Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1629 Layers & Layers Of Web

Chapter 1629 Layers & Layers Of Web

Date- 13 April 2321

Time- 12:31

Location- Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Central Tower

"Why do you ask?" Corey asked in confusion. Unable to understand how it was related to Handsome Fox.

"Corey, Handsome Fox used his ability on you to get you to lure Susan and people important to me to the D-rank dungeon. So, I want to know of all the people I surround myself with why you felt that I regarded Cortney and Bloodette as important?" Wyatt revealed this to Corey explaining why this question to her.

"Isn't that obvious? With Elliott being in Sun Blossom City, and your auntie leaving for the university, only Cortney and Bloodette remained in Sky Blossom City apart from Susan whom you would hold important. I saw the way you treated Cortney at the city tournament despite her trying to kill you at the orders of the Circle. It was a no-brainer," Corey seemed to know Wyatt pretty well enough to even surprise him.

However, what surprised Wyatt even more was that Corey did not use the fact that Handsome Fox used his ability to lure Susan, Cortney, and Bloodette into his trap to defend herself. Wyatt understood that Corey blamed herself for Cortney and Bloodette's death and Susan being marked by the enemy. With this, he saw her in a new light. Underneath all her craziness, Corey was an honorable and good person.

"What about your cousins and my other employees, whom I trusted my entire business in Sky Blossom City with?" Wyatt wanted to know why Corey did not choose his Calamity Daughter Gems when they were people he trusted the most.

"Didn't you just answer your question by calling them employees?" Corey said, not even bothering to mention Wyatt's uncle. They were close even though not blood-related but after the Ronnie fiasco, Wyatt's indifference toward them was apparent to everyone who knew their relationship.

"Interesting, you claim to hate me yet know me so well. By chance are you staking me," Wyatt teased Corey and placed a bulk order for the blue elixir in his demon merchant codex seeing its miraculous effect on Corey.

"You are my boss, this is the bare minimum I should know about you. Seeing how you are in the mood to tease me, did you figure a solution out for this mess?" Corey asked Wyatt in anticipation.

"Nope," Wyatt said casually as he walked to the balcony of the penthouse office and glanced over his empire, the towers, and the infrastructures surrounding them.

"What?" Corey exclaimed in shock and followed Wyatt to the balcony, "Big Sis Susan's life is at stake here, why are you so relaxed instead of using that beautiful brain of yours to figure out the solution?"

"Susan's life is not in danger as long as I stay away from her. It sucks for me but you should be loving this arrangement, right?" Wyatt's calmness was starting to get on Corey's nerves.

"That is just the precaution, not prevention. We have to take Handsome Fox down before he comes to finish what he started," Corey yelled. She did not like the thought of having an unknown enemy with the ability to control and manipulate her.

With somebody like that aiming for her and people close to her Corey would never feel secure until she has had put an end to them. Corey felt like she was going crazy thinking of the worst Handsome Fox could do with his ability and to top it off he was a demigod. The only thing that kept her calm before was the belief that Wyatt would figure something out but seeing him give up and do nothing to stop their enemy instead chose to play the game by the rules of Handsome Fox, Corey's worries erupted.

"Calm down, Handsome Fox went through great difficulty to make sure his identity remains hidden. I think even the code name Handsome Fox is a lie he concocted to throw us off his trail. From the time he killed his party members till Baem's arrival, he had enough time to suppress your memories about the fight where he cold-bloodedly killed his party members.

However, he did not do that. Instead, he implanted hypnotic suggestions in Bloodette and Susan while leaving you untouched. He could have done so many things in so many ways yet he did everything in this specific way. Then fled when Baem arrived without any resistance.

I have been wondering why he did not do this and what he would gain from doing that. When I should be asking why a person who was so keen about hiding his deeds did not erase his involvement and the name Handsome Fox from all your minds?

He wants whoever is investigating this case to conclude that Handsome Fox, a demigod with manipulation and absolute type ability, was behind this incident and go on a wild goose search for Handsome Fox, a character he created. Seeing how meticulous he was in his planning all this I would not be surprised if there was a card demigod with the codename Handsome Fox out there," Wyatt explained his speculation.

"Fuck! This is worse than what I thought before. How do you expect me to calm down knowing this?" Corey yelled at Wyatt and looked at him as if he were a crazy person. Then gathering her calm she took a step back and asked, "Have you ever stopped to consider that this Handsome Fox or whatshisname is not as smart as you give him credit for? After all, it is possible that you are just overthinking this. Handsome Fox might have just done what he felt was the best way to kill his party members and you without getting caught and got lucky because of his overpowered card."

"No, because if he was so basic he would not have come after you or Susan but directly at me. Just like the whole world. He could have used his ability on me, instead, he went to the trouble of weaving layers of webs to get what he wanted without revealing himself to the world."

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