Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1140 - 1140 Chapter 125- Talia – Soul Projection Part 1 (VOLUME 6)

Chapter 1140 - 1140 Chapter 125- Talia – Soul Projection Part 1 (VOLUME 6)

1140 Chapter 125- Talia – Soul Projection Part 1 (VOLUME 6)




When I had brought my new baby sister to my mom, I hadn’t thought that I would get wrapped up in the meeting that was going on. Reagan and Rika were already in the meeting, sitting quietly in the back with the other kids that were over eighteen. I had seen them, Alyssa, Alexandria, Rowan, Ilana, Cypress, Beech, Ashle, Elias, they were all there, and they were looking at me with wide eyes.

I didn’t expect to offer the assistance like I had. It was just something that I was able to do, so I knew that I needed to help my parents out. Thankfully, when I looked at my siblings, I didn’t see any animosity in their eyes. Actually, the looks in their eyes were quite surprising to me.

When I looked at my sister and brother, and all the others that happened to have their eyes trained on me, they looked impressed and a little envious. They looked like they were happy for me to be included the way that I was, and that they wanted to be up there with me, showing how powerful they were.

While my mom was calling the Warlocks and Witches that she wanted to help us, and the others were making their calls as well, I was about to head over to where my guards, Alexio and Rudy were. I was intercepted though. As I walked from the head of the table to where my guards were, Reagan and Rika, and all the others, rushed to me in a frenzy.

“Talia?” Rika said with a smile as she hugged me. “You’re going to get to help mom out so much. I am so jealous of you.” She said jealous, but she looked more excited. They all did.

“We are leagues behind you, Talia. You’ve done so much for the kingdom already. Don’t worry, we plan to carry our weight soon enough.” Ilana smiled at me. “You’re amazing though. I mean, who knew that you could do something like soul projecting? Then again, that was how you were telling the future while we were all dealing with the Jaegan.” She noted with a smile. “You’re awesome, little cuz.”


“Thank you, Ilana.”

She had hugged me while she was praising me, so I felt the need to be extra polite. I was feeling a little overwhelmed though. I had thought that the older kids weren’t too happy about me and all the work that I had done for my parents over the last several months. However, it would seem that I was wrong. They were happy for me. They were treating me like I was someone to look up to, to aspire to be like. That was strange to me as well, since they were all older than I was.

“We’re going to pay close attention while you are soul projecting. Maybe it’s possible that more people could learn it too.” Cypress told me with a grin.

“I guess that it’s possible. Mr. Amadeus said that it has been done in the past, but I don’t know much about those people. I know that I have an affinity for soul magic though.”

“Oh, I know.”

Cypress started to get hyper at that. He went on a big spiel about how I had ripped the soul out of the leader of the Ancient Ones. That had been a moment with mixed emotions for me. I had just seen my dad and Alexio get hurt and nearly die. I had a lot of rage and anger that coursed through me, and I had no other choice but to do everything that I could to end that fight. He didn’t seem willing to listen to that though, he was insisting that it was the greatest feat in the world.

“No, I know that it was hard for you, but you were still amazing. You are the reason that we won that fight, and now you’re helping out again.” He was still talking so excitedly, and all I wanted to do was get over to Alexio and Rudy. They were waiting for me.

I think that Alexio had sensed my emotions about the situation. He stood, called out to me in a loud and booming voice that cut off what Cypress was about to say next.

“Talia, you should hurry over here. We need to get ready.” I saw the look in his eyes. It was half anger and half worry. He knew that I was not comfortable with them surrounding me and he was trying to protect me. Mostly, it wasn’t the people that made me feel strange, it was the adoration. They were praising me for something that I had done, and I didn’t know how to respond to that. I guess I had more insecurities than I realized.

Taking the out that Alexio had given me, I celebrated on the inside and hurried away from the others.

“Sorry, I have to get ready. Thank you though, I am glad that you’re not angry with me.” I gave them a smile and rushed away. Still, I heard them behind me, Cypress and Ashle sounded surprised.

“Angry? Why would we be angry?” Cypress asked in a confused tone.

“I think that she is worried that we are jealous of her, envious really, and that we wish it was us getting to do more. We may want more to do here, but in a way, I am glad to have been spared. The things that Talia has been through are not easy tasks. She’s seen things that would give any of us nightmares.”

“Yeah, she is really amazing, but I am not in a hurry to do everything that she has done. I am willing to train more and prepare myself for that time. I am not ready yet, but I will be someday.”

I felt a little more empowered after hearing that. Maybe I didn’t need to be so worried about this after all. Everything was fine, and they weren’t angry with me for having more work than they did.

“Are you alright, Talia?” Alexio asked when I was standing right in front of him.

