Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 507: New DLC

Chapter 507: New DLC


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

In the cold and lonely mountain in the north, Roy spent a long time obtaining information about this world.

Sharpening the knife would not delay the work of cutting wood. Roy’s harvest was quite large. He completely understood the situation of this world and knew why Mephisto and the others, such a powerful demon force, had failed time and time again in this world.

In addition to the Soulstones that originated from the Worldstone and were made by the first Church of Horadrim, there was another reason that couldn’t be ignored—the Worldstone.

It was said that this Worldstone transformed from the eyes of the God of

Creation, Anu. After Inarius stole it from the High Heavens, he first stored it on the Arreat Summit, the peak of Mount Arreat in Sanctuary. Sanctuary was an artificial world that wasn’t naturally formed, so it didn’t have a world will. But after Inarius placed the Worldstone on the Arreat Summit, it actually replaced the function of the world will. It had the effect of repelling and weakening any angel and demon who entered Sanctuary from the Purgatory Space outside!

After all, Inarius had defected, and he didn’t want the High Heavens to discover Sanctuary. Lilith was the same. So they used the power of the Worldstone to seal all of Sanctuary.

What did this mean? It meant that when Mephisto, Diablo, and the others entered the world of Sanctuary, they were actually weakened. All kinds of disadvantageous factors added up, causing Mephisto’s entrepreneurial process of leading his brothers in Sanctuary to be extremely difficult.

The sad story of the demon kings’ enterprise collapsing halfway… Roy felt wronged for them.

Fortunately, the Worldstone had been destroyed not long ago. As for how many years ago, it was a little unclear. At the time, Baal, the Lord of Destruction, had planned a scheme and took the opportunity to attack the Arreat Summit to seize the Worldstone stored there and use his own power to corrupt it. Because humans (nephalem) were the descendants of angels and demons, Inarius adjusted the Worldstone precisely to suppress human nature. And Baal’s corruption of the Worldstone would distort humans and turn them to evil. If the corruption continued, humans would completely side with the demons.

The High Heavens also realized the seriousness of the matter, so a few Archangels held a meeting to discuss whether to destroy humanity.

The Archangel of Justice, Tyrael, cast a crucial negative vote that determined the survival of humanity. Then, without a choice, in order to prevent humanity from completely siding with Hell, Tyrael had to destroy the Worldstone with the radiance of holy light.

The energy released by the Worldstone instantly caused a massive explosion and turned Mount Arreat into a giant pit.

Without the Worldstone, it meant that Sanctuary no longer weakened and repelled the demons. This was why Roy felt so at ease after arriving here. The faint hostility was just the residual effect of the Worldstone.

The power of demons was no longer suppressed. Logically speaking, Mephisto and the others had the power of their peak, and they should have been able to dominate this world. But unfortunately, the Worldstone didn’t only affect the demons. Don’t forget that Inarius had also adjusted the Worldstone to affect the nephalem as well. As soon as the Worldstone disappeared, the suppression effect on the nephalem also disappeared.

As a result, the humans of this world began to gradually recall the knowledge inherited in the depths of their bloodlines and souls. The profound elemental and arcane knowledge brought them greater strength and gradually allowed them to approach the first generation of nephalem.

Diablo, who took advantage of the destruction of the Worldstone to make a comeback, was unlucky enough to encounter this era of the nephalem’s spiritual recovery. Even though he had led the demon army into the High Heavens and even severely injured the Archangel of Valor, Imperius, and turned the High Heavens into a sea of flames, with the help of the nephalem, who had recovered their powerful strength, Diablo was still defeated and sealed in a Soulstone again…

When Roy saw this record in the books of the New Church of Horadrim, he couldn’t help cursing for Diablo!

How strong were the nephalem who had recovered their strength? Roy was quite clear about this. His reference object was the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Back in the Devil May Cry world, the scene of the Four Horsemen beating up Archangel Jubileus was still vivid in his mind. She was an Archangel who was also a god, and her strength was almost on par with Diablo and the others.

The four-on-one battle was already so impressive, but how many nephalem had Diablo encountered?

The scene of a twenty-five-man raid ganging up on Illidan appeared in Roy’s mind, and he couldn’t help shivering. But Diablo had probably encountered more than a twenty-five-man raid. It was possibly even two hundred and fifty! After all, in the Darksiders world, only the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse had the nephalem bloodline. But in Sanctuary, the place was full of nephalem. With such a large number, even if only a small number of nephalem had recovered their ancestors’ knowledge and strength, it was still a considerable number…

Roy summed everything up and found that Diablo’s loss was not unjust…

The destruction of the Worldstone was good news for Roy. But at the same time, he realized that the large number of nephalem here was also a huge threat to him. If he didn’t want to repeat the mistakes of the seven demon kings, he had to take this threat seriously.

