Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1151: Chapter 136- Trinity – Arrival (VOLUME 6)

Chapter 1151: Chapter 136- Trinity – Arrival (VOLUME 6)




I stood there frozen for what felt like several minutes. I felt like it had to be obvious to them all, the humans on both sides of the picket line, Devon and his police force, Lara and the reporters, Reece and the others that were here with me. However, none of them seemed to have noticed anything at all. No one was even paying attention to the time that had passed.

Or had that much time actually passed? Was it all in my head? What was going on here?

That sound, the one of the semi trucks that were in the distance, traveling throughout the city, seemed to be getting louder and louder. It was such a normal and everyday sound, one that I was used to hearing when I was down in the city like this, but right now, it just seemed to be more ominous than it was supposed to be.

Finally, I was able to make my voice work. I looked at Reece and whispered the words, that small sound had been all that I was able to force out.

"Something is wrong." Those three little words were all that was needed. Reece and the others froze in place and were instantly more alert. I could tell that they were trying to figure out where the threat was, or what the threat even was.

"Trinity, Little Bunny, what is it? What is wrong?" Reece finally asked in a voice that was no louder than the one that I had used.

"Queen Trinity, where is the danger? What is wrong?" Gabriel asked, his voice also a whisper so that the humans wouldn't hear him speaking. None of them knew that something was wrong yet. Not unless they had been watching the group around me and had seen the moment that they had tensed up. I knew that Devon had noticed, but the humans had not.

"I do not know where the danger is, but I know that it is out there. I can sense it coming closer. I can sense that it is coming for us, wherever and whatever it is. Someone or something is coming. And it's coming right now."

There was a shiver that ran through my body then. Whatever I was feeling had sent a chill through my spine. I had never experienced something quite like this before. I usually knew where the enemy was, or when they were coming. With the help of the others that were a part of our group, I usually had more advanced warnings and knowledge.

Now though, it was like something was running at me, or that I was running at it and I was moving blindly.

"What are you feeling, Trinity? What exactly is it that is happening?" Vincent was whispering now, stepping closer to me so that he could protect me if anything were to happen.

"I don't know how to explain it. All I can focus on, all that I can hear, is the sound of those trucks. I know that something is coming though, something that we don't want."

"Trucks?" Dietrich asked the one word as a question, as if he didn't understand what I was talking about.

"What trucks, Trinity?" Shawn asked me, his voice comforting and soothing. They knew that I was probably sensing something that was nowhere near us.

"The trucks." I said again. "The semi trucks. There is something coming, but all I can hear is the sound of the trucks moving on the highway or making their deliveries in the city. I can hear them so clearly. There are so many of them."

"I can't hear the trucks." Reece seemed to shrug his shoulders.

"Neither can I." Shane agreed with him. "We seem to have gotten used to them, stopped noticing them." He titled his head. "The sound of them is just a part of the city now." He looked like he was trying to listen for them. "If I pay attention though, I can hear them. The sound of the air brakes, their large diesel engines, all the subtle little nuances that go along with them.

What about the semi trucks, Trinity? What is happening with them?"

I knew what they were trying to do. They were attempting to guide me through the sounds and images that were dominating my mind. They didn't know if I was even here with them right now. I was though. I could see everything, it was just this sound, and the feeling that it was sending through me. That was the only thing that was off about it all.

"I don't know what is happening with the trucks. I just know that I can hear them. It's like they are right next to me. Something about them is important. I don't know where they are, or why they are important, but they are coming."

In the distance, there was someone that laughed. It had to be a coincidence because the person wasn't anywhere near us. They had nothing to do with me or the situation at hand, but the laughter was ominous and oppressive, nonetheless.

"Who was that?" I started to look around, now hearing nothing but the laughter and the trucks, still the sounds of those trucks ever present in my mind.

"Someone that isn't important, Little Bunny. They aren't here, they don't matter right now. We need to figure out what is going on here, what is happening with the trucks? Are they moving somewhere important? Does it have to do with the DOE?"

"I..I..I'm not sure." I was stuttering, trying to think through what was happening around me. I didn't know where the sounds were originating from. If they were really here or if they were in my head. This was such a strange situation.

It was a struggle, but I did my best to look around me, at everyone that was here. I wanted to see if these people here, the anti super naturals, or the pro super naturals had anything to do with the sound. Was it stronger when I focused on them, or when I was looking elsewhere? Was it something that was happening now, or that I was seeing in another part of the world, in another time?

At this point, both groups of humans were looking at me with curiosity. None of them looked like they were going to interrupt me though. They weren't ready for me to tell them what it was that was happening. It actually looked like they were scared by the way that I was acting. I hadn't intended on scaring them, but I had no choice.

