Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1153: Chapter 138- Trinity – Showdown Part 2 (VOLUME 6)

Chapter 1153: Chapter 138- Trinity – Showdown Part 2 (VOLUME 6)




A sense of foreboding spread through my body. It was like a wind that was flowing through the space between Orson and myself. We were eyeing each other and knowing that the person opposite us was our mortal enemy. We knew that, at the moment, there was no person in the world that was more against us or a bigger threat to us.

There was just one major difference between Orson and me. He was willing to kill everyone here, and even more people, to beat me. And I wasn't willing to kill anyone, not even him. I needed to make sure that when this was all over, my people still had a place in the world of the humans.

"What are you waiting for, monster bitch?" Orson laughed and scoffed at me. "Why do you not attack me?"

"I have told you before, Orson. I do not want to hurt people. Not even you. I am not that kind of person. It is my duty to protect my people."

"I AM NOT ONE OF YOUR MONSTERS!" He snarled the words at me, sounding very much like a rabid wolf. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought that he was a wolf.

"I was not suggesting that you were one of my people, Orson." I rolled my eyes visibly for him to see. I wanted him to know how stupid I thought that he was by trying to make an obvious point. "I was referring to my actual people. I will not put them in danger by getting into a match with you. I do not want the humans to fear me or my people. We just want to live in peace."

"HAHAHAHAHA!" He laughed long and loud, the sound grating against my nerves as I felt the sounds washing over me. It was almost as if his insanity was a physical thing that was taunting me with every sound that came from him. "Do not make me laugh, Trinity Gray. You are a monster, and all you want to do is kill people. You delight in it, and you want nothing more than to kill me right this moment.

I can sense it in you. I can feel it wafting off of your putrid form and blasting me in the face with its rancidness."

Wow, that was some highly delusional bullshit right there. What the hell had this man done to himself? How had he gone so far off the edge of reason and sanity? How had he become this way? I wasn't sure if I really wanted to know, but I was honestly curious. The way that this man had so quickly digressed from a reasonable man of the law into this ball of insanity, it was a true mystery.

I just hoped that after he was taken into custody, someone would be able to figure out what went wrong with him. Was it a recent thing? Or had he been slowly losing his mind over the years, and it had just gone unnoticed for so long? It would be beneficial to us to know what happened, to know how we needed to help this man moving forward.

"I pity you, Orson." I shook my head, and I even sighed a little, but I still didn't take my eyes off of him. He was too dangerous for that. Especially at a moment like this.

"You? Pity me?" He was offended by the statement. "How dare you pity me, you monster slut!?" His voice was rising again, more spittle flying from his mouth. There was even a not so flattering red tinge of embarrassment and anger that was covering his pale face. He had the look of a man that used to be tanned, but that had had little sun exposure lately, losing the color that he might have had.

"I am THE COLONEL!" He screamed the title he had given himself. "And when I destroy you and take my proper position in society, I will ascend. I will be known as THE GENERAL! I will be powerful. I will be in charge. I will lead the world into the new world order."

"YOU ARE CRAZY!" The man from earlier, the one that was against me, the leader of the anti supers, yelled at Orson from his position near the stadium doors.


At that moment, Orson screamed at him and pulled a gun from a holster hidden by his jacket. He pointed it at the man and looked as if he was trying to aim at his head. I already knew what I needed to do. I put up another barrier. One that I knew Reece and the others would sense, but the humans wouldn't see or detect at all.

It would stop the bullet from reaching the man if the crazy son of a bitch pulled the trigger.

"GWAHH!" The man that had called Orson crazy screamed as he saw the gun pointed directly at him. "NO! PLEASE! DON'T SHOOT ME!"

"YOU DARE CALL YOUR FUTURE KING CRAZY!" Orson's maniacal voice echoed as if it had more voices speaking at once. I knew that it was just the echo, but it still sent a shiver down my spine. And the way that the shadows fell on his face, he looked like a true monster. Like the things that he was accusing me of being.

"KING!?" Several of the people, supporters and non-supporters alike, said the word as if they didn't know what he was talking about. And that was because they didn't. Most of the people, except those that were loyal parts of the DOE, knew that Orson was aiming to be king of the world. The man truly was a maniac.


"He's fucking nuts."

"Dude is bat shit!"

