Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 506: Soulstone

Chapter 506: Soulstone


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Because he had come at Mephisto’s invitation, Roy didn’t bring Julia, Benia, and the others with him since he knew nothing about Sanctuary. Not only them, but he also made Sareth and Fat Tiger stay obediently in the Abyss. Therefore, in Sanctuary, Roy was alone… and it was very convenient for him to move.

Ever since he descended and disappeared, Roy had teleported toward the coldest place in this world. It was a lonely scene of ice and snow here, and there were no signs of life within a radius of hundreds of kilometers, causing Roy not to know where he was. But it didn’t matter. Tens of thousands of Demon Eyes were constantly transmitting scenes to him. He might not have been able to handle so many scenes in the past, but now that he had a quantum body, he found that his brain’s ability to process information had skyrocketed.

He had sent a portion of the Demon Eyes high in the sky, and they transmitted a bird’s eye view of Sanctuary. Sanctuary was quite large, and it had two enormous landmasses next to each other. Around the landmasses was an endless ocean, and the entire world was in the shape of a sphere. But what was strange was that when Roy ordered the Demon Eyes to fly up, they bumped into a thick barrier!

This invisible barrier seemed to be an enormous barrier that enveloped the entire world of Sanctuary. Even though the Demon Eye didn’t pass through this barrier, Roy could feel that there was an even larger space outside it, and he was very familiar with this space.

It was a Purgatory Space…

Roy nodded thoughtfully. He realized that the Purgatory Space outside was probably the space where Heaven and Hell were.

So, it turns out that this Sanctuary is a lone boat born in the vast ocean of a Purgatory Space? No wonder I felt that someone had modified the information when I saw it earlier. It seems like this world was really ‘created…

Roy didn’t let the Demon Eyes break through the barrier because the process of breaking through might cause Heaven or Hell to notice them. He turned his attention to the other Demon Eyes.

After he scattered tens of thousands of Demon Eyes across the two enormous landmasses of Sanctuary, they still appeared very sparse. But as time passed, he saw the transmitted scenes of the human gathering points. These human gathering points were of various sizes, ranging from villages of hundreds of people to cities of hundreds of thousands of people. He could see the cultivated farmland outside the gathering points and the caravans shuttling between the gathering points.

In a world with high-level angels and many demon kings, these humans living in Sanctuary didn’t look too decadent and numb. Roy couldn’t help marveling that human civilization could still have such vitality.

Of course, this might also be related to the fact that the seven demon kings were sealed, and Sanctuary welcomed a short period of peace…

After leaving the human gathering points, it was a different scene in the outskirts of the wilderness. There was scorched ground burned by the flames of war, exposed corpses and bones scattered across the ground, ruins of zombies and man-eating beasts, and demon creatures of various sizes wandering in the wilderness. Their hungry eyes were full of greed for blood and souls, and they wanted to kill any living creature they could see…

Seeing these scenes, Roy truly felt how cruel this world was to humans. The human gathering places had probably paid an immense price to develop to where they were.

Under the prying of the Demon Eyes, Roy saw the extraordinary powers possessed by the humans of Sanctuary. There were wizards who understood the elements and magic, paladins who obtained the power of holy light because of their faith and piety, necromancers who studied darkness and death, demon hunters who focused on stealth and assassination techniques, and barbarians who relied on their immense physical strength to fight. And these humans with extraordinary powers had a unified name in this world: nephalem!

Roy’s Demon Eye found the history of Sanctuary recorded in the books of some human gathering points. What was strange was that this war-torn world had a complete inheritance of history. In these historical records, he found the origin of the nephalem.

In the history of Sanctuary, it was said that everything in this world came from the God of Creation, Anu. He had been the only existence in the world, an existence where good and evil intertwined. In his dream, he decided to purify himself and abandon his evil. But this abandoned evil eventually evolved into the seven-headed demon dragon—Tathamet!

Anu and Tathamet began an eternal war. Finally, the two beings attacked one last time and shattered each other at the same time.

The seven dragon heads of Tathamet turned into the seven demon kings of Hell, Anu’s spine turned into the Crystal Arch of the High Heavens, and his eyes turned into the powerful Worldstone. The angels and demons fought over this Worldstone and began the Eternal Conflict.

Roy didn’t know if this creation myth was true. In his impression, the Abyss was the origin of all demons. The demons of other worlds originally came from the Abyss, so he felt that there were many errors in this myth. But after all, humans had recorded it. Too much history had too many fantasies in them, so it was normal for mistakes to appear.

The so-called nephalem were actually the first-generation humans of

Sanctuary. Originally, there was no Sanctuary in this world. In the endless Purgatory Space, angels and demons had staged the Eternal Conflict that had lasted for millions of years. Unfortunately, because the strength of both sides was basically equal, neither side could do anything to the other. The fifty-fifty state of both sides could be said to have lasted the entire Eternal Conflict.

After all, angels and demons were intelligent creatures. After fighting for too long, it was inevitable that they would begin to feel tired of the Eternal Conflict, just like in the Darksiders world.

