Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1135 - 1135 Chapter 120- Trinity – A Lot Happening at Once (VOLUME 6)

Chapter 1135 - 1135 Chapter 120- Trinity – A Lot Happening at Once (VOLUME 6)

1135 Chapter 120- Trinity – A Lot Happening at Once (VOLUME 6)




After the kids went back to bed, Reece and I were sitting with Reeselynn. She had eaten and was now sound asleep. Griffin and Lana had finished all of their exams and filled out all the paperwork. It was just the three of us now, and that was fine with me. I needed to let all of this sink in.

Reeselynn wasn’t supposed to be here yet. She wasn’t due for a few more weeks, but she came early. And not because I was having multiple. Probably, she came early because of the stress that I had been under. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case. She was fine though, so all was good. She was healthy, and so was I.

“Are you ready for some sleep?” Reece asked me as he laid the baby down in a bassinet that he brought from the nursery below.

“I want to say yes, but I am a little too excited to sleep right now. I think that I would rather just look at her for a little while.”


“I can give you a shoulder massage. That might relax you enough to sleep.” Reece was moving toward me on the bed now. The sheets had been changed, even though the towels that he put down had kept everything clean. It was still for the best. At least the mattress hadn’t needed to be changed as well. I wasn’t tired, but I still didn’t want to walk yet. I would heal soon, but it wasn’t like I was willing to dance and leap about already.

“Hmm. That sounds like a good idea to me.” I said after mulling it over for just a moment. “Come here, Reece.” I held my hands out to him and let him take me into his arms.


“Gladly.” He was already moving me so that I would be positioned between his thighs. He wanted to support my weight and hold me up so that my body didn’t need to do anything at the moment.

Just after Reece put his hands on my shoulders, I got a mental call from Carter. He was panicking a little.

“Trinity!?” He sounded scared.

“Hello, Carter.” I spoke calmly.

“Oh thank the goddess, I tried to reach you earlier, but I couldn’t get through. I thought that something had happened to you.”

“In a way it did.” I said jokingly as Reece continued the massage unaware of the conversation I was having.

“What?” More panic in Carter’s voice. “What happened?”

“Your niece decided that she didn’t want to wait any longer. She was born right after midnight.”

“What?” This was another form of panic, one that was filled with joy as well.

“I haven’t told the rest of the family. I delivered her at home, she made such a speedy entrance into the world. I will call them in the morning. Anyway, what happened? Is everything OK there?”

“It is fine now, but I had to make a decision without you. The Colonel went to Denver, as I told you, but he ended up shooting another DOE recruit. I hadn’t known about that one earlier. Anyway, he was found out at the NSA office. They tried to arrest him I think, but he got away.”

“Well, that sucks.” I said in a dejected tone. “What happened after that?”

“He was headed back to the tunnels, but Mr. Doe and I enacted a plan. We made him think that we were under attack. The other DOE members believed it as well. He thinks that Mr. Doe is dead, and we all managed to get out of there.”

“Where are the other DOE members?”

“We couldn’t apprehend them Trinity, there were too many of them. My priority was, first and foremost, to save our people. I got Mr. Doe and Kirk out as well, but no one else.”

“I understand.” I mentally nodded at his words, not letting Reece know that I was talking to him yet.

“The others are likely going to regroup with the Colonel somewhere. And, Trinity, he said something about moving up the plan even more. I know that he is going to try to attack the city. And he is going to do it soon.”

“Yes, I figured as much. Do you need me to open a door for you all? I can bring you back to the castle right now.”

“Yes, please.”

“Hold on a moment.” I sat up a little, pulling away from Reece as I did so.

“Little Bunny?” He sounded shocked by my sudden movement.

“I got a call from Carter. The DOE is in panic mode. The Colonel escaped from Dayton at the office, and they are planning to attack the city sooner. Carter and the others got out safely by making the Colonel think that Mr. Doe was killed. I am guessing that they will assume Kirk is dead as well.”

“What?” The amount that his face fell at that news was comical. He looked like a cartoon character or something.

“I am opening a door for them. Then I will have Vincent take Mr. Doe and Kirk to a room to stay for the night. In the morning, we will talk about what to do next.”

“Trinity, you just had a baby. You can’t be going to meetings like that. I will handle it.”

“I had a baby, Reece, but I am still the Queen around here. And I will not abandon my people. I will be there, and you will not try to stop me.” I let anger fill my voice. He grunted in frustration but didn’t say anything else. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a door to open.”

I hesitated for a moment before I made the door. I realized that I needed to know where Carter and the others were before I opened the door.

“Carter?” I called him mentally.

“Yes?” He answered in a tone that was trying not to laugh. I think that I had left the connection open during my talk with Reece. He had heard me assert my dominance. “Where are you?” He proceeded to give me details of the building they were in, the address and a physical description of it as well. Once I knew where they were, I started the process of making the door.

Within a moment, Carter, Juniper, Paul, Landon, Kirk, and Mr. Doe were entering the room. Reece had obviously called Vincent while I made the door, because he knocked gently as the others came into the room.

“Come in.” Reece called out to them, and Paul laughed.

“A little late for the permission, isn’t it?” He said as Vincent entered the room. “Oh, so it was for him, not us. Now I feel unwelcomed.”

