Chang’an Small Restaurant

Chapter 79 (Part 1)

Chapter 79.1 Opening of New Storefront

The store was elegantly yet simply adorned. Within a few days, the large dining tables and smaller food tables, meticulously customized to their specifications, were arranged atop the camel-fur Hu-style carpet. Wall shelves displayed a selection of flowers and plants—slender bamboos, gracefully curved pine bonsai, and delicate spider chrysanthemums—alongside various artisanal trinkets procured from the East and West Markets. The kitchen was equipped with an extensive assortment of cookware, including pots and pans, cups and plates, spoons and chopsticks, and stoves of various sizes, all meticulously arranged. With the final touch of staff assuming their designated roles, the store was poised to open its doors.

The Shao Residence had been established in Chang'an City for several generations. Additionally, their involvement in business meant they were well-acquainted with several slave merchants. Shao Jie, having divided the responsibilities with Shen Shaoguang, tasked these merchants with procuring reliable personnel. While securing skilled cooks was essential, the primary concern was finding a competent 'steward'—or what was known as a 'store manager' in modern terms.

With only one branch, Shen Shaoguang might manage, though at the expense of her free time. However, anticipating the future expansion, it became clear that even if she could clone herself, it wouldn't suffice. Establishing rules, regulations, and customs from the beginning would be far more effective.

Considering the tavern's size, each branch would be staffed with a steward, two waiters, and one main chef with an assistant, which would be adequate. Shen Shaoguang intended to allocate the same resources for the current store in Chongxian Lane.

Shen Shaoguang now needed to determine the future roles for her long-standing ‘employees’.

A’Yuan, who had been with her the longest, loved to eat and had a bit of a silly, simple-minded personality. Shen Shaoguang asked if she wanted to learn cooking from Yu San or stay by her side. A’Yuan didn’t hesitate, "Of course I'll be following you, Miss!"

Considering her interests, Shen Shaoguang advised her, "It may be useful in the future if you were to learn some cooking skills…"

A’Yuan shook her head firmly. "I want to follow you, Miss."

Shen Shaoguang felt a touch of warmth. For a glutton like A’Yuan to give up the kitchen and choose to stay by her side was a testament to her loyalty. Well, that also works. Running errands, learning how to interact with people, managing finances, and settling accounts—these skills would be invaluable when she eventually becomes the head of the household.

A’Chang was the easiest to manage. Without big ambitions and possessing a good temper, he was content to assist in the kitchen, happy with his steadfast role.

Zhang Duo was acquired specifically to accompany her, and did not involve himself in the tavern's operations.

Princess Yu San posed a challenge. Skilled in cooking, intelligent, literate, but with a volatile temper, he had the capability to manage a small tavern if he chose to do so.

Yu San remained focused on scoring the fish skin into diamond-shaped patterns, asserting without lifting his head, "I'm a cook."

Looking at his handsome profile, Shen Shaoguang remained silent. After all, what hadn't the people in the Prince of Wu’s Mansion experienced or seen? She decided to let him do as he pleased.

Thus, in addition to assigning five people to the new branch, Shao Jie also allocated two waiters and a steward to Shen Shaoguang's old store.

Currently, these individuals are all undergoing training at Shen Indelible in Chongxian Lane.

The steward designated for the new establishment in Qinren Lane is Xu Kai, aged approximately 27 or 28. He is known for his refined demeanor, attentiveness, eloquence, and excellent communication skills. It is said that he previously served as the deputy steward in the household of a County Officer. However, the County Officer faced allegations from a fellow official and was dismissed from office due to an erroneous judgment in a legal case. Disenchanted, he retreated to his hometown to engage in agriculture and pursue academic endeavors. In a gesture of austerity, all his formerly ostentatious possessions, including Xu Kai, were divested.

The steward overseeing operations at the original store in Chongxian Lane is Chen Xing, a man in his early thirties. Previously, he managed the storefront of a prominent tea emporium, exuding an amiable and humorous demeanor befitting an experienced businessman. Upon the passing of his former master, the family estate was divided among several sons, and amidst the reorganization, Chen Xing found himself displaced.

