Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 119

Chapter 119: Chapter 119

Translator: Sigma Editor: Sigma

Ray did not notice what had actually happened. He was now completely trapped in the fighting frenzy. At first glance, he would wield his sword to stab at whoever had scales, whether they were green, blue or red.

He did not wield his sword amazingly or particularly fast. Even the force of the sword was not so great, but the intimidation emanating from him made everyone who faced him fall in turmoil. They did not want to spare any effort to fight, but their actions would always be a bit slower. Often when they reacted, they had been lethally hit and killed by Ray’s sword. They waved weapons in vain; they could not catch up to Ray who had left.

For a moment, the battlefield seemed to have fallen into stagnation.

A long time passed, suddenly a loud noise was heard: a magic cannon that was continuously shooting finally exploded because it overheated.

From the dark clouds that were low to the ground, rain poured down as if it was following the order given by this loud noise. Suddenly the world became dark. The torrential rain accompanied the raging winds, and rolling waves impacted the port and struck the maritime race’s army.

In front of this force of the world, the maritime race finally retreated, returning to the sea to reorganize the troops, which gave the defenders a chance to breathe.

“How many people are still alive?” Ray had regained calmness, looking around and shouting, “Respond if you are alive!”


Ray was amused and looked toward the voice, but it was an adventurer. He was wearing a leather armor, holding a thin sword in his hand, and some small decorations on his clothes. Obviously, he was a bard.

It was no wonder that he was so humorous, and only those people who engraved humor into their soul would be able to make jokes at this time.

There were also many people who were making noise. Although most of them were exhausted and many people were seriously injured, there were still some people left.

The luckiest one was a savage who fell down due to exhaustion. He showed resourcefulness in an emergency and grabbed the bodies of two murlocs to cover himself, and he deceived the murlocs. Although he was suffocated by the bloody smells, he was wonderfully unscathed. Oh, excluding the wounds that he had suffered in the previous battles.

Ray smiled, greeted them one by one, encouraged them and comforted them. For those who were really unlikely to be saved, he would also take on the role of pastor and pray for them so that they could die smiling.

In his body, the brilliance worn away by years of suffering was reviving. At the moment, he did not look like a knight at all, but a king who was visiting the barracks after a great war.

This was the education he received before, and it was an instinct almost inscribed in the veins. Although these days, it had not been used because he had deliberately forgotten it. This time it had emerged again as natural as breathing.

But when he walked in front of the dying Rank, he no longer had the noble magnanimity of a king. Sadness filled his heart and tears overflowed from his eyes.

“Rank… why did you come back!” He saw at a glance that the student’s injury was irreversible. His fate was unimaginable unless His Majesty Void Mask could come back or Steele could appear immediately.

But that was impossible. The message that came from His Majesty Void Mask was that he was fighting against the Goddess of Ocean, who was the patron of the maritime race, and the battles on the other side were far more important than theirs. And in the face of that woman tyrant who was also particularly powerful among the gods, even His Majesty couldn’t spare any more efforts. This could be inferred from the particularly urgent and short words he used when he contacted Ray.

Steele was even less likely to return. She was helping Liv to protect the refugees so that they could escape. What was the goal that these men and women were fighting for? It was none other than shielding the slow-moving refugees so that they could escape! It was simply putting the cart before the horse to ask Steele to come back!

But at this moment, he was really shaken, and he wanted to pray to His Majesty or desperately seek help from Steele.

This was a student who he painstakingly cultivated! He wanted this successor to inherit his abilities!

Indeed, Rank’s talent was not good, and could not be compared with the ingenious Ray, but this child had a very good attitude, practiced very hard, and made fast progress, so he could improve himself step by step. No matter how demanding a teacher was, he could not be dissatisfied with Rank.

Seeing Rank exhausted after hard training, but his eyes full of confidence and hope, Ray remembered himself many years ago and the calmness and beauty that had long since passed away.

Although he hadn’t realized it yet, in his mind, Rank was not only a student but he had become like a child to Ray!

But now, Rank was dying.

Rank was dying…

Rank was dying!

Ray kneeled beside Rank who was lying in a pool of blood. He held his fists tightly, clenched his teeth and forced himself to speak in a hard and cold voice. Because if he did not do this, he feared that he could not help crying.

He was a strong man. He was once severely poisoned and seriously wounded, and also had lain in a pile of corpses watching his parents and brothers rot slowly. After that, he thought that his tears had already dried up. At the moment, he could not help but shed tears.

“Silly kid! Why did you come back!”

His tears fell on Rank’s face and he woke the dying Rank. The pale-faced juvenile smiled and looked at his teacher with tears on his face.

“Teacher… Am I… like a… knight…?” he asked intermittently.

Ray nodded forcefully, “Yes! You are the best knight!”

“I… lived… not like … a knight,” Rank could hardly breathe and his voice was so low that Ray had to concentrate to hear what Rank said, “at least… I will die… like a… knight…”

“Yeah!” Ray pressed his lips tightly and nodded heavily. Because of his grief, he couldn’t speak again. He could only use one syllable to express his approval of his disciple.

Rank gasped a few times and his voice got lower and lower, “Teacher… Thanks…”

His last words stopped there, and he had not been able to finish his words of thank for his teacher.

