Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 176: SIDE STORIES BOOK 2 Vincent and Heather

Chapter 176: SIDE STORIES BOOK 2 Vincent and Heather




So much had happened lately, so many changes in our world that we needed to adjust to. Trinity had given birth to her newest baby, Reeselynn, and that had changed a lot of things in my own life. I was once again needing to help her in an altered manner than I used to.

There was more as well. My beautiful wife, Heather, had talked about wanting another baby. And well, our youngest had graduated with Reagan and Rika last year. They were out in the world on their own, off to college at a different university and doing things that they wanted. Our oldest, Conner, was even married with a daughter of his own.

I will admit, seeing little Reeselynn, my little granddaughter Hope, and hearing Heather talking about wanting another baby, I was starting to miss that time in my life. I wouldn't mind having another baby. I know that I had told Heather that we could start working on it a couple months ago, but nothing had happened yet. Not that we were too old or anything.

Yes, we were in our forties and all that, but we were still very young. And we were immortal now, so that wasn't a worry either.

I was starting to think that it would be best to maybe focus on this topic. And if I was going to do this, then I wanted to do it right. I had a weekend off coming up, and I thought that this would be the perfect time to plan out something special for my wife. She wouldn't see it coming either. I would take care of everything for her. She just needed to enjoy the night, all of it.

Three days later, things were planned and ready for the surprise. I woke up early and made breakfast for Heather, but this wasn't unusual. I was used to getting up early, so I tended to do this a lot. I made her cinnamon de leche pancakes, bacon, ham, sausage, sunny side up eggs, and cut some fruit into some cute shapes for her.

When it was all done, I prepared a cappuccino for her, a glass of orange juice, and some flowers that I had bought the night before. It was put onto a tray and taken to her in the bedroom for her to enjoy. Not wanting her to eat alone, I carried a tray for myself as well. We were going to enjoy breakfast in bed together.

"What's this?" She asked when I came into the room and put the tray over her on the bed.

"I wanted to do something special for you." I smiled calmly and did my best to hide that I was up to something.

"Well, this is definitely special." She beamed at the food on her plate. "This looks amazing, Vincent. You have always been such a good cook. And you do so much for me like this." She leaned over and pressed her lips to mine. The kiss was short and sweet, and just a prelude to the night that she knew nothing about yet.

"I love you, sweetheart, of course I am going to do things for you. Now come on, let's eat before it all gets cold." She beamed at me and started to eat the food with vigor. As soon as the first bite was in her mouth she groaned in satisfaction.

"Hmmm! This is so good. You're like a wizard when it comes to cooking."

"Ha ha ha ha." I laughed at her. "Wizards aren't real. Well, they are called warlocks if that is what you are getting at, but nothing called a wizard in this world."

"There is, and it's you. Vincent, the cooking wizard."

"I'll take it." I laughed as I popped a blueberry into my mouth. "Anyway, I have another surprise for you." I was grinning, but I hoped that I wasn't giving too much away.

"Another?" She beamed at me. "Honey, this is already too much." She shook her head at me. "I don't need anything else."

"Come on, I wanted to do this for you." I pulled an envelope out of my pocket and passed it to her. "Here, take a look."

"O…K…" She dragged the two letters out like she was starting to suspect that there was something else going on. "What is this?"

"Open it and see." I chuckled a little.

She stopped asking so many questions for a moment, looking down at the envelope in her hand warily. She wasn't scared of it, that wasn't what was happening here. Instead, I knew that she was trying to see what I was up to.

She tore open the envelope and peered at the papers that were inside. I watched her eyes go wide with shock and happiness then narrow as she thought about what this might mean.

"You have to work, don't you?" She asked me with a little bit of sadness in her voice. She knew that a lot of my weekends off lately had been cancelled because of the Jaegan and then the DOE. It had been a long time since I had a full weekend off.

"You have to work this weekend, and this is your way of placating me." She went on. She wasn't mad at me, I knew that, but she did look a little disappointed.

"I am sorry, sweetheart. I wanted to do something special for you." I made sure not to admit to having to work. I mean, I was a God of truth, lying wasn't really something that I could do. If I didn't say that I was working, then it wasn't a lie. Problem solved.

