Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1169: Epilogue 1

Chapter 1169: Epilogue 1

How the World Changes




Things had been very busy lately. Dad, along with Aunt Trinity and Uncle Reece have been extremely busy. Not just them though, all of us have been busy. Reagan and Rika have been leading the helm with our generation, and the rest of us have been naturally falling in line with them. It was pretty much the same way that it was when our parents were younger.

Like my dad, I have been training for the time that I would be offering my services to the Alpha. I will be standing with my cousins for life, no matter which one of them ends up taking the lead. Though, if traditions continue to hold out, it would most likely be Reagan that ends up being the next Alpha.

It might sound sexist in this day and age, but that was just the way that things were meant to be.

At the moment, I was on my way to the castle for a meeting with the group. Our group consisting of Reagan, Rika, Alyssa, Alexandria, Levi, Luke, Beech, Cypress, Ashle, Ilana, Rowan, and of course, myself. We were the group that had already graduated from high school and moved onto university.

I guess that, soon, we would be adding Talia, Luther and Fauna because they too were about to graduate from the high school over in Trinity Falls.

The place that we were meeting today was special. We were not going to be in the castle, where we usually went. And we weren't going to be in public. I knew that the others wanted to keep things private at the moment though, so we were heading out here.

This place was special to Aunt Trinity and Uncle Reece, as well as to Uncle Shawn and Uncle Dietrich. They had all spent time at this crescent shaped rock that overlooked the forest below.

"I am here." I called out to them, not at all the last of people that was due to arrive.

"Hey, E!" Reagan called out to me. He often shortened my name to just the first letter. He was the only one that did that, and I knew that it went back to when we were toddlers. He was almost two and had a hard time saying Elias. I remember, a little older than him, I tried to help him pronounce it. Being only two and a half though, I wasn't the greatest at it either.

"No, Weagan," I was a little bad with the letter R at that age, "It's Ee Lie Us." I had broken it down as phonetically as a little child could do.

"Ee." He called out to me."

"Eus! Eus!" Rika has tried a little more than he had, getting half of the name at least.

"Ee Lie Us." I said it again.

"Me say Ee." Reagan shook his head then hugged me. "E!"

"Eus!" Rika hugged me as well and the three of us had fallen to the floor. It was a good memory, even if Reagan had almost never called me by my full name. Not unless there were a lot of other people around. He knew that I didn't want others calling me that.

"Hey Reagan, hey Rika." I nodded to the two of them and sat on one of the rocks that were circled around the firepit. It had not been lit yet. "Should I do this?" I asked, but that was when I noticed that Reagan was actually getting some of the wood that had been set aside before.

"I got it. No worries, E." I nodded and just watched the view with Rika.

While we sat there, and while Reagan got the fire going, the others started to arrive. The quads were next. They were technically two sets of identical twins that were born to two different parents, but as they were conceived magically, and one of each set of twins were carried by one each of the parents, we all considered them quads.

It was a strange enough situation if you tried to think too hard about it. And definitely too difficult to describe to the humans of the world.

After the quads, Alyssa, Alexandria, Levi, and Luka all took their seats, the triplets arrived. Beech, Cypress, and Ashle were normal triplets. They hadn't been conceived in any awkward way between two male parents. They had a mom and a dad, and Aunt Casey carried them all together.

The last to arrive were the second set of twins, Rowan and Ilana. Of this group here, I was the only single birth child here. Well, I wasn't a child anymore. I was almost twenty now. Still, Reagan and Rika were twins, and the others were all multiples as well, I was the only odd man out, literally.

Once they all took their seats, there were a total of twelve of us. Twelve people that had all been born less than a year apart in age. We were all fated to be here. The legacies of the generation that had changed the world. The legacies that were chosen to continue their missions and make it so that we were all able to live in peace with the humans of the world.

"Are we ready?" I called out, naturally taking a sort of executive role in this situation. It was also what my dad tended to do for Uncle Reece as his Beta.

"Yeah, I think that we are." Reagan nodded and looked at Rika. "What do you think, sis?"

"Now is as good of a time as any." Her head also nodded in agreement. "You all know why we are here, right?" She looked around the clearing, at the people that had gathered with us.

"Yes, of course we do." Luka's voice was calm, even, and not at all afraid of the discussion that was to come. "We're here to talk about what we need to do next."

"That's right." Reagan's firm and powerful voice spoke next. This was why I had always felt that he was the next Alpha. He was so strong, so commanding when he spoke. There was nothing else that I could imagine him doing.