Ray quietly kneeled beside him, choked with sobs.

The strongman, who was awe-inspiring and frightened the maritime race, now was crying like a child.

In the world that mortals could not see, a brawny man wearing ragged clothes and carrying a giant battle ax stood beside him. This brawny man’s hair stood on end, as if it was furious, and his face was full of a heroic spirit intertwined with fierceness, anger, and bravery. Rank, who had just died, was now kneeling to the brawny man and worshipping him admiringly.

“Great Knight of Anger, may your glory shine upon all the worlds!”

The heroic brawny was the incarnation of the God of Justice. He felt that there was evil raging here. He happened to not be far away, so he rushed over, but he just encountered Rank’s death.

“Boy. You did a good job,” he smiled and raised Rank up with a huge palm. “I wanted to recruit you as my follower, but maybe you want to go to the Lonely Guardian, right?”

Rank laughed, “If His Majesty is willing to receive me, I am certainly happy to go to his kingdom.”

“He will come to fetch you. You are a good knight!”

As they spoke, a light that only the gods and the soul could see fell and turned into a beautiful woman who combined charm and virginity. She wore an exquisite silver-white skirt and a feathered helmet.

This was the envoy of the God of Knights, a Holy Spirit condensed by the soft ideas of those people who began to fight to protect the humanity since the age of ignorance and finally died without regret. She was called “Valkyrie.”

The Valkyrie first bowed to the God of Justice and reached out to Rank with her hand.

“In order to guard the warriors who died innocently in battles, your behavior deserves the name of knight. Please come with me. His Majesty and the souls of your predecessors are waiting for you.”

Rank was overjoyed, saluted the God of Justice, and was about to hurriedly leave. But he immediately thought of something and looked to his teacher who was ignorantly crying in the wind and rain.

“My teacher…” he hesitated and looked at the Valkyrie who was responsible for fetching and leading heroic spirits. There was a look of inquiry in his eyes.

The envoy of the God of Knights looked at Ray and with regret in his eyes that could judge people’s lifetime merits and demerits.

“He has committed serious sins and even if he makes atonement, he cannot be able to enter His Majesty’s temple,” she said. “This is the rule made by the God of Light, and His Majesty must also obey it.”

“Oh! So many rules you have!” The God of Justice shook his head in disdain, “Just don’t worry, kid, if the god of your church doesn’t accept him, I will accept him! He is a great man who went into darkness, came out of the darkness, and fights for justice till the end, so he suits my church!”

Rank laughed with relief and disappeared without a trace with the Valkyrie by stepping into the beam of light.

The God of Justice laughed a few times, took the huge battle ax off from his shoulders, and rubbed the ax blade with his palms, which ejected countless golden-red sparks.

He looked at the sky, stared through a cloud of darkness and looked into the eyes of a large figure.

“Taklawur, you really can’t learn from past lessons! You’re helping Vorpocus to make trouble. Do I need to prune and trim your claws?”

A sound of thunder came from the clouds, and a pair of eyes flashing with infinite electricity looked back into his.

“Yorgaardman, you are really too nosy!”

The two powerful gods confronted each other without concession, and a battle was imminent.

At this time, the battle between the other two groups of gods was becoming more and more intense.

The result of the battle between the Goddess of Marsh and the Goddess of Harvest was already quite clear. The momentum-lacking Goddess of Harvest, after the complete collapse of the soul of Heli, could no longer sustain the situation of the battle and was constantly losing ground. For all the anger she had and the roars she uttered, she couldn’t change the situation.

The Goddess of Marsh had even been able to free her hands and shoot poisonous arrows that killed those mortals who were bold enough to be involved in the battle between goddesses. She waved her hand, and a mass of dark-green poisonous fog was condensed into ten light arrows whistling away.

After a few waves of attacks, there were only two gods in the square.

“Admit that your misfortune is predetermined by God!” said the Goddess of Marsh as Sean laughed hideously. “Let me devour your supernatural power, and take possession of your most important place of faith. You, as an incompetent guy, have been at this high position for a long time. It’s time for you to leave!”

“…You really think of yourself as a great man?!” Sui Xiong shouted. His mountain-like body stirred up waves and his tentacles, which were thick enough for horses to gallop on, fluttered. He was fighting fiercely against the super-heavy water element that was slightly more massive than him.

Although he was slightly disadvantaged in strength, his fierce fighting spirit and strong body effectively compensated for the lack of strength. More importantly, this jellyfish’s body was only a set of armor for him. He didn’t care about it being destroyed. He was not very scared of dying there either.

People were mortal. Brother Xiong had traveled through space, so he didn’t fear death.

With the determination of not fearing death, he fought in a crazy way, making him frightening and awesome.

In contrast, the incarnation of the Goddess of Ocean was powerful but inferior to him in terms of fighting spirit. Therefore, not only was she not able to have an advantage, but it seemed that she was a bit passive.

This made the goddess, known as the “woman tyrant on the sea,” very angry. She fought even more fiercely, but she was never able to overpower Sui Xiong who was most awesome and didn’t fear death.

After all, this battle was nothing more than a saying:

“He who is brave wins the battle.”

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