Because I simply love you

Chapter 336: The long awaited first cry (1)

Chapter 336: The long awaited first cry (1)

Huian was stunned.

Delivery? Now?

“W-what? Nana has to deliver now?”

Jinhai froze. He took the phone from Huian’s hand and quickly said, “What are you saying, brother-in-law? Delivery?”

Shin was taken aback, but he knew that Jinhai was working in Natsukashi. Right now, he had no choice but to take his help.

“Yes. The hit to her belly has triggered her labor. That’s why she is in pain.”

Jinhai staggered a bit to know this.

“But how will we do that? I want to take Nana to the hospital but it’s pouring outside so heavily. We will get stuck in traffic!”

Shin already made his way to the car. “No! Don’t take the risk of taking her out in such a heavy storm. I am coming to Natsukashi as soon as I can.”

Huian said, “But how will you come here? The roads are jam-packed! You will get stuck too!”

“I cannot just sit here and do nothing! I am coming.” Shin snapped.

“Aaaahhh…” Nana’s loud scream pierced through the call, and Shin clearly heard it.


Jinhai immediately took her in his arms. But even that movement pained her a lot. He headed upstairs. He banged her room open and placed her on the bed.

Huian followed him, walking as quickly as she could.

The clouds thundered once again in a roar. There came a huge crash from outside of something falling hard on the ground. Maybe it was another tree that collapsed.

“Aaahh….pain…it hurts…” Nana gritted her teeth. “Hah…” Her chest was heaving up and down breathlessly.

Jinhai quickly patted her head, but it was of no use.

“Nana’s condition is worsening. We cannot wait for you!” Jinhai loudly said. “What should we do?”

Shin was already on his way, but just as expected, he got stuck in traffic. He honked continuously.

“Medical emergency! Make way!” He yelled. He got back to the call. “Okay. Huian. Jinhai. Listen to me carefully. I will try my best to come there as soon as I can. But we have got no choice. You have to start with the delivery.”

They froze.

Huian was aghast. “Are you crazy? Delivery? We? We are not doctors! You are talking about childbirth here!”

“I know it’s sudden, but trust me. Just do as I say. Exactly like I say. Some women have delivered, even without any doctor’s help. You can do this. Just trust me.”

Jinhai nodded. “Alright. Tell us what we have to do.”

He couldn’t see Nana in pain anymore. “P-pain…”

“Nana…” Jinhai kissed her forehead. “Can you hear me? My voice? I am here with you.”

He held her and tightly pressed it. “Don’t worry.”

Nana cried. “Our baby…I-I hit my stomach…Our baby… Have we lost-“

Jinhai put his finger over her lips. “Our baby is safe. Trust me. I won’t let anything happen to our child, I promise, okay?”

A tear slid from her eye, but she weakly nodded.

Jinhai gave the phone back to Huian. He took out his own and dialed Liu Hai’s number.

“Ho Ho son-“

“Dad. Nana has gone into labor.”

Liu Hai widened his eyes in shock and stood up dumbfounded. “What!!?”

The others were startled, hearing his loud voice.

Liu Chunhua asked, “What happened?”


“What? What happened to Nana?” Grandma Liu was also anxious.

“She has gone into labor.”

From the other end, Jinhai said, “Yes, Dad. We are stuck in Natsukashi. We cannot take her to the hospital. Brother-in-law Liang Shin is making his way here, but it might be too difficult in this weather.”


“Huian and I are doing the delivery. I don’t know how but just bring the entire hospital in Natsukashi anyhow, Dad! I don’t care how you do it. I want all the medical facilities here as soon as possible.”

Shin from his end, said to Huian, “First switch to video calling.”

Huian quickly turned it on.

Shin saw Nana’s pale condition and cursed his luck for such weather today.

Just let me get my hands on those bastards who attacked her!

“Sh-Shin…What do we do now?”

He took a deep breath. “Okay. First, calm down and relax.”

Huian took a deep breath. She told herself that she could do this.

“Okay. Tell me.”

“Good. Now get some warm water ready in a tub. It should only be warm. Not hot. Then get some fresh, washed towels, tissues, and clean sheets. Then take a clean pair of scissors and wash it with warm to hot water to clean it of any remnant bacteria. Also, get a large container to place the placenta after the umbilical cord is cut.”


