Chapter 605 Goddess Arian’s Command
Chapter 605 Goddess Arian’s Command
Edited by: Kanaa-senpai
When the group returned to the Dragonmen’s village, the residents were buzzing with excitement over their quick return. Shinji told the Dragonmen who accompanied him that he could share 2 things: they found out what was causing the strange happenings in the valley, and they needed to come back to plan a solution.
Himeno, Mitono, and Coral quickly showed up in the meeting room, and everyone gathered together. Shinji shared the same information about the goddess that he had told Ichiro, but he kept some details hidden.
Ichiro also mentioned that the mysterious vines were spreading and making the monsters in the valley more dangerous, and that the vines couldn’t be harmed at all.
Naturally, everyone was curious about what Ichiro meant by “the way to deal with it.” They all wanted to know how to handle the vines that were said to be unharmed even by Himeno’s breath.
But it was impossible to say something like, “We will receive a divine staff from the goddess! With that power, everything will be solved!” So, all they could do was delay giving a clear answer.
Still, it was well-known that high-ranking spirits had connections to the goddess. Shinji only mentioned that the main plan was to rely on the goddess.
”Hmm, it’s a bit scary, but it’s true that it’s beyond our abilities…”
”I think it’s necessary, Himeno. But I believe we should report this first… although I doubt there was time to stop it.”
Himeno and Ichiro looked uncertain because they were warriors and felt uneasy about relying on the goddess. However, they didn’t argue because their duty was more important than their pride.
Mitono had a point. Normally, they should report to the 3 leaders before taking actions that went against their plans.
But he understood that high-ranking spirits didn’t completely obey their contractors; they were more like partners. Even though their relationship was new, it was clear that the spirits managing the valley worshipped Goddess Arian.
Shinji knew he couldn’t stop them from reporting to the goddess, but as the person in charge, he felt he had to speak up.
”I’m sorry. But I’m glad you seem to understand.”
”Do you know when we will get a response from the goddess?”
”I don’t know yet… I plan to contact you as soon as I find out. Until then, I think we should stay in our rooms and be ready to move.”
”Understood. …Is that okay with you, Coral-san?”
As Shinji apologized and Mitono’s suggestion was mostly agreed upon, Coral remained silent. She seemed lost in thought, but when Mitono called her name, she snapped back and nodded quickly.
”I don’t mind. I think we should do as the goddess says.”
It sounded like she was convincing herself, but no one pointed it out. Even Shinji didn’t realize that Goddess Arian had already taken action and let it slide.
They decided that if they didn’t hear anything by the end of the day, they would meet in the morning, and then they all left the meeting.
As Shinji watched Coral leave quickly, he thought about how to get her to talk and keep quiet about the apostles while gaining magical power. He returned to his assigned room. As soon as he was alone, a soft glow surrounded him.
(So I’m being called again. Is there something else?)
He understood that this was a summons from Goddess Arian that wouldn’t allow any resistance, so he quietly accepted it.
In front of Shinji was a room that looked a bit like the one he had stayed in for 7 days after visiting Hateyama, where he had spent time with women, but this one was smaller and more organized.
The most noticeable piece of furniture was a king-sized bed that could fit 3 people at once. There were no other pieces of furniture, and it was clear that it had been quickly prepared just for him to receive magical power.
Sitting on the bed was Goddess Arian, looking as beautiful as ever.
With her long, silver hair, full breasts, and curvaceous hips, her slender arms extending from the thin, sleeveless kitten, and her legs from the mini-skirt──her divine presence is truly befitting of the name ‘goddess’.
Coral was prostrating herself before her, her head bowed in perfect posture, abandoning any royal pride. It was because, despite her attempts to hide it, she couldn’t help but feel the awe-inspiring presence of the goddess, and instinctively knew this was the right thing to do.
Goddess Arian had called upon Coral first, not only to explain her thoughts but also to provide a verbal explanation and to ensure she wouldn’t change her mind at the last moment.
Although it wasn’t her intention, and she had no intention of saying no to Coral, the result was that Coral now held an absolute respect for her, not even a trace of dissatisfaction remained.
(It feels like everything is already prepared… Goddess, you’re incredibly efficient.)
As Shinji witnessed this scene, he realized that Goddess Arian had everything under control.
It was only now that he understood her quick and efficient work, as she had always seemed to be one step behind before. Her skill in managing multiple worlds was truly admirable.
For Shinji, who enjoyed the process of seduction, a ready-made situation like this wasn’t as exciting.
However, it was clear that this wasn’t the time to be concerned about such things. It was natural for Coral, who wanted to avoid any association with the royal family, to be grateful for his cooperation.
And Goddess Arian had prepared this moment, anticipating Shinji’s reaction. For a goddess who managed worlds, predicting a man’s thoughts was child’s play.
”I offer my gratitude for preparing this, Goddess.”
Seeing Shinji bowing his head respectfully in front of her filled Goddess Arian’s heart with joy, even though she had expected it. His sincere appreciation and lack of ulterior motives made her smile naturally.
”You’ve come a long way, Apostle Shinji…♡.”
(E… Goddess…?)
Coral, still in her plain clothes, was taken aback by the sensual and different voice that Goddess Arian had used, which was in stark contrast to the calm tone she had directed at her earlier.
”Have you already prepared the divine staff?”
”Hehe, that’s right. I can’t show it to you just yet…”
”Could it be harmful for those who are not worthy to even look at it? In that case, we must consider its usage…”
”Rest assured. The only danger lies when the divine staff has no user. As long as Apostle Shinji holds it and controls it, there will be no problems.”
”That is a great responsibility. I will use it with caution.”
”I have faith in you…♡.”
Coral could sense that Goddess Arian was not only allowing Shinji’s boldness but also favoring him, which made her tremble slightly.
As the one responsible for this mission, Coral had come prepared to be embraced by the apostle (Shinji), but she had never imagined that he would be receiving the goddess’s favor.
Even though it was necessary and what Goddess Arian desired, Coral couldn’t help but wonder how the goddess would feel and treat her after she had been with a man she favored. She even imagined the impossible, what if the goddess became jealous?
As a mere human, it was understandable that Coral couldn’t comprehend the goddess’s great love, and thus her fear of the unknown was justified.
Sensing her thoughts, Goddess Arian spoke to her gently.
”This is a divine ceremony, so you can relax and surrender yourself. I assure you, I hold no ill will towards you, for you are an important part in saving my beloved spirit.”
”With Apostle Shinji, even someone like you who has no experience with men should be able to complete the task without any issues. Once you’re ready, go to the bed.”
Coral nodded after raising her head, and Shinji was taken aback by her gaze, as she, a married woman with a husband named Roz, still admitted to being a virgin.
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