Chapter 1178: SIDE STORIES BOOK 2 Chapter 3- Vincent and Heather
Chapter 1178: SIDE STORIES BOOK 2 Chapter 3- Vincent and Heather
I was posing when Heather came into the dining room, watching her closely as I tried to be sexy and alluring for her. I think that it worked, because the moment that she saw me, her heart rate jumped and sped up in excitement. And at the current moment, I was holding her against my chest while she kissed me.
Alright, I might have taken over the kiss, but she initiated it, so it still counted as her kissing me, at least in my book it does. I held her there longer than I normally would have for just a kiss. I wanted her to know that this night was more than just the surprise meal. She was getting a lot more than she might have bargained for when she wanted to spend the weekend with me.
In the end, I only broke the kiss when I heard a loud rumbling sound coming from in front of me. Heather's stomach had just growled, and in a perfect answer to her's, mine growled as well.
"Ha ha ha." I laughed at the coincidence of it all, her soft sweet laughter joining mine. "I guess that we both skipped lunch, huh?"
"I snacked at the spa, but I didn't have a full meal. I probably could have, but I was too busy getting pampered." She giggled at the thought of it all. "You said you cooked, right?" She smiled up at me, her eyes excited and expectant.
"All of your favorites." I smiled at her. "Have a seat, sweetheart, and I will go get them now." I pulled her chair out and held her hand as she slid into the seat. Before walking away, I pushed the chair in for her and kissed her on the top of her head.
There was no reason to delay, we were both hungry, as our bodies had decided to let us know quite audibly. I pushed the cart into the dining room and reveled in the look on her face. She had seen all the different dishes that I had made for dinner, and she looked like she was about to start drooling.
"I have made everything that I know you like, Heather. And I made sure not to make too much, so that it doesn't go to waste." She looked ecstatic as she watched me start to load the plates onto the table.
I put everything in the middle of the table. The new plates and cutlery were already there, waiting for us to get what we wanted from the servings.
"Give me just a moment before we start." I told her as I hurried into the hall and extinguished the candles that were on the floor. I didn't need to burn the house down while we were setting the bed on fire later.
When I got back to the dining room, I saw that it was getting to be more difficult for Heather to hold back. She was so very hungry. I was hungry too, for the food and for her. I would settle for the food first though, knowing that she needed it as well.
I popped the cork on the wine and poured some for each of us. Then, once I took a seat, I started to serve her the food.
"Here, you loved this last time." I said as I gave her some of the salmon.
"It was really good." She beamed at the food rather than me. "You are an amazing cook, Vincent."
"I am OK. I can't bake like you, though." I told her honestly. "I am sorry to say that dessert for tonight was catered."
"I don't mind. You have your strengths and I have mine." She leaned in and kissed my cheek quickly. "I am so happy right now, Vincent. You have no idea how amazing this is. You're so wonderful to me, you always have been."
"I have been neglectful lately though." I admitted what I had felt as I continued to give her a little bit of everything that I had made.
"It wasn't neglectful. You have responsibilities to the kingdom, and I understand that. I know that you didn't want to be away from me so much. And, besides, sometimes I am there at the castle with you, and at other events, like the graduation." She was right, she was included in a lot of things, but not what happened with the Jaegan and the DOE.
"I have missed you, sweetheart. And I wanted this time with you. Nothing could take it away from me."
"Then let's make the most of our time together." She nuzzled against my arm for a moment before she grabbed her fork so that she could eat.
She speared a piece of the salmon that I had given her and took a bite of it. The moment that it was in her mouth she moaned happily at how delicious it was.
"This is perfect, Vincent. You really are an amazing cook."
"I'm glad you like it."
While we ate, making our way through dish after dish, we talked about everything that had happened lately. She told me about the things that she had done while I was busy, and how she loved being a grandmother, but being a mother was preferable to her.
Maybe one day, when she felt like she was done having children, she would be content to look after her grandchildren and great grandchildren more, but she just truly felt like she was meant to have another baby. At least one more, she wasn't sure if there would be more than that in the future, but she wanted one at the moment.
We moved smoothly on from the dinner to the desserts that I had ordered. The chocolate strawberries were just a part of it, everything that Kaleidoscope had sent over was fantastic and perfect. And while eating it, we made our way through another bottle of wine. We weren't drunk, but we were both feeling warm and loose.
I was watching Heather eating her dessert with a smile on my face. Seeing how happy she was with everything made this entire day ten times better for me. I loved her, everything about her, and I would always love her.
While I watched her though, a small amount of cream spilled from the inside of a cannoli. The thin smear of sweet cream was on the edge of her lip and her chin when I saw it.
"Mmm." She laughed and tried to catch the cream with her finger. "I'm a mess." The joy and mirth were still in her voice.
"Don't worry, I will get it for you." I told her as I put a finger on her chin. I was turning her to face me so that I could get the cream. I was sitting right next to her, the best place for me to be when we were having a romantic meal together.
"Thank you." She was looking up at me, clearly expecting me to wipe the cream away with a napkin, but that wasn't what I had in mind.
I dipped my head toward Heather's face, watching the way they widened as she realized what was happening. She moaned and squealed simultaneously as I pressed my tongue against her chin.
"Eep! Mmm." It was like she couldn't decide if she was scared or turned on in that moment. I would help her to decide pretty quickly. "Vincent?" She called my name without moving her mouth all that much.
"So delicious." I sighed against her flesh. "So warm."
"Ahh!" I lapped my tongue across her skin slowly, clearing away the cream with ease, but not taking my mouth from her tender flesh.
"You're always so sweet, so soft, so perfect."
"'re exaggerating." She claimed, but she was already melting against me even more.
"No, it's true. You're always such perfection. I love the way that you taste."
I pulled Heather against me even more, lifting her from her chair and pulling her onto my lap so that her breasts, in that beautiful green dress of her's, were pressed against my chest.
"Your body is perfect. So soft, so supple, I love every part of it." I moved my hands with every word that I spoke, running my fingers down her spine, around her hips, across her belly, and up until I could tease her nipples gently through the thin fabric of the dress's top.
"I love how you react to my touch." I growled the words into her mouth as I pinch gently on the peaks that were pressed against my hands. "I love how I know what you're going to do before I even move."
"'s not too predictable?" She asked me with embarrassment in her tone.
"Not at all. It's like reading a favorite book. I know what is going to happen, but that doesn't make it boring. It just means that I get to learn something new about my favorite story with each time that I read it. You, Heather my love, are my favorite story of all time. And I can't wait to read you again."
"Oh, Vincent." She sighed and tilted her head back as I moved my mouth from her chin to her neck. When my breath blew across her throat she shivered and moaned again.
"I need you, Heather. I want you so bad."
"I am yours, Vincent. Always and forever."
The moment that those words were out of her mouth, I knew that I needed to hurry. The control that I was feeling was already straining and wearing thin. I wanted to get her upstairs and out of those clothes as soon as I possibly could.