Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1180: SIDE STORIES BOOK 2 Chapter 5- Vincent and Heather (MATURE)

Chapter 1180: SIDE STORIES BOOK 2 Chapter 5- Vincent and Heather (MATURE)




When I woke the next morning, there was a scent tickling my nose. This was a scent that I recognized, but it took me a moment to place it. It had been almost twenty years since I had smelled it after all. I knew the moment that I opened my eyes though, and I also knew that there had to have been a big, stupid grin on my face as well.

Heather was still fast asleep, but I also knew that she would be waking up very soon. Especially when I left the bed. Still, I wanted to do something special for her, even now after the 'date night' was over. For us, this was actually a date weekend, and I had no problem still pampering the woman that I loved.

I hurried to the bathroom, took care of the things that needed to be done first thing in the morning, and then stepped over to the tub. Our bathroom here might not be as grand as the ones in the castle, but the tub was still large enough for the two of us to soak together comfortably. And even more comfortably if I held her on my lap and hugged her the entire time.

While the hot water, along with the bath salts, filled the tub, I hurried back to the bedroom for my sweet Heather. She had woken up in my absence, as I knew that she would.

"You're getting a bath ready?" She asked me with a smile. "Well, aren't you going to all the romantic lengths here." She was happy, still glowing from the intimacy we had shared hours before.

"I wanted to pamper you." I said as I scooped her into my arms. "Come with me."

I carried her into the bathroom and set her down only to take care of her business as well. With the tub full now, I turned on the heater so that it stayed hot and started the shower. Once she was finished, and the streaming water was hot, I lifted her into my arms again and carried her into the massaging jets from the multiple shower heads.

I had to let her stand on her own in the shower, but that didn't stop me from dropping to my knees to help wash her in every place possible. I paid particular attention to that tender and still dripping core of her's. She wanted me again and there was no way that she was able to hide it from me.

I had to take advantage of my position. I pressed her back against the tiled wall, a little remorseful when she cried out in shock at the coldness of it all. I didn't stop though, the cold only lasted a moment, and this was much more important.

I gave her everything once again. I lapped, bit, and sucked at her core, paying extra attention to the spots that I knew gave her the most pleasure. This time, I didn't use my fingers only at the end. I slid them inside of her and thrusted them in and out slowly and gently, feeling the slow and steady rippling of her pleasure as it coursed through her body.

It didn't take long for her to reach the edge of her oblivion. She gripped my shoulders for support and came with a loud moan of passion. I lapped away the flood of moisture that rushed from her body as I held her in place.

She couldn't stand, but that was fine with me. I rose to my feet and lifted her into my arms as I went. Rinsing us both one last time, I prepared to leave the shower and carry her over to the tub. She was still ready for me, pressing her lips against my neck and sucking hard. I knew that she would leave a mark, but I didn't care. She was free to mark me anytime that she wanted to.

We were wolves, and that meant that we were creatures of passion and intensity. This was just a mark of how much she had needed me.

Cradling her against my chest, I stepped into the water, lowering myself until I was sitting with her facing me on my lap.

"You are definitely very passionate this weekend." Heather spoke as she continued to kiss my neck, my shoulder, and even my cheek. She couldn't get enough of me, nor I of her.

"I am always passionate for you, sweetheart. I just don't always get the time to be with you like this."

"I love you." She said as she pressed her lips against mine. I wasn't able to respond then, so I showed her that I loved her in other ways.

I positioned her over my hard and erect shaft. She moaned into my mouth as I lowered her down onto me and broke the kiss on a scream of pleasure when I started to grind inside of her.


"Ngh!" I moaned in pleasure at the same time. She felt so good, still so tight and perfectly shaped to take me and only me into her perfect little body.

"Oh Goddess, Vincent, I can't believe that I need you so much still."

"I will never not need you, Heather. I will need you every chance that I can have you."