"It's alright. I know that you have an important position. You are Trinity's Beta after all. I just wish that we had a little more time together. I miss you sometimes, Vincent." Now she looked a little sad, and I felt bad for making her think that I was working today. I didn't want her to be upset with me.

"We will have time together soon, Heather, I promise." This was not a lie. We would be together when she got back this evening. And, hopefully, I would be able to make her happy with the rest of my surprise for her.

We finished our meal as we talked. She was starting to get excited for the gift that I had given her. It was an all expenses covered trip to the spa at the Goddess Well Resort. It was one of the nicest places around, and they would take care of her every need. She had an open account to handle everything that she needed or wanted to get done. The gift certificate actually said that it was unlimited.

She would be there for a long time, but they would end her appointment by five in the evening, that way she can be home for dinner.

Once we finished the meal, I got ready to leave. She needed to think that I was going to work, and I had some things to do. If I was going to pull this off, then I needed to head to the grocery store for some much needed supplies.





I love Vincent. And I love Trinity too. She is like a sister to me. My kids grew up calling her Aunt Trinity. We are all so very close. It's just, sometimes, I wish that Vincent could be more mine than hers.

Yes, he is her Beta, and he has a lot of responsibility in the pack and the kingdom. There is little reason for me to complain about anything, but I still miss all the time that I used to have with my husband.

I thought that this weekend, I would be able to spend some alone time with him. I mean, I wanted to start trying for another baby. And well, part of this might be a little selfish on my part. I was often lonely at home while he was working. If I had another baby, then I wouldn't be lonely anymore.

That was a stupid and selfish reason to want another baby, but I couldn't help it. I was still able to have children, and even being a grandmother now wasn't deterring me. I would just raise my kids the same way that Trinity was raising hers. She had a sister that was younger than the quads, and so did Reece. And they were all doing just fine.

Vincent had given me a trip to the spa. It was one of the unlimited things that allowed you to do whatever you wanted and money was no object. I was sure that Trinity and Reece had set it up for him, he never really thought about things like that. He was sweet, but often he was a little inept in relationship things. Still, it was a decent consolation.

At least I would be able to relax while Vincent had to work this weekend.

I started the appointment off with getting a soak in the mineral springs and then the mud bath. I was trying to rid myself of any and all toxins before I got started on anything else. Next came the facial that had me sitting in the chair for a while, I almost fell asleep. After that I nibbled on some goodies that they served me while my feet soaked once more, preparing for a special pedicure.

Toes done. Fingernails done. Next it was time for the massages. I thought that it would be nice to get a full body deep tissue massage. It took a while, but I didn't care. It was all amazing.

My body felt like water or jelly when I was done. I could barely move but it didn't bother me at all.

I had some more snacks after that, then it was time for me to get my hair and makeup done. They were really providing me with everything. They even brought in clothes that were all my size and told me that the package came with a shopping spree. I was allowed to get as much as I wanted. This gave me pause, but then I thought about it. I have literally never done anything like this in my life before.

With that in mind, I decided to go ahead and choose the clothes that I liked. I even decided to wear a nice green summer dress and black heels home. My other clothes were washed and put in a bag to take back with me.

When it was about five in the evening, my appointment had come to an end. I couldn't believe that I had been here all day. I had not planned on using the entire day, even if I had it available to me. It was fun though, and I thought that if I had the choice, I wouldn't mind doing it again.

I was getting hungry too. I should head home and make some dinner. I had eaten during the appointment, but it had just been some snacks. They had left my stomach a long time ago, and now I needed a more substantial meal.

I spent the drive home thinking about what it was that I was going to make for dinner. Maybe some chicken? Or perhaps some steaks. They would be quick and easy to get ready. And since I was so hungry, I wasn't going to go for fancy at the moment. I needed to just hurry.

Part of me thought about just stopping to get dinner, but I had been gone all day already. Part of me just wanted to get home and be there for when Vincent got home. He would come home, eventually.

All in all, it had been a good day, even if it hadn't gone the way that I had planned. And who knows, Vincent might have tomorrow off from work. So, there was still a chance that we would get part of the weekend together.

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