Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 120

Chapter 120: Chapter 120

Translator: Sigma Editor: Sigma

The storm was getting stronger and stronger.

The maritime forces tried to reorganize the formation. Thanks to a large number of casters in their group, the priests of the Goddess of Ocean who had a lot of experience in stabilizing the waves, gradually stabilized the formation, reorganized the troops, and launched attacks again.

This time, the attack on the Port of Garth defense base was not launched by the weak murlocs, but all kinds of Krakens.

For example, Medusa with snake-shaped hair; Siren with a human’s head and a bird’s body; a water demon covered with seaweed and barnacles, and sea elements like small whirlpools… All kinds of Krakens that normally appeared only in legends swarmed towards them, changed into the horrible nightmares of sailors, and rushed toward the exhausted defenders.

These were not ordinary monsters. All of them needed to be carefully handled by senior adventurers. Even if the senior adventurers were in good condition, they couldn’t be sure that they would win. At this moment, they rushed towards the adventurers in groups as if to kill them!

“Ah, this time I will really be killed,” The bard said with a smile. “I don’t know if the Boy of Celebration will approve this way to die.”

He cleared his throat and sang to the air, “Although I am a fool, I die for protecting mankind. Boy of Celebration, do not reject me.”

The Boy of Ceremony was the God of Joy and Ceremony, a god who devoted himself to chasing joy regardless of time, place, and reason. He usually liked to become a bard and sing at ceremonies.

As the bard was so happy and was still singing and smiling when he was about to die, he surely deserved the title of the believer of the careless god!

With his blessings, all the nervous people were relaxed, and even the sad Ray recovered and turned calm with a smile on his face.

Inspired by him, many people imitated him and prayed to the gods they believed in. Some people who had not been sure about their beliefs were sullen and did not know what to do.

They never thought about whom to believe in on normal days. They just lived carelessly. At the moment, when they were about to die, they would go to hell if they didn’t attach themselves to big gods. They might have to go to hell, and so they suddenly panicked.

“It is still not too late for us to believe in a god?” asked the savage, who was a top performer.

Ray walked over and patted his thick and broad shoulders, “Rest assured, a warrior who dies guarding innocent people will always be taken in by kind-hearted gods.”

“Ha! I will rest assured if you say so.” The savage nodded, suddenly realized and shouted, “I’m not ready to die yet!”

The loud laughter joined together and became even more intense than the sound of the rain and sea and the roar of the maritime race.

After a moment, a great war was again stirred up.

This time, the battle was more tragic than before. In the face of the powerful elite of the maritime race, the defenders who had been exhausted in the previous battle could not resist them. Most of them fell off almost after they began to fight. There were only a few masters who could barely hold on.

Ray was still playing the role of a mainstay. Even though his opponents were stronger than the previous murloc army, he was still invincible, killing every one of the enemies with his sword. And the strength he demonstrated this time was more exaggerated than it had been.

Medusa’s petrifying stare was ineffective; the seductive song of Siren was ineffective; the seaweed that water demons used to wrap people was still ineffective. Only the sea elements that held on by using no tricks and relying on their great momentum and huge strength caused a little bit of an obstacle to him and made his swift pace stagnate.

The commander of the maritime race quickly noticed this, and he gathered a large number of elite sea elements and encircled him.

These sea elements were obviously among the elites of the maritime race, which could be judged from the appearance. The ordinary sea elements were blue, about the height of two people combined, with a whirlpool-like trunk in which there was a vicious face. The sea elements that were sent to encircle Ray were dark blue and the shortest one was as tall as three people combined. The torrents swirled around them and roared so that even people trembled.

A person hit by ordinary sea elements might spit out blood and collapse, but when hit by the elite sea elements, one would be fragmented and die, leaving behind an incomplete corpse.

Ray noticed this situation and tried to break through. However, the number of enemies was too large. No matter what direction he rushed out in, he saw more enemies encircling him…

After a while, he killed a number of particularly powerful sea elements, and broke through a heavy siege, but saw that the fighting was almost over. On the entire battlefield, he was the only one left and was completely encircled by the army of the maritime race.

Laughing came from afar from the commanders of the maritime race. They used an ambiguous language to clamor and yell and did their best to mock the warrior who had fought to the end.

“Now, only you are left!”

Ray shook his head without fear or despair. Instead, he was somewhat relieved.

“It seems… that my last moment has finally come…”

He sighed with some regret. His comrades had all collapsed. The broad road at this moment was completely defenseless and he could not defend it alone.

Dying while fighting was not terrible, but it was really regrettable that the original goal could not be achieved.

How wonderful would it have been if I could defend this place for a while!

At this moment, he heard a series of hoarse roars of rage from the top of his head.

“Long live Garth City!”

Along with the roars, towers on both sides of the road collapsed one after another, and gravel flew all over the sky.