These angels and demons who were tired of the Eternal Conflict were represented by the high-level angel Inarius and the demoness Lilith…

Here, Roy saw another place that puzzled him. In the historical records of Sanctuary, Lilith was actually Mephisto’s daughter! Because she and Inarius were tired of the Eternal Conflict, they stole the Worldstone stored in the Pandemonium Fortress in the Purgatory Space. Then with the World Stone as the foundation, they created Sanctuary and led the angels and demons who were also tired of the Eternal Conflict to hide here. Then Lilith and Inarius fell in love, mated, and gave birth to a hybrid of angel and demon, which was the first generation of humans: the nephalem!

This was the origin of the nephalem in this world, which Roy thought was bullshit. In his impression, Lilith was an existence on the same level as the

Deadly Sin Demon Kings, and her appearance was also at the same time as the Deadly Sin Demon Kings. Mephisto was in the second batch of demon kings. Even though he was old enough, how could he dare to be Lilith’s father?

As he thought about it, his mind suddenly went astray. Huh? Maybe it’s the kind ofrelationship where she calls him Daddy?

Rhnlzincr hic              and TM1ttina                   thie et-rancn• thn110ht fnr tha tirna hoino

Roy continued to check the history books. Perhaps Lilith and Mephisto’s relationship was wrong, but he believed that Lilith had created the nephalem.

It was said that after the union of Inarius and Lilith, they gave birth to the first-generation nephalem. Because of their mixed blood, the nephalem were born with powerful strength, which even exceeded that of angels and demons. As time passed, the power they displayed began to make the angels and demons in Sanctuary uneasy, so the angels and demons wanted to eliminate these nephalem from Sanctuary.

Lilith sensed the thoughts of these angels and demons and felt that they actually dared to have designs on her children. So in a fit of anger, she killed all the angels and demons in Sanctuary.

Inarius was shocked and furious because he and Lilith had created Sanctuary. He felt that he was the true king and exiled Lilith in a fit of rage. Moreover, he exiled her into the void beyond the Purgatory Space!

This was like domestic violence. After Inarius exiled Lilith, he began to vent his anger on his children. But at the same time, he realized that the power of the nephalem was a little beyond his control, so he adjusted the energy frequency of the Worldstone, the foundation of Sanctuary, intending to reduce the power of the nephalem.

His plan succeeded. Due to the weakening of the energy frequency of the Worldstone, the descendants of the nephalem couldn’t inherit the knowledge and power of their ancestors in their souls like before, so they began to weaken gradually.

But Inarius, a perpetrator of domestic violence, didn’t end up well in the end. Because he had stolen the Worldstone, Heaven recognized him as a traitor. In the end, Heaven and Mephisto reached an agreement. At the cost of demons of Hell no longer entering Sanctuary, they handed the traitor Inarius over to Mephisto. Mephisto cut off Inarius’s light wings, cut off his limbs, and then cut off his eyelids, making him unable to close his eyes. He placed his distorted body in a room full of mirrors, allowing Inarius to witness his rotten body all day long.

Although he had reached an agreement with Heaven that demons would no longer enter the world of Sanctuary, demons wouldn’t be demons if they really abided by the agreement, especially for an ancient demon like Mephisto. After seeing the immense potential of the nephalem, he thought of using the power of the nephalem as a chip to overwhelm the balance of the Eternal Conflict. Thus, he, Diablo, Baal, and the others of the seven demon kings began to think of ways to exploit the loopholes in the agreement. Many years later, when the human wizards of Sanctuary were studying magic, the demons of Hell tempted them and got the human wizards to summon them from the Purgatory Space to Sanctuary again.

What it meant was: “It’s not that we want to go. Humans summoned us themselves. We didn’t violate the agreement!”

Therefore, the demons began to invade Sanctuary. They corrupted and tempted humans, the descendants of the nephalem, and used them to deal with the angels. The power of the nephalem was both good and evil, so they could easily control them. Heaven had no choice but to intervene in human affairs again, so both sides began to burn the flames of war from the Purgatory Space to Sanctuary.

Humans were unwilling to be destroyed by demons, so they began to use the power of the angels to expel the demons.

In the following history, it recorded the process of Mephisto, Diablo, and the other demon kings being sealed one after another. After carefully checking these records, Roy immediately found something suspicious.


Roy frowned. In the records, Mephisto and the other demon kings were sealed by this thing. It was said that these Soulstones were shards of the Worldstone. Just like how Inarius could reduce the power of the nephalem by adjusting the frequency of the Worldstone, the Soulstones also had the effect of restraining and reducing the power of the demons. Precisely because of the existence of the Soulstones, demon kings like Mephisto and Diablo could only be sealed in this world with hatred.

This is probably the real reason why they keep failing in this world! Roy cnncllldpd If this thing ran SPAI fhp nnwpr ofA dpmnn king. it means thAt it’s also a dangerous item for me!

Does this thing still exist? Mephisto and the others aren’t that stupid. They know that the Soulstones are a weakness, but they still chose not to destroy them! Roy thought. Or can this thing not be destroyed?

Information, I need more information about the Soulstones! Roy made a decision. Especially the recent information.. Didn’t Mephisto say that his brother Diablo gathered the power of the Seven Demon Kings to be reborn and counterattacked the High Heavens? Where did the Soulstones go after Diablo left?

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