Chang’an Small Restaurant

Chapter 62 (Part 2)

Chapter 62.2 Deep-Fried Golden Cicada Nymphs

Shen Shaoguang, lacking the patience for the intricately processed cicada breast meat favored by the previous sovereign, opted instead for the simpler ‘deep-fried’ method, choosing to consume them whole.

The process began with thorough cleaning, followed by soaking in a mixture of peppercorn and salt water, drying, and then frying.

Deep-frying cicadas bore a resemblance to the preparation of petite meatballs. They underwent a slow cooking process over gentle heat until nearing completion, then delicately lifted from the oil. Subsequently, the temperature was elevated for a second frying, guaranteeing a heightened crispness and aroma.

Following this, a dash of pepper and cumin powder infused them with additional flavor. Whether relished solo, paired with spirits, or nestled between flat cakes, they promised a delectable indulgence.

Nevertheless, not only Yu San, but even A’Yuan and A’Chang hesitated to partake.

A’Yuan, initially curious, found her intrigue wane upon encountering the intact insects, their legs and eyes seemingly alive, gazing back at her. Ultimately, she opted out.

Despite her reluctance to indulge, A’Yuan was quick to commend her mistress, remarking, "Miss is remarkably courageous!"

Shen Shaoguang: "..."

Alone, Shen Shaoguang relished a delectable meal, finally savoring a satisfying lunch.

Unexpectedly, she was spotted by an early-arriving guest, a familiar patron known for his penchant for poetic expressions. This was the same individual who had penned verses extolling their Spring Platter on the outer wall: "Upon the white nephrite dish, tender verdant fronds; within the azure vessel, fragrant meats abound."

Later on, he continued to write poems, praising Shen Ji’s pastries, the Sharpened Mutton Jade, and the refreshing cold wash. Each poem found its place on the wall. His knack for verse almost made him Shen Indelible’s unofficial creative advertising director.

Being a scholar, he swiftly drew a parallel to Cao Zhi's <Ode to the Cicada>, remarking, "Body handed over to the chef to be roasted over a red-hot charcoal fire[1]." This historical reference added depth to Shen Shaoguang’s voracious appetite.

Under such circumstances, how could Shen Shaoguang deny sharing some of her cicadas with him? Accompanied by stir-fried cowcumbers, pig ear salad, and an array of other delectable side dishes, all washed down with green foam wine, the scholar savored his meal with great delight. As the wine flowed, he tapped the table in a rhythmic beat and burst into song. Inspired by Cao Zhi's <Ode to the Cicada>, he crafted his own poem on the spot: <Ode to Consuming Cicada and Locust>.

This <Ode to Consuming Cicada and Locust> diverged from the pathos of <Ode to the Cicada>, instead celebrating the peace and prosperity of the current era. It lauded how cicadas and locusts, once sustenance during times of famine, now served merely as snacks enjoyed with alcohol. While dedicated to cicadas and locusts, the poem's language was both fresh and elegant, employing a ‘骈散结合[2]’ writing technique, reminiscent of the straightforward literary creations of the Six Dynasties era.

Shen Shaoguang couldn't help but applaud enthusiastically until her palms tingled red. The style and theme of the poem were perfectly tailored for advertising. Had it been steeped in melancholy like Gifted Scholar Luo’s verse, "Nobody would believe its noble, virtuous nature. Who would speak and vindicate me from wrong?[3]" she would have gently dissuaded him, offering more wine to divert his thoughts. Such words could not be written for the public eye; they would disrupt the harmony of society.

Shen Shaoguang removed the old poem from the wall. While the scholar was inebriated, he freely expressed himself in an impressive semi-cursive script, inscribing the new poem onto the wall.

Shen Shaoguang couldn't help but lament the insufficient supply of ingredients. If only it could meet the demand, the potential harvest from this advertisement alone could be bountiful beyond measure.

Shen Shaoguang remained unaware that her tavern was a harbinger of great fortune. However, fate intervened when Grand Chancellor Li, dining at her establishment, spotted the poem and later mentioned it to the Emperor during a casual conversation. Impressed, the Emperor recruited the scholar into a government position through Grand Chancellor Li's recommendation and later appointed him as an academic at the prestigious Hanlin Imperial Academy.

While the Hanlin Imperial Academy of this era might not have held the same prestige as its later iterations, the scholar had now ascended to the ranks of the monarch's inner ministerial circle. Despite facing numerous setbacks in the preliminary rounds of the imperial examinations over the years, his entry into officialdom was secured through his poetic ode to dining. Such were the lamentable realities of opportunities in the secular world.

Though these were later events.

While Shen Shaoguang grappled with the frustration of limited cicada supply, Lin Yan paid a visit to Deputy Minister Song of the Ministry of Justice.

"Given Minister Fan's indisposition, I've only now managed to obtain Shen Qian’s case file that you requested some time ago," Deputy Minister Song remarked with a smile, sliding a paper scroll across the desk.

Lin Yan nodded solemnly, expressing gratitude to Deputy Minister Song.

In response, Deputy Minister Song smiled and added, "Nevertheless, it's only a copy. The original cannot be brought out under any circumstances."