All of them were competent individuals. While they may not possess exceptional talents, managing a small tavern does not necessitate extraordinary prowess. Given Shen Shaoguang's own modest abilities, she found herself thoroughly content with these two.

The new chef at the Qinren Lane store is Fan Dalang, a youthful eighteen or nineteen-year-old with extensive kitchen experience. From the tender age of seven, he began learning to select the choicest parts of vegetables in the kitchen, progressing to cooking by the time he turned sixteen. His culinary skills are adept, excelling in both meat dishes and dishes centered around flour bases.

The remaining staff consists of waiters ranging in age from fifteen to eighteen years old.

The two stewards had their families, and Shao Jie brought them all together. "Have them settle in the back courtyard; they can assist with cleaning."

Shen Shaoguang met the wives and noted their efficiency. Each had their own children, prompting her to arrange accommodations for them in the back courtyards of the two stores. The new storefront also featured a back courtyard, complete with five main rooms, east and west wing buildings, and a small yard. Apart from reserving the two main rooms and the storehouse for Shen Shaoguang's use, all other spaces were fully occupied.

After more than half a month of training and preparation, the new store opened at the end of the eighth lunar month.

As anticipated by Shen Shaoguang and Shao Jie, the new tavern enjoyed excellent business from the outset.

Shao Jie stood by the counter with Shen Shaoguang, watching the diners in the bustling store. He felt a swell of pride, akin to the moment Emperor Taizong of Tang stood at Upright Gate[1] and witnessed the newly-appointed jinshi scholars emerging, declaring, "The heroes of the world are within my grasp."

As a waiter carried two plates of Chrysanthemum Fish past them, Shao Jie praised Shen Shaoguang, "This masterpiece is all thanks to your accomplishment, Miss!"

Similar to the tavern in Chongxian Lane, the store in Qinren Lane boasts a grand Poetry Wall outside—larger even than the one at Chongxian Lane's establishment. It invited guests of refined and elegant minds to inscribe their poetic creations.

Shao Jie wholeheartedly supported this idea. After all, his friend Yang Jing had garnered favor from Chancellor Li by virtue of a similar Poetry Wall. Such anecdotes and the prestige associated with scholarly achievements through tavern poetry naturally enhance the reputation of their establishment.

Initially, Shao Jie had anticipated the Poetry Wall to be inaugurated only after the opening. Yet, three days prior to the grand opening, Miss Shen stood before the Poetry Wall, adorning it with ‘elaborate brushstrokes’.

She was meticulously painting a portrait of sweet and sour Chrysanthemum Fish.

Shao Jie had savored this dish at the tavern in Chongxian Lane. The fish, delicately shaped into a flower, was deep-fried and adorned with sweet and sour sauce. Resembling a chrysanthemum, it offered a delightful blend of sweetness, crispiness, and fragrance—a perfect autumnal signature dish.

Shen Shaoguang, holding a preliminary sketch, meticulously drew rectangular grids on the wall with a light charcoal pencil, marking specific points.

"Is this to ensure accuracy and avoid distortion?" Although Shao Jie was not adept at painting, he made a keen guess.

Shen Shaoguang nodded. "I haven't painted a fish that's three meters long before." She then inquired of Shao Jie, "With a drawing this size, if someone rides past on horseback along the street, even at a brisk pace, it should be visible, right?"

Shao Jie nodded earnestly. "Rest assured, anyone walking down this street, unless they're blind, will know this tavern serves Chrysanthemum Fish."





[1] Upright Gate (端门) - Also known as Duanmen or Gate of Uprightness is a gate in Beijing's Imperial City, and is located south of the Forbidden City. Proceeding north from the entrance to the Imperial City, it is the next gate after the Tian'anmen, or Gate of Heavenly Peace, and has a similar structure to that gate. The next gate further north is the Meridian Gate, which is the southern and main gate to the Forbidden City itself. 



Chrysanthemum Fish (菊花鱼)

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