Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1158: Chapter 143- Trinity – Orson’s Insanity Part 1 (VOLUME 6)

Chapter 1158: Chapter 143- Trinity – Orson’s Insanity Part 1 (VOLUME 6)




"I WILL PUT AN END TO ALL OF THIS! TO ALL OF YOU!" Orson called out again, his voice filled with a note that I had never before heard. It was hard to pinpoint what it was, but the only word that came to mind was crazy. It was like the sound of pure insanity, if that was even possible. "I WILL SHOW YOU ALL! I WILL SHOW THE ENTIRE WORLD!


The delusional fantasy was only getting worse by the second. I didn't know how else to put it. I felt like I was watching this man move further and further away from the light of the truth, further away from sanity and all that it entailed. It was like I was quite literally watching him go insane rapidly before my eyes.

"YOU WILL ALL SEE! AND YOU WILL ALL PAY! I WILL END ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR INSOLENT AND ERRONEOUS ACTIONS!" He was breathing heavily again. The trail of spittle was once again flying from his mouth like a mad dog that didn't know what it was doing. "DOE!" He called to them, gathering the attention of the men that were hanging off of his every word. "NOW WE ATTACK!


I had been dreading those words. I knew that they were coming, that Orson was going to order an attack at some point, he was too crazy not to, but I was still dreading it all the same. He was going to try to attack and kill all these humans, and I wasn't sure if I was able to stop those missiles. Not yet, not with just the barriers that I had up.

I was gathering my magic toward me, readying the shields for a stronger, and hopefully more secure defense. I was working frantically and fast, but not fast enough. Someone else was quicker on the uptake. Well, several others really.

Dozens of the DOE members started to fire at that moment. The bullets were easily stopped by my shields, but the closest assault vehicle with the missile cannon fired and the explosive was aimed right at Odin and myself.

Odin was quick on the uptake as well. He had grown once again to his larger height, bigger even than he had been before. Now he was at least fifteen feet tall as he reached beyond my barrier and toward the oncoming missile.

I watched in fascination, along with so many of the others, DOE included. Odin reached for the missile that was coming toward us and just plucked it out of the air. He made his fist grow in size as he wrapped it around the projectile and glared at Orson.

"You dare fire upon me? Do you know what you have done, tiny human? Do you understand the magnitude of your actions? You have just attacked a God. You have just sealed your fate."

As he spoke, Odin tightened his hand around the missile and I heard it explode in his palm. He had blocked the blast so thoroughly though, that it was no louder than a strong puff of air.

"This little trinket of yours is nothing to me, tiny human. I can and will destroy them all."

The next thing that I or any of the others knew, Odin snapped his fingers. At first, no one would have noticed that anything had happened, not unless they knew where to look. And it was just by chance that I had been looking in the right place when he did that.

The closest of the assault vehicles was almost completely transformed. When Odin had snapped his fingers, the metal armored tank of sorts had been changed into something that was made of wood and vines. The guns that were in the arms of the DOE members gathered around the tank thing had been changed as well. They were now vaguely rifle shaped branches with leafy vines hanging off of them.

Every one of the weapons that the DOE had fired at us with had been changed. I don't know if all of them had been altered, but at least all the ones that I could see at the moment had been.

"Odin?" I whispered his name, but he didn't look at me. He was still staring angrily at Orson. I knew that he had not taken so well to the fact that this war crazed human had just tried to attack him.

"I told you, tiny human, you have sealed your fate. You are going to pay for your actions, for your affront to me and my position. You will see what it means to anger a God."

Odin's features were shifting a little, he was close to releasing his true form. I didn't know what was going to happen to Orson or the DOE members, if Odin intended to just overwhelm them with his true self or if he was going to attack them.

"Prepare for your fate, tiny human." Odin's voice sounded lethal, and at that moment I realized what he was about to do.

Odin had gathered magic to him, the same that I would have. He was planning on attacking Orson and the rest of the DOE. He was going to kill everyone that had attacked him. He was going to destroy them and ruin it all.

"ODIN, NO!" I shouted at him as he blasted away with his magic.

I felt a rush of my power a moment before Odin's. I placed a barrier, one of the strongest that I have ever made, in front of all the DOE members. It wasn't perfect, but it was enough to stop the brunt of Odin's attack. All that managed to reach Orson and the others was a gust of wind so strong that it knocked most of them off their feet and sent them sprawling.

I was actually surprised that Orson, who was the closest, hadn't been knocked back on his ass.

"TRINITY!?" Odin rounded on me with an angry roar. "WHY DID YOU STOP ME!?"

"I told you, Odin. I don't want anyone to be hurt or killed. I couldn't let you kill them. That is not why we are here."


"And you are a God, Odin! They will never be able to harm you. Humans make mistakes all the time. All of them do. Just the same as my people do, and even you. They made a mistake, they followed his orders, but they would never have been able to harm you.

You stopped that missile like it was nothing. You are trying to disintegrate them though, that is wrong." I don't know how I knew that this was the end goal he had, I just did. I knew that if that attack had hit those humans, all of them would have disappeared into the wind as less than dust.

"DO NOT PRESUME TO TELL ME HOW TO DO THINGS, YOUNG GODDESS!" He was resorting to pointing out that I was so new to my position. He was angry at me, and he wanted to prove that he was stronger than me.

"Stop it, Odin!" I snapped at him. "You came here to help me, but that attack wasn't helping. That was you retaliating because of your pride. Would it have made you feel better to prove that a God is stronger than a mortal? Would that have made you happy?"

"No." He finally seemed to be settling down. "I would not have been satisfied with that."

"Then you shouldn't be angry with me." I shook my head at him.

"I am more impressed, truly. You stopped my attack, Trinity. And that is not easy. Not even Zeus has ever been able to manage that." He was looking at me with a surprised and awed expression. Perhaps he only got so angry because he was embarrassed by my power.

"I am happy that I impressed you, Odin, but please, do not try to harm the humans again. Remember, my people and I are the Gods that rule this realm. I do not want you hurting those that we fight so hard to protect."

"Fine. However, I will not have you interrupting me again. If I see fit to punish someone in the future, that is my decision." Odin shrugged before turning to look back at Orson. "You should count yourself lucky, tiny human. That Goddess that you hate so much just saved your life."

I knew that Odin was trying to make things better. That he was just trying to diffuse the situation that he had caused just now. Well, that he and Orson had just caused together. The two of them combined were determined to make sure that I didn't get my wish. They were both actively working, though not together, to kill all the humans that were present here.

Hahh! I sighed to myself as I let my heart start to settle. I needed to end this. I needed to make sure that Orson knew that it was over. There was nothing left for him to do here. He wasn't going to be able to win, not with all his weapons gone.

He had lost, and there was nowhere for him to go. Especially not with that barrier that I had put around his people. They were sort of trapped in place with that one. A little added bonus that I had put into it when I cast it.

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