"We have decisions to make. Decisions that we can't let our parents know about just yet." Rika, nearly as commanding and powerful sounding as Reagan, added in her more effeminate and melodic voice.

"So, why is it that we can't tell them?" Cypress asked with his hand raised in the air. He wasn't dim or slow, he just wanted to make sure. He was an analytical person, most of the time, and he wanted to know what was really going on.

"Our parents have had a lot going on lately. With all that has happened in less than a year, all the people that have died and been attacked. With all the commotion from that murderous gang of Jaegans, and from the Elitist group, the DOE, they have endured quite enough.

Now, as the ones that will eventually take over for them, the ones that need to help foster the connection between the community, we need to talk about what we're going to do next." Rika's response made me proud. She had been so immature just last year, at the start of our Freshman year, now she was speaking more mature and handling herself completely different.

I didn't know what had changed for her personally, or if it was just all that had happened, but I was happy to see this growth in her.

"Are we talking long term or short term?" Ashle asked her question, also one that I deemed to be quite important.

"At the moment, we are thinking short term. I know that we need to work on longer plans soon enough but, for the moment, we need to know what we can do to help things right now." Reagan answered for her. "We need to think about how we can get along with the humans, what it is that we need to do to help our image with them."

"Hey, can I just say, political fiasco or not, I feel so much better with the world knowing who and what we are." Rowan had a slight laugh in his voice. He had developed this as he had gotten older. I didn't mind it though, he wasn't wrong, and he was never like this when he needed to be serious.

"I agree." I told him with a curt nod of my head. "We can all breathe a little easier with knowing that we don't need to keep it a secret. And it will make it so that the humans can start to feel more comfortable around us. I like that I do not need to hide things from people anymore." For some reason, there was a grin on my face as I thought about not having to hide.

I had never truly thought about it before, but now I was for some reason.

"I admit that it is nice not having to watch what we say, but there are still people out there that do not like us. And there are a lot of them that will likely attend the university with us." I let Reagan's words snap me out of the fog that I was in. "We need to figure out what we are going to do about those people that will be against us and the other non humans at the school."

"And we need to figure out what to do about the fan group that keeps coming back." Rika sighed as she thought about that. We had all had our fill of those people that kept coming to gawk at us. They knew who all of us were, and even who our parents were, it was a little disconcerting.

"Agreed." Several of us said in unison.

"In my opinion," I started and cleared my throat as I looked at them all, "we need to keep showing the world that we aren't out to get them. We need to be involved in as much as we can. Being outspoken and open will help, but we need to be a part of the school community as well. We have been so singular and secular for so long, but now it's time to branch out."

"That is a good idea." The praise and smile from Reagan was not new. It came often when he particularly liked an idea that someone had. "This year is almost over, but we can be involved in more next year. I want to show the other students and the rest of the world, we aren't going anywhere, and we aren't a threat to anyone."

"We can keep a look out for some groups that would be good to join, some things that will make it easier for us to settle the masses. It's only on the campus, but it's a start. And with the course that they are starting next year, the one where people get to learn more about us, it will help out a lot.

We will likely get a lot of students from that course joining us in whatever group we end up joining." When Luka spoke these words, it almost sounded like he was thinking out loud rather than answering, but we all knew him well enough to know that he was actually talking to us. This was just a habit of his.

"Yes, that will work."

A few moments passed as we all talked about what we would do to actively change the world that we were currently living in. We all needed to make sure that we were doing our part to make the future a brighter place.

"I don't know what we will be doing in six months from now, a year from now, or even ten years from now, but I know that I vow to protect you all the best that I can. All of you and the rest of our people." Reagan's Alpha like behavior was showing, and I saw that the others felt it as well.

All of us, even the ones that were mixed with other species, were still a part of the original part that ruled these parts, The Red Springs Wolf Pack, and we would never abandon that part of who we were, no matter how much changed in the future.

"We will both make sure that all of our people are safe. Not just you, Reagan, I am right there with you." Her eyes were blazing. The golden pools were actually shining and illuminating her face along with the flickering firelight. The color was a little different though, so I knew which light was which.

"Yeah, we will do it together." Reagan held his hand in front of him and looked at the group around him. "We will all do it." Rika was the first one to add her hand to his, that was when we all realized what was happening. I rose next and put my hand on Rika's, after that the others all followed suit.

We made a vow then and there, to always remain faithful and loyal to this group, and to the pack and the people that we were determined to protect. It might have seemed childish, and perhaps it was, but it also made me, and all of the others, feel as if we were a little closer. A tighter bond than we had already had with each other.

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