Death… And Me

Chapter 2350  Formation Core Attack

Chapter 2350  Formation Core Attack

Rean, Kentucky, and Essefy did a quick introduction before going into the main topic. "So, what are we supposed to do here? The army is quite far from, no?"

A man stepped forward. Rean had seen his picture on the communication badge network. He was the leader of this army in the region of Tormalek, Hrumes. A Divinity Realm Initial Stage expert. "It's good that you are in the mood for this. The reason we gathered this far is because I'm sending this team on a separate mission."

Hrumes then looked at a middle-aged woman on the side. "Klangia, you know what to do, right?" Klangia nodded and waited for Hrumes to continue. "Good. Klangia here will be the leader of this party. She is a Space-Time Realm Middle Stage cultivator, so you can count on her. I'll be leaving now since I need to be at the front of the army. As for the rest, she will explain everything."

Hrumes then took flight and opened a Spatial Gate. Soon after, he disappeared inside, and the Spatial Gate disappeared behind him. Rean couldn't help but wonder why Hrumes had come at all. 'He probably wanted to see if the cultivation we mentioned in the recruitment office was real or not...' he thought for a moment.

Kanglia then moved to the center and began to explain. "Our mission is to destroy the core of the protection formation in the center of the Limigo Region. It is being held by several Elemental Space and two Space-Time Realm devils. This formation is impeding us from destroying the Underworld Death Trees, so the Dark Element and Devilish Energy keep at a steady rate regardless of what we do in this region. We need to put a stop to it."

She continued. "Most of the army of the Devils is positioned against our cultivators' army. They had no choice other than doing so since retreating would mean the loss of the Limigo Region for them as well. Above all, the destruction of the Underworld Death Trees."

"Senior Hrume will lead the army to attack the formation at the front while we will sneak behind and try to destroy the formation core. Remember, the objective is not to defeat or kill the devils there, only to destroy the core. Even though was are going from behind, the devils definitely expect our forces to attack from somewhere else anyway. There will be defenses in place. Our advantage is that our cultivators, demon beasts, and spirits high-level experts are much more numerous. Even though they know it, there isn't much they can do, so they will focus everything on defending it."

Everyone there nodded. It was a pretty simple objective, even though it would probably be hard to complete. "What kind of defenses can we expect there?" Essefy took the chance to ask."

"Mostly big number of devils in the Transition Realm and Void Tempering Realm," Kanglia answered. "Even though they aren't much of a threat to people at our level when many of them combine their efforts, they might become a deciding factor. So be careful to not be swarmed. Other than that, we expect a few slaughtering formations. Yet, the devils aren't as good as us with such formations, so it should be fairly easy to spot them. Nonetheless, don't just rush in without making sure."

Essefy nodded, satisfied. "That's very straightforward. I like it."

Rean also took the chance to ask. "Before we go, let me make a request. I'm looking for information regarding the Essence Race or anyone alive from their race as well. I'm paying quite well for any of those two, so let me know if you guys find something."

Kanglia and the others looked at Rean and confusion. Yet, everyone had their own agendas, so they didn't mind. "No problem. Just make sure your research doesn't get between your duty to the army. We will let you know if we find something."

With that settled, Kanglia took flight. "Let's go. We can get a little closer before senior Hrume sends us the order to attack. We will only move when the two armies strike."

Everyone followed behind her. Kentucky then thought about something. "Senior Kanglia, what about the Devil Race Divinity Realm experts? Wouldn't it be bad if they appear while we are attacking?"

"Don't worry," Kanglia didn't seem to care that much. "All the armies in the Devils' Territory are keeping a very close eye on the Divinity Realm experts of the Devil Race. We know which places they are defending, and our own Divinity Realm experts are making sure to keep them occupied. Unless they want to lose even more of their territory, the Divinity Realm experts of the Devil Race definitely won't leave their positions."

Kentucky sighed in relief. "That's good, that's good."

Around three hours later, they arrived at the right position and concealed themselves. There, they waited for Hrume's call. In fact, it didn't take long for things to heat up.

*boom, boom, boom...*

Faint sounds of explosions and blasts of Divine Energy could be heard and felt coming from far away. It was definitely hundreds of kilometers of distance, but due to the enormous size of the clash happening there, Rean's group could still feel it from here. "Seems like they started."


A few minutes later, everyone's communication badge received the call. Kanglia looked into the message, and her vision became sharp. "It's here, let's go!"

She immediately released her concealment and shot from behind a hill at full speed. Rean and the others did the same, flying in the direction of the formation core. They spread their Divine Senses, and not long after, the vision of the formation in the distance appeared in their minds.

"Senior Kanglia, how are we getting inside?" Rean asked as they sped forward.

Kanglia then took an item from her Pocket Dimensional Realm. It looked like a needle that emanated a faint spatial power. "This will take care of it. Once I thrust this needle at the formation, a small gap will be opened for a few seconds. Use this chance to get inside."

Finally, they arrived at the formation, and the operation started.


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