"I am aware that my request posed a challenge."

Sealed major case files were stored in specialized archives. Originally, they could not be loaned out unless authorized by all government Ministers through their signatures.

In practice, to circumvent such complications, a streamlined process was implemented: the borrower would submit an application, which the Deputy Ministry of Justice would review, followed by approval from the Minister. Once sanctioned, the individual could access the document and read it at the Ministry of Justice. Deputy Minister Song, leveraging his authority, arranged for a copy to be made for Lin Yan.

"To have An Ran invest so much effort in reviewing old files, the individual from the Shen Clan who sought your assistance must be quite remarkable. Should he ever arrive in the capital, An Ran must introduce him to me on your behalf," Deputy Minister Song remarked with a smile.

Lin Yan reciprocated the smile. "Okay."

When Lin Yan sought Deputy Minister Song’s assistance, he fabricated a story, claiming that one of Shen Qian’s nephews desired insights into their clan’s historical events, thus prompting his investigation. Although this individual was purely fictional, Lin Yan suddenly realized another implication...

Deputy Minister Song and Lin Yan both entered officialdom around the same period, allowing Deputy Minister Song to be privy to Minister Cui's mishap and Lin Yan's frantic efforts to secure aid for him. Back then, whilst witnessing Lin Yan's dedication, Deputy Minister Song recognized him as a worthy friend. Recently, while delving into Shen Qian’s past court case, Deputy Minister Song was deeply moved by the noble deeds of this honorable Shen. Aware that Shen Qian had no surviving direct descendants, the younger generation of the Shen Clan currently investigating his old cases did so out of loyalty alone. As the saying goes, ‘Birds of a feather flock together,’ these were individuals who prioritized justice over personal gain.

But sometimes, the cost of loyalty proves to be too steep. "This honorable Shen and his son have already departed, and his wife and daughter were consigned to the Lateral Courts.Noble and sheltered women enduring such an environment, they may have likely..."

Deputy Minister Song abruptly fell silent, his thoughts drifting to Lin Yan's rumored fiancée. Feeling a twinge of embarrassment, he took a sip of tea to mask his unease.

Lin Yan, too, indulged in a sip of tea, his gaze softening. A’Ji was leading a comfortable life, as radiant as the spring landscape, but she deserved better. If only one day the matter concerning honorable Shen could be resolved...

Lin Yan set aside his tea cup and rested his hands on his knees. The Longevity Bracelet tucked within his sleeve grazed against his skin, causing a slight itch. Nevertheless, Lin Yan simply endured it, allowing the sensation to persist…




The author has something to say:

Deputy Magistrate Lin: I am that nephew of honorable Shen—a son-in-law, which makes us kin.

Deputy Minister Song, upon learning the truth: ...Do you find wordplay amusing?


[1] "Body handed over to the chef to be roasted over a red-hot charcoal fire(委厥体于膳夫,归炎炭而就燔)" - From Cao Zhi(192 - 232)'s poem <Ode to the Cicada>, which praises the cicada who sings when the sun is at its brightest, then dying away with the coming of winter. In general Chinese lore, cicadas are creatures of high status. They are considered pure because they subsist on dew and lofty because of their perch in high treetops. You can read the whole poem here - 

The cicada’s nobility is hidden in the darkest shadows;

under the dazzling sunlight of midsummer, it roams the fragrant forest.

Not seeking prestige and having few desires, humming with contentment, alone;

its calls ring out piercing, lingering, like the unwavering hearts of virtuous men.

Benevolent and kind, it does not eat, asking nothing of other creatures;

it perches high above all and looks down, only drinking the freshest dew.

Hidden among dense mulberry leaves and sheltered from the heat, it sings with joy.


Here comes a handsome boy strolling into the garden,

with eyes as sharp as Li Zhu’s, and body more nimble than a monkey’s;

there is no leaf he cannot touch, no branch he does not climb.

Concealed, he steps lightly and moves fast, kneeling to keep out of sight.

Fearing that he may startle his quarry, he keeps his eye fixed upon it;

approaching with a wooden cage slowly, gradually until there is no escape.

It tries to take flight, but succeeds only in tightening its bonds and thus foresees its end:

body handed over to the chef to be roasted over a red-hot charcoal fire.


[2] ‘骈散结合’ writing technique - It’s an ancient writing technique. There's no English term for it, so I just left it as is. Another translator helped explain it a little more for me—Basically, it's a highly structured prose, specifically with very heavy use of parallel structure and parallelism, combined with less structured prose. 

[3] Nobody would believe its noble, virtuous nature. Who would speak and vindicate me from wrong? - is a verse from <Chanting About Cicadas in Jail> by Luo Binwang. Poem here -

Chirping of cicada rings out on an autumn day.

Being behind bars, I miss my hometown dearly.

I can’t bear to hear it vibrating its black wings,

singing to me who wear a headful of white hair.

Flying high would be difficult loaded with dews.

Its sounds would be muffled in high gusty winds.

Nobody would believe its noble, virtuous nature.

Who would speak and vindicate me from wrong?


Deep Fried Cicadas 

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