I thrust into her gently, not needing to pound hard and fast to please either of us. She held onto me gently, her cheek pressed against mine as we moved slowly in the water. The waves lapped around us and tickled slightly, but that just added to the pleasure of it all.

"I want to get as much of you as I can for now. We only have so long until we have to abstain for a while." I whispered the words, but I knew that she still heard me.

"We don't need to abstain, Vincent. We can always have each other." Oh Goddess, that level of arousal in her words almost made me come then and there, but I held it off somehow.

"No, we do. In five months or so, maybe sooner, we will need to abstain for a little while, but I won't mind. The reason is a good one." I was being cryptic, letting her figure this out along with me.

"What are you talking about, Vincent?" she asked me as she pulled away from me. "Why would we need to-." She stopped in mid question, her eyes going wide and a smile slowly spreading across her face. "Vincent?" My name was the question that she wanted to ask me.

"Yes, sweetheart?" I smirked at her, answering her in more than one way, but she wanted to be more sure.

"Am I-?" She left off there, not finishing the question. I had slowed the movement of my body into her's as she spoke and asked me this, but I had not stopped.

"Yes, Heather, you are." I knew that the grin on my face was as excited and stupid as it could get, but I was happy, and so was she.

"Oh, Vincent!" She threw her arms around me as I started to thrust a little harder again. "I am so happy."

"I know, sweetheart, I know. And so am I." In our joint happiness, her body was reaching its point of ecstasy, and so was mine. I rocked us together again and again until we both came gently. It wasn't earth shattering, it wasn't an explosion of passion, but it was everything that we needed at the moment.

We sighed in contentment with each other as I separated our bodies. Heather was still not letting go of me, her arms wrapped loosely around my neck as she smiled against my chest. We stayed like that for a while before we got out of the tub, rinsing once more in the shower to get the residue off of our skin.

We didn't leave each other's side all weekend. We cooked together, snuggled and watched movies together, read a book together, and made love again and again. We stocked up on everything that we had been missing with the intense situations that had been happening around us.

As we lay in bed on Sunday evening, we started to talk about what we needed to do from this point onward.

"We need to tell the kids. They need to know, of course." Heather was already planning how we needed to share the news.

"I can tell Trinity tomorrow at work, if that is alright with you. I will try to keep it private though, so that the others don't know yet."

"Yes, I am sure that she needs to know. You are her Beta, and she is our Queen, not to mention a friend. I know that she will be happy for us. And think about it, the baby can almost grow up with Reeselynn, just like the twins grew up with Reagan and Rika."

"Isn't it funny?" I laughed as I asked her that. "We have kids when she has kids. Not every time, but a couple of them."

"Ha ha ha, yeah, it's funny but I like it. I also think that it's her magic. You know with her being the Goddess and all, she radiates pheromones and all of those lovely things."

"Yeah, I think that about sums it up. Anyway, I will tell Trinity tomorrow. And we can invite the kids to dinner this week so that we can tell them. I don't think that they will have a problem with it. We're still quite young after all. Well, at least in appearance."

"Ha ha ha, yes, we are. Oh, this is so exciting. I can't wait for the baby to be here! Do you think it'll be a girl or a boy?"

"Hmm. Well, we have three girls and two boys, so maybe a boy to round it out. But I won't care either way. I just want to have a baby with you, sweetheart." I leaned in and kissed her cheek then, envisioning the future that was coming for the two of us. Oops, I mean the three of us.

That night, I had dreams of peaceful times with our family. Me, Heather, our soon to be six children, our daughter in-law, Renea's boyfriend and mate that she had found, and our granddaughter Hope. It was all calming and peaceful. And when I woke up the next morning, I was still smiling and grinning widely. I didn't think that there was anything that would take the smile off of my face.

For the next six months and more, I was going to be the happiest man alive. Who wouldn't be when they were expecting another little bundle of joy? Especially when that made their mate so radiantly happy as well.

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