As a demon, Roy was not like other demons. He had his own logic when doing things. After sitting on the Ice Throne for an entire month, he finally stood up.

From his portable space, he took out an enormous… egg!

Needless to say, this was naturally the Red Sea Egg. Ever since he knew that Lilith existed in this world, he had made up his mind to bring the Red Sea Egg before coming. After placing the Red Sea Egg in the cave and letting it enter a state of cultivation, he flew out of the cave.

Roy planned to capture some powerful demons among the demons wreaking havoc in Sanctuary and then use the Red Sea Egg to cultivate an even stronger special demon.

This would be an important part of his plan, and he called his plan:

The DLC, ‘The Fall of Tyrael’.

Roy finally began to move. But while he was sitting on the Ice Throne, he didn’t know that a group of people was racking their brains over him.

These people were the New Horadrim Brotherhood!

Tyrael finally returned from the High Heavens, and he brought back the Book of Truth stored there. Although this book was only a projection, it still connected to all the strongholds of Heaven in the Infinite Worlds. The names of the powerful demons that the angels had encountered on various battlefields would be recorded in the Book of Truth. This was a special way for angels to hunt demons. Once dangerous and powerful demons wandered into a world, the angels of that world had the responsibility to kill them.

Clearly, as a powerful demon who had defeated many high-level angels, Roy’s name was in the Book of Truth. Unfortunately, he had risen too quickly. Let alone Heaven, even the demons of the Abyss didn’t know much about him. Therefore, the Book of Truth only had his single name, Osiris. In addition, there were some characteristics of his power, such as the black ice power he used. But there were no explanations about his history, origin, and bloodline.

It was just a single name. Even if it was a part of Roy’s true demon name, it wouldn’t be of much use. It was naturally a fool’s dream to attack his soul by chanting his true demon name, so Tyrael’s first step in investigating Roy fell into a deadlock.

“What is his purpose in coming to this world?”

“Does he want to release the seven demon kings? Or does he simply want to destroy this world and harvest souls?”

“How did those Zakarum cultists know his name and summon him?”

“What’s his relationship with the seven demon kings? Are they cooperating or competing?”

“How powerful is he? What are the chances of winning against him if the Archangels of the High Heavens face him?”

“An entire month has passed since he descended, but there’s no news of his activities at all. Where is he hiding? What is he plotting?”

There were too many questions. Tyrael, who had transformed into his human form, flipped through the Book of Truth under the light of the candlelight while thinking with a headache. The flickering dim light of the candle illuminated his dark face, giving people the illusion that he had sunk into the darkness…

“I… have an uneasy premonition!” Tyrael closed the book, and the Book of Truth disappeared in a burst of light. He muttered to himself, “Why is this uneasy premonition so strong? Is this demon king named Osiris stronger than Mephisto and Diablo? Will he bring an even greater disaster to this world?”

After walking out of the secret room, Tyrael came to the main hall. The wizards of the New Church of Horadrim stood in two rows, quietly looking at Tyrael and waiting for his order.

After taking a deep breath, Tyrael said loudly, “Peace and tranquility are short-lived. Only a few years have passed since the fall of the Pandemonium Fortress and the death of mv brother Malthael. Now, a new darkness has descended, and an equally powerful demon king has descended in Sanctuary. He comes from the Abyss, which is shrouded in the deepest darkness. It is the origin of all demons, and it is an unimaginably terrifying world. The demons living there all have the purest malice and are also the strongest demons! Although I don’t know why Demon King Osiris came, protecting this world of Sanctuary is the most important mission of our New Church of Horadrim. Justice and courage are with us. Now, let us prepare to fight the demons!” The wizards bowed and turned to leave, their faces full of determination.

Afterward, a large number of scouts and messengers ran out of the New Church of Horadrim and spread out to all parts of Sanctuary. These scouts and messengers would bring the news to the various kingdoms and human gathering points in Sanctuary and inform them to prepare for a new round of demon army attacks. At the same time, in the name of the Church of Horadrim and Archangel Tyrael, they would recruit powerful nephalem so that they could crusade against Demon King Osiris.

From this moment on, a new chapter would open in the history of Sanctuary…

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