“Yes, I am.” I smiled and nodded. “I was a little overwhelmed when they all circled me, even though I have grown up with them all, but I am OK. Thank you though, you helped me by calling me over.”

“Of course. I could tell that you were distressed.” He was looking at me then, right into my eyes. He was seeing me for who I really was.

“Thank you, Lex.” I felt like hugging him for that consideration, but that would have been out of place. I had no real reason to hug him right now. So, I just moved on and sat in the chair next to his. He didn’t say anything else about the moment, taking his original seat and pulling me closer as he always did. We weren’t in danger at the moment, but he was always protecting me.

Just then, my mom came back from her calls. Athair mòr had already returned to his seat and that human man, Dolan, was sitting once again as well.

“The Warlocks and Witches will be here in one hour, I will open a door for them.”

“The Magicians are getting ready, if you can open a door for them as well, they will be here when you need them.”

“That’s good. Dolan, send a message to Dayton, tell him that I will open the door when I am ready for them. They can leave from the Director’s office.” My mom started to direct them on what to do. She was always so poised and composed, even when she just had a baby less than twelve hours ago and she was holding that baby in front of everyone here. It was like she was some sort of super woman.

“Will do.” That was all that Dolan had to say, but I didn’t blame him.

I watched on as my mom returned to her seat next to my dad. She was holding little Reeselynn in her arms as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Honestly, I think she was gaining some sort of comfort from having the baby with her. I didn’t blame her, these were tense times, and we all needed something to calm us down during it all.

“Talia, sweetheart, are you ready to project your soul?” Mom asked in a calm and motherly tone. She was trying not to scare me, but I wasn’t afraid, not of this.

“Yes, I am ready. I will do my best to send back real time updates to you, but that is a little more difficult than just getting there and looking around.”

“Real time updates?” Alexio asked from next to me.

“By that I mean that I will try to speak to you all while I am projecting my soul, it’s hard to do though. I won’t have a soul in my body that is conscious, so it will be a little hard to make my body respond to commands. I’m working on it though. Real time information is needed in times like this.”

“Just do what you can.” Dad was speaking to me encouragingly. I knew that both of my parents were worried about me, and the same went for almost everyone else in the room.

“Will do.”

I let Lex help me get ready for the projection. He actually put the pillow on the table and helped me to lay on top of that, so that everyone could see me when I was going to be out of myself.

“Mr. Dolan?” I called out to the man.


“Yes?” He was shocked by the address I gave him.

“Please tell me where those caves are. I need to know so that I am not running around and looking for them.”

“Oh, yes.” He nodded at me and started to describe where they were. They were in the foothills of the mountains that weren’t too far from where they had been stationed before. He described the entrance and the approximate location of where they were. I was pretty sure that I would have been able to find it with no problem.

Laying on the table, I rested my head on the pillow. Lex, being the kind guard that he was, took his large leather jacket and draped it over me. He was so much bigger than I was that it was like a blanket.

“Thank you.” I smiled at him, but he just nodded in return.

Now that I was laying on the table, I closed my eyes and started to think about the process of soul projecting. I had to clear my mind of anything and everything that wasn’t part of my task at hand. I had to feel myself letting go of my material and physical being. I had to free my soul from the confines of my mortal body.

That was the easy part. I was used to this process, even though it was a bit more difficult with a room full of people watching me. I managed it though, and I could feel that telltale sign of my soul coming free of my body.

Now that I was about to leave the vessel, it was time for me to travel rapidly to where I needed to be. I thought hard about the caves that I needed to go to. I pictured the entrance that Mr. Dolan had described to me. I recited the coordinates in my mind. And finally, when I was sure that I was going to end up where I wanted to be, I let my soul soar through the cosmos and to the location that awaited me.

This was always an interesting process, all things considered. I could feel my soul flying over the land, and when I opened my eyes, I saw the scenery flashing past me like it was moving at hyper speed.

I always thought that I was moving too fast, going too far, and that I would overshoot my destination. Every time that I had traveled like this, it was the same. It was like the blurs were flashing past me so quickly that I would wind up on the moon if I wasn’t careful.

I could see the castle, then the city flying by. The scenery was still familiar, even if it was a blur. This part of the journey was familiar to me already. I had seen these things in my previous excursions, so I was used to watching these things flash past me. It was when I was out of the city, flying northeast, that things started to change a little.

I watched as cities, houses, trees, cars and so much more zoomed by in a blur that made it so that all I could see was a streaky, vaguely shaped blur. The first few times that I had flown through the air as just a soul like this, it had made me feel nauseated, but that was all in my mind. A soul can’t get sick, only the mortal body. I was fine, and when I realized that, I started to worry less. Now, I was just fine with traveling like this, no matter the distance that I would travel.

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