Chang’an Small Restaurant

Chapter 62 (Part 1)

Chapter 62.1 Deep-Fried Golden Cicada Nymphs

Following the Dragon Boat Festival, the scorching summer sun blazed relentlessly, casting its fiery glow upon the land. The ground simmered under its intense heat, sending a shimmering haze of scalding dust into the air. In the shade of the walls, dogs sought refuge, their energy drained as they sought relief from the oppressive heat by digging holes and laying listlessly within. Even the once-rambunctious chicks, once prone to mischief in the vegetable garden, now exhibited a newfound sense of decorum and calmness.

During this period, all other concerns were deferred to a later time. Shen Shaoguang sought refuge within the confines of her store each day, escaping the sweltering heat outside. Relying solely on refreshments and fruits cooled by the well water in her backyard, she endured the scorching temperatures. Though her appetite remained adequate in the morning and evening, she could only muster a few bites at lunch, adopting a feline-like approach to her meals.

Yu San would furrow his brows whenever he caught sight of Shen Shaoguang partaking in her lunch. In response, Shen Shaoguang would offer a conciliatory smile and motivate herself to consume two more bites. She empathized deeply with the plight of a cook laboring over a hot stove in the oppressive summer heat, only to serve a meal unappreciated by others.

Throughout the year, A’Yuan and A’Chang maintained hearty appetites, showing no aversion to meat or fish. Even during the sweltering summer days, if hunger struck either of them before or after lunch, they would eagerly indulge in two flat cakes stuffed with minced Cornelian Meat or partake in a steamer of Sharpened Mutton Jade. Their penchant for between-meal snacks remained synchronized and unwavering.

Since joining Shen Indelible, A’Chang had noticeably put on weight without a corresponding increase in height. Conversely, A’Yuan experienced a growth spurt during her last stage of adolescence, adding over ten centimeters to her height in just a year.

Shen Shaoguang estimated her own height at around 165 centimeters, while A’Yuan surpassed her by at least half a palm’s length, reaching approximately 175 centimeters. Notably, her waist had also widened. It seemed that Princess Yu San's prophecy about A’Yuan’s miserable three summer months had indeed come true.

However, the guests found their weight to be a positive attribute. "Just by observing the staff of the establishment, it's evident how delicious the food served here must be! Look at how well-presented they are!"

Shen Shaoguang and Yu San, not quite living up to the 'presentable' image: "..."

Shen Shaoguang and Yu San, the two ‘noobs’, silently criticized each other's shortcomings. Shen Shaoguang couldn't help but wonder why Yu San, despite his hefty appetite, hadn't gained any weight. What a disappointment for a chef! Meanwhile, Yu San sneered inwardly at Shen Shaoguang's meager appetite. How could she, with her diet barely surpassing that of a cat, be so picky and at the same time so gluttonous?

Shen Shaoguang felt somewhat aggrieved; it was true that she didn't eat much, but accusing her of being gluttonous and picky was unfair! Didn't they see that she was barely sustaining herself with just congee and side dishes every day?

Shen Indelible's morning and evening congee offerings comprised a rotation of pure husked rice congee, husked rice and mung bean congee, husked rice and lotus seed congee, lotus leaf congee, and vegetable with lean meat congee, providing a diverse selection each day.

In addition to an array of seasonal summer vegetables, the small side dishes featured various pickled delicacies: Princess Yu San's aristocratically styled pickled napa cabbage, pickled radish, pickled cucumber, and pickled ginger, along with fragrant sautéed glutinous rice wine-fermented salted fish, stir-fried cured meat with cornelian dogwood paste, salted eggs, and other assorted pickled delights.

Shen Shaoguang, ignoring the 'Quantum Zeno effect', continued to periodically check on her cured ham. While pondering how Mr. Tang Lusun's cured ham mixed with shepherd's purse recipe would complement the congee, she followed Yu San's example and prodded the ham with a bamboo skewer. However, it did not yield any immediate insights. It was evident that transforming young, fresh meat into a tempting aged cured meat was a lengthy process that could not be hurried.

Shen Shaoguang pondered on Deputy Magistrate Lin, the 'two-year-old dry-cured ham'. He should be in his mid-twenties… Judging by age and appearance, he appeared quite ‘fresh’, but his talents were undeniable... With his resolute temperament alone, the fermentation period could be significantly shortened...

Recalling the recent glances that seemed to hold myriad unspoken thoughts, the subtle curve of the corners of his eyes when he smiled, the glisten of his lips after a sip of drink, and the contours of his physique, Shen Shaoguang felt slightly parched. Stay composed, my integrity and bottom-line!

Finally, Shen Shaoguang grew weary of pickled foods and set her evil clutches to other living creatures.

One morning, after the fishmonger delivered the fish, Shen Shaoguang inquired with a smile, "Sir, could you also bring some grasshoppers and golden cicadas? The cicadas that have just emerged from the ground and haven't shed their shells yet. The ones that can already fly are not as fragrant and tender, and not as delicious."

The fish seller smiled and remarked, "As a lady living in the lap of luxury in the city, why would you want to eat such things? We usually rely on them from the wild to sustain ourselves during times of scarcity."

"It's delicious! Please, just catch some for me," Shen Shaoguang insisted with a smile.

Not to mention individuals like Shen Shaoguang, who was an ordinary civilian before her time travel and now was a palace-slave-turned-tavern-proprietress. Even the wealthiest individuals of this dynasty indulged in such delicacies, including Emperor Xuanzong, and the current sovereign’s paternal grandfather.

It was said that during the fourth year of the Kaiyuan Era, in the reign of Tang Dynasty Emperor Xuanzong, there was a locust plague. Xuanzong, in his disdain, would consume locusts, stating, "You consume the grains of zhen’s people as though you were devouring zhen’s heart." He rallied officials and citizens alike to combat the locust plague, ultimately achieving victory.

Of course, the Kaiyuan Era had long passed, but Xuanzong's consumption of locusts held significant political meaning. The true enthusiast who really ate ‘insects’ in desire for good food was the reigning sovereign’s paternal grandfather.

As per the accounts of the palace's veteran cook, the late emperor had a particular fondness for golden cicada breast meat, whether roasted, steamed, or blanched, then seasoned with vinegar, soy paste, coriander, knotweed, and other condiments. He indulged in this delicacy every summer, and it was rumored that many high-ranking officials and nobles also followed suit. However, the current and previous sovereigns did not share the same enthusiasm for it.

Shen Shaoguang contemplated whether high officials and noble persons still enjoyed such delicacies. Perhaps she could inquire about it later from Deputy Magistrate Lin.

The fish seller, primarily a farmer, had started bringing fish to the city for sale since last year, becoming Shen Indelible's fish supplier. Life had been considerably easier for him in the past six months. Since the proprietress had expressed a craving, he felt obliged to assist, especially considering her willingness to pay.

Indeed, the next day, he arrived with a jar of golden cicada larvae, known as ‘chirping devils’ in Shen Shaoguang's hometown, along with several dozen grasshoppers skewered on grass stems. He mentioned that the cicadas had been dug up by the family's children the previous night, while the grasshoppers were caught at dawn.

Shen Shaoguang expressed her gratitude generously and lamented the effort the children had put in. She paid the fish seller generously and said with a smile, "Please thank your kids for me, Sir." She also gave some floral cakes to the fish seller as a token of her appreciation.

The fish seller walked away beaming with happiness, and Shen Shaoguang went to prepare the 'pests'.





Pure husked rice congee 

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