Because I simply love you

Chapter 335: This time, it's my turn

Chapter 335: This time, it's my turn

Nana asked, her voice laced in fear. “W-who are you all? Leave right now!”

She didn’t know who these men were that suddenly barged inside carrying bats and hockey sticks with them. She tried to sound brave, but her voice was faintly trembling.

Huian looked at them in horror. Her heart was racing wildly. Something said to her that these people were bad news.

One of the men shouted. “What are you waiting for? Break everything you see.”

Nana yelled. “No! What are you doing?”

She felt too scared and nervous. They utterly looked like goons with that hideous expression on their faces.


The men started to bang on the tables and chairs, breaking everything they could see.

Nana covered her ears as another window broke in pieces.

“Stop! Who are you! Leave right now!”

“Shut up!”

Huian backed in her wheelchair as he roared in anger. Nana was taken aback too.

They went into the kitchen and threw and broke every utensil, plates, and dishes. They shattered everything that came in their hands.

Huian looked at Nana, terrified. “Why are they vandalizing like this?”

Nana bit her lip, and tears were threatening to come out of her misty eyes. She had no idea either.

Panicked, she looked for Jinhai, but he was nowhere. She fumbled with her phone to call him, but one man grabbed it and threw it away. The phone hit hard, and it broke as well. She shut her eyes with a loud impact.

Nana backed away, afraid. She was more terrified because there was Huian and she was pregnant too.

She clutched her tummy protectively.

The man harshly grabbed Nana’s chin.

“Ah!” She winced in pain. With his tight grip, her jaw began to hurt and a tear slid from the corner of her eye.

Huian widened her eyes. “Leave her!”

She slowly got up from her wheelchair, stumbling on her step, and held his wrist.

“Leave her, you bastard!”

But the man shook her away and slapped her on the cheek.

Huian fell on the floor as she lost her balance.


Nana looked at her, horrified.

Huian held her cheek that was burning with the sharp, stinging pain from his slap. It hurt so badly that tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Don’t dare call anybody you bitches!”

He pushed Nana back, and she somehow caught the support in time.

“Huian! Are you alright? Your cheek!”

It was beginning to turn red.

Huian nodded weakly. “W-what should we do now? Where is Jinhai?”

“I don’t know…He must be stuck outside in the rain.”

As if it was true, a thundering noise erupted within the clouds, and the rain became fiercer and heavier.

After everything was smashed down in just two minutes, they sneered at Nana.

They were huddled together.

“Now, your turn to turn like just your place.”

Nana tremblingly asked, “What do you want from us? Why are you attacking us?”

He snorted and looked at her belly.

Nana noticed his gaze, and she glared at him. She clutched her belly hard.

The other men laughed at her futile attempt. “It’s useless. Nobody can save you. Just one hit at your big tummy.”

Nana froze. She was badly shaking in place. She was in no position to fight or defend herself.

The man stepped closer.

“No! Stay away! Don’t you dare come near me!”

As if the baby inside also felt her fear, it started kicking in her tummy. Nana sobbed hard. She felt it anxious, too, with its kicks.

Mama will protect you. Stay strong for Mama, please.

“Stay away!” She screamed.

The man was about to swing his bat, but Huian had secretly taken a glass and hit him on his head.


“NANA, RUN!” Huian yelled.

The man’s head started to bleed as a few pieces that of glass cut his skin apart.

“Hey, you!”

“Huian I-“

She cut her off. “Don’t think about me. Just run away.”

Huian took more glasses and randomly started throwing at them to block their way.

“You have to think about your baby. Just run!”

“But you-“

“Let me do this. Let me protect you this time, Nana.”

Huian’s gaze once again held the guilt of leaving Nana alone in that shed that night. But this time she won’t repeat the mistake.

Even if I have to die, this time, I will save you. This time I won’t run away and leave you alone.

This time, it’s my turn.


“Catch them!”