"Who does he think he is?"

"What the hell?"

"He wants to be king of the world? Is this a comic book?"

"That will never happen."

"He is crazy." Several of the humans, on both sides, were whispering amongst themselves. They were speaking low enough that the delusional king general couldn't hear them, but I could. And so could the other supernaturals that were present.

I think that we were all at a loss for how to truly respond to the man that was standing there in front of us. He seemed to be lost in his own world that was more fantasy than reality. I mean, I agreed with what the humans were saying, did he think that he was in a comic book or something? Where the superheroes had to protect the world from the villain that was hellbent on ruling the world.

Not that it would have worked one way or another.

Even if I wasn't here to stop this man, there were a lot of armies in the world, a lot of military resistance that this man seemed to be forgetting about. He, just like all the villains in those comic books, seemed to forget that they would have to destroy literal armies to take over the world.

And, from someone who had citizens all over the world, I would be the first to tell him that it was extremely hard to run things like that, and I had the added benefit of magical travel and communication.

As I thought more and more about it all, I wanted to laugh at the things that went through Orson's mind. He seemed like a little boy that was living out his dreams of grandeur more than anything else. And before I knew it, I actually did laugh at him.

"YOU DARE TO MOCK ME!" He screamed, his gun still pointed at the man from before. "YOU DARE TO LAUGH AT ME AND MOCK ME, TRINITY GRAY!"

"Sorry, you made it too easy to laugh at you." I wasn't trying to push his buttons, I knew that it could cause him to overreact, but I just couldn't help it.

"YOU WILL SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MOCK ME, YOU MONSTER BITCH! THIS IS YOUR FAULT! ALL YOUR FAULT!" At that moment, Orson pulled the trigger on his gun several times in quick succession. Had I not already had the barrier in place, I would have panicked. As it was, I knew that the humans were safe.

The humans, not knowing that they were safe, started to scream instantly. They covered their heads and ducked down as if they would have had time to dodge the six bullets before they had been shot. They all tried to protect themselves, because they didn't know that I was already taking care of them.

Finally, the screaming died down. The humans that had ducked and feared for their lives, looked at the air in front of them, where they knew that the bullets would have been. And that was when they saw them.

Floating in the air, held firmly by the barrier that I had put in place, six bullets were lined up in a neat little row. The gun in Orson's hand had shifted a little with each time that he pulled the trigger, the recoil affecting his stand or something.

"Whoa!" One of the supporters said as they rose to their feet. "Th..they just stopped. The bullets just stopped in the air like that."

"D..d..did Trinity Gray save us?" One of the anti supers called out as he looked at me. He knew that it was the truth, but he was still waiting for confirmation.

"I couldn't let you all be hurt." I told them. "I put a barrier around you all. I knew that he was likely to shoot the moment that he pulled his gun. I wanted to make sure that you all made it through this safely." It was all spoken so matter-of-factly that I didn't think about it, but the man that had asked the question looked at me with tender and vulnerable eyes.

"O..o..oh." that was all that he could say in response.

There was a moment when everyone seemed to be looking at me. The humans on both sides, the reporters, and Devon with his police force. They were still trapped behind the barriers that I put up, so they weren't able to get to me, but I knew that Devon wanted to end this.

The main issue here though, was that the wrong move could set off something else that was worse than Orson firing into the crowd. He had more people with him, waiting for whatever plans he was wanting to put into motion. If we weren't careful, we could end up making this situation worse. And that was why Devon wasn't acting yet. I could sense him though, ready with a connection open between us.

He was waiting for me to tell him that it was time to take the man out.

I took a deep breath, taking my mind off the humans that I had saved and focusing once more on Orson. His gun was still raised, but now it was pointed at me.

"You bitch!" He growled. "You stopped me from killing them! Why!?"

"Why did you want to kill them? Because I had laughed at what you said? That was a stupid reason to kill someone. And I know that you are prone to emotional outbursts that result in people's deaths. You've committed several murders lately, Orson."

"They were no longer needed. That is what you do with a soldier during war. You cannot let your secrets get into the hands of the enemy. Useless soldiers need to be executed." He just shrugged as he admitted to killing those people.

"How could you do something like this, Orson?" I heard the voice before I saw the man that had spoken. It had taken me by surprise.

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