At the beginning of the construction of these towers, ambushes had been laid. At crucial moments, the detonation of the magic formation could destroy all of them and form a huge pile of gravel to cut off the road.

According to the design, there should still be follow-ups. Even if the enemy removed the gravel pile, one could further detonate the deeper level of the magic formation and bombard most of the Garth Port so as to seriously hit the enemy. However, because of the absence of the city owner, Joseph, who was able to control the magic formation, Chief Priest Heli, Mr. Sean, and the commander of sea defence Silarui, a strongman of the collateral branch of the Riley family with legendary strength, the ultimate arrangement couldn’t be started, which was a pity.

But now it was enough. Seeing that the counter-attack had failed and the invading maritime forces were about to drive straight in, the mages who were stationed in the tower negotiated before they used the trick of Destroying Indiscriminately to destroy the tower, so as to die with the enemy.

They were either members of the Riley family or orphans adopted by the Riley family at a young age, so they were loyal to the Riley family and Garth City. They were also willing to abandon their lives.

Along with an earth-shattering explosion, the expensive towers collapsed one after another, not only killing a large number of the elite maritime race but also completely blocking the road from the port area to the inner and outer cities.

Looking at the mountains of gravel, the commanding officers of the maritime race were mad. The maritime race was neither good at climbing mountains, nor were they good at working on land. It was unknown how much time and effort it would take to clear the barriers on the road.

By that time, it would also be unknown how far the terrible land creatures would have escaped!

However, they soon discovered that they had expected things to be too smooth.

In fact, they simply could not start working now because Ray had launched an attack.

When towers collapsed and countless gravel fell from the sky, Ray thought that his life would end there. But for unknown reasons, even after all the dust landed on the ground, not a single piece of gravel had fallen on him.

“I really have good luck!” He was dumbfounded for a moment and couldn’t help laughing, “In this case, I can continue fighting!”

Saying that, he raised his long sword like a tiger about to go down a mountain and rushed to the soldiers of the marine race who were astonished by explosions and collapses.

Now he didn’t need to consider the question of whether he could defend the road alone. It was just a matter of concentrating on fighting!

His sword flashed, and he was full of fighting spirit.

The elite soldiers of the marine race fell under his sword, but more came up.

“He’s just alone! We must form a pile to kill him!” There was a strange voice yelling, but Ray ignored it.

As the high-intensity battle continued, he clearly felt his physical strength was declining.

Recalling carefully, he found it seemed that the fighting had been going on for a long time…

But he smiled a bit and put aside all those ideas and continued to focus on fighting.

Or, he concentrated on killing the enemies.

It didn’t matter who came up, whether they were Medusa, Siren, water demons, sea elements, or something else. He just needed to kill them.

His comrades had all collapsed. All those active at the moment were all enemies!

“This kind of battle is really good!” he couldn’t help but smile, “I don’t need to care about how much strength I should use to hit them or about the safety of my companions. I have no worries or scruples. I can just concentrate on killing…”

“Maybe… this is the battle I’ve been waiting for…”

A sea elf that was much taller than the elves on the land appeared and used a variant elven language to shout “Fight to the death!” and the like. It wielded a sharp machete as if it wanted to have duel him.

Ray sneered and gently turned to change the direction of his momentum of assault. He passed by the sea elf, and, as if he was juggling, he stroked the sword over its eyebrows and cut half of its head together with what it was about to say.

A tall and mighty dragon man rushed in. With a snake-like lower body, a human-like upper body and a dragon’s head, he was a strange creature of a famous and powerful race in the sea. His eight arms proved that he was a first-class strongman of his race, at least a prince. At this moment, his eight sturdy arms were each holding a big knife, and the flashing light was like a whirlwind.

Ray looked at it faintly, and he passed through a multitude of swords like a ghost. His longsword simply found a gap in the blade that appeared to have no gap and cut off the throat of the maritime warrior.

A snake monster that was far more glamorous and charming than the usual Medusa intended to use her bow and arrows to kill Ray at a short distance. The snake hair on top of her head fluttered around, and even the sea race cautiously evaded it because they dared not come close enough to be bitten by the snakes.

Ray did not give her a chance to shoot. He kicked a weapon on the ground and kicked it away; it shot her like an arrow. The poisonous snake lied down weakly; the whereabouts of her poisonous arrows remained unknown.

A sea elf, as huge as a hill, roared and rushed towards him, trying to crush him with its huge body. Wherever it passed, there was utter confusion. If the sea race evaded it even a little later, they would have been mercilessly crushed and killed.

Ray snorted, pointed the long sword straight ahead, rushed forward, and passed through the elf with his sword, leaving a huge hole on its body. The giant monster that had been rushing at a high-speed suddenly stumbled and fell into a pile of maritime race soldiers. An unknown number of soldiers were killed by it. It collapsed and never rose again.

He laughed, held his sword, looked at his enemies with disdain, and asked coldly, “Who else wants to court death?”

There was a silence and no one dared respond.

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