Nana bit her lip. “No! No matter what, I will not leave you…”

Who knows what they will do to Huian…

She caught Huian’s hand and dragged her at the backside of the Natsukashi. But one man already found her. With a heavy belly, she couldn’t run any more faster.

He pushed her, and Nana suddenly stumbled ahead. Huian was shocked. She quickly caught her hand, but it was a second late as Nana’s tummy hit the corner of a table.


Nana clutched her belly as a sharp pain shot through her stomach.

“Nana!!!” Huian screamed in horror.

Nana slowly collapsed on the floor. “Ah…Ahhh! Pain…it’s hurting…”

Huian also bent to her level. She had no idea what to do next.

“Hah! What will you do now? This made things a lot easier for us.”

The man who was hit on his head spat. “You bitch. I will not leave you for this!”

But everything was already starting to blur for Nana. The world was spinning in front of her eyes.

Once again, her stomach ached with sharp pain.


It was so unbearable as if she thought that something was hammering hard on it.

“Now, you both are dead. Let’s aim at your belly first and kill the child.”

“No!!” Huian screamed. She stepped in between, but they grabbed her and threw her away. The fall also shot a sharp pain through her body, which was still weak.

The man raised his hockey stick.

Nana was breathing heavily, and she couldn’t even move an inch from that pain.

He was about to strike.

“Ji-Jinhai…” Nana mumbled his name with the last bit of strength left in her.

Just as his land was about to strike, somebody caught his wrist. In just a second, he gripped it hard and broke his wrist bone.



The stick fell from his hand. He saw Jinhai with a murderous gaze threatening to tear him apart. His aura had turned so lethal and dangerous thant anybody could sense his icy air even from miles away.

“How dare you…”

With all that rage channeled in his hand, Jinhai punched a solid fist at his face, which broke the bone in his nose broke too. Blood dripped out of his nostrils. The three men snapped out. It was all too sudden, and they didn’t even realize when Jinhai came and blocked his attack.

They jumped on him at once, but Jinhai was so angry and enraged that he looked akin to the Asura himself right now. He looked like the God of Death, Yama.

Three or ten, he won’t leave anybody alive.

Jinhai effortlessly fought the three men. How could they even compare to him who knew all forms of martial arts? He didn’t even need the help of any bat or stick to beat the shit out of them.

Jinhai beat and punched them so hard that they were hardly recognizable anymore. Their bones were broken all over, and they lied in a pathetic state on the floor, not able to lift even a single finger.


Nana’s help for cry brought Jinhai back to his senses. The darkness in his eyes washed away.


Jinhai immediately bent down. Nana wasn’t in a very good state. Her face was contorted in extreme agony. She was continuously sweating hard.

“Nana! Nana! Look at me. W-what’s wrong? You look so pale.”

Huian somehow managed or get up and walk to their side. “Na-Nana has hit her belly. That man pushed her, and her belly hit the side of the table.”

Jinhai’s temper flared up in rage once again. His blood boiled to know what happened. When he was about to come back after checking the fuse box outside, an entire tree suddenly uprooted and fell on his way because of the heavy rain and wind and blocked his path. That’s why it took him so long.

When he returned, he found Natsukashi in such a bad state and the voices of those men shouting and yelling.

Nana clutched her stomach and gritted her teeth hard. “Pain…It hurts…”

Jinhai quickly took her in his arms. “I am here with you, Nana. Look at me. I am here with you. Don’t be afraid. I will take you to the hospital now. Everything will be fine, okay?”

“It’s is impossible, Jinhai.” Huian cried. “The weather outside has turned for the worse. We will just get stuck in the middle of nowhere. That would become even more difficult!”

“Aah..aahhh!!” Nana let out yet another painful scream.

Jinahi tightened his jaw. His heart ached to see her in agony. “What can we do then!”

“I-I will call Liang Shin…”

Huian found her phone through the mess and dialed his number. “Liang Shin…”

“What happened? Why are you crying?”

When she told Liang Shin what happened and about Nana’s condition, he was shell shocked.

“What!” He got up from his seat. “That hit must have triggered her labor. She must go through delivery right now!”

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