“Shut up, Paul.” Juniper was obviously not in the greatest of moods. “Wait a minute!” She looked around the room. “Trinity!” She whisper screamed my name in a state of shock. “You had the baby?!”

“Just after midnight, right here at home.”

“Oh my goddess!”

“Congrats, Trinity.” Paul said.

“Congratulations to you both.” Landon smiled.

“She is beautiful.” Mr. Doe said while looking embarrassed. “I am sorry for intruding on this moment.”

“It is fine. We understand that things happen, and I am happy that you all made it out alive. We will figure out what to do in the morning. In the meantime, we will have someone looking for Orson.”

“So, you know that the Colonel is Agent Orson?” Mr. Doe looked completely calm, except for his eyes.

“I do.” I nodded at him. “And since you said you work with him, Mr. Doe, I am guessing that you are an agent as well.”

“My name is Dolan West, and I was a member of the team that was investigating you before. As I said, at the time, I didn’t understand anything about this. Neither did the others. Agent Austin, Agent Lakewood, Agent Conners, and Agent Tiller were right there with me. The only problem is, they seem to have bought completely into the insanity that Orson is spewing. They are his loyal subjects. I couldn’t let them hurt anyone though, and that was why Kirk and I were working to give you details about the bombings in advance. We wanted to save people.” He hung his head in shame.

“I understand, Dolan.” I spoke to him calmly, not at all upset with him. “You were confused and thrust into a situation that you were not prepared for. The main thing here is that you are a good person, and you have not been a part of the violence. The same goes for you, Kirk. And because of the help that you gave us, I will forever be grateful.”

“We all will.” Vincent said, speaking for the first time since coming into the room.

“Now, if you would like, Vincent here will show you to some rooms that you can sleep in for the night. If you have anything that you need to tell me before the morning, please tell Vincent. I wish to spend the rest of the night sleeping and resting. As you can all guess, I am a little exhausted.” And in truth, the fatigue really was hitting me now.

“Understood.” Dolan and Kirk both said that one word at the same time before they followed Vincent and the others out of the room.

“I will be back to meet my niece in the morning.” Carter said with a grin.

“Not without me, you won’t.” Juniper snapped at him.

“We will all be back.” Landon said as he looked at Reece, his spiritual brother.

“Sounds good.” I felt happy and loved at their words.

“Ready for sleep?” Reece asked me as the door to the room closed.

“Yes.” I nodded and settled against him. “But I don’t want to lay all the way back. I am still a little sore.”

“I will be your pillow.” His loving voice caressed my cheek as he adjusted a little and pulled me against him. “Pillow and blanket.”

“That works for me.” I was just settling into his chest when there was another frantic call inside of my head.

“Queen Trinity!” I recognized Dayton’s voice immediately. “I am sorry to call you like this. I know that I do not have permission to do so, but your phone has been going to voicemail for the last couple of hours.”

“Dayton?” I said the name out loud as I sat up.

“What?” Reece said as Dayton confirmed in my head.

“Yes, Queen Trinity.” I knew that Reece needed to know what was going on, so I spoke out loud again.

“I just spoke with the people that I had undercover in the DOE, and two of their members that have been working for us since the beginning.” I wanted to make sure that no one pointed a finger at them later. They were my agents, or that is what the rest of the NSA would think.

“You did?”

“Yes, the undercovers are with me again. The DOE headquarters has been abandoned.”

“Yes, we know.” He sighed. “We followed after Orson after he left here. He landed near the city of Benkelman, Nebraska. And then he hopped into another vehicle to escape. The pilot of the helicopter told us everything that he knew though.”

“Did he now?” I sighed in exhaustion. “I think that we need to talk in person.”

“I can come now, Queen Trinity. As you said, we need to talk about this. And I have my superior, Director Glick. He is willing to help us even though he is a human. Shall we come over now?”

“Give me a couple of hours, Dayton. I have had a very eventful night. Be here at eight in the morning, alright? Gather as much information as you can until then. And get a nap. We will have another busy day.”

“Yes, Queen Trinity. We will see you then.” He disconnected the call between our minds and the peace settled around me again.

“More commotion?” Reece asked as he hugged me tight.

“Yes, but it can wait. We need some rest.”

“Agreed.” He snuggled against my back and soothed the tension that was creasing my forehead. “Shh. It’s OK, Little Bunny. I am here, I will take care of you. And come morning, you can take care of everything else.”

“I know.” I sighed, the exhaustion almost overtaking me. “It’s going to get even busier tomorrow. Not only do we have a new baby, but I need to tell our families about the baby, and we need to figure out what to do about Orson. It’s like everything that could happen or go wrong, decided to do it all at once. And now, for the first time in a long time, I am starting to feel truly overwhelmed.” I trembled for just a moment. “So much is happening all at once, Reece.”

“Shh. It’s OK, Little Bunny. We are together, and together we can do anything. We can even handle this. I know that we can. Together, you and I are unstoppable, there is no obstacle that we can’t overcome.”

“Dramatic much?” I barely got the words out, and my laugh never did make it. I was drifting off to sleep.


“But it made you smile.” He kissed my cheek. “Sleep now, Little Bunny. I will hold you until the morning.” That was the last thing that I remembered until Reeselynn’s cries woke me a little while later.

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