Liu Chunhua grabbed the phone and said, “Jinhai, what happened so suddenly? Wasn’t her due date still three weeks ahead?”

“I will tell you everything later. Just do anything to bring medical help!”

“Hai is already on it. But I want to see Nana, Jinhai.”

He switched on the video, too, and kept his phone on the table.

“Nana!” Grandma Liu exclaimed. They saw her pale condition. They were shocked to see Huian there, but they had no time to think about that.

Grandma Liu said, “Jinhai! Get the warm water ready in a tub if you got there.”

Huian said, “Shin also said just that.”

Jingai said, “I will get the water. You look for the towels and the sheets.”

He bent down at Nana’s side. “Nana, you will be fine. And our baby too. Please do your best okay?”


Another sharp pain shot from her belly.

“Don’t just sit there, Jinhai! Get going!” Liu Chunhua yelled.

A few minutes later, Jinhai brought a tub with warm water, and clean scissors and Huian took out a fresh set of towels and a container.

A bolt of lightning struck the sky outside, and the downpour worsened even more.

Shin was badly stuck in the traffic jam. Through the video, he saw that they were ready.

Huian asked. “What now?”

“It’s cold outside because of the storm, so close the curtains to make the room warm. The baby should not catch a cold after birth.”

Jinhai immediately closed the curtains and the door.

Liu Chunhua and Grandma were anxiously watching through the video.

Liu Chunhua said, “Huian and Jinhai. Wash your hands and wipe Nana’s vaginal area clean with wipes.”

Shin said, “She is right.”

Huian slowly but awkwardly asked, “Sh-shouldn’t Jinhai leave the room now?”

Grandma Liu coughed. “Liang Shin and we are here too, so-“

Jinhai glared. “I am not leaving Nana alone at any cost. I will be here with her!”

Shin sighed. “Let him be, Huian. You might need help too.”

“Uggghh…” Nana groaned and convulsed in pain again.

Shin quickly said, “She is having contractions. Get ready, you two.”

“Nana. Can you hear me?” Shin worriedly said. “Take deep breaths and exhale.”

Nana felt like the pain was ripping her apart. It was so intense that she felt like it was tearing her belly.

The contractions eased up a for a minute, but then they started again, dilating her cervix.

The pain was intensifying, and she unconsciously held Jinhai’s hand tightly, gripping it hard.

Liu Chunhua said, “Nana, dear, we are all here with you.”

Shin said, “Nana, now try to push.”

Nana tried her best.


Her forehead was covered in sweat, and she was huffing and puffing.


The pain was getting unbearable. Her vision blurred, but she knew that she had to do. For her baby to be safely born, she had to make it through this.

Jinhai felt as if he a knife stabbed his heart, seeing her convulsing in pain. He took out his handkerchief and started to wipe the sweat off her forehead.

“You can do it, Nana.” Shin encouraged her. “Keep pushing.”

“I…it’s hard…it’s painful.”

“I know, and you are doing great.”

Nana bit her lip and put strain on her belly to push.

“Huian, can you see the baby’s head?”

Huian checked, but there was still no sign of it.

She shook her head.

Nana’s screams and shouting were panicking Huian. But she felt an odd sense of assurance that Shin was there with her.

Jinhai continuously rubbed her palm to help ease even a little bit of her pain.

Grandma said, “Jinhai. You can also help her. Put your hands on her belly and push it forward.”

Jinhai nodded. He held her tummy and slowly pushed. He was worried that he might put too much pressure. At that point, his heart was racing for Nana and their child.

Please be safe.

Liu Hai said from aside, “I am trying my best, but in this weather, it is impossible even to step out anywhere. But I will get help as soon as I can.”

It was almost three hours now, and Nana was trying her hardest.

Huian asked, “Why is it…”

Shin replied through the video. “It’s normal, Huian. First pregnancies sometimes take up to sixteen to seventeen hours.”

Jinhai stiffened. “So long? I cannot see Nana in pain so that long.”

“I understand, and I also hope that the baby comes out soon so that it’s over for her.”

“Jinhai! Shin! I can see the head now!” Huian exclaimed.

Shin quickly said, “Nana! You are just there. Push a little more, please.”

Jinhai also helped her.


Suddenly they heard a soft cry.


The sweet cry of their baby finally resounded in the entire room.

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