That was also when I realized that Lara's cameraman was still recording me. He had likely caught what I was saying with his device, and he had definitely already recorded the way that I was acting. What I didn't know though, was whether that was a live broadcast or if it was being recorded.

I noticed more, not just the camera man that was focused on me, but other microphones. One person seemed to be broadcasting on a web show, another was a podcast type that was transmitting sound only. There were a lot of people that likely heard what I was saying before. It hadn't been private at all, and that meant that all those present, and those that weren't here, knew what was going on.

At least as much about what was going on as I did.

"Queen Trinity?" One of the supporters called out to me. "Are you alright?" I thought about not answering her, but I knew that would have been bad, I needed to calm them all down, even if I didn't know how to do that at the moment.

"I do not think that there is something wrong, not at the moment, but I sense that something might be happening soon."

"Something?" The anti super man from before called out to me. "Like someone is going to get hurt? Are you and your people going to hurt someone?" He was looking around apprehensively now, like he thought that he should have stayed home this morning.

"No, we aren't going to hurt anyone, Sir. We don't like to hurt people." I assured him, but I wasn't paying much attention to him. The sound of the trucks was getting louder. It was almost deafening now. It was so loud now that I clamped my hands over my ears in an effort to block the sound. It was almost painfully loud at this point.

"Trinity?" Reece called out to me, his hands over top of mine as I held my head. "What is the matter?"

"That sound. It's too loud. Why is it so loud?"

"I don't hear anyth-." Vincent started but he stopped midsentence, as if something had interrupted him. "What is that?"

"I don't know." Shawn said.

"I hear it too. It almost sounds like-."

"A semi truck." Dietrich had started, but Shane finished the sentence for him. They could hear it now too.

"Not just one." David said. "There are several of them."

"I hear it too." Reece said, letting go of my hands.

"Where are they coming from?" Gabriel asked as he seemed to look around.

My eyes were barely cracked open, but I could see what was happening. They could finally hear the sound of the trucks that had been plaguing me for the last few minutes. They hadn't seen them yet, but they could hear it at the very least.

"Where are they coming from?" I called out, forcing my eyes open even more. "Where is the sound coming from?"

"I don't know, Little Bunny." Reece shook his head. "I don't see them. Not yet. But they are getting closer, I can tell that they are."

"I know they are." I nodded with him. "I just wish I knew what all of this meant."

My entire group just stood there, looking around the city, the buildings that were around the stadium, trying to find where the sound was coming from. They could hear it now, so it meant that they were coming, but where from? And why? What was happening here? I also wanted to know why I had heard them so far in advance compared to the others.

While I thought about this, I got a bad feeling. I was looking at the groups of people all around the stadium's entrance. I saw Devon and his officers, there was a slight pang of fear that hit me when I saw them, like they were in danger, but not the most danger in the world.

When I looked at the men and women that had gathered in support of me and my people, I had a similar sensation as when I looked at Devon and the others. I could feel that they were in danger, but it wasn't as imminent.

Now, when I looked at the people that were opposite to me, Reece, and all the others, they were the ones that gave me the most anxiety at the moment. No, I wasn't scared of them. I was scared for them. They were in danger. They were going to be hurt. I didn't know why I felt this way, I just did.

I knew that something was coming for them, something that wasn't going to care who or what they were.

"Reece." I whispered his name as I looked at the group of humans.

"What is it, Little Bunny?" He was feeling anxious, that was easy to tell. He used the nickname in public more when he was nervous. It was either when we were alone and intimate or when he was needing that connection to me like right now.

"Those people, the humans over there," I indicated them with a nod of my head, "they are in danger. Something is coming, and whatever it is, they are in danger."

I felt like I only had moments to react here. Whatever was going to happen was about to explode into the area around us. I could feel the precious seconds that I had left slipping away from me. There wasn't that much time left.

I had a quick flash of something happening, something awful. Those trucks that I was hearing, the ones that were causing me so many problems, were going to be here any second now, and they weren't going to stop in time. They were going to run right into the crowd, and they weren't going to care.

"No!" I said as I let my magic do the work that needed to be done. "I can't let them get hurt."

I put a barrier around the people that were standing on that side of the line, but that wasn't all. I lifted them on one of the platforms that I usually used when traveling through the air. I lifted them, as well as the others in the area, and moved them toward the entrance of the stadium. They had moved no more than a hundred yards, if that, but they were out of harm's way.

And it was a good thing too, because a moment later, a dozen semi trucks came blaring to a stop, air horns screeching. They were stopped right where the humans had just been standing a moment ago.

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