for a while and nodded.

They reached her apartment. “Thanks again for the lift.”

“No problem. And…thank you, for the things you said. I feel better now. It really meant a lot.”

She winked at him. “Anytime. Okay. Ba-bye.”

He waved his hand and saw her safely go inside. He stayed there for another minute and then he left.


It was almost three in the morning when Nana woke up thirsty. She slowly woke up for a glass of water but she found the jar empty.

She sighed.

She looked at the twins who were sleeping on the couch.

I should not wake them up. They are also tired of going back and forth between the hospital and Natsukashi. The whole day they were taking care of me. I should go by myself.

Very slowly, she tried to stand up without making any noise. But her ankle was hurting her. With the support of her left leg, she somehow managed to come out of her ward.

The corridor was empty. Whatever few nurses were there on night duty, were busy in an emergency case on another floor.

The drinking water area was at the other end. She slowly made her way down there and finally reached after what it seemed like an eternity to her.

After she had two glasses of water she turned around. But her left foot slightly bumped the filter and she lost her balance.

Oh no!

She was about to fall when a strong pair of arms quickly caught her in time. They firmly held her waist.

She didn’t feel the impact of the floor and slowly opened her eyes to look into two mesmerizing black orbs, which were dangerously looking back at her.

She gulped.

Liu Jinhai?

He narrowed his eyes and said in a very grave voice, “What do you think you are doing out here in your condition?”

She felt the chills when he spoke in that low tone. His aura, his gaze were overwhelming. He sounded angry…but she could detect a tinge of worry and helplessness.

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