Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1628 Corey Park’s Message

Chapter 1628 Corey Park's Message

Date- 13 April 2321

Time- 12:28

Location- Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Central Tower

"I gave you a chance, don't blame me later," Corey's spiritual body vanished from Wyatt's side as he continued forward in her titled demon core in search of Corey Park.

"Let's see how you like to have your face pressed against the floor and eat dirt for a change," Corey said looking at Wyatt's physical body after returning to her physical body. Though Corey was more reasonable and calmer than before thanks to the elixir, it did not resolve her grudge toward Wyatt for slamming her face into the dirt on multiple occasions.

Corey slowly walked behind Wyatt believing him to be defenseless as his spiritual body was blatantly exploring her titled demon core. Then she proceeded to grab Wyatt's head by his hair to slam his face on the floor as he had her.

However, before her hand could even touch Wyatt's hair her hand was grabbed by Wyatt's physical body as if it had eyes at the back of its head. To her shock, Wyatt's physical body had awareness despite his spiritual body being in her title demon core. How was that possible?

"Fuck!" Waking from her initial shock, Corey found that she was in mid-air, flying, about to crash into a wall having been flung by Wyatt's physical body.

Seeing that Wyatt's physical body did not continue its offense, Corey lay in the rubble embarrassed. Then using her spiritual body she entered her titled demon core to appear next to Wyatt who was busy navigating through the vile smoke filling her core.

"What is it that you are looking for?" Corey asked Wyatt planning to give him what he wanted to throw him out as soon as possible.

Inside the title demon core, Corey could make use of her rule power and runes with 500 percent more efficiency than outside to seriously hurt Wyatt's spiritual body or even destroy it if she wanted to. If it was a few minutes ago Corey would not have hesitated to do precisely that however now she chose not to do so.

Corey did not want to use force against Wyatt's spiritual body because it was harder to heal the spiritual body than the physical body. Seeing how Wyatt knew this and still chose to invade her core with his spiritual body Corey believed whatever he was to had to be important and decided to help him out. So that they get this over with.

Corey did not know how to describe her relationship with Wyatt. First, she respected him then over time she began to compete with him not just for Susan's affection but over who was stronger, who had higher card creation mastery, and everything else. In a way, his existence drove her to be better. One thing was for sure Wyatt was not her enemy. Though she still had to gain a single win against him. She found no hate for him in her but a strong determination to outdo him one day and laugh as he tried to uplift and gather his defeated and crushed spirit.

"Your demon flame, the eternal flame of agony," Wyatt answered Corey, this time he did not call Corey's ego flame Corey Park but by its original name. As he had seen Corey did not seem to consider Corey Park as a separate individual but a past life of hers.

"That is it? You could have told me sooner, follow me," Though soul pupils were able to navigate through the vile black smoke, the spiritual space within the title demon core was too big for a foreign body to explore.

Following Corey, Wyatt soon appeared in front of a huge fireball that resembled a golden-red sun emitting vile black smoke as the agony-filled cries of the sinners could be heard. The last time Wyatt was here the golden-red flame was in the shape of a mature Corey with a voluptuous body and narrow waist, while black smoke emitted by the flame covered her sensitive parts. It had an ego now it was just a regular demonic flame.

Though confused with Corey Park's sudden disappearance, Wyatt did not give up. He used his soul pupils to their full extent to analyze every part of the golden-red sun trying to find the traces of Corey Park in it. He had a strong feeling that she might be there somewhere in the golden-red flames.

"You are here my white knight," Corey Park's voice sounded in Wyatt's ears as his surrounding morphed, finding himself in a vast white room. Hearing footsteps behind him, Wyatt turned to find a mature Corey in flesh dressed in dark-red armor.

"Don't bother wasting your energy asking questions, this is a spiritual message. I knew you would come looking for me in search of answers. You seem to have made a tricky enemy this time. I cannot tell you anything about him but his ability seems to have an absolute attribute. I tried to help Corey resist his ability but failed. Now am in a deep slumber facing the backlash. Manipulation and absolute attribute, now that's an overpowered ability to have.

Thankfully, an ability with absolute attributes comes with a lot of conditions still these abilities are not to be underestimated they can be a pain in the ass if used wisely, and this guy is an example of that.

On 12th April after completing the creation of the martial cards you commissioned us, Corey wanted to test her power against moving targets so we entered an A-rank field dungeon, and that was where we met him. He was waiting for us in the boss area where he implanted an order in Corey, asking her to lure Susan out to a D-rank field dungeon the next morning along with other people you considered as important avoiding any witness.

One thing about his order stood out though, he could have just ordered Corey to kidnap Susan for him at a specified time and bring her to him at his convenience along with more orders such that he would not have to get his hands dirty at all yet he did not do that but kept his order basic and short.

This must be related to the conditions for using his ability or because of the demigod guarding Susan. Either way, I hope you figure the conditions of his ability out before you face him and also think of a way to awaken me. I wish I could give you more information about him or his ability but this is all I could gather from my struggle against his ability. I hope I was of help."

After the message ended Wyatt found himself staring at the globe of flame while Corey patiently waited next to him. Looking at Corey, Wyatt's eyes softened having learned that she did not put Susan, Cortney, and Bloodette in harm's way out of her willfulness but was manipulated by Handsome Fox.

"Why are you looking at me that way? It's creepy," Corey said, erasing the little guilt Wyatt felt toward her.

Wyatt's Spiritual body left Corey's titled demon core and returned to his physical body. Then he began to pace around the office in deep contemplation. Corey Park's message only fortified Wyatt's assumption about Handsome Fox's ability. As a bonus, it cleared Corey from most of the blame for what was happening.

However, Park's message not only failed to answer his questions but also raised more questions.

If Handsome Fox was capable of handling the demigod guarding Susan, why did not just enter the city to kidnap Susan and other people important to him instead of using Corey to lure them out of the city and wait till 9:45 to ambush? Was he setting a field to kill all the demigods without leaving behind a trace of evidence of his deeds, so that he doesn't get caught once the Southern Royal family starts to investigate Wyatt's death had he managed to kill him?

Earlier Wyatt thought, Corey taking Susan, Cortney, and Bloodette to the D-rank field dungeon this morning was a coincidence however now it was clear that Handsome Fox was behind that. Which turned this whole incident into a mess that Wyatt kept running in circles trying to solve.

On another note, Wyatt wondered why Corey felt that Cortney and Bloodette were important people to him when she could choose from his collection of Calamity Daughter Gems he surrounds himself with. Or even Uncle Wyatt and his family and his mother's sister Katty.

As Corey got up from the rubble and dusted herself, Wyatt decided to ask her, "Corey, who do you think in the entire Sky Blossom City is important to me along with Susan?"

"Wyatt, I am sorry. I know you cared for Cortney and Bloodette but I did not plan for this to happen. I know nothing I say can bring them back but I hope you can find the strength in you to forgive me. Or at least keep our grievance aside until we save Big Sis Susan. Then we can settle it any way you want us to," Corey apologized to Wyatt for Cortney and Bloodette's untimely demise and prepared to take accountability for the unfortunate part she played in it while begging him to focus on saving Susan.

"No, this is not about that. If I were to ask you to list the people in my life that I hold important then who would you choose and why?" Wyatt repeated himself but this time he was more specific.

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