Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1160: Chapter 145- Trinity – Is It Over? (VOLUME 6)

Chapter 1160: Chapter 145- Trinity – Is It Over? (VOLUME 6)




"Trinity?" I could hear Reece calling my name. "Trinity, let him go. He's gone." I hadn't realized that I was trying to push magic into him, to heal him as best as I could. "He is gone, Trinity."

"I couldn't save him." I cried. It wasn't a sob, nor was it blubbering. I was just simply crying as I spoke. In a way, I felt a little too calm for the situation. "I wanted everyone to live today. I didn't want anyone to die."

"It's OK, Trinity. It wasn't your fault. You tried to save him, we all know that it wasn't your fault." Reece wrapped an arm around my shoulders as he urged me to let go of Orson's lifeless body.

"It is alright, Trinity." Glick was there as well, and so were several of the others. "We will take care of this now." He was pulling on Orson now, trying to lift him from my grasp. He was only human though, and Orson was deadweight now. That meant that it was harder for him to move him. Seeing that, Dayton stepped in and helped his boss.

"It's OK, Trinity. You did all that you could."

I allowed the two of them to take Orson out of my arms. They didn't move him far, they just sat him on the ground and allowed Reece to pull me to my feet. I looked at the crowd that was in front of me, the group of DOE members. They looked to be in shock as well. None of them had expected what had just happened.

"They will be arrested now." Dolan told me as he stepped to my side. "You said that they were trapped in a barrier, correct?"

"Yes. They can't get away until I remove the barrier. The others can get in though. The officers and other agents, they can enter the barrier."

"That is good then. We won't have to worry about them getting away from us." He nodded. "Thank you for the help, Trinity. I know that this didn't end the way that you wanted it to, but you should still be proud. No innocent people were harmed today. And the only life that was taken was taken at his own hands."

"Was it, though?" I wondered as I looked at the dead body.

"What do you mean?" Vincent, who had been close behind me, asked in a confused tone.

"By the time that Orson died, he wasn't himself anymore. Orson was gone. He was the Colonel and the General, but the Orson that he used to be was gone. I know that he couldn't have been like that before. He couldn't have had multiple personalities and dissociative identity disorder and been working at the NSA. At least not when he started.

And I am sure that he wasn't this far gone back in the fall when he was investigating us. In a way, this whole thing is my fault."

"It is not your fault." This came from Dolan, Reece, Vincent, Shawn, Dietrich, Shane, and David all at the same time. They were all very adamant about it as well.

"Think about it." I looked at each of them in turn. "Orson was probably still sane, or relatively sane, when he started to investigate us last year. And if that is the case, then the event that likely led to this psychotic break of his was caused by the reveal that I planned and orchestrated. It was my actions that had caused him to be like this."

"Yeah, that might be the case, but think of the alternative." This was coming from Dolan, the man with the most objective view of all the men that were surrounding me. "If you hadn't done the reveal, Orson would have made you look like the monsters that he was calling you. You wouldn't have any of the support that you have now. And you would be fighting with the rest of the world all the time.

You took matters into your own hands and corrected the problems that you saw before you. This wasn't your fault, Trinity. He had to have been close to a breaking point already, and something would have sent him over the edge. Eventually, this would have happened no matter what."

"You might be right." I nodded at him and tried to not let the situation get to me anymore.

"I know that I am right. Now, come on, we should get you out of here. You are covered in blood." Dolan was looking at me and then at the rest of the humans.

"Oh." I hadn't even paid attention to that. "I'll fix it."

Quickly, I cleaned and dried the clothes that I was wearing. It was nearly instantaneous now, after so many years of practice. Dolan just looked at me with wide, shock filled eyes.

"I guess that I shouldn't let that get to me, not after all that I have seen. Still, it's amazing to see."

"Should we go?" I wiped the tears from my face, my hands now cleaned of all the blood that had been on them.

"I think so." Dolan nodded. "I have work to do, though, arrests to make. We will be busy here for a while longer."

"Understood." I turned and let Reece lead me away from the army and toward the picketers that had been here when we arrived.

I was moving slowly and somberly. It was hard to think about the entire situation and not let it get to me. There had been so much that had happened today, and I wasn't sure how to process it.

"Trinity?" It was Odin that had called out to me. "I am sorry that you didn't get the ending that you hoped for."

"It is alright." I gave him a halfhearted smile. "I know that it ended better than it could have. And I have you to thank for that, Odin. You truly were an invaluable part of today's events. Thank you."

"I am happy to have done what I could. And I am sorry for making things worse. Not just the once but twice. Had I not shown my true face to that man, he might not have ended up that way."

"No, he was going to do that no matter what. He was out of his mind."

"Perhaps." He nodded. "I will let you get to things here then." Odin looked at the humans in the distance. "I will return home. I will be in touch soon. There is more that we need to discuss."


Odin bent at the knees and launched himself into the air. There was no preamble or anything like that. He just leapt straight up and disappeared into the clouds.


"Queen Trinity!"

"Mrs. Gray!"


"Trinity Gray!" They were all calling my name when I got back to where they were. The police that had been standing guard over them all were nowhere in sight, but they weren't needed anymore.

"Trinity! Is it over? Is it all over now?" That man from before, the one that was the leader of the anti supernaturals group, called to me in a hopeful tone.

"Yes, it's over now. The leader of the DOE took his own life. I tried to save him, but I wasn't able to. I am sorry. I wanted to keep things from getting to this point."

"You do not need to apologize, Trinity." The man was talking to me almost as if we were friends. He was definitely speaking a lot more comfortably and nicer than he had been earlier. "I..I should be apologizing. You didn't deserve the way that I spoke to you earlier. I was being stupid and afraid.'re not a bad person.

You helped us. You made sure we were all safe. And you're even in pain at the loss of the man that wanted to kill you. No evil being would be feeling that way. You're kind and generous, Trinity. And that is what the world needs to know."

"Thank you for saying that. Thank you for understanding what I have been trying to convey all along." I looked at the two groups of people that stood before me and saw that there was far less separating them now than there had been before. "We are all people, no matter where we might come from, and I just want to make sure that we are all free to be who and what we are. That was all that we wanted.

Nothing more and nothing less."

"We understand." The leader of the pro super naturals smiled at me as she spoke. "Thank you, Trinity, for protecting us all."

"You are more than welcome."

I looked around the space once again, with different eyes than I had used earlier. I saw acceptance, kindness, and understanding. I also saw that those reporters, the ones that had been filming earlier, still had their cameras and microphones aimed at me. Had they recorded the whole thing?

Panic surged through me. I knew that the people here didn't blame me, but the others might. They might start another riot or something else because of Orson's death. This situation, this battle was over, but not the war. We weren't at war like Orson had thought that we were, but we were still fighting.

Me, Reece, all the others, we were fighting the public opinion, and that video might sway them in the opposite direction. Those that hadn't been here, in imminent danger, might not take kindly to the day's outcome.

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